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Do you dress to Impress?


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I am really upset by all of the bashing here. If one enjoys dressing up and the whole 9 yards....great. (this is the fashion section after all)


If one does not....great also.


We are all different and have different opinions to ALL subjects. This is what makes the world go round. The world would certainly become boring if we were all the same.


So, why the bashing? Are we all not sisters? If I lived next door to you, would you tell me to my face that you do not like the fact that I dress, wear make up...etc? No....you wouldn't. So why here? If it makes you feel better about yourself, then so be it.


My mother always taught me that if you have nothing nice to say.....

Being kind to people is what life is all about....not attacking people for who they are and what they believe in.


Now, I am sure that now I will be attacked...and I am also sure I know who it will be....but I wake up everyday and say "Thank you God for another beautiful day"

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My mother always taught me that if you have nothing nice to say.....

Being kind to people is what life is all about....not attacking people for who they are and what they believe in.


Then perhaps you should have followed that rule as well when creating this post. You started off the tone with calling those that don't dress to impress potentially lazy, old or not caring. You also posted about a man that insulted his wife for not doing so and it would appear you were in support of him doing that since you laughed about it. That post could very easily be seen as a "bash" to those that don't feel a need to dress up and wear makeup in order to leave the house or impress others.


I understand that you didn't see anything insulting in that yourself... just as those of us that disagree with this "dress to impress" concept appear to be considered insulting to your side/point of view of the discussion. I don't believe that anyone is trying to insult anyone but it certainly can be taken that way if you don't have enough confidence in yourself.

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Then perhaps you should have followed that rule as well when creating this post. You started off the tone with calling those that don't dress to impress potentially lazy, old or not caring. You also posted about a man that insulted his wife for not doing so and it would appear you were in support of him doing that since you laughed about it. That post could very easily be seen as a "bash" to those that don't feel a need to dress up and wear makeup in order to leave the house or impress others.


Absolutely - this whole thread started with a "bash" to women who don't dress to impress other people (presumably men, since the entire original post was about how men wanted their women to dress ("are we getting too lazy? Too old to care about make-up, hair, attire? ")

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I am really upset by all of the bashing here. If one enjoys dressing up and the whole 9 yards....great. (this is the fashion section after all)


If one does not....great also.


We are all different and have different opinions to ALL subjects. This is what makes the world go round. The world would certainly become boring if we were all the same.


So, why the bashing? Are we all not sisters? If I lived next door to you, would you tell me to my face that you do not like the fact that I dress, wear make up...etc? No....you wouldn't. So why here? If it makes you feel better about yourself, then so be it.


My mother always taught me that if you have nothing nice to say.....

Being kind to people is what life is all about....not attacking people for who they are and what they believe in.


Now, I am sure that now I will be attacked...and I am also sure I know who it will be....but I wake up everyday and say "Thank you God for another beautiful day"


Hi Susie8862


Please do not let some of the posts upset you, take a deep breath and forget about it. I do not take CC seriously. I am not a confrontation person, when someone doing it, I just walk away or ignoring them. I rarely get upset or mad at anyone or anything, if I am upset at you or anything, I am upset at myself. I like me :), I do not want to get mad me :D.


Take care and have a great day.



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I disagree with those who say the OP's post and title were bashing anyone. I just reread it to make sure, and I still don't see it. Seems to me some of you are way too sensitive about this. Flame suit on.


Just like no one that objects to what she said sees their own posts in return as a bash. It's all in the eye of the beholder. She feels she's been bashed or that others have been bashed when nothing of the sort has been done. She also said that if you have nothing nice to say then don't say it... yet the original post has negatives in it.


I think that she's being a little oversensitive if she or anyone else things they're being bashed as well.

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I really tried to keep out of this one, alas I failed!


I have opinions on the subject of course working in the health and beauty field where image is everywhere. Now there is one poster on here who has been a bit harsh I think, but everyone is entitled to their opinion but I think if you prefer to be a plane Jane or an overdressed Olivia it is up to you.


For the record I am normally over than under dressed. My husband doesn't like makeup but I wear it if I want too but always light, he doesn't know I have it on half the time. In my 20/30's I was known for my fashion sense and appearance, sounds conceited but I lapped it up, now not so much but I do still want to look good.


I went to the HRC at Universal and had on a pair of black trousers and a nice black top and high heeled black boots and the hostess was like wow where are you going tonight?, I said I am here! I was apparently over dressed even in what I considered a casual outfit!


To be honest since I moved to the States, I do think more about what to wear in the evening as not a lot of folk are as dressy in the regular haunts, lots of Mickey T shirts though;). Whenever I put a dress and high heels on some people look, some comment on my hair as it is butt length poker straight blonde so it tends to draw attention and folks comment on my purse or shoes (as some of you know I have a fetish and have some great looking and wacky shoes), others are maybe thinking wow she is overdressed and who does she think she is strutting around (I don't strut......anymore)!.


So for me I am on the right side of 40, rounder than I wan't to be, but I can still hold my own and turn a head, it' s just older heads that turn now, so is that dress to impress, guess so and I don't care who looks and what they say good or bad!

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It's always interesting on the CC boards to watch a perfectly innocent querie get blown out of proportion. As long as it doesn't get ugly, everyone is entitled to their opinion. Unfortunately, some people need to be right all the time.


What I found very interesting were the responses of the folks who do not believe in spending much time on their appearance. IMHO, they seemed to be the most judgemental. The person who says she doesn't wear much makeup looks like she doesn't need much. She looks pretty good----I need a LOT of help so that I don't scare small children.


I hope this doesn't sound too paranoid, but when I joined a women's group for women with a college degree, I felt the women who didn't wear makeup or dress acted uncomfortable around me. After reading this thread, I am thinking some people who don't wear makeup or dress, don't like people who do!

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Again, I think it's not the "dress" part that is rubbing some of us the wrong way. It's the "impress" part.


I actually "dress" nicely every day when I'm working. I "dress" for formal nights on ships, and probably look nicer than two-thirds of the other cruisers on casual evenings too.


I dress nicely for many reasons. I want to look professional at work. I want to be respectful of my host at a party. I want to be appropriate. But what I don't do is "dress to impress." That has overtones of either the 1950s ("I've got to please my man!") or perhaps Joan Collins dripping with diamonds on "Dynasty" in the 1980s (Dress to impress! Dress to excess!).


Who would I be trying to impress with the way I dress? A potential mate? A new acquaintance? Someone on board a ship that I may never see again? I sure hope they'd be interested in me more for my intelligence, wit, kindness, love of travel, etc. than for the way I look. I have to think any relationship based on one's looks would be inevitably doomed as one does not remain young forever.


I feel that caring so much about appearances (your own or others) is sadly limiting. You may miss unexpected beauty in someone -- interior or even exterior -- who may not conform to your narrow viewpoint on how people "should" look. Or by not getting to know someone because you think they are "lazy" or "not trying", you could miss out on the conversation or friendship of a lifetime.

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I get that a lot also living in Fl people tend to be very casual. I just am not a tee shirt kind of girl. In fact I don't even own a tee shirt.

When my DH and I go out I'm always in heels more than likely a dress.

I just feel much better when my hair is done makeup on Jewery always.

For shopping in the winter here you would find me in jeans a sweater a colorful wrap around my neck. Cute flats or heels depending on how long I'll be shopping for. Am I over dressed no. And I feel great:).

Something I really do not like about some women who don't dress or makeup is the judgey way they often are. I used to get a lot of that when my daughter was in school. Seemed I was one of the few moms who didn't show up in baggy jeans tee shirts. Did I care that they dressed like that nope. So why care that I didn't and never have.

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here's another interesting thought... the man that sued his ex-wife because she gave him an ugly baby. She had had plastic surgery and he did not know it, so the baby of course did not inherit her purchased features. He won too.



Edited by sherilyn70
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here's another interesting thought... the man that sued his ex-wife because she gave him an ugly baby. She had had plastic surgery and he did not know it, so the baby of course did not inherit her purchased features. He won too.



Nothing interesting here, just stupidity on the man's part as well as the court. I know someone who was a model for the Wilhelmina Model Agency and her husband was drop dead handsome. Their daughter did not inherit any looks from either parent.


Susie8862, there might not be any out and out bashing here but I do see some passive aggression.

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Here something I just thought of. Is your home also a reflection of you.

Mine is. Its not messy or cluttered. Soft classic fabrics clean smooth lines No chunky puffy couches or chairs. lots of candles, Nice artwork.

I feel like I dress my home like I dress myself. Do I make me home look like this becuse I want to impress. Nope I do it for me and my DH. Am I proud of how my home looks yes I am. Becuse it is a refelction of who I am:)

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Zen-like, artsy, modern, minimalist and uncomplicated. It is entirely suited to us and we are not at all concerned about what others think of it, if they think of it at all.


I subscribe to the negative space aspect of life; what is NOT there is just as important as what IS present.


Animal hair? I think it is an underutilized aspect of home decor and that's why you will see the occasional tres chic cat hair tumbleweed at my abode. How they escape the vacuum cleaner is a mystery right up there with Roswell!

Edited by Bookish Angel
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here's another interesting thought... the man that sued his ex-wife because she gave him an ugly baby. She had had plastic surgery and he did not know it, so the baby of course did not inherit her purchased features. He won too.




Although a bit off topic for what we are talking about I would just like to add, having lived in that part of Asia for a few years, it is a very image and materialistic driven society generally where face is very important. (I am not talking about a face but the expression losing face - which the husband probably thought he had having an "ugly baby", poor wee thing eh)?

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Again, I think it's not the "dress" part that is rubbing some of us the wrong way. It's the "impress" part.


I actually "dress" nicely every day when I'm working. I "dress" for formal nights on ships, and probably look nicer than two-thirds of the other cruisers on casual evenings too.


I dress nicely for many reasons. I want to look professional at work. I want to be respectful of my host at a party. I want to be appropriate. But what I don't do is "dress to impress." That has overtones of either the 1950s ("I've got to please my man!") or perhaps Joan Collins dripping with diamonds on "Dynasty" in the 1980s (Dress to impress! Dress to excess!).


Who would I be trying to impress with the way I dress? A potential mate? A new acquaintance? Someone on board a ship that I may never see again? I sure hope they'd be interested in me more for my intelligence, wit, kindness, love of travel, etc. than for the way I look. I have to think any relationship based on one's looks would be inevitably doomed as one does not remain young forever.


I feel that caring so much about appearances (your own or others) is sadly limiting. You may miss unexpected beauty in someone -- interior or even exterior -- who may not conform to your narrow viewpoint on how people "should" look. Or by not getting to know someone because you think they are "lazy" or "not trying", you could miss out on the conversation or friendship of a lifetime.


Sing it sister.


I get offended when I am called "lazy", "not trying", etc., because I do not at least put on a full face of makeup and country club casual clothes everytime I step out my door. When I go to work, I put on a natural looking set of cosmetics (gasp! she puts on tinted moisturizer, eyeliner, mascara:eek:). My hair is washed and styled. My clothes are clean. When I'm not going to work, I bring out my clean, everyday clothes. I'll put on my La Perla undies and my Prima Donna bra. Then, I'll put on my white Ann Taylor basic Tshirt, my jeans. For my town, that is all that is necessary and appropriate to wear to any restaurant in town. If you want to do more and look more like those we see on TV or the idealized times of old, feel free. But, just because I don't do it, please don't presume to call me lazy or not trying.


My home is a reflection of me. Classic, basic furniture, built to last rather than look pretty for a few years and then look dated and tired. Canvases of photos I've taken myself on my trips around the world. A kitchen decked out in ceramics based on one photo I had from a trip to Tuscany (with drawer pulls I brought back - each one different different). No candles because I can't stand their smell, but I do have a jar of vanilla that wafts through the kitchen. I invest my money in investment-grade kitchenware that no one will see, but they will like the items that come out of me using those utensils. They won't notice that the dishes I'm using are plain white ceramic and not painted up porcelain because they are enjoying what is served on them.

And, I do have the dog hair statues all over the floor - slate floors and air currents make for constantly evolving art pieces ;)

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Zen-like, artsy, modern, minimalist and uncomplicated. It is entirely suited to us and we are not at all concerned about what others think of it, if they think of it at all.


I subscribe to the negative space aspect of life; what is NOT there is just as important as what IS present.

I 100% agree with you on this. I am a total freak about what can be in the bedroom. And a t.v is not one of them. I want my whole home to always be peaceful. But that dosn't always happen but in the bedroom it is a must.


Animal hair? I think it is an underutilized aspect of home decor and that's why you will see the occasional tres chic cat hair tumbleweed at my abode. How they escape the vacuum cleaner is a mystery right up there with Roswell!

LOL I swear I have hidden cats in my house There is no way mine could shed that much:)

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So we have established some people don't care about how they look, some dress nicely/conservatively and others over dress.


So why do some still feel the need to slate people that they consider to over dress or dress to impress?


I have said "tosh" to the computer on a couple of things I have read on this page but I am done with it as what does it bring to our lives berating each other which was why I avoided this one for so long and I knew I would get pissed off with it? I also tried to keep it non personal unlike others as I can rise above it.


Buy hey, I am going to grow old disgracefully and wear what the h*ll I want!


So now, I am going to grab my Louboutins and strut off and do some Christmas shopping.....lol

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Although a bit off topic for what we are talking about I would just like to add, having lived in that part of Asia for a few years, it is a very image and materialistic driven society generally where face is very important. (I am not talking about a face but the expression losing face - which the husband probably thought he had having an "ugly baby", poor wee thing eh)?


Actually, I believe he sued for fraud, and she did commit it by not disclosing the $100K of surgery that she had. He won on that basis. I'm not saying that's right, but it is legal.

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Dish wear and stem wear would be where my funky side comes out. All my dish wear matches but its all diff colors some what like feista wear but bigger. I live in a funky artsy beach village. So I am able to buy some really great art and things. I just to a glass blowing class with a really fab glass blower.


Totaly get the floor thing i have really high gloss marble tile super slick. The cat fur just runs away..lol This would not have been my choice pretty but way to slipery. But not going to replace it. Nothing wrong with it.

I get the smell thing I can stand fake smells. I have all unsented just love the light of candles at night.

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I disagree with those who say the OP's post and title were bashing anyone. I just reread it to make sure, and I still don't see it. Seems to me some of you are way too sensitive about this. Flame suit on.


I agree, there seems to be a great deal of hostility in some of the posts.


As long as you are happy with yourself, who cares what you wear?



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Sing it sister.


I get offended when I am called "lazy", "not trying", etc., because I do not at least put on a full face of makeup and country club casual clothes everytime I step out my door. When I go to work, I put on a natural looking set of cosmetics (gasp! she puts on tinted moisturizer, eyeliner, mascara:eek:). My hair is washed and styled. My clothes are clean. When I'm not going to work, I bring out my clean, everyday clothes. I'll put on my La Perla undies and my Prima Donna bra. Then, I'll put on my white Ann Taylor basic Tshirt, my jeans. For my town, that is all that is necessary and appropriate to wear to any restaurant in town. If you want to do more and look more like those we see on TV or the idealized times of old, feel free. But, just because I don't do it, please don't presume to call me lazy or not trying.




I’ve tried to stay out of this for the last couple of days but couldn’t resist one last post.


Slidergirl, I think you’re arguing for the wrong side. I don’t think anyone here would call you either lazy nor ‘not trying’ because by your own admission you think about hygiene, cleanliness and put some thought into the clothes you wear.


Noone on this thread has said anyone has to wear high-heels, push-up bras and makeup, period. Noone has suggested anyone has to look like a superstar in order to “impress” or merely be dressed appropriately. This rigid interpretation was concocted by a few who couldn’t see past the innocent intention behind the word 'impress' in the title – an admission by the author of the thread herself. From the title a few launched into a big ‘why should I … “ campaign.


As for names like ‘slob’ and ‘hooker’ (from early pages) well yes they’re insulting but again the implication behind refers to the major extremes at either end of a big scale and I doubt there is one person on this thread that would fall into either category though many are arguing as though the majority do. In fact I’m tempted to start a thread with a poll of where everyone fit’s on such a scale.


It’s interesting that earlier I was berated for suggesting a woman wear a bra (not a push-up, cleavage enhancing bra, just any bra) by a woman who wears a bra. Is there anyone on this thread who would go out in public with breasts sitting on their waists? Anyone? I’m not talking about pert 25 year olds who don’t need a bra by the way. Why argue so vehemently about it and take such offence when by your own admission you prefer to wear one?


Some have insisted on making every innocent statement an example of an extreme where the vast majority of posters have views somewhere in the middle. Makeup for me most days is tinted moisturiser, a little lipstick and mascara – just like you Slidergirl. I’ll wear a little more in the evening. I’m usually in flats but I do own some very comfortable 2 inch heels (that’s as much of a heel as I can tolerate). If I could walk in a stiletto without killing myself or getting blisters I would. If you’ve no desire too, good for you.


Again, noone on this thread has said anything about having to wear high-heels, having to wear makeup (certainly not having to cake it on), noone has said you have to look like Angelina Jolie or any other celebrity, be any size other than the size you are, or that you have to colour your hair, look like a porn queen or have teeth-whitening treatments and plastic surgery. It would be so great if everyone could read each other’s post’s with the intention of understanding the other’s viewpoint rather than merely defending their own and if I’m guilty of that I apologize.


As for the cat fur – my home is also enhanced by “the occasional tres chic cat hair tumbleweed” and the odd faux fur mouse toy in various stages of dismantlement – the perfect accessories for my less-is-more eclectic abode.:)

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