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The Kickball Cruise from Hell – Inspiration April 5-8, 2013.


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This thread sure has taken a fun turn. First, I never said my cruise was ruined. And of course I expected some rowdy behavior on a weekend spring break cruise. But the behavior on this cruise was over the top. Sorry if I hurt some kickball feelings. It is what it is. There is a reason that Facebook page was set to private.

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I'm probably going to be eaten alive for my comments but I really don't care.


I bet these people (I'll call them kids since I am probably old enough to be their mom) had a blast. I wish I was there to watch the craziness.


I did a spring break cruise last year & I loved watching the younger kids have such a good time. I had a few good laughs & it made me wish I was young & able to drink like that again.


I also took a cruise over Christmas & it was BORING to the max. I love the craziness better then the idea of a family cruise.


So, to the crazy kickballers who are wasting their time to mess with this thread just know that not everyone on here is against their actions. I really do wish I would have been along on this cruise.


party on kids!

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I sailed on this ship. I see where you're coming from but I don't agree with your post. This was my 6th cruise on Carnival and it wasn't any different than any other cruise I've been on. The only difference is this group could be identified with their matching shirts and crazy outfits. They stuck to their own areas pretty much... I never saw them in our dining room...I never saw them during the Showtime performances and I didn't see them during the girls dancing performance... honestly though...what do u expect from people? Carnival has bartenders walking around EVERYWHERE asking for bar service...they have bars open 24 hrs... liquor is where they make their money... now if they're worried about their reputation... they should be more worried about people not wanting to cruise because they're affraid to be left on a board for days without food, power, or working toliets floating on the ocean.

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Unfortunately it seems like this is one of those cases where the misbehavior of a few ruined the image of the whole group. I'm sure many of you kickballers who were on the trip were responsible and courteous, but clearly there were other kickballers, who oerhaps you don't even know and didn't even see much if at all on the ship, who didn't present such a good picture of the kickballers. Based on the info quoted from the facebook group, it seems as though at least someone in an organizational capacity thought it was something ot brag about how many people were cut-off from alcohol etc. The tone seemed more cheering on and congratulating those bad decisions vs suggesting the next time that number should be lower.



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Well, perhaps you should view the FB page for the trip which was--up until a few hours ago--PUBLIC. It spoke loudly and eloquently for itself. You can't put up photos and comments like that and expect people to NOT form vivid opinions of the goings-on. No, there weren't comments from all 500+ people, but it was a varied enough group to make most people think, "Ewww, I sure don't want to be on a boat with THAT bunch, if I can help it."



Of course the entire group wasn't out of control, but those who were will necessarily get you ALL painted with the same, ugly brush. Want to be angry or offended at someone--it should be THOSE members of your group.


As for Carnival hawking liquor--of course they do. It's up to the responsible drinker--as WAKA recommends it's members be--to decline (or over-indulge and then get a letter saying that they're CUT OFF.)

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you should be ashamed of yourself to think because we drink that we are uneducated people.

your statement is ignorant as you are. The kickballs are well educated people from business owners, accountants, teachers, nurses, cio's. Many people do make a lot of money and im sure I make more money a year on a single income then you do with possible 2. People came on this cruise to have have fun, drink and enjoy a vacation.


"I figure if they used just HALF of their smuggling ingenuity at their jobs, they could form a brain trust! Instead, they make their lives about killing as many brain cells as possible......


When you read some the posts that they make when they were sober"


Many of us are very respectful and kind. Many held elevators for people, helped with directions, respected the staff, and treated others with lots of respect. Not only did we clean our rooms and kept the property clean, we respected the staff and greatly appericated their hard work. We tipped, we had a good time, and if you're going to blame us for having a better time then you, then thats your problem.


If we were such a problem, i believe that they would of locked down the ship and been strict but that didnt happen! we also, were paid guests on this ship as you were! this trip was not free and actually we paid more then you so we can host and have private events.

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Since your post indicates that you did not join us on the cruise, I worry that you've rushed to generalize a group without getting to know them. I believe that its rash to incite a witch-hunt over a cruise that you did not attend.



It's a message board, people comment on others' posts even when they were not on the cruise themselves. That's how the board works.


The OP posted "We were assigned to muster station E which was in one of the lounges where the comedy show is held. And this is where we encountered the most obnoxious group of people in my life – the kickballers. The poor crew member leading the safety drill had a hard time controlling the crowd. Several were already falling down drunk. They were constantly yelling and screaming despite repeated requests that they stay quiet because the safety drill could not begin until there was complete silence. Thirty minutes later (no exaggeration) the drill began. We later learned that our room was not the only room to have issues with the kickballers staying quiet.

From that moment on we encountered hoards of drunken kickballers. Carnival security was extremely busy this cruise. Even the comedian used them in his jokes and said that he hadn’t seen such behavior in his 12 years of working for carnival.


I've been on a few short cruises with carnival and yes, people disrupting the muster drill for 30 minutes and refusing to cooperate - holding everyone hostage to their drunken stupidity is unusual. Even on a 3 day cruise.


The muster drill is for everyone's safety, and I don't think anyone sees it as the highlight of their cruise so, shutting the pie hole so people can get the info they need & get on with their cruise would be considerate.


Of course the cruise line pushes the booze sales, as they do on any of the mass market cruises. It doesn't mean people need to get stinking drunk and it doesn't absolve them of responsibility to remain civil. Besides, I thought the facebook page bragged about the amount of booze smuggled on. Oh, I suppose that was carnival's fault too for not finding it.


I wouldn't call it a witch hunt to hope your group doesn't sail carnival again. Not suggesting anyone get burned at the stake.

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I was fortunate enough to attend this cruise, and even more fortunate to say that this was my first cruise. The staff was attentive and friendly, the accommodations were clean, the food was... well it was buffet food. There is a quality cap on buffet style food. But I was okay with it. The ship itself felt a little old, and was quite possibly the worst interior design I have ever had the pleasure of witnessing, but in the end that was part of its charm.


As for this kickball mess. I would say to pretty much anyone... What would a party of your closest 650+ friends on a weekend spring break cruise to Mexico look like? If you can even muster up 650(ish) people. Probably something like what we witnessed. There are always a few who will take it a little far, but that is to be expected. This actually ended up being far tamer than I initially thought it was going to be after getting on board. These people had a good time, and if anyone is to blame for the remaining 20% of cabins that were not kickballers poor experience it is carnival for not warning them that there would be such a large group on board. That being said, if you planned on taking a group of children on a weekend cruise to Mexico during spring break and thought you were going to have a some quiet quality time with the family, you probobly didn't think that one all the way through. Sort of like saying I want to go to a football game to read a book and then get upset when people are drunk and cheering. Maybe take a little personal responsibility, and realize taking your child on a spring break cruise to Mexico was a poor decision. To the individual how has decided to demean an entire groups character for what they do on vacation utterly asinine, and completely unjustified. Just because someone gets a little rowdy doesn't mean they are not healthy, productive, and mostly middle to upper middle class working adults. Judge not lest ye be judged, sir.


All in all I had a great time, and met a lot of fun people, who weren't afraid to have a good time, laugh at them selves and welcome any stranger into the fold. I wish there were more organizations that were as friendly and nonjudgmental as these kickballers. If my next cruise is half as fun as this one I'd be ecstatic.

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It appears someone has started another thread and expresses the same views about this particular "group." One person complaining about profanity, excessive drunkenness, inappropriate conversations in front of child, etc. is one thing, but it appears at least two separate posters felt this group was inconsiderate and beyond the pale. Having a good time is one thing, ruining everyone else's good time is another.

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I first would like to say that I am a kickballer and therefor bias.


I have been reading many of your below statements about our group and what astounds me are everyone's vilification. In reality we had ZERO kickballers arrested during the cruise.


Yes there were people who were grossly intoxicated. These cruise goes were from many groups throughout the ship, not just our group. It was a 3 day cruise during spring break (aka booze cruise). This realization should have temepered everyone's expectations. Also, over drinking is obviously not something new as there are policies in place to deal with incidents. These went into action if need be.


As for the below statements about our adulthood I would like to point out the we employed by very respected companies and make substanstial contributions to society. We are your nurses, fireman/woman, CEO's and other executives from around the country

I for one had a great time with both kickballers and non kickballers alike and cannot wait to do it again.

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It's simple.


If you think your cruise is going to be ruined by a big, obnoxious cruise-group, go to Guest Services and invoke Carnival's guarantee.


Believe me, if enough people have second thoughts about that sailng and invoke the guarantee -- wherein you leave the ship at the first non-U.S. port and Carnival refunds the unused part of your cruise fare AND flies you back to the departure port at their expense -- Carnival would ban that cruise group FOREVER.


Sure, you'd lose the rest of your cruise, but if it REALLY looks like a looming disaster, you always have that option. And Carnival would get the message in a BIG way.

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I have officially seen everything on the internet.


The only thing I'm curious about... if the kickerballers are all young/middle aged professionals... why on Earth would they be going on a spring break cruise?


Spring Break ends when you leave college, maybe you get a year or two leeway... anything after is just kind of creepy.

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Just because we're not in college doesn't mean we're not entitled to a spring break vacation. Why were we on spring break if we're professionals? Because we booked this in December and had 4 months to put in a weekend off request ... So mind your business.


I am completely entitled to my vacation. All through college I never had a spring break because I couldn't afford it. I'm 26 now and this was the first time I got to let loose and be crazy with over 600 people in my age bracket.


Every week I look forward to that one day a week where I get to be a part of a team and feel like a kid again .. half the time after the games I don't even get to get drunk because I have work in the morning, and if I DO get drunk I'm sleeping on my captains couch. YES we are responsible.


what did you think would happen with 600 people from ANY same organization meeting together would act?! I wanna know what parent in their right mind would TAKE their kids on spring break 3 day cruise to mexico. I would never and I don't even have kids.


Also .. criticizing our educational value over a typo because someone put "KICKBALLS" .. now who needs to grow up. Get a life and quit raining on our good time.


If this cruise happens again I WILL BE ON IT. It was the best weekend of my life no joke. Made great friends, FINALLY had no obligation to be my own sober cab or sleep on a couch and LET LOOSE. I deserved it and so did my fellow kickballers. I'm sorry if anyone was offended or annoyed at us, but I'm not sorry that we had so much fun.


And I must thank the staff of carnival for handeling us with professionalism and even remembering my name not only at dinner but in the hallways. and not for any bad behavior they were just that fantastic. .. ok that's all.

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Just because we're not in college doesn't mean we're not entitled to a spring break vacation. Why were we on spring break if we're professionals? Because we booked this in December and had 4 months to put in a weekend off request ... So mind your business.


I am completely entitled to my vacation. All through college I never had a spring break because I couldn't afford it. I'm 26 now and this was the first time I got to let loose and be crazy with over 600 people in my age bracket.


Every week I look forward to that one day a week where I get to be a part of a team and feel like a kid again .. half the time after the games I don't even get to get drunk because I have work in the morning, and if I DO get drunk I'm sleeping on my captains couch. YES we are responsible.


what did you think would happen with 600 people from ANY same organization meeting together would act?! I wanna know what parent in their right mind would TAKE their kids on spring break 3 day cruise to mexico. I would never and I don't even have kids.


Also .. criticizing our educational value over a typo because someone put "KICKBALLS" .. now who needs to grow up. Get a life and quit raining on our good time.


If this cruise happens again I WILL BE ON IT. It was the best weekend of my life no joke. Made great friends, FINALLY had no obligation to be my own sober cab or sleep on a couch and LET LOOSE. I deserved it and so did my fellow kickballers. I'm sorry if anyone was offended or annoyed at us, but I'm not sorry that we had so much fun.


And I must thank the staff of carnival for handeling us with professionalism and even remembering my name not only at dinner but in the hallways. and not for any bad behavior they were just that fantastic. .. ok that's all.


You are correct, you are entitled to your vacation and so was everyone else on the ship.


Just because you all booked as a group, it doesn't give YOUR group the right to behave as if you were the only people on the ship.


With that said, I am sure that there were many people in your group that did not behave as what has been reported here and was still able to let loose and have some fun.


Remember that you all are old enough to be responsible for your actions. If you don't like what people are saying here, then too bad, maybe you should have kept the ones in your group that were giving you a bad name in check.


If you do have another group cruise and want to behave like self entitled brats, then perhaps you all should see what it would cost to charter the entire ship and then you won't have anyone to complain about your behavior other than yourselves.


Blocking the FB page from outside viewers was a good idea though, if I were part of a group that behaved that badly, I wouldn't want my professional reputation tarnished by being associated with it either.


To the OP, I am sorry that you had to spend your WELL EARNED vacation time with a bunch of inconsiderate kick-ballers.

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Ironic that they have made their page "private", and now they are all over here posting on the public forum. :rolleyes:


I didn't use the quotes, but one person referred to being "26 and travelling with 600 people in my age range". That would explain a lot - let's hear back from them when they have kids!


And, to the poster who said no one was arrested, perhaps you should check with the person posting on YOUR page, where that information came from.

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WAKA, like any other group, is full of all kinds of people from all kinds of backgrounds. There are many who do not drink. There were probably even many on this cruise who did not drink, but people see what they want to see.


While I'm sure that there were some idiots, I'm also confident that people are exaggerating here. It's very easy to see some questionable behavior and paint a whole group with that brush.


I'm a proud WAKA player and while I did not go on this cruise, I know several people who did, and having done several cruises myself, there's NO WAY that WAKA-er's were the only folks acting like idiots on this Ensenada cruise. Hell, I don't remember an Ensenada cruise where there WEREN'T folks acting like idiots, though I am sure the sheer volume of waka-'er's would be daunting and intimidating. It sounds like a bachelor/bachelorette party on steroids, and while it's unfortunate that some people let this ruin their vacation, complaining that there are too many of "_____" group on the Lido deck is dumb. Everyone paid for the right to be there.





To suggest that they should be banned from future carnival cruises is absurd.


No more absurd than your lame attempts to "defend" the unruly behavior, which truly sent any decorum of "responsibility" overboard.


Okay so maybe just ban the 517 that smuggled booze on or the 16 banned from drinking, or the 2 arrested for drugs or the 26 in cahoots with the roaming flip cup antics. Let the remaining 183 or so who didin't smuggle and weren't a part of the other antics still sail Carnival, but not as a group.

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As someone in the mid-twenties age group, I think this is an example of the "entitlement" that sometimes plagues my generation. Just because you have the money and the time off from work does not give you the right to do as you please regardless of the effects on others. There's a difference between being rowdy at a cabin with your friends and being disruptive on a cruise full of people who also earned their vacation.


What did or didn't happen isn't that relevant now...but if and when you travel as a (large) group you are more susceptible to scrutiny because you are identifiable. My last cruise featured a group with both very friendly members and very drunk (muster-drill disrupting) members as well, and sadly, it's the disruptive ones I'll remember.


OP, it's a bummer when people don't care how their behavior impacts others. But it certainly does remind me to be thankful for people with good manners.

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As someone in the mid-twenties age group, I think this is an example of the "entitlement" that sometimes plagues my generation. Just because you have the money and the time off from work does not give you the right to do as you please regardless of the effects on others. There's a difference between being rowdy at a cabin with your friends and being disruptive on a cruise full of people who also earned their vacation.


What did or didn't happen isn't that relevant now...but if and when you travel as a (large) group you are more susceptible to scrutiny because you are identifiable. My last cruise featured a group with both very friendly members and very drunk (muster-drill disrupting) members as well, and sadly, it's the disruptive ones I'll remember.


OP, it's a bummer when people don't care how their behavior impacts others. But it certainly does remind me to be thankful for people with good manners.


Yeah! This gives me hope for your generation. I close to quote this rather than the self absorbed lunk who was on the cruise.


OP I am sorry you and your kids were subjected to this on your special time but it sounds like you still had a good time overall. I would have been very upset about this group impinging on my time.


I think it is this kind of behavior that gives Carnival it's reputation. I have a better sense of CCL since coming on cruise critic but am hesitant to try them because I don't want to risk this experience. I am sailing Royal Caribbean this month since the drink packages have started and am a little nervous about the possibility of this kind of behavior.

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However, maybe you should look at your choice of cruise line. Carnival encourages drinking in excess on their cruises. Sitting at the pool I was asked every 5 min if I wanted another drink. Maybe a weekend trip to Mexico on Carnival isn't the place to take your children.


I am sorry but for someone trying to defend this groups behaviour, this is the most piss-poor attempt at justifying it yet. It shouldn't matter if Carnival staff were offering drinks every 30 seconds, the whole thing about being 'responsible' and an adult is that you are able to make decisions about your behavior based on what you think is and isn't acceptable. It is pretty clear what this group considered acceptable.

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Wow--I went through the FB page for this group and am I glad I wasn't on this cruise. It is groups like this that give Carnival its bad name.



Its groups like this that give any cruise a bad name. We were once on a RCCL ship with the same kind of experience.



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I first would like to say that I am a kickballer and therefor bias.


I have been reading many of your below statements about our group and what astounds me are everyone's vilification. In reality we had ZERO kickballers arrested during the cruise.


Yes there were people who were grossly intoxicated. These cruise goes were from many groups throughout the ship, not just our group. It was a 3 day cruise during spring break (aka booze cruise). This realization should have temepered everyone's expectations. Also, over drinking is obviously not something new as there are policies in place to deal with incidents. These went into action if need be.


As for the below statements about our adulthood I would like to point out the we employed by very respected companies and make substanstial contributions to society. We are your nurses, fireman/woman, CEO's and other executives from around the country

I for one had a great time with both kickballers and non kickballers alike and cannot wait to do it again.


Public intoxication and public profanity can get professionals fired. Firefighters and policeman in some organizations have policies of zero tolerance. Medical staff are not far behind. Private functions might be ok, but not out in public which is what the vacationers forgot, they were out in the public.

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