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You can have both boxes unchecked...mine are.


I guess a better explanation would be once checked, your obligated by the site to have at least one selection checked. I don't remember ever making any selection.

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You were upgraded from a D1 balcony cabin to a Junior Suite...ok so the D1 was an aft...still don't see the big deal as I would take the JS any day....then you even got them to give you compensation above that...and your still not happy.


Maybe you would, but this isn't about you. The OP did not get what HE paid for. He wanted something specific, followed proper procedure for getting it, and then did not receive that which he agreed to by the form of his payment. I feel he's completely entitled to and justified in being upset. And unless I missed it, he did not get the promised bottle of wine, and has yet to receive confirmation of the offered OBC. I wouldn't be happy about this either - at all!


OP - I'm really sorry this happened to you. We have 4 cabins side-by-side on FOS in a few weeks, family cruise. These cruises are extremely important to us, as we are all scattered about, residing in different states. We select a sailing, choose adjacent cabins, and then all meet up on board to spend the week at sea together. We, too, look forward to our cruise for an entire year, sometimes longer. I can tell you that any one of us would be really upset to have our cabin location moved without at LEAST being asked first. As already noted, some alterations cannot be helped, and that's understandable. However, that does not apply to this particular situation. Location may not be all that important to some people, but it is to others. And that is our prerogative.


Thank you for sharing your experience - you can believe I will contact my TA and ask him to specifically note on our reservations "NO upgrades". For what good it will do.

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I don't have a TA, I handle everything myself. I DID note my account as NO UPGRADES without notification. There once was an option on the website to note that very clearly. I had also told C&A that at the time we booked 1400.


If you pay attention and read carefully, I stated that IF they did NOT send the OBC (just like they DIDN'T send the wine to our cabin), THEN I would attempt to renegotiate the compensation. If the OBC comes, I will just chalk it up to experience, since I did agree to it out of frustration of being on the phone for most of 2 hours.


I cruise alot. Maybe not as much as some, but enough. I made diamond in 5 years. I don't get cheap cabins, and I do spend money on board. It's not like I am some big whiner looking to get something for nothing. When you are loyal to a company, they should do right by you. Our vacation time is precious. When I book something, I expect to get what I booked.


You don't understand. I get that. That doesn't mean I am wrong, or unreasonable. It just means that my expectations are different than yours. Get over it.




Bottom line is that you paid for a room that you really wanted and it was wrong for RccL to boot you out of it. And if you had "no upgrade" checked (because there was that option at one time)or it you had (contact before upgrade) then RccL should have made it right. The travel industry is getting very bold with the way they treat people they rely on to exist.

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If you absolutely do not want to be upgraded...call Royal and have it noted on the resi...I am sure they would be very happy to pass the upgrade onto someone that would be happy with it.


Well you would have to assume that when you check the box "NO UPGRADE WITHOUT FIRST CONTACTING" that would be clear enough.


You need to put your pom pom's down and put yourself in the OP's postion. The OP did everything right, RccL should have contacted the OP and asked if he wanted the upgrade. As requested by the OP on the very site that RCCL runs.

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Bottom line is that you paid for a room that you really wanted and it was wrong for RccL to boot you out of it.


I totally agree. It's not about what someone else prefers. You specifically paid for this room - and were really looking forward to spending time there. I would have been miffed, to say the least!


I don't think it's about being spoiled or not enjoying your cruise. You didn't get what you paid for - it doesn't matter if someone else thinks what you got was better than what you paid for - they didn't pay for it! :)

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Fine. I get on the ship, go to Guest Services and try to figure out what we can do about getting my cabin back. They state that I am still in 1400... what?? Ship didn't get updated with the information yet. Apparently I was upgraded at the pier. Nice. They tell me that the only way I can get my cabin back is if the people who now have my cabin agree to switch. WHAT?? I HAD IT FIRST! And those guests had not yet arrived, so we would have had to wait and hash it out when they got there. I told guest relations that we would just take the cabin, but they should send us a bottle of wine for our troubles. "No problem, Mr Long... we certainly will do that. We apologize for the mixup, welcome back"... oh, and BTW, your luggage is still going to 1400, so we will have to get that figured out too. (bottle of wine never showed up either, btw)




Not to keep rehashing this...but this wasn't a case of the OP just being switched to another cabin of equal category....the OP was given an upgrade....many people would very much appreciate that and Royal was just trying to make a happy customer by upgrading them. Upon boarding the ship customer relations did tell them how they needed to handle this. The OP told guest relations..."we would just take the cabin" and "send us a bottle of wine for our troubles". As far as guest relation was concerned the issue was resolved. If the OP was that unhappy why didn't they pursue this further :confused: All they had to do was have guest services leave a voice-mail for the guests in 1400 to please give them a call and they could have tried to resolve this issue. I would also bet that if the new guests in 1400 were given the choice to trade cabins and be upgraded even further than they were to a JS they probably would have jumped on it....they may have not also...but at least the hotel Mgr would have been involved at that point and some type of resolution would have been made. That is how this should have been approached.....instead the OP made their intentions of taking the cabin known and as long as they got a bottle of wine they would be happy. Then the OP upon returning wanted to get double points and argued that point....Royal never gives double points to C&A guests who are upgraded from a standard cabin to a JS or above....that is policy....but the OP wanted that policy disregarded and went thru 3 different people to try to get the double points .....Royal stood ground on the policy BUT went ahead with the kind gesture of giving the OP and his wife $100 future cruise certificate....which is what I am pretty sure they did....I know the OP keeps saying they got a $100 OBC but I don't know how that could be unless it was applied to a future sailing they already have booked. So if it is a future cruise certificate it will come in the mail. The OP agreed that that was acceptable but now again wants to try to renegotiate since they don't see anything yet.

Folks....the world not perfect....things occur...and when they do you try to resolve them...that is what guest relations would have tried to do but wasn't given that chance...instead they were lead to believe that the issue is resolved. Bottom line....there are ways you do things and ways you don't...it sounds like Royal may have made an initial mistake but I also see they really weren't given the opportunity to try to correct it right from the get-go.

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So are you thinking that maybe C&A will upgrade people with "automatic" selected over higher point C&A members with "call me" selected? It would certainly be faster and easier for them to do this.




We have "automatic" selected and have been bypassed by D+ (we're Pinnacle) more than once. So that's not it.


C&A upgrades are different than revenue upgrades....it seems that a lot of the upgrades...at least the bulk are done by revenue...then some are released if left to C&A...it's the C&A upgrades that are the ones that go (or at least supposed to) to the highest raking C&A members on down. The revenue dept upgrades I don't think they care at all about where you rank as far as C&A status....so yes...IMO if it makes their job easier they will just upgrade to those that are the least involved....of course this is speculation;)


They've made the upgrade process a mystery, and that's a shame IMO. I'd love to know what Revenue's formula is. And C&A just gets leftovers, which may may perfect sense for them financially, but I don't have to like it.:p

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Not to keep rehashing this...but this wasn't a case of the OP just being switched to another cabin of equal category....the OP was given an upgrade....many people would very much appreciate that and Royal was just trying to make a happy customer by upgrading them.


While many people may appreciate that... I myself would not have. Had I been upgraded from my central hump D1 on deck 8 to any other deck and and a non hump balcony room I would have been extremely disappointed and would seriously consider ever crusing with them again. I had no interest in a random junior suite or even a crown loft room. I booked a specific room number for a reason.

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I would have taken and been happy about the upgrade. :D But we're easy that way. Better stateroom...sure! :D


It's like giving up that coveted stateroom for a less expensive guarantee option. We do that too. You are still on the same ship and sailing, and have access to all of the same services.


Of course we have preferred locations, but we are not desperately commited to them for a week or 2. There is always the next cruise. :D:):D


I'm sorry the OP was unhappy about the upgrade.

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Not to keep rehashing this...but this wasn't a case of the OP just being switched to another cabin of equal category....the OP was given an upgrade....


It was only an upgrade in the mind of Royal Caribbean, NOT the OP. He was downgraded.

You seem to be missing the point.

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Ok Baja, since you can't seem to understand my point, I will spell it out very carefully for you. Sorry I can't use crayons on here :rolleyes:


1) I choose our cabins WAY in advance. A year or more.

2) I choose ships and dates based on the availability of aft balcony cabins

3) I marked my reservation as NO UPGRADES WITHOUT A PHONE CALL

4) I made it very clear to C&A that I didn't want an upgrade without a

phone call via telephone because of stories I have read about this very

issue on cruisecritic.

5) 3 days before the cruise, my docs still said 1400

6) I got a phone call the night before the cruise from C&A to say Bon

Voyage with no mention of an upgrade

7) I am blindsided by this "upgrade" at the pier. It is NOT an "upgrade" if I

don't want it. Is a 40 dollar steak an upgrade over a fish sandwich if

you don't like or can't eat beef? Yeah, didn't think so.

8) I am told to talk to Guest Relations about it.

9) I talk to guest relations and find out that I have to get the other party

to agree to give us our cabin back... but we might have to wait for

HOURS for them to get to the ship. I didn't want to waste any more of

my precious vacation time messing with this, so we agreed to the

"upgrade".. we wanted to get on with our vacation.

10) Mentioned that a nice gesture would be a bottle of wine for our

inconvenience. Seemed like better than nothing for the time being. I

figured I would deal with C&A on our return, as it seemed like Guest

Relations could only do so much

11) Problems ensue. Luggage going to the wrong cabin, problems with our

account being associated to the wrong cabin, etc.

12) Bottle of wine is never sent. I don't pursue it. Don't feel like "fighting"

on my vacation. My wife was laid off 1 week before the cruise. We

really needed the stress relief.

13) The rest of the cruise is nice. We don't let the cabin issue ruin it. I

figure, once again, I will deal with it with the people who can do

something about it (corporate) once I get home.

14) I am a repeat customer. This is the kind of customer that you think

a company would want to make happy.

15) THEY SCREWED UP. Period. Whether or not you agree with me, I really

don't care. That cabin is what I paid for. That location was VERY

important to us.

16) I called about the double points because I figured that they could do

this for us and it really wouldn't cost them anything. We WERE in a JR

Suite, so techinally, the points should be doubled. I didn't go through

3 people because I didn't accept no for an answer... IT TOOK 3



17) Once I got to talk to someone who actually KNEW the answer, they

told me I could NOT have the credit, the computer system just would

not allow for an override.... then they offered me the 100 dollars OBC

certificates that would be mailed to me for use on a cruise within the

next year (no matter that I might not choose to cruise this year...

guess that is one way of trying to ensure that I do) I took the credit

and said thank you, because after almost 2 hours of being on the

phone explaining my story and not getting any sort of answer,

I was tired and had other things to do.

18) I stated that if they DO send the OBC, this will be the end of it. I

DID agree to it (kind of the same way people confess to crimes that

they didn't commit.. just to get it over with)... BUT if they do NOT

follow through (like they didn't with the wine), then I WILL call them

back, and I will be a little more insistant on just compensation for

their arbitrary decision to change my cruise into something that I

did not pay for.


Clear enough for you Mr Baja? You say I should be HAPPY with the "upgrade"... If I had WANTED a Jr Suite, I would have BOOKED a Jr Suite. If I had WANTED the possibility of an upgrade, I would NOT have marked my account as DO NOT UPGRADE. When I said, sure, I will take your "upgrade", please send a bottle of wine for the PITA this has been, I would have expected them to send it since THEY AGREED TO IT... but they did not. You are pretty presumptuous to tell me what should be important to me on a cruise that I paid for. I should not have had to wait for the other party to get there to start my vacation to beg for my cabin back. ROYAL CARIBBEAN SHOULD NOT HAVE GIVEN IT AWAY! I followed their rules and their protocols for ensuring that I got exactly what I paid for, and either due to a computer issue with their crappy website, or by complete disregard and disrespect for my explicit wishes, they STILL gave my cabin away.


1400 is a very well sought after cabin... highly desired. It would NOT surprise me if someone who had some pull somehow (either with a high profile TA or within C&A or RCCL themselves) wanted that cabin so we got "upgraded"...

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Ok Baja, since you can't seem to understand my point, I will spell it out very carefully for you. Sorry I can't use crayons on here :rolleyes:

1400 is a very well sought after cabin... highly desired. It would NOT surprise me if someone who had some pull somehow (either with a high profile TA or within C&A or RCCL themselves) wanted that cabin so we got "upgraded"...


I agree with the aft cabins and I think a lot of people do also. You got screwed on this one. I just don't understand why RccL did not bother to contact you first (they also have to know the aft cabins are highly desired)

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While many people may appreciate that... I myself would not have. Had I been upgraded from my central hump D1 on deck 8 to any other deck and and a non hump balcony room I would have been extremely disappointed and would seriously consider ever crusing with them again. I had no interest in a random junior suite or even a crown loft room. I booked a specific room number for a reason.


As do I. And I would not appreciate it being changed without my consent. I don't care what kind of "upgrade" it is.

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LOLOL....somehow it always ends up getting blamed on a TA.


I don't know for sure that a TA was able to convince them to move me. I don't know for a fact that someone with pull at C&A or RCCL moved me for someone else who wanted my cabin. That was speculation... however, on other cruises I have been on with regular old balcony cabins on the side of the ship, I never got upgraded... but as soon as I snag the coveted cabin 1400, I get upgraded? Coincidence? Hmm...


I know I have read similar stories on these boards that make the same complaint... an aft or aft/corner balcony is taken away due to an "upgrade" and people were mad. That is why I went to extraordinary lengths to try to ensure I didn't get upgraded. Didn't do any good. So, that is why the speculation.

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I would be very upset we always book way ahead of time and try for the aft cabins. I have always written and I have always called to tell them to mark my next cruises no upgrades or changes. They said they would do this but wasn't sure it would be noticed. So far no problems.

Sorry for your upgrade that wasn't one.

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We also book based on aft cabin availability and would have been furious. The major issue here to me, is the second person who got the cabin is getting the preferencial treatment and gets to make the end decision. There is something very wrong with that, just like those who lost their aft cabins after dry dock. The first person who booked the cabin should get the choice.


We have 1602 on Serenade booked in March and 8168 on the Radiance in Sept. I don't find JS's worth the extra money if I can't get an aft. I only book them if I can get a good military rate and there is no aft D1 available. Sorry for your situation OP, I can't imagine. Although knowing myself, I probably would have refused to board the ship until I had my original cabin back. Now I'm off to call RCCL and make sure my 'NO UPGRADE' message that I already specified is still in place.

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The major issue here to me, is the second person who got the cabin is getting the preferencial treatment and gets to make the end decision. There is something very wrong with that, just like those who lost their aft cabins after dry dock. The first person who booked the cabin should get the choice.


Not only that but the second person probably didn't even know they were getting that cabin, as the OP was upgraded at the pier. So they were on their way at that time. It seems it would be much easier to give them the "upgraded cabin" and leave the OP where he was, especially since he made it known that he wanted to stay where he booked.

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Not only that but the second person probably didn't even know they were getting that cabin, as the OP was upgraded at the pier. So they were on their way at that time. It seems it would be much easier to give them the "upgraded cabin" and leave the OP where he was, especially since he made it known that he wanted to stay where he booked.


Yes, so true! Something smells fishy here though, I have a hard time buying that 1400 was randomly upgraded.


With such loyalty to standard aft cabins....maybe you should start pricing aft cabins at JS pricing


I have wondered why they haven't started doing this tbh..

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Here are the Upgrade choices in the C&A member area.


Upgrade Preferences: I prefer an automatic upgrade

  1. I would like an upgrade but have restrictions

    1. I do not wish to be upgraded to the Inside Promenade staterooms
    2. I am traveling with friends or family and would like our rooms to be near one another
    3. I do not wish to be upgraded to Boardwalk or Promenade staterooms
    4. I need an accessible stateroom
    5. I am sailing on consecutive sailings
    6. I would like to stay on the same deck as my current stateroom
    7. I only wish to be upgraded to a stateroom that is near an elevator

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