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Carnival Triumph Thoughts


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The Carnival Triumph situation is being exploded in the media, with people sensationalizing everything about what's happening. I am disgusted by how CNN is asking the stupidest questions, and going on and on about things that really lack relevance to the situation. Stuff happens, there's no need to make such a massive deal over it. Those who are on the ship I do feel for you and would not want to be in your situation, but calling into news stations exaggerating what's going on isn't really doing much; there's a big difference between the extremely negative reports and the not-so-negative ones. The crew of the Triumph are doing everything they can, although there is only so much they can do with the situation. The company is preparing for arrival, making sure passengers are able to get back home, etc.


I think people really need to sit back and relax over this situation. Really no need for talk of law suits, nothing. Sorry for the rant, just feel like it's necessary for what's going on, and since the media is skewing it so horrifically. The passengers are getting EXTREMELY generous compensation for what they have endured too.

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The Carnival Triumph situation is being exploded in the media, with people sensationalizing everything about what's happening. I am disgusted by how CNN is asking the stupidest questions, and going on and on about things that really lack relevance to the situation. Stuff happens, there's no need to make such a massive deal over it. Those who are on the ship I do feel for you and would not want to be in your situation, but calling into news stations exaggerating what's going on isn't really doing much; there's a big difference between the extremely negative reports and the not-so-negative ones. The crew of the Triumph are doing everything they can, although there is only so much they can do with the situation. The company is preparing for arrival, making sure passengers are able to get back home, etc.


I think people really need to sit back and relax over this situation. Really no need for talk of law suits, nothing. Sorry for the rant, just feel like it's necessary for what's going on, and since the media is skewing it so horrifically. The passengers are getting EXTREMELY generous compensation for what they have endured too.



Sensationalizing? Give an example? The sewage running down the walls? There is now video of the sewage running down the walls. Having to poop in plastic bags? There are now pictures of the red bio-hazard plastic bags people had to poop in.


And they are getting "EXTREMELY generous compensation"? Really? Just a refund and a cruise equal to what they paid and $500. You try going thru what they went thru. See if you would think that's enough.


And instead of getting off the ship and going right to a Mobile hotel to shower they are being stuffed on a bus for a 2-hour ride to New Orleans or 7-hour ride to Galveston. Mobile has plenty of hotels and by golly they have themselves a real live airport too! Who gets to get off the ship and shower and relax in a Mobile hotel? The crew. Perfect. The final slap in the face to the passengers.

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Sensationalizing? Give an example? The sewage running down the walls? There is now video of the sewage running down the walls. Having to poop in plastic bags? There are now pictures of the red bio-hazard plastic bags people had to poop in.


And they are getting "EXTREMELY generous compensation"? Really? Just a refund and a cruise equal to what they paid and $500. You try going thru what they went thru. See if you would think that's enough.


And instead of getting off the ship and going right to a Mobile hotel to shower they are being stuffed on a bus for a 2-hour ride to New Orleans or 7-hour ride to Galveston. Mobile has plenty of hotels and by golly they have themselves a real live airport too! Who gets to get off the ship and shower and relax in a Mobile hotel? The crew. Perfect. The final slap in the face to the passengers.


CNN is bating passengers for the responses they want. Turn on any media outlet and you'll see how improper the reporting is. They're getting $500, hotel, transportation, that cruise refunded, and another in the future. I'm not at all saying I would be happy being on the ship, but stuff happens.


I also realize there is sewage running down the walls and other disgusting things. However, would you not expect this from a ship without the basic functions? The crew are trying to accomodate them as much as possible, and it's being made out like their efforts are worth nothing.


"It's not as quite as bad as it sounds" is what a passenger being interviewed from on the ship by CNN just said. "taking care of us".

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I agree with you as far as what you say about the media, they will do whatever it takes to make people watch. That said, I was considering a cruise on Carnival in 2014, but I don't see myself on any Carnival cruise anytime in the future because of what happened with the Triumph.

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Well, I'm leaving in 2 weeks on a Carnival cruise and wouldn't even consider canceling. Unless the Glory has problems before I leave, why would I? I'd also book another Carnival cruise today if something great popped up - wouldn't even hesitate. And no, I'm not a Carnival cheerleader.

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Sensationalizing? Give an example?


The sewage running down the walls? There is now video of the sewage running down the walls. Can you provide a link? Just did a search and did not find it.


Having to poop in plastic bags? There are now pictures of the red bio-hazard plastic bags people had to poop in.

Sounds better than letting it sit in a toilet unflushed or any other option given the circumstances. Or do you have a better option??


And they are getting "EXTREMELY generous compensation"? Really? Just a refund and a cruise equal to what they paid and $500. You try going thru what they went thru. See if you would think that's enough.


And instead of getting off the ship and going right to a Mobile hotel to shower they are being stuffed on a bus for a 2-hour ride to New Orleans or 7-hour ride to Galveston.


I will give you the New Orleans thing. The bus ride to Texas tonight or a room and air tomorrow is the choice of each individual, or so I hear.



Mobile has plenty of hotels and by golly they have themselves a real live airport too! Who gets to get off the ship and shower and relax in a Mobile hotel? The crew. Perfect. The final slap in the face to the passengers.


BUT on the other hand to bus the crew out and then back would not make alot of sense either. I seriously doubt Mobile has enough available rooms to house the crew and passengers until the pax are bussed or fly out tomorrow.




Would love to see the link.

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I totally agree if the media can make things into mountains they will. As for passengers accounts. What you possibly may fail to understand is that because people react different than others that what you take as exaggerations by some may be exactly how they feel.


There were people sleeping in their life jackets fearing for their lives. Were they really in danger in that way? Doesn't appear so, but although the danger was probably not real, their fears certainly were.


To some any type of confusion or upset is high drama, where to others it may just be taken lightly. Some people will make lemons from lemonade while others, one bite of lemon may upset them for a very long time. The actuality probably lies someplace in between.


But I think what everyone will agree on, is that this is not the vacation that any had planned.

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Amazing - People criticiize Carnival just because poop and urine are in hallways!


Amazing - People criticize Carnival just because sewage is rampant!


Amazing - People are criticizing carnival simply because people ar pooping into plastic bags


Amazing - People are criticizing Carnival because folks have to wait four hours in line to get a hot dog!


Amazing - People are criticizing Arison because he cares more about his millionaire basketball players than the people of Triumph.


What's really amazing is the silly comments made by those trying futily to defend Carnival!

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The Carnival Triumph situation is being exploded in the media, with people sensationalizing everything about what's happening. I am disgusted by how CNN is asking the stupidest questions, and going on and on about things that really lack relevance to the situation. Stuff happens, there's no need to make such a massive deal over it. Those who are on the ship I do feel for you and would not want to be in your situation, but calling into news stations exaggerating what's going on isn't really doing much; there's a big difference between the extremely negative reports and the not-so-negative ones. The crew of the Triumph are doing everything they can, although there is only so much they can do with the situation. The company is preparing for arrival, making sure passengers are able to get back home, etc.


I think people really need to sit back and relax over this situation. Really no need for talk of law suits, nothing. Sorry for the rant, just feel like it's necessary for what's going on, and since the media is skewing it so horrifically. The passengers are getting EXTREMELY generous compensation for what they have endured too.


This situation with Triumph is a big deal! The media should have been on this with such intensity last Sunday.


The more than four thousand people on that ship have endured something that most of us will never experience. There are serious allegations of poor or non-existent government regulation and oversight of the entire cruise industry, not just Carnival. Hopefully, the right people in Washington DC will pay attention this time and do something about making sure companies, like Carnival, are properly maintaining their ships. The cruise lines work their ships harder than they do their employees, and we all know how hard they work.


However, any attempt by people on websites like Cruise Critic to minimize, dismiss, and deflect attention away from what has transpired over the past 5 days is reprehensible.

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Amazing - People criticiize Carnival just because poop and urine are in hallways!


Amazing - People criticize Carnival just because sewage is rampant!


Amazing - People are criticizing carnival simply because people ar pooping into plastic bags


Amazing - People are criticizing Carnival because folks have to wait four hours in line to get a hot dog!


Amazing - People are criticizing Arison because he cares more about his millionaire basketball players than the people of Triumph.


What's realy amazing is the sill comments made by those trying futily to defend Carnival!


You really did a great job of speaking truth to the situation.

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Amazing - People criticiize Carnival just because poop and urine are in hallways!


Amazing - People criticize Carnival just because sewage is rampant!


Amazing - People are criticizing carnival simply because people ar pooping into plastic bags


Amazing - People are criticizing Carnival because folks have to wait four hours in line to get a hot dog!


Amazing - People are criticizing Arison because he cares more about his millionaire basketball players than the people of Triumph.


What's realy amazing is the sill comments made by those trying futily to defend Carnival!


And thats sillier than anything CNN is doing.


And if CNN offends the OP, find another channel. But CNN nor any poster here caused any of this incident.

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Would love to see the link.


They showed the video on CNN while interviewing the person who took the video. It is real. It exists. Now go back to your CCL board meeting to discuss how you're going to give your CEO a huge bonus over his great handling of the situation.

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I totally agree if the media can make things into mountains they will. As for passengers accounts. What you possibly may fail to understand is that because people react different than others that what you take as exaggerations by some may be exactly how they feel.


There were people sleeping in their life jackets fearing for their lives. Were they really in danger in that way? Doesn't appear so, but although the danger was probably not real, their fears certainly were.


To some any type of confusion or upset is high drama, where to others it may just be taken lightly. Some people will make lemons from lemonade while others, one bite of lemon may upset them for a very long time. The actuality probably lies someplace in between.


But I think what everyone will agree on, is that this is not the vacation that any had planned.


I probably would react differently to sewage running down the walls than many of the people on Carnival Cruise Advocate (aka Cruise Critic). I probably would not like it and would think, rightfully, that I am likely to catch a disease of some sort, but the Cruise Advocates probably think that's all poo poo (pun intended) thinking.


I think the problem here is that many of the Carnival Cruise Advocates haven't had the luxury of experiencing 5 days on a floating box, with sewage running down the walls and across the floors, being served hot dog bun and condiment sandwiches (which they waited over 3 hours to get), while the CEO and President of Carnival enjoyed nice, exciting (and sewage free) night ringside at a Miami Heat game.

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They showed the video on CNN while interviewing the person who took the video. It is real. It exists. Now go back to your CCL board meeting to discuss how you're going to give your CEO a huge bonus over his great handling of the situation.




Attack me if you will. All I ask for was a link. You say it exists and then attack me but still no link. Interesting!:rolleyes:


Im sure its anything but comfortable and ideal onboard.

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Pat on the back for the crew of the Triumph. Pat on the back for the passengers that are making the best of a bad situation. Just like when a plane crashes, you only hear in the media about the bad, not all the pleasant fun cruises people have taken all the time.

Just booked on the Carnival Magic for 7 days during spring break. Yes I will continue to cruise. I may take a sweater, a few more meds and a extra book, just in case. I plan to have a good time.

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I love people who criticize the news media for trying to expose the truth. By all means it would be much better to discourage passengers from sharing their stories and let the Carnival executives keep us informed with the "facts" of what is happening. Personally I am glad to finally hear reports from the passengers who are in most instances confirming that it has been pretty much a nightmare experience, even those who are trying to be more upbeat. And yes I also saw the video of sewage spilling down the walls and flooded hallways. Amazing that even when confronted with actual video evidence of the filth, people still maintain that "it wasn't that bad".


Perhaps if you don't want to hear the first person accounts from people actually on the ship who have lived through this ordeal you should just stick to the very informative updates provided by Carnival. Maybe you can be thrilled by their recent report of the steak and lobster lunch they have provided and then come back here and state yet again what a great experience this extended "vacation" has been for the folks onboard. :rolleyes:

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I probably would react differently to sewage running down the walls than many of the people on Carnival Cruise Advocate (aka Cruise Critic). I probably would not like it and would think, rightfully, that I am likely to catch a disease of some sort, but the Cruise Advocates probably think that's all poo poo (pun intended) thinking.


I think the problem here is that many of the Carnival Cruise Advocates haven't had the luxury of experiencing 5 days on a floating box, with sewage running down the walls and across the floors, .


Well I'm not a Carnival advocate, as a matter of fact I haven't even been on my Carnival cruise yet.


The point to my post was in response to the OP's point of the opposing reports coming from passengers. Yes some will think "I am likely to catch a disease", others will think "thats gross, but I am not in any danger so I will survive this". It's all a matter of how people deal difficult situations. it's not that either feeling is wrong, just different.

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The irony being I gave Carnival a try and didn't like it even WITH power. Couldn't wait to get off the ship to be honest. This situation sounds like my own personal hell, and yes, some will be OK with it and other not. Either way, sounds like a piss-poor contingency plan to a very real potential issue. And this was a 4 day - imagine if it was like a trans-atlantic or the like!!! :eek:


and yes - I saw the video of the sewage running down the walls, buckets of brown water in the stairwells, etc. Looks wonderful. Reason number eight-million why I'd never set foot on, yet alone pay for, another Carnival cruise.

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Do you people realize this was an accident? There is really nothing else Carnival could have done. Cudos to the Carnival crew and all the people who are on the Triumph! I would say this if it was RCI or Norwegian also. There is only so much you can do with what they have available. Sometimes things happen that we don't expect and we can only make the best of the situation. Think about all the people in Hurricanes, tornados, etc.

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Say no more.... with one addition...


Amazing-people criticize Carnival because they now learn that Triumph had major mechanical problems in the weeks prior to this sailing yet getting the boat to sea trumped safety.


Amazing - People criticiize Carnival just because poop and urine are in hallways!


Amazing - People criticize Carnival just because sewage is rampant!


Amazing - People are criticizing carnival simply because people ar pooping into plastic bags


Amazing - People are criticizing Carnival because folks have to wait four hours in line to get a hot dog!


Amazing - People are criticizing Arison because he cares more about his millionaire basketball players than the people of Triumph.


What's really amazing is the silly comments made by those trying futily to defend Carnival!

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It's really pointless trying to talk to a cheerleader about this. They see this as a free camping trip and that the passengers should be grateful for any pennies that Carnival throws at them.


They shouted down the lady reporting about engine problems only to disappear after the fire. Then the said everything that was reported in the press was all a bunch of lies may up by Carnival haters, and they too will disappear now that the photo's and video are coming out.


There will always be people that think that it wont happen to them...until it does.

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I for one completely agree with the OP. The entire world is watching this right now and think "These Americans think this is suffering?". People use out houses all over the US which is basically the same as going in a bag. Probably worse. I find it interesting that the ones complaining the most seem to be the ones that are under 50. Seems like the older people have probably been through worse in their life and have a better perspective. This is why CNN is the one sensationalizing the situation. They cater to the people that always think they are owed more than they really are.

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Do you people realize this was an accident? There is really nothing else Carnival could have done. Cudos to the Carnival crew and all the people who are on the Triumph! I would say this if it was RCI or Norwegian also. There is only so much you can do with what they have available. Sometimes things happen that we don't expect and we can only make the best of the situation. Think about all the people in Hurricanes, tornados, etc.


An accident on a ship that has been having multiple issues for at least the past month. What a shocker :eek:


The standards are so very low for this cruise line. It's LAUGHABLE. I'm glad to be able to say I knew CCL when it was amazing. Even happier to say I'm done.

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