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Celebrity Website Issues (Several Threads Merged)

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Well, I was just trying to look up a couple things on Celebrity.com in order to post a link in answer to a question on another thread.


But what I found was an unreadable mess! Pages that were working fine last week now won't display properly at all. Some pages will work on one browser but not another, and on others the reverse is true.


What ever happened to all of the positive comments posted in the "Q&A with Tine Alexander" threads here on Cruise Critic last spring?


I can't believe Celebrity is letting this web site mess go on month after month and year after year. It has to be costing them a fortune in lost business!

Yes and along with some other disappointed people it may be compounded.:D

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I honestly cannot believe that Celebrity continues to ignore these issues. I think it is just a terrible reflection on the company as a whole. No other businesses would allow such a mess to continue unchanged like this. Makes me think that Celebrity honestly does not care about its passengers.


I've gone on Celebrity many times, and really like it, but I do find some attention to detail is really slipping in the last few years. I know those of you who have been on it much longer have really noticed things slipping.


I'm so frustrated with this website that I am honestly considering booking all of my shore excursions with someone else. I just cannot be bothered. Will be Celebrity's loss.


Just sheer idiocy, far as I am concerned.


Why don't they pay attention to the complaints of loyal cruisers? Not good. Not good at all!

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Well, I was just trying to look up a couple things on Celebrity.com in order to post a link in answer to a question on another thread.


But what I found was an unreadable mess! Pages that were working fine last week now won't display properly at all. Some pages will work on one browser but not another, and on others the reverse is true.


What ever happened to all of the positive comments posted in the "Q&A with Tine Alexander" threads here on Cruise Critic last spring?


I can't believe Celebrity is letting this web site mess go on month after month and year after year. It has to be costing them a fortune in lost business!


I agree, it's pretty amazing. They have to be losing a fortune on the excursions you can't even see, much less book. No biggie to me because I rarely take Celebrity excursions, but I think a lot of folks do take them.


Here's a tip. On my January cruise, I knew they would be offering a ferry excursion to St. John from St. Thomas because they've offered that before. So I had my travel agent book it. Problem solved. Of course that doesn't help the folks who have no knowledge of excursions in the first place.


My hope is that now that all the hoo ha surrounding the new Captain's Club tiers will start to die down that Celebrity will turn its attention to getting the website back up to speed. If I were that Alexander woman, I would be hiding deep in a cave somewhere. The problems have become much worse since she promised improvement.

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Well, I was just trying to look up a couple things on Celebrity.com in order to post a link in answer to a question on another thread.


But what I found was an unreadable mess! Pages that were working fine last week now won't display properly at all. Some pages will work on one browser but not another, and on others the reverse is true.


What ever happened to all of the positive comments posted in the "Q&A with Tine Alexander" threads here on Cruise Critic last spring?


I can't believe Celebrity is letting this web site mess go on month after month and year after year. It has to be costing them a fortune in lost business!


I honestly cannot believe that Celebrity continues to ignore these issues. I think it is just a terrible reflection on the company as a whole. No other businesses would allow such a mess to continue unchanged like this. Makes me think that Celebrity honestly does not care about its passengers.


I've gone on Celebrity many times, and really like it, but I do find some attention to detail is really slipping in the last few years. I know those of you who have been on it much longer have really noticed things slipping.


I'm so frustrated with this website that I am honestly considering booking all of my shore excursions with someone else. I just cannot be bothered. Will be Celebrity's loss.


Just sheer idiocy, far as I am concerned.


Why don't they pay attention to the complaints of loyal cruisers? Not good. Not good at all!



I made a joke a couple days ago about receiving an e-mail offer from Celebrity -- in Spanish, but when I think about it, it's really not funny. We are experienced cruisers but first time Celebrity cruisers who were supposed to be on the Millennium wine cruise in September, and both my husband and I are astonished at their appalling lack of attention to detail. I'm trying to let it go, because from everything I've heard and read we're going to love Celebrity once we finally get on a ship, but I'm frustrated and my husband is about ready to say, "forget it."

*We received three or four e-mails AFTER our Millennium cruise was cancelled telling us they couldn't wait to welcome us aboard. Salt in the wound.

*We occasionally get e-mails from Celebrity in Spanish, or with prices in Euros "for our European guests." Both Celebrity and Captain's Club have my correct address...in Texas.

*I haven't been able to access my reservation since last month. I have tried repeatedly to book a couple shore excursions and specialty restaurant reservations, but every time I try I get an error message. This morning I got a message that I was looking at the wrong brand?????

*The apology letter that came with our Future Cruise Certificates told us how sorry Celebrity was to cancel our Alaska cruise. We were never booked for Alaska.

*After our Millennium cruise was cancelled, I sent a letter to Michael Bayley's office, Guest Relations, Captain's Club, and Richard Fain's office (RCCL corporate). I heard back from RCCL almost right away, but I have yet to hear from Celebrity.:(

I know this is nothing that hasn't already been said on this thread...I'm just venting. I'm going to call to apply my FCC to our booking early next week, and I am going to try to get shore excursions booked on the phone.

My husband doesn't even know I can't access our reservation...I'm going to keep that my little secret. I'm really hoping there's little to no correlation between the staff on-shore and the staff on a ship. If Celebrity is hoping to attract and keep new customers, they have a funny way of going about it!:rolleyes: If I wasn't an experienced cruiser, I probably would have given up a long time ago.

Edited by Cindy
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With this newest promotion, I have tried to price my cruise to Europe just to see what the difference would be from the previous promotion. I tried the Celebrity website in IE and Chrome. I have also tried my travel agent's website. I get at least four different prices for the same room. They are all higher than what I booked, but still I should be quoted the same price for the same room.

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Well....after 12 years since my last Celebrity cruise, I come to their website in search of itineraries, and cant even get those. I was soooo frustrated and about to post a thread here to that effect, then saw this one. So glad I didn't start a new one.


Over the years, I have visited various cruise websites and had troubles with some others, but this one takes the cake.


I will persevere to find my information, but I have to say they don't make it easy.:(

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After realizing the 1-2-3 Go promotion was back, I got on Celebrity's website to see about adding another cruise next spring. DH and I usually cruise Celebrity without the kids but I thought it would be nice to add them to one.


Too bad the website doesn't understand 3 in a room. It keeps changing it back to 2. It doesn't matter what I do...it changes it back to 2. Thinking it might have been that particular cruise where there were no rooms for 3 available, I tried others. No dice. I could call my TA and have him check the prices but I like to do a little of the legwork in advance.


I'm looking at other lines now. Way to lose business, Celebrity! Don't dangle an offer in front of us (25 extra points if booked this weekend) if your website can't handle it.


And as I've been typing this post, the site has gone down for maintenance. Good grief.

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After realizing the 1-2-3 Go promotion was back, I got on Celebrity's website to see about adding another cruise next spring. DH and I usually cruise Celebrity without the kids but I thought it would be nice to add them to one.


Too bad the website doesn't understand 3 in a room. It keeps changing it back to 2. It doesn't matter what I do...it changes it back to 2. Thinking it might have been that particular cruise where there were no rooms for 3 available, I tried others. No dice. I could call my TA and have him check the prices but I like to do a little of the legwork in advance.


I'm looking at other lines now. Way to lose business, Celebrity! Don't dangle an offer in front of us (25 extra points if booked this weekend) if your website can't handle it.


And as I've been typing this post, the site has gone down for maintenance. Good grief.


If you were trying to book Aqua class...it's only 2 to a room...

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If you were trying to book Aqua class...it's only 2 to a room...


I was trying to book a different cruise for the kids (in an OV) and possibly another one in Aqua for me and DH. It wouldn't take my three to an OV room on several different cruises I was looking at for the kids.


Maybe it's a sign! I'll try again later since they're working on the site.

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When I try to see my sailing history under the Captain's Club tab, I always obtain an error message. Based on comments on this board, I understand that the only way to see it properly is to have IE10. Is this something that Celebrity considers as "normal" and that all their customers should use the same browser as their website developpers or is it a "bug" they are trying to solve ASAP? Most of their customers are probably using older versions of IE or iOS.


Considering they are promoting Apple products on their ships, I think that it would be appropriate to support iOS7.


An official statement from X about their plans concerning that problem should be issued. Am I asking too much?

Edited by vivi9909
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When I try to see my sailing history under the Captain's Club tab, I always obtain an error message. Based on comments on this board, I understand that the only way to see it properly is to have IE10. Is this something that Celebrity considers as "normal" and that all their customers should use the same browser as their website developpers or is it a "bug" they are trying to solve ASAP? Most of their customers are probably using older versions of IE or iOS.


Considering they are promoting Apple products on their ships, I think that it would be appropriate to support iOS7.


An official statement from X about their plans concerning that problem should be issued. Am I asking too much?


Everything including the sailing history is working for me now with Safari on my iPad.


I am concerned, however, that they still have the numbers wrong on the payment breakdown on My Reservation. Both customer service and Captain's Club have us at $0 balance, but not the website. They tell me to ignore the balance, but I'm concerned as to what will happen on Dec. 17 when final payment is due??? I guess I need to call the IT phone number and demand they fix it. It is not my personality to make forceful demands, but it must be done.:(

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With this newest promotion, I have tried to price my cruise to Europe just to see what the difference would be from the previous promotion. I tried the Celebrity website in IE and Chrome. I have also tried my travel agent's website. I get at least four different prices for the same room. They are all higher than what I booked, but still I should be quoted the same price for the same room.


Works fine today!

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It might be working fine for some but right now nothing much is working. With IE11 in Windows 7 all you get is a site under maintenance message. With Firefox 19 and Safari 7 in OSX Mavericks I can eventually get to the home page to show up but not much else. It's totally ridiculous they still can't their site working properly after more or less a month of problems.

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I just went to Celebrity's site and the first thing I saw was a big pop up box that said "It's time to upgrade" explaining that I was using an outdated browser and should upgrade to get an "optimal" experience. There was a link for Internet Explorer and when I clicked it I found it was a link to download Internet Explorer 8!! The problem: I'm running Internet Explorer 11!! Of course you'll notice that even that didn't display correctly as shown in the screen capture below:




Celebrity: It is time for YOU to upgrade!!


It might be working fine for some but right now nothing much is working. With IE11 in Windows 7 all you get is a site under maintenance message. With Firefox 19 and Safari 7 in OSX Mavericks I can eventually get to the home page to show up but not much else. It's totally ridiculous they still can't their site working properly after more or less a month of problems.


The following fix works on most of their pages on IE11, I read about this when another poster here on Cruise Critic pointed it out: In IE11 click on the icon that looks like a gear on the upper right corner of your browser. Then select "Compatibility View Settings" and follow the prompt to add the Celebrity site. Then reload your page and it should work OK.

Edited by Lsimon
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Well, I'm at a total loss why some people have problems and others do not. I, thankfully, do not. I was able to complete the online check-in for my cruise and print out the Xpress Pass with no problems. We'll see if I'm able to order luggage tags in a few days.

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I can't access any information for STATEROOMS, or any of the benefits for Captain's Club.


I'm getting the following message:


We're Sorry


Page Not Found

We Apologize for the Error

Celebrity Cruises Error Page


The page you are looking for can not be found. It could be that the page has moved, the page has been eliminated, or the web address entered could be incorrect. To navigate away from this error page, click here Celebrity Cruises website . (link)


which of course, takes you back to another error page.


Is anyone else having these difficulties, or is this some kind of problem with my browser?

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I have not been able to access my reservation for about two weeks now. It's for a sailing on the CONSTELLATION in February.


I receive an error message every time I try accessing the reservation stating: "We are currently unable to process your request. Please try again later". I have tried using different web browsers, clearing the cache, and also accessing the reservation by different methods, such as being logged on and looking under "My Celebrity", and also being logged off and going to "Already booked" then "Online Check-in". No matter what I try I receive the same error message. When I log on and go to "My Celebrity", my reservation is listed, but when I try to do anything under "manage the reservation" I receive the same error message.


Prior to a couple weeks ago, I had no issues accessing the reservation so something has changed on their (Celebrity Cruises) end. I've called Celebrity and they have stated that they escalated the issue to their IT department, but nothing has been resolved. I just sent them an email and perhaps having it in writing will result in a better response, but I'm not holding my breath.

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The following fix works on most of their pages on IE11, I read about this when another poster here on Cruise Critic pointed it out: In IE11 click on the icon that looks like a gear on the upper right corner of your browser. Then select "Compatibility View Settings" and follow the prompt to add the Celebrity site. Then reload your page and it should work OK.

Larry: Thanks for the tip. I will try it the next time I have to resort to using IE. It's strange but now I think about it, I only have to do that because of problems with the Celebrity website. If most other companies out there can do it right, why can't Celebrity? It's time they got their act together and hired people that can make it work! Amateur hour doesn't cut it anymore!


Cheers, Chris

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My poor old laptop (3 yrs old) was on Internet explorer 7, and I could not get anything on the Celebrity website, not even an itinerary, and then I saw the post that said you need an up to date browser.


I tried to upgrade Internet Explorer but to no avail, then realised that I had recently downloaded google chrome, so I openend it, went to X website and voila! worked like a charm.


Google chrome is easy and fast to download ( at least it was for me ), so I suggest if all else fails, download chrome.

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