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Hair Length for Older Gals


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My Oma (grandmother) had hair to her waist all her life...even when she passed at 95!


At 40, I have long hair (nearly to waist) and don't plan on cutting it just because I'm 50 or 60 or older. If it because a hassle to deal with at that age, fine. But not because I am of a certain age!


Not a cultural thing, just preference.

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I don't think age should define hair length but I do think as a woman ages long hair may drag her face down making her look older. Of course,this is not true for everyone and I think you should go with what looks good on you! I decided to cut my hair two years ago and I was amazed at the people who actually asked me if I had had some "work" done as they thought I looked so much younger! But of course, my sons tell me I now have the "old lady haircut":D



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I had hair past my waist until I was 40. At that point I cut it, I didn't want to have long grey hair. Fortunately for me I still have no grey, but feel I have a more stylish look with shorter hair. It was a transition to always having to style it compared to when it was long I could wash and go. I am 50+ now and have went from shoulder length to just below the shoulder now.

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Length of hair should be determined by the individual, not necessarily by age. My grandmother had long hair all her life, of course it was always in a bun at the nape of her neck. She had beautiful silver hair.


I see women who would look so much better if they cut their hair. They could look so much younger without the hair dragging them down. Once our skin starts loosening up and we have the dreaded jowls and parenthesis, shorter hair does a lot to lift that look. I also see women who may be older than 60 (I never ask) who look lovely with long hair. A shorter haircut doesn't have to be short.


Then again, I see young women (and men) with long hair that really shouldn't be wearing long hair. A whole lot of people just want long hair for the sake of having long hair, even with dry, split ends or over bleached and faded color. Or, they just avoid getting haircuts all together and it just looks unkempt.


If you want long hair, at any age or gender, wear it well trimmed, beautifully conditioned and make sure it compliments your face shape and your style.

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Hopefully by the time we get to fifty, we are not slaves to 'fashion' or rules as to what we should wear and how.


I am in the over fifty set and the majority of my friends have hair in the chin to shoulder length range with about 20% having their hair cut short..... me included. I went through the shoulder length stage for long enough and I now enjoy having wash and wear hair. I wash and blow it in 10 minutes or less and am on my way. :)


Wear what you think flatters your face and what you like. IMO For some women, the very long hair can be aging. For others, it is flattering. How does it look on you?


There aren't nearly all the rules these days that we usesd to have.

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I had long hair when I was younger. Then went to perms when I had kids so I just washed and let dry, but now I have shorter hair (50ish's)or less,hahaha. Wash and go, easier and no perms. I want more time to do other things, and I do! Time to check on line for next cruise....lol

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I'm pushing 60 and my hair is just to my bra band....it's long and layered and I get lots of compliments on my hair. My mother thinks it's too long, but I figure, if it's pretty, then why cut it off? It takes no longer to take care of my hair than most folks!

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I'm pushing 60 and my hair is just to my bra band....it's long and layered and I get lots of compliments on my hair. My mother thinks it's too long, but I figure, if it's pretty, then why cut it off? It takes no longer to take care of my hair than most folks!


I was pushing 60 until last month, when it pushed back!


My hair is just below my collar bone and I like it and it's long enough to clip back if I need to. I do a lot of activities with my dogs and I need to be able to keep my hair out of my face. I keep it trimmed, I use a shampoo/conditioner/oil line that keeps it smooth and shiny. So, if I like, and DH likes it, that's all that counts.

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I asked this question recently in a hair related thread and didn't get a reply as such, so nice to see other opinions as I was genuinely interested.


My own hair is colored, very in your face, blonde and is butt length and reasonably well groomed (most of the time). I wear it up a lot or in a donut ring when doing treatments.


I only started growing it about 8 years ago after a career/uniform policy kept me with very short hair for years which was under headgear a lot of the time so it was liberating to have it grow longer and longer.


I think it was in the "old" days when you were supposed to cut your hair when you got to a certain age but I hope I am not there yet.


I am mid forties, still nearer 40 than 50 and I think about this, I ain't doing it but I think about it now and again. I may chop it all off at 50 but a few years to go before that so we will see.


It's strange though and maybe a bit vain but I actually get a kick coming out of the hairdressers and people do look at it, either thinking oh that is nice or oh that is too long or such like but my days of turning heads in short skirts and tight tops are gone! I was in Publix just after I came out last time and had a nice dress and heels/sandals on so felt good and I walked past two young guys working there and I heard one say to the other wow she is so sexy after I had walked past! He was 20 years younger but that was my boost for the year!


In a nutshell, if the hair is long and well kept I think it would be ok but when I see what I class as witchy long grey hair I think it would be better short.

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I'll be 60 next year and I am growing my hair longer. I have a lot of curls, and I either need to have a really short haircut or something between my chin and shoulders to show them off. I have grey framing my face now, and the rest is still more pepper than salt. I want to be able to pull it back when I exercise or am doing physical work, and also to be able to put it up when I'm dressing up.

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IMHO, as long as hair looks healthy & is not allowed to look thin at the ends, there's no need to cut it at any age. Everyone should choose the style that they think looks best on them. As humans, we have our own opinions. We will all never agree on whether short or long hair looks best at any age. I've reached a point in my life where I feel the only opinion that matters is my own (Well & my DH's, if I agree with him. :p).

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I'll be 60 in November, and my hair is almost to my waist in the back. I would grow it longer if I could, but it's baby fine and breaks too easily. It's also naturally straight and looks horrible short. I'll often pin it up with a large Navajo beaded barette, but I'll never cut it short again.

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My hair was halfway down my back until I was 35 when I cut it to a couple of inches past my shoulders-I wore it that length until I was around 45. I cut my hair then because of how thin it became after menopause which started for me in peri-menopause.


However if a woman has nice thick hair-she can wear it long forever if she so chooses- she should just layer it a bit around the face to soften the face because of her more mature skin.



Unfortunately, many women are like me-menopause thins their hair and long hair no longer works. But heck I look well in a wig with long hair -LOL! So it is the thinness of my hair that detracts. Sadly my hair has gotten to the point that it no longer looks well ANY length. I wear a lot of hats and scarfs now. Not just my head too-my eyebrows are also super thin-I use powdered eyeshadow in brown and a tiny brush to "thicken" my brows. The only good thing is now I only need to shave twice a week-not every day as it was when I was young.

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I don't think there are really any rules any more about hair length. I've had my hair all different lengths, and actually had shorter hair through most of my 30's and early 40's than I do now at 51. When I was younger the super short styles looked cute on me, but I felt that as I got older the shorter style really aged me. I keep my hair about shoulder length with layers and bangs - sometime sideswept and sometimes full bangs. My hair is still in really good condition and not too dry, I do see some women with really dry hair and to me that is what ages you. I've just hit menopause, so I really hope I don't start getting thinning hair!

Here's one of me in June at my daughter's graduation, and obviously anyone can see how my hair looks in my profile pic which was taken in January:


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I am loving this thread.

I am over 60 and now pushing 70. Oooooh.

Anyway, I have gone from long, to shoulder length to short and back to chin length. Now, I am planning to get it short again. I have the thin problem. (wish my body did:)). And when my hair grows, layers makes the long layer look too thin.

So, short hair for me in the next couple of weeks. If I don't like it, I know it will grow.

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I'm 67 and I wear my hair about shoulder length, with some layers and bangs. It's a length that works for me and my hair.


Sometimes I cut it closer to chin length, but especially in summer I like to be able to pull it back. I am often mistaken for my grandchildren's mother, so I guess it is ok, for now, but I do worry that I won't recognize when it really needs to be shorter.


I think the no long hair after (name the age) rule is obsolete and that each person needs to do what works for them, what they like and what looks good. I have always looked terrible in short hair.

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I'm 67 and I wear my hair about shoulder length, with some layers and bangs. It's a length that works for me and my hair.


Sometimes I cut it closer to chin length, but especially in summer I like to be able to pull it back. I am often mistaken for my grandchildren's mother, so I guess it is ok, for now, but I do worry that I won't recognize when it really needs to be shorter.


I think the no long hair after (name the age) rule is obsolete and that each person needs to do what works for them, what they like and what looks good. I have always looked terrible in short hair.


LOL! My mom used to say 25 when I was a teen, but as I got older she never said ANYTHING to me LOL! Look at pics of your moms from (some of you your grandmoms) back in the 60's/70's. Women in their early/mid thirties looked older than we do at our early 50's. I think it was a combo of those stupid rules not only about hair but also dress-along with many smoked that made them look so much older.


I have a friend who turned 40 this year. She has really long hair as she says "Kim Kardashian" (spelled?) length hair. She was fretting about cutting it-wanting a new look-and how short to go. She still likes long hair but was afraid maybe it was time for it to go. I told her if she needed a change to try a "kate Middleton" do-still plenty long-still really sexy-and that there was no reason for her to go to even mid length yet. I told her she would know when the time came-if the time came that her hair aged her-she should know-and if she didn't I would give her a "hint". LOL! as I said since I love long hair there would be no way I would tell her she needed to go shorter if she didn't!

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I remember when I decided I was 'too old' for long hair when I was about 30. My hair was close to waist-length (this was the 70's!) and I was all upset because I thought I'd never get to have my lovely long hair again.


Ha! Though I've never had it that long again, I've had it various other long lengths. If I let it get a couple of inches longer than the shoulders, I think it is starting to 'drag' my face down, now. I vow never to wear the 'old lady' short permed hair though, I don't care if I'm 102!


What works for one doesn't for someone else; it isn't all about appearance anyway, and if you are happy, that is the most important thing.

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Look at pics of your moms from (some of you your grandmoms) back in the 60's/70's. Women in their early/mid thirties looked older than we do at our early 50's.


I agree! I think the hair has a lot to do with it. If you look in a high school year book from the 50's, all the girls look like women in their 30's! My own mother looked younger in her thirties, when she grew out her hair, then she did in high school.


I'm never cutting my hair short. I did recently cut about 6" off of it, but just for healthy ends. It comes about to my bust line. I have insanely thick hair with a natural spiral perm. I just spray gel on it, blow dry it about half way and I'm good to go. I also keep it dyed dark brown, it's original color. BTW, I'm 48.

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My hair was halfway down my back until I was 35 when I cut it to a couple of inches past my shoulders-I wore it that length until I was around 45. I cut my hair then because of how thin it became after menopause which started for me in peri-menopause.


However if a woman has nice thick hair-she can wear it long forever if she so chooses- she should just layer it a bit around the face to soften the face because of her more mature skin.



Unfortunately, many women are like me-menopause thins their hair and long hair no longer works. But heck I look well in a wig with long hair -LOL! So it is the thinness of my hair that detracts. Sadly my hair has gotten to the point that it no longer looks well ANY length. I wear a lot of hats and scarfs now. Not just my head too-my eyebrows are also super thin-I use powdered eyeshadow in brown and a tiny brush to "thicken" my brows. The only good thing is now I only need to shave twice a week-not every day as it was when I was young.



Boy do I know what you mean. :( My hair has gotten so thin that I can't wear it long but would really love to. My eyebrows are almost gone. I'll have to remember the part about the powdered eyeshadow. The good thing, I don't have to shave at all any more. I'm only 55 but haven't had to shave my legs in about 3-4 years. Like they say, getting old is not for wimps. :rolleyes:

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Boy do I know what you mean. :( My hair has gotten so thin that I can't wear it long but would really love to. My eyebrows are almost gone. I'll have to remember the part about the powdered eyeshadow. The good thing, I don't have to shave at all any more. I'm only 55 but haven't had to shave my legs in about 3-4 years. Like they say, getting old is not for wimps. :rolleyes:


I learned that trick from "What Not to Wear"-the gal was much younger than me but had over plucked her brows. Carmendi said that looked more natural than a brow pencil-and it does-you can still tell I fill them in-but at least they do not look "drawn."

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I don't think there are really any rules any more about hair length. I've had my hair all different lengths, and actually had shorter hair through most of my 30's and early 40's than I do now at 51. When I was younger the super short styles looked cute on me, but I felt that as I got older the shorter style really aged me. I keep my hair about shoulder length with layers and bangs - sometime sideswept and sometimes full bangs. My hair is still in really good condition and not too dry, I do see some women with really dry hair and to me that is what ages you. I've just hit menopause, so I really hope I don't start getting thinning hair!

Here's one of me in June at my daughter's graduation, and obviously anyone can see how my hair looks in my profile pic which was taken in January:


Your hair looks great and you look much younger than 51-don't worry you do not have my issue. Keep your hair long!

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Glad there are no rules anymore. I cut my college long hair to chin length when I got my first teaching job. Big mistake. I have a round face---so having long hair actually makes my face look better. I am 60 with long hair past my shoulders, which is more flattering---according to advice in a fashion magazine for people with round faces.

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