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New 2013 inclusive beverage program details

Bill Leiber

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Got off the Quest last week in Stockholm. Amazing cruise as we expected and at no time were we pressured to buy alcohol packages and I never heard anyone complain about the complimentary offerings. Also never noticed anyone that appeared to be enjoying the complimentary beverages a little bit too much.

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Tim, isn't it about time you let go of this topic? You had a great cruise with Azamara, do you still need to harp on about the All Inclusive/More inclusive advertising in the UK? Let it go please.



Thank you.

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Bill, Please can you advise if Pimms is [or will be] included on the drinks list?


Hello Oliveau -


I've learned that at this time there are no plans to make any changes to the inclusive list. However, Pimm's is available for $4.50.


We look forward to welcoming you onboard this fall.




Bill Leiber


Chief Blogging Officer*

Azamara Club Cruises

(*CBO is an authorized and compensated representative of ACC)

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Hi Bill,

Still waiting for a reply to questions to you posted on other threads regarding the inclusive drinks menu on the back page of the bar menu?

A). Why is the spirits list on board shorter than website list (9 against 22)?

B). Why is there no description of included cocktails?


After mentioning this on mid cruise comments card I was told.

That including the above would make the menu too long and that not describing the cocktails was meant to increase interaction between the bar staff and clients?


Hello Mrs. Miggens -


I'm looking forward to responding to your questions and providing more information about our inclusive beverage program tomorrow.


I've received feedback from our hotel operations and marketing team that I will incorporate into my response to you and others on this thread.


Best wishes for a pleasant weekend.




Bill Leiber


Chief Blogging Officer*

Azamara Club Cruises

(*CBO is an authorized and compensated representative of ACC)

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Thanks Bill, I was beginning to feel a little ignored especially after my glowing review. The phone call to my cabin was prompt after my comments on board.

I did not catch his name but he did sound very much 'on the back foot' and, I think, realised his 'reasons' were rather weak.


I have never noted any problems with the actual included drinks just with the poor written presentation on board. My excellent on board experience may have been even better if I had been in possession of the great cocktails list produced by the extremely practical 'BEACHMUDHUT'. I would certainly have tried a few more of these exotic offerings.


I stress again we had a great cruise and I am already closely monitoring all Azamara deals offered in the UK.

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Stick with it Tim. You are not alone in believing that Azamara have made a mistake in not including a sparkling wine in the 'inclusive list'. We do not consider a standard sparkling wine as 'only for special occasions' as that and cider are the only alcoholic drinks we drink with a meal and neither are available for us without extra cost. We love Azamara and consider the crew on both ships the best in the cruise industry (and we have sailed on a number of other lines as well). We were hopeful that with the move to 'more inclusive' we would be able to enjoy a glass of sparkling wine with our meals. Other than the addition of the Azamazing evenings the increase cost of the cruises is not justified for us. That said, it will not stop us sailing with Azamara but we still hope they will listen to those of us who really like a sparkling wine and don't even drink cocktails.

We are sailing on the Quest next Wednesday for Capt Carl's homecoming cruise and can't wait to get onboard again.

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Stick with it Tim. You are not alone in believing that Azamara have made a mistake in not including a sparkling wine in the 'inclusive list'. We do not consider a standard sparkling wine as 'only for special occasions' as that and cider are the only alcoholic drinks we drink with a meal and neither are available for us without extra cost. We love Azamara and consider the crew on both ships the best in the cruise industry (and we have sailed on a number of other lines as well). We were hopeful that with the move to 'more inclusive' we would be able to enjoy a glass of sparkling wine with our meals. Other than the addition of the Azamazing evenings the increase cost of the cruises is not justified for us. That said, it will not stop us sailing with Azamara but we still hope they will listen to those of us who really like a sparkling wine and don't even drink cocktails.


We are sailing on the Quest next Wednesday for Capt Carl's homecoming cruise and can't wait to get onboard again.

Well said. Every word and sentiment.


Not sure why anyone here feels the right to tell someone else what he or she can and cannot post here. Rather cheeky, I'd say.


Had Azamara been more forthright in announcing the liquor program, all of this would never have happened. Instead of saying that their new program "is a common offering in the up-market and luxury sectors of our industry," setting absolutely the wrong expectation (i.e., that it would be like Regent or Seabourn), it should have said something like "at our new price point, still below the luxury sector, we will not be able to offer a program as rich as the higher-priced luxury lines, but we are confident it will contribute to a more convivial and social atmosphere aboard our ships while satisfying the needs of a large majority of our passengers, and will maintain the level of value you've come to expect from Azamara."


The problem is not so much with the program itself as with how it was hyped in the announcement. It also hasn't helped that we continue to be asked for our input on the program and, after receiving overwhelming feedback about sparkling wine, beer, and a decent Scotch whiskey, the response from Azamara bigwigs invariably is "we're not changing anything."

Edited by marinaro44
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Andy....with the general tone of this topic and some members posts being removed, for some unknown reason, perhaps it is time to close this thread.

I believe Bill as already addressed the sparking wine issue. If you don't like the product being offered by AZ, fill out the comment cards on board or vote with your wallet and take a different cruise line.


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I tried to book on Quest today, but an error on TA website, made me reconsider. When the free upgrade reappears, I'll be back in the mix.


I love cruising Azamara, but would also welcome some official feedback on the AI scheme.

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Andy....with the general tone of this topic and some members posts being removed, for some unknown reason, perhaps it is time to close this thread.

I believe Bill as already addressed the sparking wine issue. If you don't like the product being offered by AZ, fill out the comment cards on board or vote with your wallet and take a different cruise line.



I am in total agreement with Kathy. Well said. Enough's enough on the booze already. It seems like it's sucking the life out of this forum.

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Hi Everyone,


I agree that everything that can be said, has been stated, and repeated ad nausem. I certainly believe that Azamara has a boatload (pardon the pun) of our feedback for review. Knowing Bill's outstanding efforts, it's probabaly safe to say that he will share our insights with Azamara's Management team.


I hope you will agree it's time to close this thread. Should Bill have additional insights to share with us, I will be happy re-open it for his wrap-up.


Thanks very much for your understanding !

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BTW, kindly allow me to share this summation video with our wonderful community. This will help put "closure" to this thread, and hopefully a smile on your face. You know me... I try to find humor whenever possible :).


Please click on this link :

Edited by Host Andy
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Hello Azamara Followers -


As the year reaches its mid-point and this three and half month thread, New 2013 Inclusive Beverage Program Details, (posted on March 20, 2013) reaches 464 replies and over 30,000 views as of June 30, it makes sense to give you a status update and attempt to respond to your questions about our more inclusive beverage program. I understand why Andy decided to close this thread - what more could be said?


Please keep in mind that the more inclusive beverage program was implemented on the Azamara Quest on the March 27 voyage and the Azamara Journey on the May 15 voyage. So it's fair to say that the program is in its "introductory stage."


I've noticed recurring themes in the 464 replies posted by the 98 participants on this thread and will make a best effort to comment on them at this point in time in the program's operation.


As you proceed, it's important to remember that my responses are shaped by the following:

§ Azamara Club Cruises' operating mission, which is to 'exceed our guest's expectations profitably.'

§ "Marinaro44's" suggestion for "to be straight-forward and direct with its client base."


Why did Azamara decide to expand its complimentary beverage offerings?

1. To improve its value proposition by expanding on its already existing selection of complimentary boutique wines, served at lunch and dinner. It was not to become an "all-inclusive" brand.

2. To grow our new-customer base through this expanded beverage inclusion along with the AzAmazing Evening experience, which provides a tangible demonstration of "destination immersion."


Although we've become "more-inclusive," our tariffs are NOT "all-inclusive." The amenities we list in our brochures and on our website are complimentary. If guests prefer something else, we offer choices for an additional charge. For an example, dining in our Discovery Restaurant is complimentary but in our Specialty restaurants there is a surcharge.


Simply, generating onboard revenue continues to be a critical profit component within the context of a "more-inclusive" product offering. These two conflicting forces must co-exist. That means that we will offer very attractively priced packages for all aspects of our onboard experience which our staff will suggest to our customers.


This profit motive explains why in addition to standard complimentary beverages we offer five "high value" optional beverage packages for our customers who prefer specific premium brands: Premium Water Package; Premium Beer Package and three Liquor Packages - Premium, Top Shelf and Ultimate.


As shown on this thread, there are guests who are satisfied with our expanded complimentary inclusive programs and others who believe that our upgraded programs are fairly priced.


Why are the included drinks on the back page of the bar menu?

It was a business decision based on the retail merchandising technique to feature profitable items up-front. That explains why we highlight our revenue producing beverage packages first, followed by our included spirit list. It improves the likelihood of reaching our revenue targets.


Why is the spirit list onboard shorter than website list?

Our hotel management team chose not to list on the menu what they consider to be 'Mixer' spirits. These are items that in their opinion would never be ordered alone, but are components of many cocktails...vermouth, triple sec, crème de whatever, etc. That does not mean that they are not available. Here is a website link to the "Complimentary Beverages" where you will find 31 complimentary spirits.



Why do we not describe the included cocktails?

Our hotel management team did not see the need to list the ingredients of the included cocktails because many of them are classic, well-known cocktails. However, when there are requests for cocktails for which we do know, our bar staff will find the recipe. Instead, we use the space to show pictures and text which highlight the cocktails that generate revenue.


Wine List Update

We are formulating a new wine list that will slowly roll out through the rest of 2013 as the new selections are delivered to each vessel. The original data that we feature was created with that new wine list in mind.


In the interim, both vessels are using different wine lists based on their existing inventory and each have their own flyer until the new list is fully implemented, probably at the end of this year. Also, We are modifying the disclaimer language on our website to state:

Not all beverage selections may be available on all voyages. Alternate selections of equal value may be substituted at management discretion.


UK Issue: All-Inclusive vs. More-Inclusive

Everytime I see this topic mentioned, it triggers a memory of my first trip to London and visiting Speakers' Corner in Hyde Park and listening to those many citizens about how to make the world a better place. I assure you that your voices are being heard.


There is no question that it was an ill-advised decision, based on the input of UK agents who were knowledgeable with the all-inclusive market, to attempt to position the Azamara brand as "all-inclusive" in the UK when in the rest of the world it's "more-inclusive."


Sometimes, the best of companies make mistakes. In early April, the UK marketing and sales team issued an advisory letter to the UK travel agent network to correct the situation, stating the following:

" ... Currently, our positioning outside the UK is ‘more inclusive’ rather than ‘all-inclusive’. As you’ll appreciate, being a global brand we need to be consistent in our messaging, and will be aligning ourselves along the ‘more-inclusive’ route in all our future UK marketing efforts.

Action as required:

In closing, you’re a key part of our sales partnership and we deeply value your commitment and enthusiasm on this evolutionary journey. So, to avoid any possible confusion for your customers, please ensure that all mentions of ‘all-inclusive’ are withdrawn from your sales collateral and websites by Friday 19 April 2013..."

Based on your recent comments, our UK sales team realizes they have more police work to do with a handful of agencies.


I am 'tapped-out' to provide a further explanation for our regrettable decision and the action that is in place to correct that that mistake. What's done is done and being corrected.


What happens to your feedback?

Although I did not specifically ask for your feedback about the program, I responded to a multi-paged thread started by "English Tim" on April 25, 2013, titled "Controversy with all inclusive - what would you like included?" I stated that I would summarize the comments about the program and the value-priced packages and submit them to our senior management team. Here is a link to that thread:



Your comments, along with actual onboard guests and hotel staff feedback will be evaluated for its implications for program development. I remind you the program is still in its "introductory stage." In fact, the complimentary liquor program has been in operation for only 46 days on the Azamara Journey! Please be patient during the evaluation process. Data gathering is an important component of decision making. Just because we're not offering complimentary sparkling wine or adding Pimm's to the inclusive list, does not mean that we don't value your input. It's a timing issue as we gather more feedback.


At the same time, not all your wishes about your preferred brand and beverage can come true. It will be a delicate-balance to deliver an acceptable inclusive liquor program that at the same time does not inhibit the purchase of our value-based optional liquor packages, designed to create additional revenue. It's an example of the challenge to "exceed our guest's expectations profitably."


I think that "excitedofharpendenange/Phil" said it best: "... Time to let the dust settle on this new introduction, move on and see what happens. If there is one thing I have learned about Azamara it is that they do listen to their customers."


I will keep the community informed about this program on the Azamara forum.




Bill Leiber


Chief Blogging Officer*

Azamara Club Cruises

(*CBO is an authorized and compensated representative of ACC)

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- what more could be said?


Azamara Club Cruises' operating mission, which is to 'exceed our guest's expectations profitably."Marinaro44's" suggestion for "to be straight-forward and direct with its client base."


Although we've become "more-inclusive," our tariffs are NOT "all-inclusive.


Simply, generating onboard revenue continues to be a critical profit component within the context of a "more-inclusive" product offering.


There is no question that it was an ill-advised decision, based on the input of UK agents who were knowledgeable with the all-inclusive market, to attempt to position the Azamara brand as "all-inclusive" in the UK when in the rest of the world it's "more-inclusive."


Sometimes, the best of companies make mistakes. In early April, the UK marketing and sales team issued an advisory letter to the UK travel agent network to correct the situation, stating the following:

I am 'tapped-out' to provide a further explanation for our regrettable decision and the action that is in place to correct that that mistake. What's done is done and being corrected.


I think that "excitedofharpendenange/Phil" said it best: "... Time to let the dust settle on this new introduction, move on and see what happens. If there is one thing I have learned about Azamara it is that they do listen to their customers."




Bill Leiber


Chief Blogging Officer*

Azamara Club Cruises

(*CBO is an authorized and compensated representative of ACC)


Bill, thank you and I don't think there is more for you to say and we appreciate Azamara admitting that they decided to use the term "All-Inclusive" in the UK and it wasn't outside agents doing this on their own.


I think the UK agents and Azamara should give the UK guests who booked during the period when Azamara was advertised as all-inclusive an upgraded drinks package. The value of the package isn't that high in the first place and the agents could use it as a booking bonus. Note we are not drinkers but this is just my opinion. Btw, to us "All-inclusive" would include shore excursions and specialty restaurants, but those from the UK posting only seem to believe All-inclusive relates to alcohol.

Edited by Jade13
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Simply, generating onboard revenue continues to be a critical profit component within the context of a "more-inclusive" product offering. These two conflicting forces must co-exist. That means that we will offer very attractively priced packages for all aspects of our onboard experience which our staff will suggest to our customers.


This profit motive explains why in addition to standard complimentary beverages we offer five "high value" optional beverage packages for our customers who prefer specific premium brands: Premium Water Package; Premium Beer Package and three Liquor Packages - Premium, Top Shelf and Ultimate.

This mention of additional cost beverage packages should have been included in your BIG November announcement, Bill, in the section describing the new liquor policy. It would have made clear that the liquor policy would be very basic, and that those who wanted a more comprehensive policy (i.e., like the "up-market and luxury" cruise lines) would have to pay for one of three:eek: better packages in order to get it. This would have been much more accurate than saying that Azamara's new package was " a common offering in the up-market and luxury sectors of our industry," which turned out to be highly misleading and a major contributor to the subsequent controversy here.
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Hi Bill ,


Has Azamara added any more diet sodas to their list of canned complimentary beverages? I don't drink ice tea or juice, or any wine, beer or spirts. Is it just diet coke (which I don't drink) and diet sprite? Azamara there are people like me who don't drink wine, beer or spirts. What have you added for us? Just the price increase.

Edited by geocruiser
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Whilst I see both sides of this argument, I do have to state that even from the start Azamara said "select(ed)" beers and spirits, which to me always indicated that it was not completely 'all-inclusive' as some have taken that phrase to mean.


I think it is rather odd to think that ACC might strat doling out upgraded drinks packages on that basis.


It seems clear that in April ACC asked their travel agency partners to remove all mention of 'all-inclusive' but it seems some agents have missed or are willingly ignoring that message, for which I cannot see how ACC are to blame, beyond keeping on top of reviewing their partner's websites, mailshots etc and if this team is tri branded like most of their staff seem to be then that would be a challenge!


Anyway, I enjoyed the offering in April and I am looking forward to boarding in Southampton next month. :)

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Thanks Bill for this honest reply as to why included drinks are on the back page I.e. Azamara wish to increase revenue by highlighting revenue generating drinks. Fair enough. Still don't understand rationale for not showing ingredients of the inclusive cocktails. I am not familiar with the constituent parts of most of the offerings. Also you say that ingredients and pictures are necessary to promote those non inclusive cocktails that generate revenue. Don't mean to be picky but I would submit that increased charges for 'more inclusive' was a sales tactic to also increase overall revenue. These drinks are included but they are in no way 'free' to the paying customer.

Next time I cruise I must also remember to have a web page open at all times so that I can take advantage of the 33 'spirits' listed so that I can request any concoction that I fancy, even when the bar is busy.


Now I am beginning to sound like 'English Tim' but sometimes these long considered replies answer some points admirably but then raise more questions.


Still can't wait to get back on board but all this is great fun!

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Now I am beginning to sound like 'English Tim' but sometimes these long considered replies answer some points admirably but then raise more questions.


I could take offence, but instead I'll take a gate! :D:D:D:D


Still can't wait to get back on board but all this is great fun!


Neither can we.:)



What a well thought out sensible response. Maybe I should send mine to you for proof reading?

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Agree with your post Mrs M.


On our recent Quest cruise in May we were also unfamiliar with many of the included cocktails. When querying constituent parts bar staff were knowledgeable and happy to tell us about all the ingredients and on that basis we tried many new drinks.


Think the difference between Journey and Quest at this time is that Quest staff have had longer to familiarise themselves with More Inclusive as it was launched about a month earlier than on the Journey.


Like you we too look forward to our next Azamara adventure which will be in October.



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