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Almost live Maasdam 3/23 cruise report


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Maasdam 2012 14 day cruise, Eastern and Southern Caribbean, departed 3/23

We arrived FLL two days early and spent the free day renting a car at our hotel and driving south to tour the Everglades Nat’l Park.

Arrived PE via hotel shuttle, early, 10:00; was taken through the crew entrance to wait until about 10:30, then upstairs to the main waiting area, boarding group #1, cookies and beverages were available there while we waited comfortably with seating and air conditioning. Long lines had formed outside by 10:30, not sure how long those folks waited. Boarded promptly at 11:30 just after suite pax and priority pax; cabins were available though may not have had all the details ready at that time. Enjoyed Mariners lunch in MDR (we are 2 star).

And did you see us WAVE? If not, we’ll try it again on April 6th, Veranda deck, just under the bridge with our US and NM flags.

T-spa prices were too high for me at $120 per cruise, no discount for B2B2B, so same price for 14, 10 and 11 day cruises ($190/couple/cruise). The Passenger Safety Drill was a bit slow with some pax missing but they didn’t hold us hostage for more than just a few extra minutes. They did announce several times that pax not attending would not sail. We apparently are not sailing full, 1127 pax on board.

Dinner the first night featured prime rib, very good served as expected. The show was an introduction to the various musical offerings on board. The show cast is leaner on dancers and heavier on singers than in previous cruises so we’ll see how that difference works out. [The show lounge has an area near the stage that is multi-purpose – has tables and chairs that can be removed to use the space as a dance floor. The show lounge has been filling up earlier than I remember in previous cruises. ]

Anthony Choice(sp?) is our CD, Douglas Hernandez the Hotel Manger, Captain is Ane Jan Smit (sp?).

Our first day out we arrived at Half Moon Cay on time, beautiful day there; I did some snorkeling on my own which unfortunately did in my 5 year old underwater Olympus camera. [bought a replacement at St Thomas for much less money than I paid for my old camera, and VERY glad to have found a replacement!]. I had an excellent Caribbean pork loin chop for dinner that night. The entertainer in the showroom was Michael Wilson and although I am usually quite easily entertained, I could not sit through his act when he started berating individual passengers who answered his questions of, Where are you folks from? And, What do you do for a living? Only to have him then insult them for laughs… so I left to go listen to the Adagio Strings who are very good. David Anthony is the Piano Man, plus they have a guitarist, Alan (sorry, I didn’t get his last name) in Mix, Neptunes in Ocean Bar, DJ Armen in Crow’s Nest.

On our first sea day we had a lovely M&G in the Crow’s Nest attended by 40 or so CCers and the CD, HM and the Events Planner Rob Loueb(sp?). During this time we had a detour to Grand Turk for a Medical Evacuation that resulted in a 30 minute delayed arrival in St Thomas. Royal Dutch Tea was lovely.

First formal night (we were informed on the first day that there will be four) had a menu glitch: the posted menu offered Lobster Thermidor with a Filet, but when our table of 4 received menus, two menus showed the Lobster dish without the filet. The kitchen apparently told the dining staff only 30 minutes before dinner that they would not have enough filets for this dinner and the one later in the cruise! They tried to pull back the original menus and replace them with the updated version, in several languages, messy! But we ate and moved on – I had the lamb chops which were very good as usual; DH ordered the everyday sirloin which was not hot, overcooked and tough, so not a good dinner for him. The show this evening was Bob Mackey’s Broadway (apparently he is a glitzy costume designer). It was nice, not amazing but nice.

We are sharing this cruise leg with my brother and SIL and have open dining; when we arrived at the dining room 4 nights in a row at approx the same time we were asked if we’d like to have that table reserved each night for the rest of the cruise at 5:30, so we’re set now. They would only make reservations at 5:15 or 5:30, or then later I think 7:45, but not for 6pm which is what we wanted, but they will hold the 5:30 table until 5:45 if we are running late. I’m not thrilled with the lack of flexibility and DH and I will likely do things differently for our next leg on our own.

For St Thomas we had prepaid for a shore ex to St John. It was a lovely day, pleasant ferry ride, pleasant bus ride, lovely scenery but next time I’d do something else. Tonight’s Thai chicken and sweet and sour shrimp were very enjoyable. Showroom at Sea entertainment of What’s my Line?, Sock Hop and Indonesian Crew show.

We had a fire alarm go off this morning, not a drill. The captain announced immediately that they had a fire alarm indicate a possible fire on deck 3 in the garbage room and that they were investigating and he would keep us informed. The captain announced in a few minutes that there was no fire and that the welders had been working in that area creating some smoke and that a crew member had pulled the fire alarm; he made multiple announcements regarding this incident keeping us all posted.

Next day was St Barts: My SIL and brother had been here before so they took me over to Shell Beach, a very outing and beach visit, a 10 – 15 minute walk from the ship. A bar/restaurant and lounge chairs are available there if desired. For dinner tonight the menu was not too appealing IMO, but I had Pompano and risotto which was well worth a try; the flank steak was overcooked; I had ordered the papaya salad and it came without any papaya! I told our server who agreed and that others had the same comment, but he said that the cook told him they were “…going by the pictures!” I brought this to the attention of the dining captain who apologized and said he’d check. Oh well…moving on… We tried the frozen watermelon pie and will try something else next time. So far, the chocolate decadence is the best dessert we’ve had, soups have been excellent, entrees variable.

In the Showroom at Sea the male singers and one dancer did a very nice show tonight, Goode Company; the singers are high quality, better IMO than in the past and did a very good job; the story line of the show was a little weak but I’m easily entertained. Indonesian Tea was lovely this afternoon.

Day four we were in Martinique and enjoyed walking around the waterfront to the park and back. There were some folks who walked to the nearby open market and told us that it was not difficult to use US dollars there although the exchange rates varied, better exchange rate the further you got from the pier. Martinique was also formal dinner featuring tournedos (actually one, not two) of beef.

The strings play for part of the dinner time in the MDR which has been lovely. Happy hour is advertised for two locations and times each night, plus always a drink of the day.

Notes about cabins: I asked for a second bar of soap so we had one in the shower and one at the sink, no problem. There is a card in the room that advertises Elemis products available for purchase at the Spa; the Citrus Slice glycerin soap is listed, I didn’t find out the price.

I had requested a fan with our booking and it was in the room when we arrived; it is a box fan with a thermostat control. I haven’t needed it yet but the temperature is getting warmer in our room as we make our way south - it was 75 last night with the room thermostat set all the way to the “cold” side for our entire time on board.

The weather has been lovely but hazy; the captain said this was due to particulate in the atmosphere that blew in from the Sahara and should be gone by Friday. It makes picture taking challenging.

We’re off to explore Barbados this morning (Thursday 3/29) and find a WiFi spot. m--

PS Didn’t get this posted in Barbados as planned. Dinner featured prime rib and the show was by the Showroom at Sea cast, Roadhouse – very good quality singing. Even though the format for the shows is a bit different than it used to be, IMO it is very good quality but from fewer performers. After chatting with one of the performers who I recognized from a cruise about 7 years ago, it’s clear that he cruise lines are cutting back in non-revenue producing areas and we are fortunate to still have quality shows on HAL. We’ll see how the guest entertainers stack up as the days unfold.

Tomorrow we stop in Granada where I hope to post this. m--

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Hi RM -


Thank you for your wonderful review!! Glad you guys are having what sounds to be a great time!!


Did you ever find a WiFi spot in Barbados? Can you share please? Did you do any interesting shopping in Barbados?


How long were you at HMC - our upcoming cruise reflects us leaving at 3PM seems a bit early.....


Thanks again - have a great time - about 17 days to until we go.....wooohoooo

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Hi RM -



Did you ever find a WiFi spot in Barbados? Can you share please? ........................


FYI; the interior of the Barbados Cruise terminal is a good WiFi location; the crew uses it all the time when there

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FYI; the interior of the Barbados Cruise terminal is a good WiFi location; the crew uses it all the time when there

When it's working! It wasn't when we were there 3/18, and "someone said" it hadn't for three days. :(
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Hi RM -


Thank you for your wonderful review!! Glad you guys are having what sounds to be a great time!!


Did you ever find a WiFi spot in Barbados? Can you share please? Did you do any interesting shopping in Barbados?


How long were you at HMC - our upcoming cruise reflects us leaving at 3PM seems a bit early.....


Thanks again - have a great time - about 17 days to until we go.....wooohoooo


Our stops at HMC -- Maasdam were 3 PM for departure.

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Got photos of you, Richard and the In Laws as you left!!


Will be snapping away at you again on the next Sail Away:)


Enjoy, my friend, enjoy th cruise!!


Weather here has been really great! Beautiful and sunny, BUT... High Fire Dangers where they normally are:( Have not heard of any up your way...so keeping fingers crossed!!



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Hi KK - If I may ask - Why?


We had a horrible experince on the Noordam last November.

When we got to the terminal we were numbers 3 and 4 in line and 3 and 4 to go through security.

When we went to get into the Deluxe Suite checkin there were already around 30 people there and we questioned where they came from -- no answer.

We stood in line for nearly 15 minutes while the ladies at the counter had to constantly go to the other side to get the 4 star Mariners their ID cards. And this is another problem I have. Since this new 4 star program began and people can quickly get to 4 stars - they are given priority checkin and boarding. So the Deluxe Suite lines are now long.

When we finally got upstairs at about 11:20 there was absolutely no seats left!!

That's when I learned that many people had been permitted to enter the teriminal via the crew area.

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Yikes - That would frost me as well....


I guess we have been lucky....never have encountered that issue...we always seem to arrive at the dock around 11:30 are able to get right on....trusting no issues will arise this time.....


I had asked you a question with regard to drink cards not sure if you had a chance to see it----with that $250 drink card if you have any funds left on it at the end of the cruise do you know if they give a refund or a credit?


Thank you as always....

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Greetings all!

Joanie: Thx so,so, so much!! for snapping the pix at SailAway - you are FABULOUS and talented. And thanks for keeping an ear to the fire news for us. Keeping my fingers crossed and sending blessings to those in the danger areas. Miss you guys at sailaway but will be back soon enough - it always goes faster on board!


We did not get WiFi at terminal in Barbados, it was out for seveeral days; waited to get to internet cafe in Grenada - inside small mall to the right of the terminal once you go through the terminal to outside street, then right only about 100 yards, then insdie mall, upstairs to electronics store, $4/hr - we had used them last year also.


In Bonaire we use Lilly's ice cream store, just off the waterfront, 1 block up from the water, just past then stern of the ship. Good gelato!!


KK - Sorry if our experience of being held in the crew area before boarding is upsetting or seems unfair. We were not boarded before suites or priority pax, but we were inside out of the sun. Many pax were ushered to this area for their priorty boarding after we arrived and before we boarded. I'm not sure if this clarifies or assauges any ruffled feathers, but this was our experience.



March 31, Saturday, at Sea

Friday’s stop in Granada yielded a flavorful haul of spices, my big shopping spree (not counting the impromptu emergency purchase of a replacement camera!) Dinner menu selections were a bit slim for me but I enjoyed a lime-marinated chicken and others selected the Cajun-spiced tuna steak or everyday-available salmon. The salmon has been consisently excellent on board.

Friday evening’s guest entertainer was Jeff Moche a comedic magician. I'm easily entertained....Saturday I enjoyed Mariner champagne luncheon; the menu included a salmon and greens salad, chilled apple and pear soup, entrée choice of braised short ribs of beef, trout or quiche; dessert was a key lime tart. Captain Ane Jan Smit thanked us for our patronage; this cruise is his first captaincy but he has been with HAL for 18 years. The tiles are the old size and style as far as I can tell. This evening is our 3rd formal night, with a menu featuring Land and Sea (filet and prawns) or leg of lamb. The show is a cast presentation titled Unforgettable. Tomorrow we will dock in Bonaire. The seas are calm; temperatures seem to hover around 78 wherever we are so no complaints.

4-1 Sunday Bonaire. Lovely breeze here to keep us cool – Bonaire = good air! Magnificent clear waters and beautiful fish and coral viewing We enjoyed a ship excursion of a glass bottomed boat tour of the reef. Last evening was formal night with a very good singing show featuring the cast singers and HalCats band. I'm really ipressed with the singers and their complex arrangements and harmonies.

From here we’ll have two more ports and two sea days, then turnaround day in FLL/PE. I may be able to post from there if I can get a signal in the terminal. Will try a WAVE again on April 6th! m--

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Thanks RMLincoln for your report. Can't wait to read more. KK that sound terrible but didn't we know this was going to happen with the fast movement to 4 star status came about.:eek:


Yes -- and when we wrote Seattle about this -- I made a suggestion that there should be a Deluxe Suite check-in -- then an area for the 4 star Mariners to check in and then all other passengers go to the regular line.

The letter I got back (written from both of us with our signatures and Mariner numbers) was only addressed to me -- and not one word about the check-in process!!

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Yikes - That would frost me as well....


I guess we have been lucky....never have encountered that issue...we always seem to arrive at the dock around 11:30 are able to get right on....trusting no issues will arise this time.....


I had asked you a question with regard to drink cards not sure if you had a chance to see it----with that $250 drink card if you have any funds left on it at the end of the cruise do you know if they give a refund or a credit?


Thank you as always....


You get shipboard credit according to the amount you spent and the $225 you spent on the card.

Should there be leftover shipboard credit -- then on disembarkation morning you will be called to the front office and given that money back in cash.

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Greetings all!

Joanie: Thx so,so, so much!! for snapping the pix at SailAway - you are FABULOUS and talented. And thanks for keeping an ear to the fire news for us. Keeping my fingers crossed and sending blessings to those in the danger areas. Miss you guys at sailaway but will be back soon enough - it always goes faster on board!


We did not get WiFi at terminal in Barbados, it was out for seveeral days; waited to get to internet cafe in Grenada - inside small mall to the right of the terminal once you go through the terminal to outside street, then right only about 100 yards, then insdie mall, upstairs to electronics store, $4/hr - we had used them last year also.


In Bonaire we use Lilly's ice cream store, just off the waterfront, 1 block up from the water, just past then stern of the ship. Good gelato!!


KK - Sorry if our experience of being held in the crew area before boarding is upsetting or seems unfair. We were not boarded before suites or priority pax, but we were inside out of the sun. Many pax were ushered to this area for their priorty boarding after we arrived and before we boarded. I'm not sure if this clarifies or assauges any ruffled feathers, but this was our experience.



March 31, Saturday, at Sea

Friday’s stop in Granada yielded a flavorful haul of spices, my big shopping spree (not counting the impromptu emergency purchase of a replacement camera!) Dinner menu selections were a bit slim for me but I enjoyed a lime-marinated chicken and others selected the Cajun-spiced tuna steak or everyday-available salmon. The salmon has been consisently excellent on board.

Friday evening’s guest entertainer was Jeff Moche a comedic magician. I'm easily entertained....Saturday I enjoyed Mariner champagne luncheon; the menu included a salmon and greens salad, chilled apple and pear soup, entrée choice of braised short ribs of beef, trout or quiche; dessert was a key lime tart. Captain Ane Jan Smit thanked us for our patronage; this cruise is his first captaincy but he has been with HAL for 18 years. The tiles are the old size and style as far as I can tell. This evening is our 3rd formal night, with a menu featuring Land and Sea (filet and prawns) or leg of lamb. The show is a cast presentation titled Unforgettable. Tomorrow we will dock in Bonaire. The seas are calm; temperatures seem to hover around 78 wherever we are so no complaints.

4-1 Sunday Bonaire. Lovely breeze here to keep us cool – Bonaire = good air! Magnificent clear waters and beautiful fish and coral viewing We enjoyed a ship excursion of a glass bottomed boat tour of the reef. Last evening was formal night with a very good singing show featuring the cast singers and HalCats band. I'm really ipressed with the singers and their complex arrangements and harmonies.

From here we’ll have two more ports and two sea days, then turnaround day in FLL/PE. I may be able to post from there if I can get a signal in the terminal. Will try a WAVE again on April 6th! m--


I am enjoying your report very much.

That's a new captain.

Your Mariner brunch -- I would have loved it if we had had the salmon and green salad and the chilled apple and pear soup -- I love those. For our dessert we had a fruit flan.

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Krazy Kruizers



That's a new captain.


Your Mariner brunch -- I would have loved it if we had had the salmon and green salad and the chilled apple and pear soup -- I love those. For our dessert we had a fruit flan.



The current Captain was Chief on Maasdam for years and we sailed with him a number of times.


Congratulations are in order as he is the new Maasdam Master. :)

Well earned and deserved!!!

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You get shipboard credit according to the amount you spent and the $225 you spent on the card.


Should there be leftover shipboard credit -- then on disembarkation morning you will be called to the front office and given that money back in cash.


Hi KK - thank you so much for the info. One more question if you don't mind - if we purchase the cards on the ship does the bar staff get credit for the purchase? Thank you as always...

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The current Captain was Chief on Maasdam for years and we sailed with him a number of times.


Congratulations are in order as he is the new Maasdam Master. :)

Well earned and deserved!!!


Not only was he CO on Maasdam, he was Cadet, 4/O, 3/O, 2/O and 1/O there also. Talk about working one self up the ranks:)

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Yes -- and when we wrote Seattle about this -- I made a suggestion that there should be a Deluxe Suite check-in -- then an area for the 4 star Mariners to check in and then all other passengers go to the regular line.


The letter I got back (written from both of us with our signatures and Mariner numbers) was only addressed to me -- and not one word about the check-in process!!

Interesting. Any letters we have received from Seattle in response to questions or comments always have seemed like they were composed from drop-down menus rather than actually written by a staffer ... and they didn't necessarily address the issue at hand. They lacked proper flow and seemed robotic.

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