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Just returned from Viking's Portraits of Southern France


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The Pont du gard tour is only offered on the North to South trip. Unfortunately we were sailing South to North so we didn't get the chance - we were really looking forward to seeing it too... :(

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The Pont du gard tour is only offered on the North to South trip. Unfortunately we were sailing South to North so we didn't get the chance - we were really looking forward to seeing it too... :(


We too will be sailing south to north so please tell us more. (We also have opted for the post tour hotel in Paris and are interested in your impression.)

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Somehow I've missed the "dust up" that you and Peg are referring to and since I have some experience with both of these cruise lines I thought I might be able to add to the conversation. Could you point me to the thread that you are referring to? Thanks,



Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner ni have been out of town on business. Anyway. I guess you found the kink I was referring to.

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AF-1 ~ first, I have been following the other thread about Viking's CEO's statement. After reading the original post and before reading anything else - my first thought was "don't let DH read any of this or he'll re-schedule both our trips!!" As for me, I think the CEO is a narrow-minded blow-heart who has presented his company with a huge PR problem - at least on CC!


All that being said, I also understand that, while a CEO can set the direction of a company, it all comes down to the individuals - captains, CDs, room stewards, waiters, receptionists, chefs, etc. - that you encounter on each individual ship that make or break your trip!! [Just like each dinning experience (and I don't mean McDs!) comes down to the Maitre d'/dining room manager & waiter/waitress more than the General Manager who's usually not directly involved!

Last year, our first Viking Cruise, we were very fortunate, the CD (Cruise Director) on our cruise was top notch and the rest of his staff was fantastic! Thus we completely enjoyed our cruise - even with a train breakdown (not Viking's responsibility), cloudy weather (again not Viking's fault), rain - no one to blame! Coming home and making a small complaint - I didn't even realize it was a complaint at the time! - but talking to a Viking rep who was on the spot (she knew I was on CC!!) and offered a future discount - just "sold" us on the company for their smart business sense! She didn't buy" me - that would have been impossible! - but she turned the situation around. Like when you have a restaurant reservation and have to wait - does the Maitre d' buy you a drink?? - least they could do if it's their fault - but shows if they have a smart staff!!


Second - as for "Carnival" - it's funny but that, in my opinion, its always been "the party ship for young people" (BTW we've never travelled on it). Viking is not that! If the comment is meant that Carnival is a mass market, low price, non-caring cruise line - then I feel that's also is not true - at least from our one experience. Yes, Viking pricing is confusing and gimmicky - but a call to their office or your TA can give you the actual price. And I know for a fact that they worked with a single to get a lower price because she was a repeat passenger (don't know what would have happened if it were her first cruiser). I think Viking gives a good "product" - however, I do wish they'd cut some cost by not sending so much advertising - use E-mail for those of us on-line and cut out the paper/postages costs!!!! Until I hear differently, I think the comparrison with Carnival is a knee-jerk reaction used to get a rise out of Viking cruisers.


But bottom line is almost everyone has their favorite line - and loyalty is rewarded by discounts/perks - but that's not necessarily bad - when I get my nails done 10 times at my salon I get a free manicure! But we ALL have the ability to switch cruise line - ocean and river! If we're unhappy on our next two Viking cruises we may "jump ship" and try another line! or may chalk it up to experience - all depends on what happens and if there is any solution offered! [Celebrity has not always been smooth sailing but I've always felt they - the staff on the ship - have done the best they can! And I'm sure we'll sail with them again!]


Don't know if this helps any - but Thank You for asking! I think the CEO should be gaggedand locked into his office - they should fine a far more diplomatic rep as their mouth-piece!!!


Thanks for all the info. I appreciate it.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi all. We're heading to France for our 30th wedding anniversary and would love to hear what you thought of this cruise! It's a month away, and we are so excited! Was following Huffy's remarks - but don't see anything after day 3..... Please continue - or tell me where I can find your remarks!:p

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We were on this cruise last October - our first RC - and just loved it so much we came home and booked 2 more!! We went north to south with a few days in Paris first and then 2 nights in Avignon and 4 in Nice.


I did write a review of the cruise - this is the link:

Viking - Portraits of Southern France - Viking River Review by FotoPeg


I am also a photo fanatic (hence my name!) so here's the link to my cruise slide show: Cruise SlideShow - I think it gives a good overview of what we saw and did on the cruise! Remember our cruise was Oct. 21st to 28th so your weather should be much warmer in July!


Any other questions just post - I'll be happy to "talk" about our cruise!!


Hope you have a fabulous time!!!!

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We were on this cruise last October - our first RC - and just loved it so much we came home and booked 2 more!! We went north to south with a few days in Paris first and then 2 nights in Avignon and 4 in Nice.


I did write a review of the cruise - this is the link:

Viking - Portraits of Southern France - Viking River Review by FotoPeg


I am also a photo fanatic (hence my name!) so here's the link to my cruise slide show: Cruise SlideShow - I think it gives a good overview of what we saw and did on the cruise! Remember our cruise was Oct. 21st to 28th so your weather should be much warmer in July!


Any other questions just post - I'll be happy to "talk" about our cruise!!


Hope you have a fabulous time!!!!



Thoroughly enjoyed your review! Would love to hear about your time in Paris. We are spending 3 days in Paris before our Viking cruise to Normandy in less than a month! We could surely use any tips you have!


So glad you had a such a grand Viking experience!

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A&D Cruising ~ glad you liked the review - I just re-read it and I meant everything I wrote!! Hoping our December cruise is as great!!!


Now, Paris was fabulous - even if it was wet, wet, WET!!! And we plan on returning in 2014, pre or post cruise - 4 days was not near enough time there!!!


As for tips ~ I'd suggest using the metro - but then we're from NYC and "grew-up" on the subways so it was second nature to us. I've read and read about how walkable Paris is - that's right BUT certain areas are a bit far from each other and we found using the metro made things much easier! We bought a pass and I think we did get our money's worth! But if you use the Metro keep hold of your ticket - some stations you'll need it to exit and also we got caught in a "raid" - St Michel Station is in the Latin Quarter - lots of students & young people who jump the turnstile - saw one guy and I think he should be inthe Olympics! Our hotel was in the area and train police we checking tickets and holding the kids without them! Of course we had ours but provided a good laugh for our grown kids at home!


Eiffel Tower ~ we bought our tickets on line beforehand - good idea of it hadn't rained!! We thought we'd enjoy a lovely sunset - instead the inside area was a pig sty from earlier tourists!! But we still enjoyed the view! But be advised, even with pre-paid tickets, we had to wait on line (about 20 minutes) to get to the top - and all the while the sign flashing "beware of pickpockets"!! Gave us a lot to laugh about!!


There's SO much in Paris it all depends on your own likes and dislikes! Also realize ahead of time its expensive - and that's coming from NYCers! But the wine is cheaper - especially in wine stores - we bought 2 bottles to bring on board and DH was lost in choices!!!


We took the HOHO bus the day we arrived - something we usually never do but found it was good for an overview of the city - helped get us put together all the maps and photos we had studied!


Not sure where you're staying but the area on the left bank just south of Notre Dame is a great mix of stores, cafes, booksellers (even in October). An interesting place in that area is "Shakespeare and Company" - old, historical English bookstore. We took the train to Versailles and that was interesting - go early! - we enjoyed the grounds especially out by the canal.


Again a lot depends on what you like and we always enjoy street markets so, on a Saturday, we went to Tour 56 at Montparnasse (fabulous views!) and walked through the food market on Blvd Edgar Quinet - great fun. My original idea was to buy things for lunch and have a picnic in Luxembourg Gardens - but rain interferred so we ate in a small cafe after the market! But we did buy the best olive bread to eat while walking!!


DH loved the Musee d' Armee - and I have to admit displays were interesting! And we should have gotten to Montmartre earlier and spent more time walking the streets there - but just too much to do!!!


I'll be happy to answer any questions - ask away if you have specific ones!! And here's my Paris Slide Show: Paris SlideShow

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I have just read your review and want to thank you for such an excellent review. In late August, we are going on Viking's France's Finest which includes this cruise, and really appreciated the information you have provided. Invaluable.



QUOTE=FotoPeg;38775661]We were on this cruise last October - our first RC - and just loved it so much we came home and booked 2 more!! We went north to south with a few days in Paris first and then 2 nights in Avignon and 4 in Nice.


I did write a review of the cruise - this is the link:

Viking - Portraits of Southern France - Viking River Review by FotoPeg


I am also a photo fanatic (hence my name!) so here's the link to my cruise slide show: Cruise SlideShow - I think it gives a good overview of what we saw and did on the cruise! Remember our cruise was Oct. 21st to 28th so your weather should be much warmer in July!


Any other questions just post - I'll be happy to "talk" about our cruise!!


Hope you have a fabulous time!!!!

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Hi all. We're heading to France for our 30th wedding anniversary and would love to hear what you thought of this cruise! It's a month away, and we are so excited! Was following Huffy's remarks - but don't see anything after day 3..... Please continue - or tell me where I can find your remarks!:p


Hi Neffy, my apologies for not updating my review more frequently. We are in the process of moving so I've been pretty busy packing lately. Hopefully after we close later this week I will finish the remainder of the review.


Happy Anniversary - we were celebrating our 25th anniversary and I honestly couldn't think of a better way of celebrating. You will have a wonderful time!!! :)

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Kinta ~ glad you like the review and happy that you found it helpfiul! Any questions just ask away - I'll be happy to help as much as I can!


Neffy ~ that's for the compliment and happy that you enjoyed the photos! Hope you have a fabulous trip!!!

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  • 1 month later...

:(:mad: The trip up the Rhone in France on the ship Neptune 8-14 May 2013 was an utter disaster. My 93-year-old mother in law, who was fresh out of hospital, had the idea she would be resting in her stateroom watching the river go by. This was the only reason she'd agreed to come on holiday.


It wasn’t entirely Viking Cruises’ fault (the river was so swollen, negotiating the locks was dangerous). But surely a company of Viking’s size might have had the common sense to anticipate that some elderly and frail passengers might not take kindly to being disembarked each morning for 9 hours while the boat sailed up the river and through the locks with a skeleton crew in accordance with Health and Safety. The only place for the frail and elderly to rest was on the tour bus taking us on the hours-long trip to the next docking place! As a diversion, we were offered an unscheduled tour of a candy factory, but we and other elderly passengers declined. So we found ourselves shortly afterwards having paid thousands of pounds sterling in order to sit on a bus in a car park ! Many of us complained of course, and one American passenger who had paid 7,000 US dollars for his trip stood up at dinner and challenged the senior officer and chief tour guide about the lack of foresight and organisation. Their response? They offered us free drinks in the bar that night! The next day we were given the offer of transferring to a hotel in Lyon, but of course, the stress of it all was too much, and to take up the hotel offer would have meant my husband, myself and the 93-year old lady packing and disembarking within 20 minutes flat! The situation became totally bizarre when a senior officer told my husband and me that ‘Your mother can stay on board tomorrow, but she must hide in her cabin. Otherwise I will be in big trouble!!’ The upshot? Unsolicited, Viking offered my husband and me a discount of 50% on any cruise we might book with them in the future. I thought it was very rude of them not to offer the same discount to my mother in law! We will of course never, never, never take up Viking’s offer. A Viking cruise is now our idea of hell.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Kinta ~ glad you like the review and happy that you found it helpfiul! Any questions just ask away - I'll be happy to help as much as I can!


Neffy ~ that's for the compliment and happy that you enjoyed the photos! Hope you have a fabulous trip!!!


My husband and I leave for Viking's Best of France three weeks from today. We are wondering what kind of adapter, if any, we will need to bring to plug our electronics chargers into the riverboat's electrical system. We have a two round prongs adapter ready to take for the hotel in Paris, but wonder about what we will need on the riverboat.

Thanks so much for whatever help you can provide.

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Kinta ~ last year we were on one of Viking's older ships and yet, it had at least one 110v (american) plug and one 220v (European) plug. We travel with an adapter for the European plug and and a small power strip - about 4 plugs.


Last year we had 2 iphones, a kindle, and a camera battery pack. We never had a problem charging our devices. The desk in our room had plenty of space with the plugs even with the desk top making it very convenient to plug in the power stip and devices.


From comments I've read about the longships there are "plenty" of plugs - don't know how many or where but I don't think there should be a problem.


Have a great cruise!!!!

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Kinta ~ last year we were on one of Viking's older ships and yet, it had at least one 110v (american) plug and one 220v (European) plug. We travel with an adapter for the European plug and and a small power strip - about 4 plugs.


Last year we had 2 iphones, a kindle, and a camera battery pack. We never had a problem charging our devices. The desk in our room had plenty of space with the plugs even with the desk top making it very convenient to plug in the power stip and devices.


From comments I've read about the longships there are "plenty" of plugs - don't know how many or where but I don't think there should be a problem.


Have a great cruise!!!!


Thanks very much for your quick response to my question. Sounds like we won't have any problem at all with charging all our "toys". We pick up our cruise packet on Fri. from our T.A. and are getting quite excited about this trip as it will be our first riverboat cruise. We have purchased the post-cruise package for Paris and are anxious to find out which hotel they will have us staying at. Thanks again and best wishes.

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  • 7 months later...

Hello All, or being from Nashville, I should say You All. :)


I have been following with great enjoyment last year's Viking "Portraits of SF" experiences. My wife and I are scheduled for the Sept. 6th sailing out of Avignon on the Heimdal.


We do not have the Viking transfer from the airport in Marseille to our "overnight" hotel in downtown Marseille, then on to Avignon to board the ship or from Lyon to our 4 night stay near the Louvre in Paris. So information about connections to and from would be invaluable.


Also, are there any posts on this cruise after Kinta's Aug. 7, 2013?


Thank you in advance.

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Hello All, or being from Nashville, I should say You All. :)


I have been following with great enjoyment last year's Viking "Portraits of SF" experiences. My wife and I are scheduled for the Sept. 6th sailing out of Avignon on the Heimdal.


We do not have the Viking transfer from the airport in Marseille to our "overnight" hotel in downtown Marseille, then on to Avignon to board the ship or from Lyon to our 4 night stay near the Louvre in Paris. So information about connections to and from would be invaluable.


Also, are there any posts on this cruise after Kinta's Aug. 7, 2013?


Thank you in advance.

We will be taking this cruise from Avignon next week on the Hermod. I hope to post live as we cruise; if not, I will post a review when we return.



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We are Bobbi and Jim from North Carolina and will be sailing from Avignon next week also. This is our first river cruise in Europe, but we went to China with Viking in 2012. It was such a wonderful experience, we are looking forward to this trip.



Are you on the Hermod also?


Edited by rjscott
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Apologies to all who had been following my review of our Portraits of S France tour. Life got in the way last year and I completely forgot that I had "unfinished" business here. I actually have started researching other Viking cruises for 2015 and stumbled back on to this thread as I was bouncing around the cruisecritic site!


While re-reading my posts covering the first few days of our trip, I see that I neglected to mention the late night walk through the quaint town of Viviers! This was my favorite part of the trip but due to the timing of the arrival into Vivers, it's probably only available on the South to North direction. Walking through these cobblestone streets at night while smoking a nice cigar was an experience I'll never forget!


Day 5 Vienne and Lyon, This day was the worst weather day of the week, it was cold, rainy and very foggy. The fog was really disappointing since the highlight of Vienne is a mini train ride to the top of Mont Pipet - this would have been a tremendous view I'm told, but given the fog, we could barely see the trees a few hundred feet away from us. Once we arrived in Lyon, we signed up for the optional tour to visit the local market in Lyon with Chef Benjamin. While the Chef didn't do much "real" shopping for his galley, it was a great trip to a great market in Lyon, the gastronomical capital of France! We had reservations to have dinner off the ship in Lyon but decided to cancel since the weather was so bad and again, dinner on the ship was fantastic!


Day 6 - still in Lyon and then sail most of the day to Macon. The weather was just a bit better than the prior day (a misty rain rather than a downpour) so the shore excursion was not as wet as day 5. We had a great time exploring the shops in old Lyon, sampling some great cheese, chocolates and of course, stopping in a cafe for a piping hot caffe' au lait to knock off some of the chill from the misty light rain! The evening was capped off by the Captain's farewell dinner.


Day 7 (almost done :mad:) - Tournus and Chalon-sur-Saone. We took the optional tour to Cluny Abbey in the morning - this benedictine Abbey was originally built in 910. Very interesting history here but the highlight to me was the outdoor market going on just outside the Abbey. A really wonderful view into the lifestyle of the French people - a flower vendor photobombed my wife as I was snapping her pic in front of his beautiful flowers - the best picture of the trip! While we were on the optional tour to Cluny, the ship disembarked Tournus and we met the ship at a dock about halfway to Chalon. Once we reached Chalon we went on the excursion to Beaune that included a walking tour, a wine tasting, and a visit to the Hotel Dieu. I recommend this excursion, well, actually, I tend to recommend any excursion involving a wine tasting! :p


Day 8 - Bus ride to Paris for post excursion. Viking does an AMAZING job of organizing the disembarkation. Bags are organized by where you are heading next (airports with Viking transfers, airports without Viking transfers, Paris with Viking post excursion, etc). Our bags were loaded onto our tour bus for the several hour trip to Paris through the beautiful Burgundy region of France.


As I said, we are now actively trying to figure out which Viking Cruise we will be taking in 2015! We have recruited a few other couples to join us next year so you can see that we truly enjoyed our trip with Viking and can't wait to enjoy another trip very soon!

Edited by Huffy2k
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