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Live from the Riviera's MV

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Notes from the Riviera's Maiden Voyage


Greeting everyone.


Here are my completely random thoughts set forth while cruising on the Riviera's maiden voyage. I was on the Marina last summer, so this visit with her sister feels somewhat like a homecoming. The famous (at least on Cruise Critic) hondoner is posting on all of the Riviera's specific and unique characteristics. I will leave that in his able hands, and simply post my thoughts as they cross my mind. Sorry if those thoughts are disjointed, irritating, or boring.



The first morning on the Riviera begins as each morning began on our cruise last summer with the Marina -- sitting in Baristas drinking espresso. The espresso is beautiful, but I have to say I miss Fredric. Those of you that read my ramblings from last summer may recall that Fredric was the barista each morning serving customers perfectly made espressos and cappuccinos. He also served each customer a healthy dose of his French musings on life. My mornings with Fredric turned into one of the many highlights of last years cruise.*



Gianni is now the able host in Baristas. He opened the Marina, so many passengers on our Riviera maiden voyage know him from their previous sailings. Here is something interesting, and highlights Oceania's commitment to making everything perfect for the Riviera, Gianni is leaving the ship at the end of the maiden voyage. He was brought on for a one month contract solely for the purpose of setting up Baristas and training the staff. That can't be a cheap way to deal with what might be considered a fairly small detail of the ship.



We boarded the ship in Venice to start the cruise on Wednesday, May 16th. A great way to begin the cruise because the ship is staying overnight, which gives everyone the chance to enjoy Venice at night. Tourist note -- go into Venice at night! The character of this amazing city is completely transformed at night. During the day, Venice is awash in daytrippers. These are tourists who only stay in Venice for the morning and afternoon. By evening and particularly after sunset, the city clears out of the daily tourist invasion.*



Dined at Red Ginger for the first night. I don't believe the ship allows online / pre-booking at the specialty restaurants the first evening. This does not mean they aren't open. Reservations for the specialty restaurants for this first evening of the cruise seem widely available. For dinner I replicated my first meal in Red Ginger from last summer on the Marina -- the chef's sushi starter (I'm not remembering the exact name of this course), followed by the calimari, then on to the famed duck and watermelon salad, and ending with the steamed sea bass.*



On the Marina last year I had selected the courses because of the wide acclaim they received from our fellow Cruise Critic posters. Last year I was blown away by each course. I thought at the time that this level of quality could only be produced in the finest restaurants on land. My dinner this night on the Riviera *was equally as good. If I have to quibble ( and if you read my posting from last summer then some of you might think that's all I do -- ha ), then I would have to say the duck salad did not reach the same astonishing level as last year. The dish is intended to be on the sweet side, but this time it was overly sweet or at least it was to my palate.



Here's the thing: after being on the Marina only ten months ago, it is hard not *to compare. I'll probably end up doing a lot of comparisons, but that is not the purpose of these postings. What is the purpose? I guess there isn't one beyond idly tapping away at this iPad while I consume my daily allotment of espressos and cappuccinos.*

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Back again


Unlike last year, I am finding neither the time nor the energy to post to this "daily" blog. *Cause: I'll blame traveling with my daughter and her significant other. Between eating dinner later than normal and staying up with them to gamble in the casino, I find myself getting up later and later in the morning, which cuts into trying to keep up with adding to this travelogue.*


Speaking of gambling, Blaine ( the significant other ) wins big at three card poker on the first night the casino opens. Smart boy that he is, he gets up from the table after winning a 30 to 1 odds hand, despite the dealer's pleadings that he stay at the table and "keep winning." He's not that dumb, and as he said while walking away, "now I get to play with the casino's money for the rest of the trip." But for me, gambling went the way it normally goes -- I'm still playing with my money. Ha!


This cruise is a departure of sorts from the latest trips Heidi and I have taken. Unlike the past two cruises, we actually have the kids with us. Or rather, one of our kids and a significant other. ( Odd using that term in conjunction with referring to my daughter, but no going back from that I guess..... )


OK back to things about the ship and the cruise.

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The suite: *


After multiple upsells, we ended up in one of the three Owners Suites. *Yes, yes ridiculously extravagant. This trip originated as a thirtieth wedding anniversary celebration before diverting into a three part celebration including (a) the aforementioned anniversary, (b) our daughter's graduation from university, and © her simultaneous and successful *fight with the big "C". *As such, I felt we had a lot to celebrate and taking an Owners Suite seemed fitting.*


As my kids would say, the OS is "sick". In more normal parlance the words amazing, wondrous, opulent and back to extravagant come to mind. That being said, it strikes just the perfect tone of being comfortable without seeming over the top. *(Setting aside the piano in the foyer -- ha! ) *Part of this may be due to the design elements coming from ( I think ) Ralph Lauren. *His overall style, particularly in his furnishings, seems to go for "relaxed elegance." *The level of detail throughout the suite is incredible. Every single inch of space was clearly thought out. After several days into the cruise I am still finding small details to discover. *One part of this detail that needs to commented upon is the artwork in the OS, which *includes numerous black and white stills of classic Hollywood films.


Mr. Del Rio seems to be projecting some very non-subliminal messages in the bedroom with these stills. Here you will find a movie still *of the actress from the movie "Lolita" (you know, the one with James Mason) and a second movie still of Marilyn Monroe in an amazingly suggestive pose. (Although I guess it could be said, when isn't she suggestive.) The messages for me seem clear, but Heidi doesn't seem to buying into it. *:)


I promise to post a bunch of photos from the suite upon return.

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Thanks so much for your posts! My friend and I are booked on the Riveria in September for the Lisbon to Rome cruise. How wonderful to see your great photos of the Owners Suite...how grand! Please continue to post even though I know it is hard to do as you enjoy the cruise with your family. Let us know about any excursions you or your family members enjoyed. Are you doing any of the excursions offered by Oceania? Thanks again for any and all info!

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This Friday we head to the airport to fly to Athens where will start our cruise on the Riviera.


We have booked an Oceania suite and we know it will be a wonderful vacation.


The photos on this thread are gorgeous!

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Back to the first evening


Jim and Stan hosted a Cruise Critic party in their Oceania Suite on the first evening on ship. This is my first time cruising with Jim and Stan, and it was great meeting them. The level of commitment that the famous JimandStan give to posting information on all things Oceania is only matched by their graciousness as hosts. Their party was very well attended, perhaps even beyond what Jim and Stan anticipated.*


Hosting the Cruise Critic party on the first evening was a great idea. Although a number of these CC members have cruised together, for most * * * * * *( me included ) this was the first time meeting face to face. Needless to say, it was great putting a face to a CC name. *


This party was also an opportunity to meet those people with whom you had arranged private shore excursions. ( Quick shout out to Mary for all the work in arranging our shore excursions in both Santorini and Ephesus. ). As every frequent reader of this Cruise Critic Oceania board knows, it is a absolute must to participate in the Roll Call for your specific cruise. *There is no better way to learn valuable details on the ports to be visited and to arrange small private shore excursions. *It doesn't bother me that the pricing of Oceania's ship excursions seem almost predatory because through the Roll Call, with a little effort, it is easy to put together a group for a private excursion at a fraction of the cost.


Final thanks to Jim for hosting the CC party right away because it gave me a sense as to what to expect when I hosted a second CC party a few days later. *More thanks is to be heaped on Jim's shoulders for taking the time to answer all my pre-cruise questions on how to host a Cruise Critic party. *Jim could write the book on hosting the perfect CC party. *For that matter, I guess you could say Jim could write the book on how to maximize your enjoyment from all things relating to cruising with Oceania. *And guess what, you don't have to always have a Jimtini in your hand. *Ha!

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Sitting in a wi-fi bar in Ag Nik (Agios Nikolaos) enjoying some free Internet.


It's embarrassing trying to keep up with Don in posting. OK, I guess I'm not trying to keep up because that would seem to be impossible.


Enjoyed an Oceania hosted dinner in La Reserve. The food and wine pairings were amazing. I will try to get a copy of the menu and scan for uploading when we get home. Shannon and Blaine enjoyed dinner in our OS. Bosco is our butler and he has been very sweet looking after the "kids" even though that would seem to be beyond his expected duties. I guess it goes with Oceania's overall approach to the business -- everything and anything you could ask for can be provided.


The kids ordered from Polo. Each course was served separately and arrived at the perfect temperature.


This was probably the first time Bosco served people sitting on the floor at the living room coffee table surrounded by pillows. :)


Bye for now.

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What a Market,


First of all, Congrats on your 30th wedding anniversary! Enjoying your postings and pictures. Keep them coming.


We are booked in a Oceania suite for a upcoming sailing, just curious what were the costs of the individual up-sells to get into the Owner's Suite? Did Oceania call you or you / your TA called them?

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Time for more idle postings


It is clear by now that my commitment to updating this journal has been a bust. Believe it or not we are at the final full day on the Riviera. Today we visit both Delos and Mykonos. Tomorrow we disembark in Athens.


Before rattling on here I want to give a quick shout out to Shari. *Without her, this trip would not have come together. I absolutely love traveling with Heidi, but when you have a chance to travel and see the world with your kids * * * * * * * ( particularly when they are at that point in life when they're off on their own ) you have to feel blessed.


Here are some quick thoughts on the cruise:


Heidi, Shannon, and Blaine are absolutely crazy for the daily trivia. They missed it yesterday while we we touring Ephesus. Of course this was blamed on me.


Dinner in Toscana is the consensus winner in our group for favorite specialty restaurant. *Three of us had a perfect lobster risotto as one of our three starter courses. (Shannon learning for the first time that in Italy a pasta or risotto is served like an appetizer before your main meat or fish course.) *I also had the steamed asparagus with coppa and shaved parmigiano reggiano. In a word -- exquisite. After four courses no one could attempt a dessert. Coffees accompanied by beautiful, thinly sliced biscotti had to suffice. It's a tough life. :)


Surprisingly, to me at least, Jacques came in second with strong support from both Shannon and Blaine, both of whom fell in love with the escargot. This was their first time trying the dish. It is served in the classic style -- in the shell with butter and garlic. Other highlights, the pumpkin soup, artichoke salad over sliced foie gras, the duck a l'orange. Despite the preceding engorgement, I had to have the puff pastry dish topped with Chantilly cream. Amazing.


Red Ginger has slipped to fourth place among the four specialty restaurants. This is quite surprising because on our cruise last year with the Marina both Heidi and I would have awarded Red Ginger with first place. Despite coming in *last place, all four of us think the restaurant design and the added service touches ( tea service, chop stick presentation, and eddamame starter with accompanying hand towels ) is tops.

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Quick points


Having an Owners Suite has been a real treat. I have to say though that having a suite at the far aft of the ship is not my favorite. There is just too much vibration in the suite when the captain is using the thrusters to maneuver the ship. This is only a bother when you are still trying to sleep in the morning, but since we are always arriving in a new port early in the AM then you know there is going to be vibration.*


I know some of you are getting ready to respond by saying, "don't take a cruise if you don't like vibration." *All I can say is Heidi has well over twenty cruises under her belt and I think I'm over twelve cruises, and we both feel the vibration is VERY strong with this location on the ship. This is not a complaint by the way. I knew there would be vibration when I accepted the upsell to the OS. Final note on the subject, the vibration is only really noticeable when the thrusters are in use. So, if you are an early riser then fear not the vibration.


Heidi asked me to make one other point here: *We have the Owners Suite on Deck 10. The movement of chairs and/or tables from the Terrace Cafe on Deck 12 is also very noticeable in the morning, particularly on nice mornings when the weather is nice and everyone is looking to do breakfast outside.

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The Pool


I love the pool on the Riviera and the Marina. As I noted last summer, the pol is long enough to swim some decent laps. Also note worthy, is the size of the surrounding pool deck. There never seems to be a shortage of lounge chairs, both in and out of the sun. There are also loungers on Deck 13, 14, and 15 overlooking the pool (Deck 12). *For all in know there may be loungers on Deck 16.


Fortunately, they do not play music in the mornings on the PA system at the pool. As others have noted on these boards, I too find the music annoying. I guess *they play music to obscure the conversations taking place around the pool. I guess otherwise it is to make the pool area seem more beachy, casual or like a resort. Regardless, it is lost on me.


Some have commented that the pool water is not heated. This is not true. Easy to tell if you have ever dipped your toe in the Mediterranean during the month of May. Also as with the Med, the pool is filled with salt water. Very much preferable to regular chlorinated pool water (not that a ship could afford to waste this much "drinking" water to fill the pool).


If you are looking for super heated water, there are two jacuzzis flanking one end of the pool.

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