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Just off Riviera - Musings, Ramblings and Notes

Dr. Cocktail

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Addendum: This will be our 5th Oceania Cruise. We have a guarantee for our cabin. No assignment as yet. On our previous cruises always had the cabin assigned upfront. Kind of an adventure maybe not knowing until we arrive for check in. We will love our cabin where ever it is!! Jeanine Bishop

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Thanks for taking the time to post your very helpful review of your recent voyage on Riviera. I enjoyed reading about your experience.


We recently booked our first cruise on Riviera for May 2014 and look forward to comparing the differences between the two O ships; we loved our June 2011 Marina cruise.


I am very glad to see that enforcement of the lounge chair reservation policy on the pool deck is being enforced. It has been extremely annoying on all of our previous Oceania cruises to search often fruitlessly for somewhere to sit and finding dozens sitting empty for hours with just books and magazines.


Pam, which cruise did you book? We are on the Riviera in May 2014, also! However, we are probably going to cancel now that we are going to Israel with our pastor in March 2014.



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Yes, rude and polite people from all nationalities and walks of life where ever you travel, even on these message boards, BUT what about the dress code in the Concierge lounge :D

Couldn't the Concierge have a polite word with the offenders?

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I agree there are rude people all over the world. And I certainly did not mean to convey the impression that this is limited to Americans... it isn't! But yes I know the ones in question were American - I lived in the US for over 20 years and know very well the difference between a Canadian and an American accent.


What really got me is that these people - so many of them - were really rude to the lovely people who were serving them. To me that is inexcusable. The very least they could have done is to say please and thank you! And sadly we have seen the same thing on Regent, in restaurants and in hotels... Someone who is serving you or helps you with whatever deserves at the very least a smile and a thank you!!

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I agree there are rude people all over the world. And I certainly did not mean to convey the impression that this is limited to Americans... it isn't! But yes I know the ones in question were American - I lived in the US for over 20 years and know very well the difference between a Canadian and an American accent.


What really got me is that these people - so many of them - were really rude to the lovely people who were serving them. To me that is inexcusable. The very least they could have done is to say please and thank you! And sadly we have seen the same thing on Regent, in restaurants and in hotels... Someone who is serving you or helps you with whatever deserves at the very least a smile and a thank you!!

I didn't take it that you were 'having a go' at Americans.

I always say thank you and please to staff, it's how I was brought up.

Perhaps the rudeness is a consequence of the very stressed lives that we lead in the West.

Anyway, my potential issue is with the states of undress witnessed in the Concierge lounge.

Maybe Mr DelRio could come up with a solution?

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We haven't been on Riveria but have just got of 28 days on Marina for the first time - all our other cruises have been on the R Ships.


Given that Marina and Riveria are almost the same I agree with comments made here regarding the bar and the library. The library is dreadful - if people are sitting in it (as is usually the case) it is almost impossible at times to squeeze around them to get to the books. It is also dark and unappealing.


The piano in Martinis bar is too close to the bar and the way the area is split up it just isn't inviting. Evening trivia in the bar is a joke as people are scattered all over the place around corners and the entertainment officer asking the questions has to wander around all over the place. We use to go to Martinis regularly on the R Ships but gave it away on Marina.


The Grand bar was just a wide corridor that we never saw anyone sitting in. The violinist and piano accordion player played to an empty "hallway" most of the time and it always seemed really cold. We felt really sorry for them.


Can't say the loungers around the pool were cleared on Marina. One day we were astounded to note a couple who had reserved 2 loungers with books, finally arrive after one and half hours, ask that the loungers covers be changed , sit on them for 15 minutes then leave for another hour before coming back, remove their books and leave. There were often a lot of loungers” reserved” without people appearing for ages.


I have to say that the standard of cleanliness on Marina was the highest we have seen on any of the Oceania ships and the service excellent but somehow for us Marina did not have the same comfortable intimate atmosphere as the R Ships. Marina is a beautiful ship but we think we prefer the R Ships . . . Mind you the laundries on every floor and the stateroom bathrooms were fantastic. Just wish the R ships had more than one laundry.


Regarding the comments about rudeness I wonder if Marina and Riveria are attracting different types of people?? We also noticed people who were rude to the staff which was totally uncalled for.

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This discussion of rudeness is kind of horrifying to me. Yes, on Regent there's always been a handful--they are easy to spot and easy to avoid. I sure hope I can give a good report after my November crossing on Riviera.


As for nationality, if Americans top the list it would only be because they dominate the ships. Brits would come second. Canadians would only get a pass because we are few and far between (of course, we English Canadians do have a reputation for being painfully polite, although that is not nearly universal!) French Canadians sometimes have a reputation for being rude, but I have not really experienced this myself. (Maybe that's because my maiden name is Seguin, a very common name in Quebec.)


As for queueing, I'm not sure I would not be rude if I thought someone was butting in. But I also would not jump to conclusions, give people the benefit of the doubt (there I go being Canadian again!)

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Rudeness comes in all shapes and sizes and in all nationalities!


And yes, I think Marina and Riviera might be attracting a different demographic from the R ships -- people looking for a little more glitz and glam -- hearing all the oohs and aahs about the beauty of the ships and the staterooms, the 4 restaurants, nightly lobster -- not sure that translates to "rudeness" but I do believe many regular mass market cruisers (not to say they are rude either) are looking at the O class ships when considering trying Oceania, not the R class ships.


I also predict that you will see more kids on the O class ships.


Which is why I will stay on the R class ships . . .LOL

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Great Review ! We sail on our first Oceania cruise in three weeks on the Riviera and really look forward to this cruise. Have sailed many times on Holland America and liked your comments about HAL's Amsterdam and the Riviera.


As far as the pool attendants; great job. I have been on too many cruises where passengers think they own those lounge chairs; better known as "chair hogs". I actually saw a fight breakout over an unoccupied pool lounge chair on one of our cruises.

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Whoa, I go to bed early because of a cold and all $%#@ breaks out over manners! One small part of my review has appeared to touch a nerve!

While I want to steer the conversation away from that one aspect of Oceania, I forgot to mention my favourite story. We were in a minivan taxi in Costa Maya in the middle row and the people in the back were getting off at the first stop. I hadn't realized that my shoulder belt blocked the exit. The guy behind me suddenly gave three sharp tugs on the belt and said: "HEY, we need to get off"! I said nothing as I was beyond stunned. I literally fumed for the next hour for not having said anything. I think that those of us who are polite back down from confrontation but I am reaching the point that rude behaviour must be pointed out.


I was intrigued by rubysue's comment: I hesitate to post here, being a "persona non grata" on the regular Oceania board because I tend to speak my mind and argue with the regulars who informally moderate the discussion, but I must agree with the observations by you, Dr. Cocktail and others on this thread. We have yet to hear from many of these "moderators" who will weigh in about whether the upholstery in a particular lounge is a Glen Plaid versus a Glen Check but have been strangely silent here.


I must state for the record that I also met many delightful people who's company I enjoyed.


As an almost non sequitur, I forgot to comment on the gift shop.

It's a pity that one is not able to buy more Oceania Label merchandise.

Perhaps they feel that t-shirts or caps are "beneath" them but I always like a souvenir shirt. In fact, the Oceania "travel posters" on the January magazine would make smashing T-shirts or posters or coasters.

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Dr. Cocktail wrote: I went into full recovery mode to try to dissipate the bad atmosphere. I told the staff that had I known that I was being seated in the “rude and crazy” section, I could have come better prepared with some meaningless complaints!


You, sir, are wonderful! I am going to steal your quote, and I hope we are on the same cruise someday!

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We used to be able to get fabulous Oceania t-shirts. I always made it a point to buy two or three, and I'm still wearing some that are 10 years old and clearly showing their age!


Then they started selling plain t-shirts with the name of the ship politely shown on the sleeve, but not too large print.


Last couple of cruises nada. I really miss these souvenirs.



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That's an interesting comment Dr Cocktail regarding moderators of these boards. In many respects these boards are a reflection of the world we live in. There will always be people who are interested in supplying good information on subjects to the uninformed (like myself) and who luckily have the time to do it and accordingly are almost always passionate about their subject. There will also be people who are not quite so well versed but have an opinion right or wrong that requires some expression. As an "outsider" I value both and at the end of the day we take our impressions with us to formulate our views on whatever subject being discussed. From where I sit I will always value experience with a subject over uninformed opinion. If people choose not to respond good on them it just means they think they can't add value to the discussion. I recognize there may be egos at play here but seriously the forum opinion will always have its way.

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That's an interesting comment Dr Cocktail regarding moderators of these boards. In many respects these boards are a reflection of the world we live in. There will always be people who are interested in supplying good information on subjects to the uninformed (like myself) and who luckily have the time to do it and accordingly are almost always passionate about their subject. There will also be people who are not quite so well versed but have an opinion right or wrong that requires some expression. As an "outsider" I value both and at the end of the day we take our impressions with us to formulate our views on whatever subject being discussed. From where I sit I will always value experience with a subject over uninformed opinion. If people choose not to respond good on them it just means they think they can't add value to the discussion. I recognize there may be egos at play here but seriously the forum opinion will always have its way.


No one's opinion is worth more than anyone else's. You obviously understand that. Some opinions are more informed than others and some are so obviously biased that it is hard to view them as objective. You have to pick and choose. If you read enough posts (even if you never post yourself), you get to learn whose opinions you value and whose you do not or which posters are likeminded to your tastes.


For me, it's just fun to read them all when I have time -- like you I can figure out for myself which opinions might impact my decisions.

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No one's opinion is worth more than anyone else's. You obviously understand that. Some opinions are more informed than others and some are so obviously biased that it is hard to view them as objective. You have to pick and choose. If you read enough posts (even if you never post yourself), you get to learn whose opinions you value and whose you do not or which posters are likeminded to your tastes.


For me, it's just fun to read them all when I have time -- like you I can figure out for myself which opinions might impact my decisions.


In a nutshell Lorraine(as always) :)

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Yes, rude and polite people from all nationalities and walks of life where ever you travel, even on these message boards, BUT what about the dress code in the Concierge lounge :D

Couldn't the Concierge have a polite word with the offenders?

I believe the Concierge is only on duty certain hours of the day so maybe not there in the early morning hours with the dress code offenders

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The consierge arrives promptly at 8 AM. At that time there were plenty of people hanging out in their bath robes. Nothing was said. I think Laraine is correct. A clear policy is needed so that the consierge has the backing to act.



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Hi, Canuck.QC - you were on our Marina cruise last September and I remember seeing your thoughtful review that echoed mine (great cruise, terrible fellow passengers). I hesitate to post here, being a "persona non grata" on the regular Oceania board because I tend to speak my mind and argue with the regulars who informally moderate the discussion, but I must agree with the observations by you, Dr. Cocktail and others on this thread.


We have cruised three times on Oceania. All of them have been fantastic. But on our last cruise in particular, it seemed like many of our fellow passengers had been infected with the nasty, whining, entitled disposition bug. Most of the worst offenders were Americans, although a refined-looking woman from the UK nearly decapitated us (figuratively) because she thought we were cutting in line for a shuttle back to the ship in Bilbao. We finally stopped asking other passengers if they were enjoying the cruise, because we would be usually subjected to an endless litany of complaints. These included such gems as: "this ship [Marina, mind you] is a low-class cattle car", "my butler is an idiot", "why couldn't they stop in more interesting ports", "the food is awful", "I hate this ship and don't understand why they built something so monstrous - it takes forever to get off", "why would they stop in this place?", "will we get money back because they had to cancel a port, because we might sue", etc. etc. We were also treated to other behaviors, like the elderly gentleman who elbowed me aside just as I was putting my items through a scanner in one port because I wasn't moving fast enough. He then stood on the other side of the metal detector after almost knocking me over and glared at his wife who waited her turn behind us. I guess his burger in Waves was getting cold. Many other passengers were witnessed as being downright awful to the pleasant and courteous staff.


It should be noted that none of these behaviors were observed in the folks in our Roll Call, so there is something to be said for that shared experience. These behaviors are so sad, but they also make us more inclined to be cautious when trying to be friendly. We look at any and all of our cruise experiences as a gift that we are able to enjoy.


I did not know about your 'reputation' on this board. Having briefly met at the M&G this past Sept on Marina, I found you & your DH along with all of the CC Members a very knowledgeable group, well prepared, well informed, well traveled & well behaved! If I remember correctly, we were over 100 couples on that RCall List! I find Oceania to be a great fit for this type of seasoned traveler and should consider themselves fortunate to enjoy this level of luxurious travel. This is probablly why I am 'stunned' at all the petty complaints & bad behaviors..I concider myself so lucky.

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I must state for the record that I also met many delightful people who's company I enjoyed.



I must agree with you - we met so many great people on our Marina cruise - I think that is why those who are rude stand out even more

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Pam, which cruise did you book? We are on the Riviera in May 2014, also! However, we are probably going to cancel now that we are going to Israel with our pastor in March 2014.




We booked the May 22, 2014 Istanbul to Barcelona cruise, really a very lovely itinerary and my first chance to return to fabulous Istanbul since our very first cruise in 2008.

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I feel for the passengers who want to see Mayan ruins but have physical limitations. Maybe the descriptions of the excursions could be more specific. If I remember correctly, relatively small Cacchoben (Costa Maya) with its smooth and level paths was described as having the same level of difficulty as other much more demanding sites.

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I did not know about your 'reputation' on this board. Having briefly met at the M&G this past Sept on Marina, I found you & your DH along with all of the CC Members a very knowledgeable group, well prepared, well informed, well traveled & well behaved! If I remember correctly, we were over 100 couples on that RCall List! I find Oceania to be a great fit for this type of seasoned traveler and should consider themselves fortunate to enjoy this level of luxurious travel. This is probablly why I am 'stunned' at all the petty complaints & bad behaviors..I concider myself so lucky.


Thanks for the nice comments! We consider our ability to do these types of trips to be an amazing blessing.


It's actually more of a self-imposed exile for the most part for me from the Oceania regular thread, although I do read many posts to see what is going on. Initially, I found the most popular regulars (who shall go unnamed) were sometimes putting out incorrect or antiquated information and I was belittled or ignored for correcting it (too few posts here do not translate into ignorance about travel or cruise line policies).


I also got tired of petty arguments over little things, like menu additions ("too many fish and pork items!!eleventy!!!) or the tiresome nanny state tut-tut about certain things, like appropriate footwear for women. I think one of my worst moments was when I watched a thread started by a poor woman who asked cheerfully about footwear because she had only a partial foot on one leg; she was immediately lambasted by the "regulars" for thinking she could actually consider wearing unobtrusively-colored Crocs in the GDR (the only thing that was comfortable for her). She has never posted here since that incredibly nasty experience as far as I know. Those of us who jumped to her defense (including myself, a 30-year RA sufferer who had both knees replaced last year at age 56, who also cannot wear anything but orthopedic footwear) were viewed suspiciously as "gaming the system" (by a few men, too, not to be named!), as if we were cheating by not being fashion models or by wearing flat, comfortable shoes or if we used a cane or needed the elevator. After that thread, I was so offended by the guardian attitudes that I didn't post anything for a long time, except in a Roll Call.


So there it is.... I love the Roll Calls and the Port threads, because I can really learn from those experiences. I read this Oceania thread to see if there is anything of interest, but I guess I'm a fighter by nature and I don't have the time or the stamina like some regulars to reply to every freaking inquiry, so I probably shouldn't have gone on this long on this reply.


Speaking of something that would drive some folks on this board nuts, we're heading out tomorrow for our sixth cruise on Disney (this one on Fantasy). We can find joy in many different situations and I know we'll have a great time on this ship that was rated the best overall on CC.

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I just returned from Riviera’s February 22nd sailing which has elicited much discussion and disagreement between groups who have said that being in a suite changed their overall view of Oceania.


As some quick background, this was my second Oceania cruise and my 60th cruise overall with about 450 days at sea. My partner are both in our late 40's and traveled in a B4 with an extended veranda.


While I had numerous concerns with the Marina’s design last year, I found many improvements in place on Riviera. These included raised ceilings on Deck 14 aft, better lighting levels in the lobby with a much prettier chandelier, a marble floor in the Grand bar -yes, they may have been subtle changes but they did the trick. It also helped that as a tall person I was already prepared for the slightly low ceilings in some areas.


I still wish Martinis could have been somehow reconfigured so that everyone could have a view of the piano but this may have to do with the structural configuration of the room.


I loved the sculptures and most of the art work centered about the forward elevators and stairwells but found many of the paintings in the aft stairwells and areas around the Lobby and Grand Bar to be darn ugly - sort of “art student takes on Picasso” and depressing (Sorry Mr. Del Rio). Oh well, at least they weren't “corporate”


All of our meals in Toscana, Polo, Red Ginger, Jacques and La Reserve were simply terrific.I rarely say this but almost every single item served was excellent and frequently superb. As we were flexible (and polite, but more on that later!) we were able to get additional reservations.


My one meal in the Grand Dining Room was extremely disappointing - insanely rushed (we were basically served our appetizers, soup and salad simultaneously) and the mains were greatly over salted. It certainly didn't make me want to return.


I was THRILLED by the pool attendants who removed items left on chairs for over 30 minutes.

Actually, the best entertainment I saw on board was the Performance Art Piece by the blowsy 70 (ish) year old woman who regaled everyone around her about her tragic loss of a magazine STOLEN (STOLEN, I SAY!) by the evil pool attendants. The fact that her chair had been unattended for 90 minutes was strangely not mentioned by her. One “gentleman” literally stomped his feet because he was so angry at the pool attendant for doing the same thing. I started to get out of my chair to come to the attendant’s assistance but the “gentleman” backed down.


As we like to eat fairly late, we weren't able to see a single show. Perhaps Oceania could consider repeating their most popular production shows at later times or on different days at earlier times.


Most staff we encountered were delightful and went out of their way to help us. I was very impressed by the extremely hard working cruise director David Shermet.


Our fellow passengers were considerably older than our cruise last year and in fact, the oldest we have ever encountered on a ship. I assumed that current stringent luggage restrictions didn't allow many people to pack their manners. I was constantly cut in front of in lines and cringed at how people spoke to the hard-working crew. Many passengers didn't “ask” crew but “told” them.

We witnessed some astoundingly rude comments made to the server and maitre’d on either side of us in Polo. I went into full recovery mode to try to dissipate the bad atmosphere. I told the staff that had I known that I was being seated in the “rude and crazy” section, I could have come better prepared with some meaningless complaints!


Of course, this is CruiseCritic and not Cruise Sycophant so I must throw some criticism out there. I thought that the public areas were not nearly as clean and well kept as Marina - there were always grimy fingerprints in the elevators, burnt out bulbs throughout the ship and many examples of poor housekeeping in public areas. No, it didn't even remotely impact on my enjoyment but it was surprising.


The executive chefs were visible all the time but senior officers and the Hotel Manager were invisible. It would be nice to see them interact with passengers a bit more.


I will repeat what I said last year - the value offered by Oceania is superb and unmatched in the industry. We received the same excellent food, service and surroundings in our “humble” veranda accommodations as did those in a large suite.


I got off HAL’s Nieuw Amsterdam six weeks earlier and the differences were astonishing. From the food to the furnishings to the service, the lines are on an entirely different level. I am always curious when people want to compare Oceania to HAL or Celebrity - they’re different animals.

While you don’t always get what you paid for in life, there are no bargains. Oceania delivers the goods and then some.


Excellent observations. For the most part now, there's Oceania and perhaps Azamara, and the rest Including, Celebrity, HAL, Princess. Carnival doesn't count in my books and RCI is 'OK'. The true outliers are the real high end lines but we haven't experienced those yet (we are nowhere near the Doctor's number of cruises, but we have cruised extensively over the past 20 years with 1-3 cruises per year). Oceania has a magnificent overall product whilst Celebrity, which had been our absolute favourite for years barely distinguishes itself anymore amongst the lines mentioned in this category anymore.


Having said this the one facet that is truly still obviously different is that that the PAX on Celebrity tended to still be of a more respectable type, say in comparison to Carnival, Costa, or even RCI, with generally nice manners etc. while those on Oceania had an overall manner of excessive entitlement! We always go out of our way to engage staff. It's much more satisfying, but unfortunately you also hear how they're treated by PAX as clearly noted by Doctor Cocktail (love the moniker).


Having returned recently from Marina, and then Solstice, we could readily do this comparison. So we agree. As for overall product, Oceania is in a class by itself. Celebrity is still good but also, don't bother with the main DR which was once one of the best in the mass market business (remember Zenith, Century et al... I am not comparing to Crystal type lines). BUT PLEASE, PAX, REMEMBER YOUR MANNERS! You're dealing with hard working staff who will generally go significantly out of their way to assist you when you at least show appreciation!

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