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celebrity cruisers seem aggresive .


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No such luck. I just got off of the Century (to Alaska) and found many of the passengers boorish, rude and inconsiderate.


Not ALL.......but many.


The same posturing as many of the cheerleaders who obviously don't recogognize these traits in themselves. Oh well, Celebrity, if nothing else will be a diversion.

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Yeah, I understand the rule. I just try to understand the other person as well. I wouldn't immediately turn them in. I would likely try to talk to them and present our case and see if we could work it out. Then, if they just blew me off (pun intended) I'd turn them in. :rolleyes: I know a lot of smokers and many of them are very considerate when they know it is bothering someone else. My guess is most people would just say something like, "Oh, I'm sorry... I didn't know it was getting over there. I'll stop." At that point, no need to get any authorities involved or cause anyone to have to pay fines or anything. I believe most people (especially on cruises) are congenial.


BTW, sorry to hijack the thread if even just a little. I shut up now :)




The rule is firm and clear: NO SMOKING ON BALCONY OR IN CABIN! You should have reported the smoking as soon as you noticed it. I have and will!
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How come nobody is talking about the roaming gangs of senior citizen vigilantes who take justice upon themselves by whacking those who cut in line at the buffet with their canes and sometimes even throwing them overboard??? :D


And track chairhogs to their cabins and slip threatening notes under their doors?


And bring megaphones and laser pointers everywhere with them on the ship so that they can loudly denounce anyone they see sharing their drink packages and point out the offender for all to see? (And of course, sometimes throw them overboard as well!)


Once or twice I've even seen them dressed in ninja garb and rapelling between balconies so that they could rip burning cigarettes from the hands of those smoking on their balconies, and then throw the offender overboard!


Yep, it's a rough crowd on a Celebrity cruise--but as long as you carefully obey the rules and dress properly for dinner, you should be safe. Enjoy your cruise!



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How come nobody is talking about the roaming gangs of senior citizen vigilantes who take justice upon themselves by whacking those who cut in line at the buffet with their canes and sometimes even throwing them overboard??? :D


And track chairhogs to their cabins and slip threatening notes under their doors?


And bring megaphones and laser pointers everywhere with them on the ship so that they can loudly denounce anyone they see sharing their drink packages and point out the offender for all to see? (And of course, sometimes throw them overboard as well!)


Once or twice I've even seen them dressed in ninja garb and rapelling between balconies so that they could rip burning cigarettes from the hands of those smoking on their balconies, and then throw the offender overboard!


Yep, it's a rough crowd on a Celebrity cruise--but as long as you carefully obey the rules and dress properly for dinner, you should be safe. Enjoy your cruise!




I think you're onto something here -- this might explain the increased number of "overboard" reports we've been hearing about! :eek: ;) Thanks for the "lighten up" post! :D

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Try posting your opinion on Carnivals forum.Those people will rip you a new one in a New York minute!!!!:eek:


You've got that right! Especially dont post an opinion about code of dress in the dining room. Whichever way you feel, you will be pounced on and trashed. :(

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Most folks who post on this forum are very nice; and, also many of them provide some valuable information. There are a few who use the forum as a chat room and also a few who are very loquacious, many of whose posts are essenially self serving. You can co-exist with these folks by simply eschewing most of their comments.

However, I have never noticed a plethora of aggressive comments on these boards. Remember, only about 8-10% of Celebrity cruisers utilize Cruise Critic; hence, there is a remote chance that you will encounter any of these aggressive or loquacious persons while actully on a Celebrity cruise.

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How come nobody is talking about the roaming gangs of senior citizen vigilantes who take justice upon themselves by whacking those who cut in line at the buffet with their canes and sometimes even throwing them overboard??? :D


And track chairhogs to their cabins and slip threatening notes under their doors?


And bring megaphones and laser pointers everywhere with them on the ship so that they can loudly denounce anyone they see sharing their drink packages and point out the offender for all to see? (And of course, sometimes throw them overboard as well!)


Once or twice I've even seen them dressed in ninja garb and rapelling between balconies so that they could rip burning cigarettes from the hands of those smoking on their balconies, and then throw the offender overboard!


Yep, it's a rough crowd on a Celebrity cruise--but as long as you carefully obey the rules and dress properly for dinner, you should be safe. Enjoy your cruise!




on how the heck I am supposed to out-do the humor of that post...!!!:confused::D:p

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Canuck Cruiser 42 -- so sorry to hear that. :eek: We sailed Century to Hawaii last April, and encountered the most delightful folks on board! Can you elaborate a little about the negative behavior you encountered? I've always believed that (generally speaking) small ships make for polite passengers. It's sort of like living in a small town -- everyone knows that they will be seeing each other all over the ship, so they are on their best behavior! :cool:



Aaahhh....but we already knew that!:cool: ;)


The behaviors we encountered were quite surprising, really. Not what a solid man of 6'4" might expect. :rolleyes:


Despite calm seas, we were constantly bumped, shoved and run into. We had elevator doors closed in our face(s) and people literally look us in the eye before stepping in the way of intended photographs.


One old codger even had the nerve to push my wife out of the buffet line. :mad:


Like you mentioned on a smaller ship you see people more often so you would expect that most passengers would want to foster positive rapports but some of our peers simply did not care in this case.


Unfortunate that a small group of cretins had a large impact.


All in all it was a great trip regardless. I got to spend quality time with my lovely wife, my parents and my brother.


I wish you all smooth(er) sailing!

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How come nobody is talking about the roaming gangs of senior citizen vigilantes who take justice upon themselves by whacking those who cut in line at the buffet with their canes and sometimes even throwing them overboard??? :D
...... and they have been trained in how to use those canes too. There was even a news report about them recently, with photo of a Celebrity Senior Citizen attacking the buffet line cutter. ;)


From Cane to Weapon: Elderly Fight Back With Cane Fu - ABC News


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Yeah, I understand the rule. I just try to understand the other person as well. I wouldn't immediately turn them in. I would likely try to talk to them and present our case and see if we could work it out. Then, if they just blew me off (pun intended) I'd turn them in. :rolleyes: I know a lot of smokers and many of them are very considerate when they know it is bothering someone else. My guess is most people would just say something like, "Oh, I'm sorry... I didn't know it was getting over there. I'll stop." At that point, no need to get any authorities involved or cause anyone to have to pay fines or anything. I believe most people (especially on cruises) are congenial.


BTW, sorry to hijack the thread if even just a little. I shut up now :)




I agree with you, at some point will we be turning in those who don't turn others in...

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I've said it before, I'm glad I cruised on celebrity before finding these boards or I might have thought celebrity was not for me. Celebrity is a great cruise line and I have yet to see any similarity between how people are on the ship vs on the boards. In many cases anonymous Internet postings bring out the worst in people.


That said if you dig through you'll also find some great funny and super helpful people posting on this board. So dont let the personalities on this website sway you.

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Let's start all over again -


Welcome abnpaul to Cruise Critic! And welcome to the world of cruising - it's truly addictive!


Have fun looking at all the different liners and make your choice accordingly. These boards are a wealth of information.


Good luck and I hope you find a cruise that is just to your liking!


OP, I agree with our friend Massnatives about starting all over again, so welcome.


There is an old American saying....When you are in a hole, quit digging. We realize you wished you could have changed the phrase of your thread title, but then you decided to refer to this forum as the House of Lords, and listed out all the subject you believe we overdiscuss and fixate on....well that part was right!


May I suggest you quit this thread, read up on what all the other threads have to offer; focus on your cruise Roll Call, a great place to really get info on your specific cruise and not worry about trying to define this forum - I wouldnt try it myself - generalities almost always get you in deep trouble and aren't usually wrong, they are always wrong.....as a generality!


So, again, welcome and enjoy getting some info from the tool, share with us your info, but again, may I suggest you drop the generalizations.



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Talk about aggressive: How about those who were actually on the Bounty? That's what I call aggressive. Now if they only had Cruise Critic to vent and get rid of their aggression. And working conditions for crew, well that's another thread.

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OMG! We are about to go on our first Celebrity cruise.


1. We are not rich. In fact, far from it. We spend every bit of extra income on travel. I know we should be saving, but I want to see the world!


2. My husband smokes. We have a balcony cabin & just last week I read that he cannot smoke on the balcony. When I told him, he didn't believe me. I told him that we cannot afford a $250 fine.


3. I always were silk pants on formal nights. On other lines, this seemed to be fine.


Now we are going to be shunned, no one will speak to us, and everyone will break in front of us in the Cafe, call "low class". I don't know whether to laugh or cry.


We are educated. Will that help?

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OMG! We are about to go on our first Celebrity cruise.


1. We are not rich. In fact, far from it. We spend every bit of extra income on travel. I know we should be saving, but I want to see the world!


2. My husband smokes. We have a balcony cabin & just last week I read that he cannot smoke on the balcony. When I told him, he didn't believe me. I told him that we cannot afford a $250 fine.


3. I always were silk pants on formal nights. On other lines, this seemed to be fine.


Now we are going to be shunned, no one will speak to us, and everyone will break in front of us in the Cafe, call "low class". I don't know whether to laugh or cry.


We are educated. Will that help?


Don't worry...once onboard you'll enjoy yourself and have a wonderful cruise. But I wouldn't have your husband even attempt to smoke on your balcony. It's best to know the cruiseline policy in advance and follow it, than to possibly be fined if he's reported for smoking. Print Celebrity's non-smoking policy from their website and give it to your husband.

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OMG! We are about to go on our first Celebrity cruise.


1. We are not rich. In fact, far from it. We spend every bit of extra income on travel. I know we should be saving, but I want to see the world!


2. My husband smokes. We have a balcony cabin & just last week I read that he cannot smoke on the balcony. When I told him, he didn't believe me. I told him that we cannot afford a $250 fine.


3. I always were silk pants on formal nights. On other lines, this seemed to be fine.


Now we are going to be shunned, no one will speak to us, and everyone will break in front of us in the Cafe, call "low class". I don't know whether to laugh or cry.


We are educated. Will that help?

You will be fine. Don't judge everyone on Celebrity based on the posts on here. I've met wonderful people on Celebrity from all walks of life.


Traveling is, in my estimation, the best way to spend my money. Your silk pants will be fine. As far as your husband, if he smokes in designated areas, no one will give him a second look.


Class is not purchased by having lots of money or how you dress or where you've been, class is how you act and treat other people and based off your post, I'm sure you will be just fine - no shuns and plenty of people to speak with. I'm sure you will enjoy your cruise and you will be laughing a lot!!!!

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OMG! We are about to go on our first Celebrity cruise.


1. We are not rich. In fact, far from it. We spend every bit of extra income on travel. I know we should be saving, but I want to see the world!


2. My husband smokes. We have a balcony cabin & just last week I read that he cannot smoke on the balcony. When I told him, he didn't believe me. I told him that we cannot afford a $250 fine.


3. I always were silk pants on formal nights. On other lines, this seemed to be fine.


Now we are going to be shunned, no one will speak to us, and everyone will break in front of us in the Cafe, call "low class". I don't know whether to laugh or cry.


We are educated. Will that help?


Welcome to Celebrity, and RELAX -- you're going to have a great vacation! :D

Silk pants on formal night sound like a very tasteful (not to mention comfortable) choice. :)


As to the smoking restrictions -- as you can tell from this forum, they are taken very seriously and enforced. However, we cruise with a friend who smokes, and this is what has worked very well for him: if you look at the deck plans for Eclipse, you will see that the Resort Deck (12) has pool areas forward, and balcony cabins aft. Our friend always books a cabin on that deck, so he can just go down the hall and directly out into the pool deck's smoking section, whenever he wants a "puff". So, your best bet might be moving to a cabin that is conveniently located near one of the designated smoking areas. Nobody here wants your hubby to be miserable, but please understand that many of us book Celebrity specifically for its smoking policy. :cool:

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I keep hoping hubby will quit smoking. He had to go on top of the ship for our river cruise, but it wasn't that far. He'll manage!


I was actually trying to be funny with my e-mail. I know that on a ship with approximately 2800 passengers that they will not all be wealthy, they will not all be non-smokers, will not all wear evening gowns on formal nights, and that they are not all snobbish.:o


I'm really looking forward to meeting some nice people.

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I really don't see a big difference on this board with others. Keith


jackdiamond: Most folks who post on this forum are very nice; and' date=' also [b']many of them provide some valuable information. [/b]There are a few who use the forum as a chat room and also a few who are very loquacious, many of whose posts are essenially self serving. You can co-exist with these folks by simply eschewing most of their comments. However, I have never noticed a plethora of aggressive comments on these boards. Remember, only about 8-10% of Celebrity cruisers utilize Cruise Critic; hence, there is a remote chance that you will encounter any of these aggressive or loquacious persons while actully on a Celebrity cruise.


Agree with Keith and some others that I don't see folks on this board as that much or too "aggressive" compared to other boards. Some topics will get a few going on both sides, but overall, I things are fairly comparable, helpful, overall. Keep up the good works!!


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Did a June 7-19, 2011, Solstice cruise from Barcelona that had stops in Villefranche, ports near Pisa and Rome, Naples, Kotor, Venice and Dubrovnik. Enjoyed great weather and a wonderful trip. Dozens of wonderful visuals with key highlights, tips, comments, etc., on these postings. We are now at 105,110 views for this live/blog re-cap on our first sailing with Celebrity and much on wonderful Barcelona. Check these postings and added info at:


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Or Salted Karamel.... Soo good :)


or do they REALLY have "salted karamel" flavored vodka?:confused:


Just this week I had Whipped Cream flavored vodka for the first time. YUMMMYY


Will be requesting a "S'more Martini" :D if available on Connie's TA. Toasted Marshmallow flavored vodka ( I swear it tastes JUST like pulling one off a stick from over a campfire :)) with Chocolate flavored vodka. WOW!

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Odd.:confused: I come to the Celebrity board because the people here are polite to each other. Occasionally you get a nasty person but nothing like the other boards.


I think people are generally polite here--I think people get down right mean and nasty on the Princess board at times.

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or do they REALLY have "salted karamel" flavored vodka?:confused:


Just this week I had Whipped Cream flavored vodka for the first time. YUMMMYY


Will be requesting a "S'more Martini" :D if available on Connie's TA. Toasted Marshmallow flavored vodka ( I swear it tastes JUST like pulling one off a stick from over a campfire :)) with Chocolate flavored vodka. WOW!


If you're into vodka - and into bacon - there's bacon flavored vodka. It was insane. Tasted just like bacon!

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