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Son had problem on the imagination


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I think a little effort goes a long way! I was injured on a cruise ship (different line) and in addition to an apology, a tray of chocolate covered strawberries was sent to our cabin. Also, the next day, we had a complimentary bottle of wine waiting at our table. Not a lot of expense to the cruise line but we were thrilled and very appreciative.


Sometimes small gestures can have a huge impact on repeat business.



What many don't understand is that "a little effort " in such a case by the cruise line is to their own benefit.

BTW you should be careful admitting your shameful past. Many here will label you a ungrateful money sucking leech

who is out to make cruising unfordable for all but the rich. You have been warned!;)

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I don't remember if it was posted' date=' however, the OP did post on JH's FB page, as well (7:22 AM 10/23/12 for anyone wanting to look it up). The OP stated the son and fiance WERE offered a $180 OBC. However, the computers went down. It wasn't until the last day when it was not on their statement that the son went down to check on it, but the original person who offered the credit was not working at the time. Doesn't sound to me as though the son was too very concerned about the OBC, or he would have checked back before the last minute.[/quote']


Nice catch on this. So DS and DIL weren't being so neglected as Mom seemed to imply. On that news, I'd say "Case Closed!"


Apology in advance

I did not read all 6 pages of replies.


I have a question that no one seemed to ask on page one and I didn't feel like reading 224 posts.


Someone dropped plates.

That I understand.

What I don't understand is how badly you can get cut from dropped plates unless you drop down and roll in the shattered pieces.


I wondered about this too, since most non-plastic plates are ceramic/pottery, i.e., those in the MDR. Might have been a salad bar plate some of which are glass, though I don't recall ever seeing these types on a ship.

Just my O, but I'd say when most of us read "cuts" we think gashes not scrapes. Most likely her "cuts" were closer to scrape like you're get from a thorn bush. And when we read "legs" we think the whole leg. But since it hurt a bit to walk could have cut/scraped along calf or near ankle, if th eplate was dropped behind her and pieces ricocheted off the deck. If near a leg vien, probably bled a lot, but mostly superficial. Needed band aids and salt water would certainly generate some pain sensation. Might have hurt a bit to walk too, but certainly not laming.

So it's sad to hear this happened but doesn't sound like it was Carnival's fault nor did Carnival neglect the passenger's care.

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It is unfortunate that this happened and put a damper on the cruise.


I think accidents happen and we have to deal with them.


Things could be much worse.


I, for one, do not want to go on a cruise and use paper plates at the buffet. I would find that pretty tacky.


Do I think that there shouldbe some compensation - No! Sorry!

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What many don't understand is that "a little effort " in such a case by the cruise line is to their own benefit.

BTW you should be careful admitting your shameful past. Many here will label you a ungrateful money sucking leech

who is out to make cruising unfordable for all but the rich. You have been warned!;)


Management onboard had all of the relevant facts before them when they made their decision. Nothing has been said in any of these posts that would make me want to second guess that decision. debmarie's situation was evaluated by management on the cruise that she was on and they came to a different conclusion in that particular instance.

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I don't remember if it was posted' date=' however, the OP did post on JH's FB page, as well (7:22 AM 10/23/12 for anyone wanting to look it up). The OP stated the son and fiance WERE offered a $180 OBC.[/quote']


Management onboard had all of the relevant facts before them when they made their decision. Nothing has been said in any of these posts that would make me want to second guess that decision. debmarie's situation was evaluated by management on the cruise that she was on and they came to a different conclusion in that particular instance.

Perhaps not so different a conclusion as evidenced by the offer of $180 OBC. Good for Carnival. More then generous.

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What many don't understand is that "a little effort " in such a case by the cruise line is to their own benefit.

BTW you should be careful admitting your shameful past. Many here will label you a ungrateful money sucking leech

who is out to make cruising unfordable for all but the rich. You have been warned!;)


Now this is where you are wrong. Many of us do not feel there is anything wrong with a company going above and beyond and they should be given kudos for doing so. What we disagree with is the sense of entitlement that some have when the company does not go above and beyond what they feel entitled to and then the poster comes to complain about something they didn't deserve, but felt entitled to get, and didn't get. Carnival was not at fault. The GF did not deserve to get anything from Carnival but the OP thought GF was entitled to it anyways. Anything Carnival gave the GF, including just giving her medical care, was Carnival going above and beyond and they should praised for it, not lambasted because you didn't think it was enough. Some of us don't have that sense of entitlement and we would have been thankful for anything Carnival gave us, including the medical care....they didn't even have to do that since it wasn't their fault.

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Yet another post where the majority of comments have very low expectations of customer service. The OP had a situation where great customer service recovery would have saved the day. Carnival does not seem to excel in this area.

But, in all honesty, why should they when so many jump to their defense......


If the majority is happy with ( and even defend) the status quo. Why would they change?


You seem confused about what many of us are saying.


If you believe that great customer service would've saved the day, how would you define that term? Should they have been given a free cruise for their trouble? The $200 credit the OP suggested? $100? $50?


If the status quo is that Carnival provides free medical care and says 'geez we're awfully sorry that happened to you', I am perfectly happy with that.


Can you "defend" the position that Carnival should give people free money for anything unfortunate that happens to them whilst on vacation?


Of course you can't, because it's a nonsensical position. We're not defending Carnival, they haven't done anything wrong where they require a defense. We're defending common sense, personal responsibility, and the ideal of a society that is not always focused on fixing blame, a feeling of entitlement and a victim mentality.

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I agree with many of the posters....It was another CCL passanger that caused the accident so CCL is not to blame. If they did pay for medical and offer obc then they went above and beyond what they had to do.


As for blaming the child, poster wait till your soon to be daughter in law has her own kids and see how fast accidents happen.........


As for not being able to go in the water, I don't get it. A few years ago my son ended up with 16 (or so) stitched in his leg 2 days before we left for a cruise. The doctor said to buy waterproof bandaides and tape and he was good to go.... He walked with crutches but still had a great time.

Just saying an 8 year old figured out how to make a bad situation good why can't a grown women?

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An injury was sustained by her DIL-to-be, through no fault of her own, which affected their holiday. A small goodwill gesture by CCL would NOT have been out of place.


This is true, it would not be out of place, but that is not the same as deserved, expected, required, etc.


It's like if your wife is having a tough week at work so on wednesday morning you have flowers delivered to brighten her day that is super. Certainly you have made her feel better and done a nice thing.


But if you don't send those flowers and it's just a regular old week and you're sympathetic but do nothing special, you're not in the wrong, there's no expectation or entitlement there.


If you get in the habit though, of always sending flowers when your wife has a tough week, you create an expectation that you will continue to do so. Then if you miss a week, you're in the doghouse.


That is the situation Carnival is in if it does what many of you suggest and give free money as 'goodwill'. They create an expectation that anyone suffering any sort of unfortunate circumstance will get some goodwill. This is a very bad business practice that would by necessity end up costing all of us in the long run.

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You seem confused about what many of us are saying.


If you believe that great customer service would've saved the day, how would you define that term? Should they have been given a free cruise for their trouble? The $200 credit the OP suggested? $100? $50?


If the status quo is that Carnival provides free medical care and says 'geez we're awfully sorry that happened to you', I am perfectly happy with that.


Can you "defend" the position that Carnival should give people free money for anything unfortunate that happens to them whilst on vacation?


Of course you can't, because it's a nonsensical position. We're not defending Carnival, they haven't done anything wrong where they require a defense. We're defending common sense, personal responsibility, and the ideal of a society that is not always focused on fixing blame, a feeling of entitlement and a victim mentality.

You have summed up my sentiments exactly. I am saddened by what I see in society today. We will never get ahead with so many people asking "What can you do for me?" instead of "What can I do for myself and for you?"

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My last few cruises, the plates as well as the coffee mugs have been melamine (hard plastic). But I am sure there are the ceramic plates (not glass) out there. My biggest question is how severe was she cut that it ruined her trip? My kids and myself often, accidentally break plates in the kitchen, on the patio, etc but we have never been injured in a way that the OP is suggesting. If anything, I would think she only would have had a few superficial scrapes that would not have prevented her from enjoying the beach and even laying out by the pool. Sorry, but I am just SMH about this one.

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have an attorney write a letter to carnival corp. their liability insurance will handle this.... same as a slip and fall in a grocery store. that's what you are after, isn't it? money? I'm assuming the cut was significant and required stitches? no? I thought the plates at the buffet were plastic... at least mine were on the Legend. :confused:


Our plates were plastic on the Glory and Inspiration too!? Hmmmm....some thing doesn't sound right?! :cool:

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:D They aren't glass. Remember, this is LIDO deck, where people are allowed to take their plates out to the pool areas & such. They are non-breakable already.;)


Exactly what I thought?! Some one else agrees they're already UNBREAKABLE PLASTIC PLATES. :confused:

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For Pete's sake, give it a rest. Carnival stepped up to the plate and provided medical care, something they normally charge for. Somehow a plate of chocolate covered strawberries or a bottle of wine or OBC is still necessary? How about some gratitude for the free medical care?



Oh my goodness EastTex, it's not as if the injuried person could just step off the ship to get to a Hospital or a Clinic for someone to attend her. I'm sure she was grateful for the assistance from the Medical staff, and even more grateful that they didn't charge her for their services.



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Now this is where you are wrong. Many of us do not feel there is anything wrong with a company going above and beyond and they should be given kudos for doing so.
Thank you for pointing out where I was wrong.;)


Now I am going to follow the OP's fine example (which I should have followed a hundred posts or so ago),

a leave this fine thread to others. Good luck to all.

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What many don't understand is that "a little effort " in such a case by the cruise line is to their own benefit.

BTW you should be careful admitting your shameful past. Many here will label you a ungrateful money sucking leech

who is out to make cruising unfordable for all but the rich. You have been warned!;)


I know. I thought twice before hitting "enter". I can't help thinking if Carnival had acted in a similar fashion, this thread wouldn't exist and the OP and her family would be happily booking their next Carnival cruise.


Disclaimer: Of course I have no idea what the actual details are...just going by what the OP reported.

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I believe they should have gotten a credit on the cruise for at least 200 dollars towards there expenses, or a future cruise


My son and his fiance were on the carnival imagination, for a birthday cruise to mexico, on the first day on the Buffet line, plates were dropped and my sons fiance legs were cut pretty badly, Carnival sent her to the infirmary were they bandaged her up but it pretty much ruilned the trip because she could not go into the pool, swim at the the beach or do any thing that involved walking alot, they asked for compensation on the ship, but...all they recieved was we are sorry, Why do the have Glass Plates on a buffet Line? accidents do happen but they should have had unbreakable plates there do to passengers who are clumsy, adults thinking there kids are old enough to walk with a plate etc. I went to a buffet the other day they had correlle unbreakable plates,Carnival should have foreseen this a s an accident waiting to happen. I travel Carnival quite a bit including one of the being one of the first Passengers on the Dream, I had just booked the Sunshine for May but have now cancelled that reservation until something can be done about my son and fiances dilema, They loved the ship, and the shows but thats all they could do, when they came back they called the cust relations department who said they would get back with them, which they did in a form letter stating we are sorry but thats it. I for one cannot support a cruiseline that looks the other way I am Platinum with RCCL and have alot of points with carnival, I also have been on NCL this is the first time we had any problems, and my son has been on Carnival at least 8 times in the last 8 years not a good way to treat guests. What do you think?


And now they have posted on JH ting the couple had been offered $180 onboard?


Something about this whole thing is not passing the smell test.


Nothing about the OBC mixup before leaving the ship.


Then saying they think they should get $200, but then posting they were supposedly offered $180???? but it was the last day blah blah blah.


I don't think they should be given anything and I hope the OP can move on. It's sad but there is more than we know going on I betcha.

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Oh my goodness EastTex, it's not as if the injuried person could just step off the ship to get to a Hospital or a Clinic for someone to attend her. I'm sure she was grateful for the assistance from the Medical staff, and even more grateful that they didn't charge her for their services.




Bless your heart Emi....of course she couldn't just step off the ship. All I was saying was that if the Carnival staff didn't see themselves as being at fault for the accident, they would have been clearly in the right to charge her for the care she received, but chose not to. I, for one, give them great credit for that alone. It would have been nice if the original poster, while asking if her daughter shouldn't have received something more in terms of compensation, would have at least acknowledged that in her posting.

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I am a bit confused about what happened. It is my impression that Carnival does not use glass plates at the buffet line, perhaps I am wrong. In addition, if some, especially a small child dropped a plate, it would fall and break. I don't think that the broken plate would fly through the air. Was the person who was injured wearing shoes, did he/she fall as a result of the broken plate and cut themselves?


If this happened in a restaurant in the United States the individual might have some recourse, but a ship outside of the territorial limits of the U.S. is usually immune from liabilitity.


With that being said, I would write a polite letter to Carnival and see what they would do.

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Bless your heart Emi....of course she couldn't just step off the ship. All I was saying was that if the Carnival staff didn't see themselves as being at fault for the accident, they would have been clearly in the right to charge her for the care she received, but chose not to. I, for one, give them great credit for that alone. It would have been nice if the original poster, while asking if her daughter shouldn't have received something more in terms of compensation, would have at least acknowledged that in her posting.


Why would Carnival offer something for a plate being dropped that doesn't break?


Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2

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I hope you don't carry this attitude on your cruise next week.


Thanks for your concern, but my attitude is great !! I'm looking forward to a fun and relaxing cruise, followed by 3 fun days and nights in beautiful New Orleans.


What I'm not looking forward to, however, is any great Carnival customer service should an issue arise while on my cruise.


I dont think I've heard of one single instance (in the 3-4 years I've been a reader of these boards) of Carnival admitting liability or showing remorse for ANY incident that occurs which negatively impacts a passengers enjoyment of the cruise.


Here's a customer service example story: I spent October 12, 13, & 14 in a newly opened Candlewood Suites in Mooresville NC. My brother was with me on this trip to attend a race in the Charlotte area. I slept on a (new) sofa bed in the living room of this 2 room suite so that my brother could rest his just operated on neck and shoulder in the bedrooms queen sized comfy bed. The sofa bed was uncomfortable to say the least, and did not allow me to get a good nights sleep. I'm an old guy who loves his Tempurpedic at home. Anyway .. a few days after returning home I received a email from the manager of the property asking if my stay was OK. I wrote back and mentioned the uncomfortable sofa bed and that if would be great if they could have coffeee in the lobby. I got a call from her a day later apoligizing for my bad experience on the sofa bed and extending to me an invitation to stay another night for free the next time I'm down in the Charlotte area. And that coffee would be served in the lobby 24/7 free of charge; they apparently had not received the equipment yet.


Can you imagine that type or level of customer service from Carnival ?? NO WAY !!


Both IHG (the parent company of Candlewood Suites) and Carnival are huge multi-national companies. One goes out of its way - in my experience - to make sure your experience with them is good. The other - again, in my experience - could simply care less.

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Thanks for your concern, but my attitude is great !! I'm looking forward to a fun and relaxing cruise, followed by 3 fun days and nights in beautiful New Orleans.


What I'm not looking forward to, however, is any great Carnival customer service should an issue arise while on my cruise.


I dont think I've heard of one single instance (in the 3-4 years I've been a reader of these boards) of Carnival admitting liability or showing remorse for ANY incident that occurs which negatively impacts a passengers enjoyment of the cruise.


Here's a customer service example story: I spent October 12, 13, & 14 in a newly opened Candlewood Suites in Mooresville NC. My brother was with me on this trip to attend a race in the Charlotte area. I slept on a (new) sofa bed in the living room of this 2 room suite so that my brother could rest his just operated on neck and shoulder in the bedrooms queen sized comfy bed. The sofa bed was uncomfortable to say the least, and did not allow me to get a good nights sleep. I'm an old guy who loves his Tempurpedic at home. Anyway .. a few days after returning home I received a email from the manager of the property asking if my stay was OK. I wrote back and mentioned the uncomfortable sofa bed and that if would be great if they could have coffeee in the lobby. I got a call from her a day later apoligizing for my bad experience on the sofa bed and extending to me an invitation to stay another night for free the next time I'm down in the Charlotte area. And that coffee would be served in the lobby 24/7 free of charge; they apparently had not received the equipment yet.


Can you imagine that type or level of customer service from Carnival ?? NO WAY !!


Both IHG (the parent company of Candlewood Suites) and Carnival are huge multi-national companies. One goes out of its way - in my experience - to make sure your experience with them is good. The other - again, in my experience - could simply care less.


Thanks for sharing your experience! And for being so polite!

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