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Fellow cruisers: do/do not courtesies to your shipmates


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Please don't sunbathe topless on your balcony. Although my husband and son appreciated the view I did not.


I guess whether that is discourteous or a nice gesture of friendliness depends.

Some people take the description of "private balcony way too literal. :D :D


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So if you end up taking a table that sits more than two (say that's all that's available) and other passengers want to sit with you' date=' you're not going to let them...or do you simply wait until there's just a table for two, even if that's for a while?[/quote']


While we would never take a large table, that seats 6-8 people, we do sometimes sit at a 4-top even though it's just the two of us. But most of the time we are able to find a table for 2 so there is no potential problem. But I should clarify that we do not go to the buffet at "peak" meal time hours. For lunch we generally go around 1:00 or 2:00 in the afternoon when it's less crowded. So, yes, if we're sitting at a 4-top and another couple boldly asks if they can sit with us, I would more than likely say "sorry, we'd rather not." Now if I could be guaranteed they wouldn't want to make a bunch of "small talk" with us, then fine, sit down and eat your meal. :) But, more than likely they would start in with the questions...where are you from, what type of work do you do, how many kids do you have...blah...blah...blah. Not interested in that. I don't enjoy small talk with strangers, I'm a very quiet shy person. We cruise to enjoy the ship, the ports of call, and each other's company. I would never, ever dream of asking anyone if WE could sit with them, and I wouldn't like it being done to us either. There are PLENTY of tables at the buffet. If you can't find an empty table, walk around once more and you probably will. People are coming and going all the time. I don't feel there is any reason why someone should have to share a table if they don't wish to. People don't ask to share tables (at least I've never seen it done) at buffet restaurants on land, I don't understand why some think it should be done on a ship.

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This thread seems to have gotten off topic with lengthy discussions. Better to just state what rude actions you have observed.


A friend of ours was in an elevator when someone entered it carrying a plate of food and cups of hot coffee. He ended up being doused by the coffee. Please use the take away cups offered at the buffet or have coffee delivered to your cabin. Our friend could have easily been hurt by that hot coffee.

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Well on the Golden Princess it is hard not to see the people on Dolphin deck on their balconies. They are fully exposed to everyone above them. We were on deck 15 and could see whatever was on the balconies, just by looking at the dock or the ocean. Believe me, I wish we couldn't see onto those balconies!

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While we would never take a large table, that seats 6-8 people, we do sometimes sit at a 4-top even though it's just the two of us. But most of the time we are able to find a table for 2 so there is no potential problem. But I should clarify that we do not go to the buffet at "peak" meal time hours. For lunch we generally go around 1:00 or 2:00 in the afternoon when it's less crowded. So, yes, if we're sitting at a 4-top and another couple boldly asks if they can sit with us, I would more than likely say "sorry, we'd rather not." Now if I could be guaranteed they wouldn't want to make a bunch of "small talk" with us, then fine, sit down and eat your meal. :) But, more than likely they would start in with the questions...where are you from, what type of work do you do, how many kids do you have...blah...blah...blah. Not interested in that. I don't enjoy small talk with strangers, I'm a very quiet shy person. We cruise to enjoy the ship, the ports of call, and each other's company. I would never, ever dream of asking anyone if WE could sit with them, and I wouldn't like it being done to us either. There are PLENTY of tables at the buffet. If you can't find an empty table, walk around once more and you probably will. People are coming and going all the time. I don't feel there is any reason why someone should have to share a table if they don't wish to. People don't ask to share tables (at least I've never seen it done) at buffet restaurants on land, I don't understand why some think it should be done on a ship.


Thankfully you don't go to the buffet during peak times. I have been to the buffet during peak times (sometimes one has to go when they have to go) and fortunately I do know about the back seating areas on the Horizon Court (Princess buffet) that have them. But if it looks crowded and if even the back seating areas are crowded, we're going to ask if we can join people if there are seats, especially if we're carrying a full meal on our platter. Most of the time, people smiled and say please, do so. And we've had some great times doing so. And yes, I tend to be shy while my hubby definitely isn't, but I rarely have seen people grimace about this. And we certainly will agree to share a table. We have even done this at casual diners where there's benches instead of separate tables (for example, Andria's in Ventura Harbor).


Ship dining can be a bit different than dining on land, but in our view, the uniqueness adds to the adventure of going on a cruise for many of us.

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Please please if you are in a wheel chair, understand there are other people around you also! While waiting for an elevator once, a woman in a wheel chair came barreling around the corner as it dinged. During this time she knocked over my 5 year old, including running over his hand when he feel. No apologies as she pushed onto the elevator in front of 8+ people already waiting. Just because you are in a wheel chair doesn't mean you get to go first if there is a line! Disney may say differently in their parks, but you aren't there!


Man! If that were my kid, I would have given her a piece of my mind! (As well as pieces of various other objects launched at her :rolleyes:)

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I Push the emergency button, ring the alarm, detain the person, and seek medical attention, and have the wheel chair bound person pay the bill.


As we were not there what if she had an emergency of her own....


and what if you did that, you be the one in trouble.


rudeness goes along way... guess it was not serious enough to call help

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I was quite put off by the woman in front of me at a midnight buffet licking her fingers each time she used one utensil and then picked up the next. :eek:


:eek: I would have loudly called her out so that everyone around was aware...

(I actually did a similar thing once - not on a boat, but in a shop where you served yourself your own soft-serve ice cream; the teenage girl in front of me was using her finger to get a little from the spout of each flavor, and of course licking her finger in between... While my loud request for her to stop resulted in some embarrassed laughter from my friends and more than a few dirty looks from her and her partner, at least she stopped, and I'm sure everyone behind us in line was grateful!)

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:eek: I would have loudly called her out so that everyone around was aware...

(I actually did a similar thing once - not on a boat, but in a shop where you served yourself your own soft-serve ice cream; the teenage girl in front of me was using her finger to get a little from the spout of each flavor, and of course licking her finger in between... While my loud request for her to stop resulted in some embarrassed laughter from my friends and more than a few dirty looks from her and her partner, at least she stopped, and I'm sure everyone behind us in line was grateful!)


I had a friend who was in Golden Cooral when he saw a guy lick the serving spoon of the macaroni and cheese. He reported him to the manager and the manager booted the guy out-now my friend no longer goes there. He says no telling what else happens that we do not notice. We do not like buffets either.


Let's face it buffets at home is for those who want to be pigs-as it is all you can eat and not that great tasting - you can get a better quality meal at places like Applebees for about the same price-it is just not unlimited-but heck when Applebees' meals have 2000 calories why is that not enough? Why do people like those places?

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I had a friend who was in Golden Cooral when he saw a guy lick the serving spoon of the macaroni and cheese. He reported him to the manager and the manager booted the guy out-now my friend no longer goes there. He says no telling what else happens that we do not notice. We do not like buffets either.


Let's face it buffets at home is for those who want to be pigs-as it is all you can eat and not that great tasting - you can get a better quality meal at places like Applebees for about the same price-it is just not unlimited-but heck when Applebees' meals have 2000 calories why is that not enough? Why do people like those places?


I don't like buffets either, but I had a friend who was raising a teenage boy on a limited budget and those were a godsend for her and his hollow leg.

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Let's face it buffets at home is for those who want to be pigs-as it is all you can eat and not that great tasting - you can get a better quality meal at places like Applebees for about the same price-it is just not unlimited-but heck when Applebees' meals have 2000 calories why is that not enough? Why do people like those places?


Not everyone "pigs out" at buffets. You may not like them, and may feel the food doesn't taste that great, but obviously a lot of people do enjoy them and think the food is good or buffet places would go out of business. And, as a PP mentioned, if you have children to feed a buffet is sometimes the most affordable for some families to be able to go out to dinner.


I don't "pig out" at buffets, but I do enjoy them. I always start with a big salad loaded up with vegetables (no extras like croutons and bacon bits that add so many calories), and when I go to the hot table I choose 3 or 4 items, and I don't load up my plate like some do. For me I probably eat less at a buffet than I would at Applebee's if we ordered an appetizer, entree, dessert AND an alcoholic drink.


Yes, some people don't have common sense when eating from a buffet, like the guy who licked the spoon from a serving dish. I used to be a waitress at a restaurant that had a daily buffet (plus full menu) and I saw stuff like that happen a few times. But. Things also happen in the kitchen that dining patrons don't see. Trust me. :) The only way you're going to know for sure how the food is prepared and handled is if you cook at home.

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Not everyone "pigs out" at buffets. You may not like them, and may feel the food doesn't taste that great, but obviously a lot of people do enjoy them and think the food is good or buffet places would go out of business. And, as a PP mentioned, if you have children to feed a buffet is sometimes the most affordable for some families to be able to go out to dinner.


I don't "pig out" at buffets, but I do enjoy them. I always start with a big salad loaded up with vegetables (no extras like croutons and bacon bits that add so many calories), and when I go to the hot table I choose 3 or 4 items, and I don't load up my plate like some do. For me I probably eat less at a buffet than I would at Applebee's if we ordered an appetizer, entree, dessert AND an alcoholic drink.


Yes, some people don't have common sense when eating from a buffet, like the guy who licked the spoon from a serving dish. I used to be a waitress at a restaurant that had a daily buffet (plus full menu) and I saw stuff like that happen a few times. But. Things also happen in the kitchen that dining patrons don't see. Trust me. :) The only way you're going to know for sure how the food is prepared and handled is if you cook at home.


I do not know you and I was not directing that comment at you or anyone else in particular- that was merely an obversation of mine-but the fact that you take such offence does make me wonder why.

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I do not know you and I was not directing that comment at you or anyone else in particular- that was merely an obversation of mine-but the fact that you take such offence does make me wonder why.


Hold on there hoss. You said "Let's face it buffets at home is for those who want to be pigs". Yvonne was simply saying your generalization did not apply to everyone. You seem to be very defensive about someone questioning your very broad and inaccurate statement.

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I do not know you and I was not directing that comment at you or anyone else in particular- that was merely an obversation of mine-but the fact that you take such offence does make me wonder why.

Yvonne's post was actually quite polite given your remark about people who like buffets.

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Yvonne's post was actually quite polite given your remark about people who like buffets.


Okay perhaps I worded it a bit strongly. I still do not understand why so many of you are going on the defence about it- after all -all it is is my opinion-and that does not make me right or any of you right either-just an opinion-that is all.


However with my experience of what I have seen that is true and some of that those I have seen were friends and family members all with diabetes like me who knew better. Now I have never over eaten or left tons of uneaten food,myself at least not since I reached adulthood-but I have seen both done plenty.


My biggest reason for not eatting at those places however, was not only the horror stories but the fact that I came down with "stomach virues" 3 times after eatting at a buffet-which is why now it has been 5 years plus since I have eaten at Golden Cooral or Ryans either one.


One thing also that makes my experience different I am sure is, I only had one child, who was not a big eater-so it did not save me money to eat at those type places. I never bought her a full meal, usually just an ala'carte-even after she hit her teens. often I simply asked for another plate and gave her some of my food since with my health issues I could not eat 2000 plus calories at one sitting and that was most restaurants give you. (You are allowed another plate when you are not buying a buffet)


I just want to add I have had diabetes for over 20 years and I am yet to go on insulin so I must be doing something right. Some of my felow family members cannot not say that and they are some of those buffet "pigs." and yes they knew better as our mother was diabetic since she was a teen. Maybe that is why I worded it so strongly.

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Okay perhaps I worded it a bit strongly. I still do not understand why so many of you are going on the defence about it- after all -all it is is my opinion-and that does not make me right or any of you right either-just an opinion-that is all.


you're still surprised? you basically just called everyone who likes buffets a pig. I like buffets. You think people who like buffets are pigs. Therefore, you think I'm a pig.

well! nice to meet you too!


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One time at band camp......


I seen this guy place his whole fce down , nearly in the soup and spoon to his nose, inches from the soup, and walked away. While any person who has the decency to grab a cup dish a small portion to the cup......


That was with the face shield in place, so go imagine why some refuse to be at a buffet.


I enjoy the buffet especially at the cruise ship. But I do not enjoy how the people show their manners when getting their food. I do not let that bother me, as long as the food is not played with, I am happy.


Man this is not Golden coral!:D

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you're still surprised? you basically just called everyone who likes buffets a pig. I like buffets. You think people who like buffets are pigs. Therefore, you think I'm a pig.

well! nice to meet you too!



Miss rolleyes if you want to talk about rude- look in the mirror. I DID try to apologize and let you know I was referring to people I personally knew with whom I had gone to those type places. I also said I could not understand why someone who I do not know would take offence, unless you live in my town and I saw YOU eating-how could I mean you? (and yes I have seen others eatting eatting too much not of my party) I will not back down anymore from what I said just because you or nayone else take offense. It does make me wonder WHY though this has upset so many of you.


As I said of my siblings-all 4 us have diabetes- I am the only one not an insulin dependant diabetic and I have had it the longest. Buffets for me were never a good buy because I ate one plate of salad and one plate of food and no go backs -my daughter even as an adult never even ate that much.


Let's face it-why do you think you can go to Appelbees, TGI Fridays, O'Charly's even Logans and get a filet mignon mind you-for about the same price-when the food is a better quality, plus they are still givng you at least 2000 calories. (which I can't eat all of that either-it is doggie bags for me) These buffets still need to make a profit and basially those of us who are not big eaters are paying for the overeaters. It is just not a good choice in my mind for anyone-even healthy people.


You know I felt that way already before getting food poisioning/ stomach bugs? within 24 hours of eatting in those type places 3 times. If you want to hear rude-well I went once on my lunch break from work my own. I used to merchandise in stores and so I would spend an hour in each store on my route and since I worked on my own I normally had lunch on my own. One time I gave a gal a dollar coin as a tip (back when the lunch buffet was $5.99 in including drink-that long ago) and she loudly and rudely told all her workmates I only tipped her a quarter, purposely wanting me to overhear her. I told her she needed to look at that quarter again. That was the last time I went in that restaurant too although I made sure the manager knew about it.


However back to the subject-this thread is supposed to be about rude people on cruises-and no matter how offended anyone else gets I am not replying again-call me what you want-I don't know you so what does it matter.

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Some folks have taken a few pot shots at Golden Corral. Let me say that there are none in my area and I only frequent them when I am on vacation. Basically I eat a large salad from the salad bar along with their steak. Yes, call me names if you wish, but I have gone up for a second helping of steak. Quite frankly I have found their steak to be much better than the steaks that I had in the MDR on my last Princess cruise.;)

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Let's face it buffets at home is for those who want to be pigs
Okay perhaps I worded it a bit strongly. I still do not understand why so many of you are going on the defence about it- after all -all it is is my opinion-and that does not make me right or any of you right either-just an opinion-that is all.
Miss rolleyes if you want to talk about rude- look in the mirror. I DID try to apologize and let you know I was referring to people I personally knew with whom I had gone to those type places. I also said I could not understand why someone who I do not know would take offence, unless you live in my town and I saw YOU eating-how could I mean you? (and yes I have seen others eatting eatting too much not of my party) I will not back down anymore from what I said just because you or nayone else take offense. It does make me wonder WHY though this has upset so many of you.


As I said of my siblings-all 4 us have diabetes- I am the only one not an insulin dependant diabetic and I have had it the longest. Buffets for me were never a good buy because I ate one plate of salad and one plate of food and no go backs -my daughter even as an adult never even ate that much.


Let's face it-why do you think you can go to Appelbees, TGI Fridays, O'Charly's even Logans and get a filet mignon mind you-for about the same price-when the food is a better quality, plus they are still givng you at least 2000 calories. (which I can't eat all of that either-it is doggie bags for me) These buffets still need to make a profit and basially those of us who are not big eaters are paying for the overeaters. It is just not a good choice in my mind for anyone-even healthy people.


You know I felt that way already before getting food poisioning/ stomach bugs? within 24 hours of eatting in those type places 3 times. If you want to hear rude-well I went once on my lunch break from work my own. I used to merchandise in stores and so I would spend an hour in each store on my route and since I worked on my own I normally had lunch on my own. One time I gave a gal a dollar coin as a tip (back when the lunch buffet was $5.99 in including drink-that long ago) and she loudly and rudely told all her workmates I only tipped her a quarter, purposely wanting me to overhear her. I told her she needed to look at that quarter again. That was the last time I went in that restaurant too although I made sure the manager knew about it.


However back to the subject-this thread is supposed to be about rude people on cruises-and no matter how offended anyone else gets I am not replying again-call me what you want-I don't know you so what does it matter.

Glad to hear you won't be responding again. :)

For future reference, an opinion would be something like, "I don't like buffets because the food isn't as good and I think there is too much of it."

A rude, judgmental, and unnecessary statement is what YOU said.

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