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Another "bumped out of chosen cabin" story - would this make you cancel?


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I've seen a few stories on the various boards about people being bumped from their reserved cabins without notice, now it's happened to me!


Being a bargain hunter (and a solo traveller), I rarely book a cruise very far ahead, as I usually snap up the last minute deals that are offered at lower supplement. However RCCL had a great deal on the Independence of the Seas transatlantic run next spring at no single supplement. When I first saw it there was lots of availability and last month I managed to book a prime "mid-hump" balcony cabin - or so I thought. When I followed up with my travel agent (an online agency) because I hadn't received a confirmation email from him, I was informed that I no longer had my prime "mid-hump" balcony, but was now further back on the straight bit of the hull. I am not happy about the move! I rarely, if ever, have got to choose a "prime" cabin, I usually have to take a guarantee, or pick a cabin from last few remaining "left-overs"!!


The TA is telling me it is all the cruiselines doing - as I used a next cruise certificate it had to be converted from CAN$ to US$ and doing so, somehow meant that I lost my booking in the initial chosen cabin. It sounds a bit fishy to me - I suspect that as the no supplement deal they had is now finished, that they managed to sell off my "prime" cabin for a lot more than I had paid for it!


The new cabin is the same category, but is not in the "prime" location that I was so excited to book. I really don't want to go on cruise and for 2 weeks walk by what should have been "my" cabin every day and think about what might have been! The online TA can't seem to understand why I am upset about the cabin move, and in fact, I would not have realized until much later, if I hadn't been chasing them up for details.


Currently the issue is with a supervisor at the online TA, but they're not being very helpful.


So ... do I cancel the whole thing because I can't get the cabin I wanted? (No flights or hotels have been booked at this point.) I know, it's a real first world problem. However I'm left feeling like they think "oh that's just a solo traveller, we can put them anywhere, afterall they only paid $XXXX", but I did NOT book a guarantee, I booked THAT cabin and I want THAT cabin...

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I've seen a few stories on the various boards about people being bumped from their reserved cabins without notice, now it's happened to me!


Being a bargain hunter (and a solo traveller), I rarely book a cruise very far ahead, as I usually snap up the last minute deals that are offered at lower supplement. However RCCL had a great deal on the Independence of the Seas transatlantic run next spring at no single supplement. When I first saw it there was lots of availability and last month I managed to book a prime "mid-hump" balcony cabin - or so I thought. When I followed up with my travel agent (an online agency) because I hadn't received a confirmation email from him, I was informed that I no longer had my prime "mid-hump" balcony, but was now further back on the straight bit of the hull. I am not happy about the move! I rarely, if ever, have got to choose a "prime" cabin, I usually have to take a guarantee, or pick a cabin from last few remaining "left-overs"!!


The TA is telling me it is all the cruiselines doing - as I used a next cruise certificate it had to be converted from CAN$ to US$ and doing so, somehow meant that I lost my booking in the initial chosen cabin. It sounds a bit fishy to me - I suspect that as the no supplement deal they had is now finished, that they managed to sell off my "prime" cabin for a lot more than I had paid for it!


The new cabin is the same category, but is not in the "prime" location that I was so excited to book. I really don't want to go on cruise and for 2 weeks walk by what should have been "my" cabin every day and think about what might have been! The online TA can't seem to understand why I am upset about the cabin move, and in fact, I would not have realized until much later, if I hadn't been chasing them up for details.


Currently the issue is with a supervisor at the online TA, but they're not being very helpful.


So ... do I cancel the whole thing because I can't get the cabin I wanted? (No flights or hotels have been booked at this point.) I know, it's a real first world problem. However I'm left feeling like they think "oh that's just a solo traveller, we can put them anywhere, afterall they only paid $XXXX", but I did NOT book a guarantee, I booked THAT cabin and I want THAT cabin...


There is still plenty of time to get a prime cabin. Just check for open cabins on a daily basis, if you can. When you see one you like, call the TA and ask to change. I've done this many times (but haven't gotten bumped from one I wanted originally).

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So, you weren't really bumped as you never had the cabin. Sounds more like your TA messed up, not RCI. I would suspect your TA never put a hold on the cabin for you. BTW, we have had a hump cabin and have one again in Nov. They were the same price as non-hump cabins in the same cat. We didn't book them because they were hump, we did however book them because they're close to mid-ship. Not everyone thinks they're prime and RCI doesn't treat them as prime either. Those cabins go for the same price as others in the same category.

Edited by BND
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I wouldn't cancel the trip over a loss of a mid-hump cabin. I found the one I had (on the Explorer) to be rather windy. I had to stay at least a foot back from the rail when we were underway ... and on a TA crossing, that will be the majority of the trip!


I had the last hump cabin on the Serenade ... and I loved that one ... big wedge-shaped balcony, no wind issues, centrally located to the elevators. But frankly my preference is a cabin midway between aft and forward elevators, which is wonderfully convenient to everything.

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Being a bargain hunter (and a solo traveller), When I followed up with my travel agent (an online agency) because I hadn't received a confirmation email from him, I was informed that I no longer had my prime "mid-hump" balcony, but was now further back on the straight bit of the hull.


The TA is telling me it is all the cruiselines doing - It sounds a bit fishy to me


The online TA can't seem to understand why I am upset about the cabin move, and in fact, I would not have realized until much later, if I hadn't been chasing them up for details.


Currently the issue is with a supervisor at the online TA, but they're not being very helpful.



I bet the cabin you now have is in the block of cabins your TA had reserved

Edited by setsail
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So, you weren't really bumped as you never had the cabin. Sounds more like your TA messed up, not RCI. I would suspect your TA never put a hold on the cabin for you. BTW, we have had a hump cabin and have one again in Nov. They were the same price as non-hump cabins in the same cat. We didn't book them because they were hump, we did however book them because they're close to mid-ship. Not everyone thinks they're prime and RCI doesn't treat them as prime either. Those cabins go for the same price as others in the same category.


Actually I did have the cabin - the reservation had to be moved from the initial booking with the TA, to a booking using the certificate, and the certificate had to be transferred from a "no particular agency" certificate, to a "this online agency" certificate (along with converting the currency of the certificate). So I understand there were a lot of moving parts to the booking, but fail to see how any of the changes would release the booked cabin back into the "pot" of available cabins. I know RCI doesn't treat the cabins as different, but I was really excited to be able to snag one, as I had read here on cruisecritic about the great position of them and was looking forward to experiencing a cabin I had actually chosen rather than just been allocated...


I've used this online agency several times (usually for last minute bookings) and they usually have good deals and good service, so that's why I used them rather than booking direct.


Maybe I'm just not meant to take a transatlantic, I already had an issue earlier this year with a different agency and a different transatlantic, where they did a bait and switch (or at the very least deceptive posted pricing) with the pricing and I ended up reporting them to the BBB... sigh!


As another poster replied, I guess I have to keep checking what becomes available (if I keep the booking), but it's annoying as I did a lot of research for the initial booking, comparing exactly what cabins were available at that time, and obviously, now more than a month later (and after a really good pricing deal had been available for several weeks), the availability is a lot less.


My current response to the online TA is get my cabin back or get me a major upgrade - IF it is RCL's fault then RCL need to fix it!!

Edited by westcoasttech
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Did the agent explain why you weren't sent confirmation when you booked initially?


Because of the transfer of the certificate from "no particular agent" to "this particular agent". I guess I should have chased it up sooner, but silly me, thought that if there was an ACTUAL problem or change, then I would have received an ACTUAL phone call!! It's the blaise nature of "oh, you don't have that cabin anymore" that's annoying - when I spent quite some time with the online agency, picking the cabin in the first place!

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Have you checked to see what other cabins are available? You can always call your TA to switch to another cabin if there are other hump locations left. It looks as if there are a few E2 cabins on the front-end of the hump left if you're on the May 2014 TA.

Edited by crazyventures
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In my experience, confirmations are emailed automatically. I tend to agree with the others in thinking it likely that the TA failed to complete the booking.


But I agree with the others that don't feel that the cabin selection will make that much difference. I've had cabins all over the ship and can't say it has made a difference one way or another - although I know that others feel differently.

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I bet the cabin you now have is in the block of cabins your TA had reserved



I agree with this summation. I was booking thru a TA for an upcoming cruise and initially asked for my balcony to be on the hump (was booking way ahead). When I was sent my confirmation it wasn't a hump but since it was a group cruise and they put friends next door I didn't say anything. Later when upgrading to a higher class and with a refund (way before final). I mention to the TA why she didn't give me my requested hump and ignored my request. She said, Whats a hump? (and I thought, why are you a cruise TA?....) She did go on to say she had a "block" to use.


So yup, I bet the hump cabins weren't in the TAs block

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Agree with the above poster. I've had a TA now and then, put me a few cabins away from a particular selection, based upon their needing to fill their "reserved areas". In those few instances, none of the TA's seem to understand that what I wanted and insisted made any difference. It was maddening. I had one insist the one I wanted was not available even though it remained available for days after I had words with him.


I haven't used my booking certificate, so I don't understand the process enough to comment upon it. That being said, I see this as the fault of the TA and not Royal, however I may be mistaken.


For a transatlantic sail, with a great price and no single sup. I'd have to swallow down that lump in my throat if I couldn't find another suitable alternative. Once on board, I have envy of aft cabins and what not, however it never has affected the wonderful time of cruising for me.


You still have an incredible deal, a great balcony and that transatlantic sail you have been wanting to do. So no way would I cancel it. There is always another cruise and another hump cabin out there waiting for you:D

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I've seen a few stories on the various boards about people being bumped from their reserved cabins without notice, now it's happened to me!


Being a bargain hunter (and a solo traveller), I rarely book a cruise very far ahead, as I usually snap up the last minute deals that are offered at lower supplement. However RCCL had a great deal on the Independence of the Seas transatlantic run next spring at no single supplement. When I first saw it there was lots of availability and last month I managed to book a prime "mid-hump" balcony cabin - or so I thought. When I followed up with my travel agent (an online agency) because I hadn't received a confirmation email from him, I was informed that I no longer had my prime "mid-hump" balcony, but was now further back on the straight bit of the hull. I am not happy about the move! I rarely, if ever, have got to choose a "prime" cabin, I usually have to take a guarantee, or pick a cabin from last few remaining "left-overs"!!


The TA is telling me it is all the cruiselines doing - as I used a next cruise certificate it had to be converted from CAN$ to US$ and doing so, somehow meant that I lost my booking in the initial chosen cabin. It sounds a bit fishy to me - I suspect that as the no supplement deal they had is now finished, that they managed to sell off my "prime" cabin for a lot more than I had paid for it!


The new cabin is the same category, but is not in the "prime" location that I was so excited to book. I really don't want to go on cruise and for 2 weeks walk by what should have been "my" cabin every day and think about what might have been! The online TA can't seem to understand why I am upset about the cabin move, and in fact, I would not have realized until much later, if I hadn't been chasing them up for details.


Currently the issue is with a supervisor at the online TA, but they're not being very helpful.


So ... do I cancel the whole thing because I can't get the cabin I wanted? (No flights or hotels have been booked at this point.) I know, it's a real first world problem. However I'm left feeling like they think "oh that's just a solo traveller, we can put them anywhere, afterall they only paid $XXXX", but I did NOT book a guarantee, I booked THAT cabin and I want THAT cabin...

This is definitely the TA, they made the reservation, then you gave the NC number the NC cert is converted with a different stateroom then your TA res is cancelled and immediately the stateroom you wanted is added to the NC reservation. The TA need to call RCCL to convert the NC once its in your TA's name.

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I think the O.P. should cancel.


They mention they would feel uncomfortable every time they passed "their" cabin during the cruise, and that it would be a source of irritation from now forward.


Why put yourself through the misery?


The cabin is gone, maybe because of the cruise line, maybe the travel agent, who knows but the prime cabin is gone and hoping to get it back will only be an exercise in frustration.


Cut your losses, move on, find another cruise with a cabin you want.

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Thanks for all the opinions, guys.


Part of the problem, is the feeling of powerlessness - the only threat I have (with the TA and the CL) is to cancel, and if I do, they can then sell the whatever cabin I've been allocated for a higher price to someone else - yeah, really great threat!


My online agent is not back in the office till tomorrow so I'll see what their latest excuse is then - and locate the best cabin I can.


Bottom line, I have until early next year to cancel without penalty, so I guess I see whether they (or I - though having to do the work myself, while a TA gets paid for it, is rather bitter) can come up with a cabin which in MY OPINION (not their's) is the equal or better of the original. At that time, the prices will probably be dropping again (from what I've seen the Spring TA's do usually drop in price), so at least I'll have the meager satisfaction that it can't be resold for more...

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I think you should keep the cruise, you got 3 things that are important to you, the ship, the iten., and a great price.


I have booked cruises where I could not get the 1st choice cabin we wanted, but because it was the ship, iten, and price we still booked

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If you are in an E2 there are at least 3 hump cabins that I can see available today. Two on Deck 6 and one on Deck 7. I would NOT give up a trip just because of a snaffu with a particular cabin. This cruise has a lot of solo travelers on it. Be sure to join us on the Roll Call.




With all that was going on, (Next Cruise, TA, transferring back and forth) I'm not surprised that something fell through the cracks. That is part of the problem with using a TA instead of directly with RCCL and transferring. Things can take longer to work through the system. We had something like that happen with our reservations.

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I know how you feel because i always book mid center hump cabins and did that for my next TA on Liberty. I booked directly (on the phone) with RCL no middle man to mess things up. The price dropped once and I called and got my discount because no middle man. If I had a bad experience as you did and feel as you stated how hard it would be to walk past the cabin you should have had i would cancel. I would watch for another deal on that cruise and see if another hump open up and book it myself.

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BTW, we have had a hump cabin and have one again in Nov. They were the same price as non-hump cabins in the same cat. We didn't book them because they were hump, we did however book them because they're close to mid-ship. Not everyone thinks they're prime and RCI doesn't treat them as prime either. Those cabins go for the same price as others in the same category.


That is not true at all. Hump cabins are ALL D1 category on Allure. There are no humps D2-D8 (regular balcony cabins). There is a price premium for D1 because of location, the hump, and the physical size of the balcony which is 60% larger than standard.


You may be getting an awesome deal (I am too, upgraded from a D8 to a D1 mid-hump) but RCI absolutely does view these are premium real estate and charges accordingly.

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So, you weren't really bumped as you never had the cabin. Sounds more like your TA messed up, not RCI. I would suspect your TA never put a hold on the cabin for you.


Agreed. Sounds like your TA put you into a group or GTY category and "sold" your cabin to a larger group for more money.


With my TA (two different ones actually) I receive my confirmations before we even get off the phone and I review them. It would be abnormal to have a waiting period for a confirmation email with cabin assignment.

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(or I - though having to do the work myself, while a TA gets paid for it, is rather bitter)


If you feel that way book direct with Royal. I use TA's because I HAVE done my work, know what I want, and take advantage of their lower pricing and perks. I have to assume you are using a TA because of lower pricing and / or perks on the deal? If the price and bonuses are exactly the same as the TA, eliminate the TA and deal with Royal directly.


I get exactly why you would be miffed, but it's still an awesome deal and going to be a great cruise, so I wouldn't cancel. I would NOT threaten to cancel, for the reasons you listed, you have very little leverage here. I would keep working the TA for price reductions or OBC though.

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