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Fall Spirit Crossing 9 -25 Nov


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Doug, Wes, Deiter--thank you for the fantastic commentary. It's almost as if we're there but without the motion on the ocean.

We were caught in the Caribbean on a Regent cruise in the middle of Tropical Storm Olga one December--15 foot swells for 6 days. Not fun, especially given how much those ships vibrate.

You all seem to be making the best of it. And it wouldn't be as much of an adventure if it was smooth sailing the entire way, would it? You would definitely bring home less stories!

Thanks for the info on the bartenders. Sounds like a good group. I'm hoping BillCrooz will provide some commentary as well as he is on the ship the week prior to us.

If they still have the Pol Roger 2002 Rose Champagne, I highly recommend it. But please do leave some for us!

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We had a wonderful sommelier in July on the Whisper or early September on the Cloud (it's a blur, but I think it was probably July on the Whisper). His name was Civan. I'm wondering if it's the same fellow? In his early to mid 30s perhaps, short black hair, about 5'8"??? We thought he was fantastic! If it's the same fellow, I hope and assume he will be on in December....
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Outstanding Thai Dinner tonight thanks to efforts of Emtsbam/Victoria & Bob, pls enjoy some pix:

Dougburns (Doug, Lynn), Ida


LtoR top (Doug, Wes, Dieter), bottom LtoR (Lynn, Ida, Debbie)


LtoR (Wes, Ana (INternational Hostess) Dieter, Bob, Victoria, Alan, Berryl, Ida)


Spinnaker2(Larry, Candy, Dance Host Tom, Debbie, Doug)


As u can see, our group is digging in and enjoying our special Thai Dishes, we paired with Leffe beer from Belguim.

[URL=http://s1197.photobucket.com/user/colonelwes/media/sea4pmthai014_zps29c00f8f.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1197.photobucket.com/albums/aa436/colonelwes/sea4pmthai014_zps29c00f8f.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Edited by Colonel(Ret.)Wes
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Will do Pat & Karen。  Forgot to mention the lovely Miss Lynn is sitting to the left of Doug in the pix0

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Wed morning 0600 and it's still rocky; wild ride again in 901 thru the night. We went thru the front @ 1600 yesterday; the wind shifted 180 deg and the winds died down a bit, but the seas continued to be rough(@ 12 feet). The captain turned to the northwest(290) right after we went thru the front and we're continuing on that course for Bermuda this morning. Showers forecast for this afternoon. We have the galley lunch today at noon. Tried to dance before dinner last night, but it was not good, so we gave up. Hope things smooth out thru the day. As Wes said, the Thai dinner was excellent, but the soup would really light your fire; especially the broth. A good time was had by all. Now that I can see outside, it's partly cloudy and the winds appear to be less than 15 knots, because there aren't many whitecaps. Hopefully, King Neptune will continue to calm the seas for us. Internet has been much better all the way across the pond; no dropouts or slow downs, especially early in the morning. Dinner with Wes and Ida tonight in le Champagne and a group dinner with Paolo tomorrow night in the MDR( the 2010 maiden crossing group ). Formal night Fri and a Pool BBQ Sat. More later. Have a great day all!

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Four Castagnedi brothers founded the Tenuto SA winery in circa late 1980s.


15000 bottles of their Amarone were produced in 2007. At the high end of abv ( 16%) the wine is said to be drinking well now but could benefit from cellaring until 2020.

Thanks for the info MarianH!


Its good to see that the complimentary wines are of such a good standard:D
Good one! If only it were true... :rolleyes:
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You must admit they are getting a lot better than a while ago!
Yes indeed duct tape!


Thinking back to our voyage aboard the Cloud this summer, the complimentary pours were definitely acceptable, if not spectacular. But, anytime we needed something spectacular, the Connoisseur Wine List always fit the bill perfectly. And, I truly enjoyed the very sharp pricing that typically could be found on those that hailed from Italy.

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Silver Spirit Crew Member Profile:




Please meet Peter, a member of the Silver Spirit Bar team. Peter works in the Panorama Lounge on board the Silver Spirit. Peter is from the Philippines, his family lives in Palompon, Leyte.


Peter is married and has two wonderful children (boy & girl). His son, John Lloyd is 15 years old, his daughter Ainna Marie is the youngest at age 12.


Peter was on board the Spirit when earlier this month (Nov 4th) Typhoon Haiyan stuck Palompon and devastated his family home—a large coconut tree fell on his home and slice it in half. Fortunately, his family was not hurt. Now, however his family is in need of immediate assistance from the Government to rebuild/repair the family home. Peter’s family does receive donations in terms of needed food assistance but his family is in critical need of construction materials to repair their family home.


Peter used to use daily, the internet free video service, Skype to talk to his John Lloyd and Ainna Marie and his wife--Virgie. However since Hayain struck his home, his family is without a computer and he instead calls daily to keep in touch with his family.


Peter has been with Silversea for over four years. He first started serving on board the Shadow before transferring to the Spirit. What Peter likes most about working for Silversea is the opportunity to serve guests in the Panorama lounge and serving as a valued member of the Spirit Bar Team.

Edited by Colonel(Ret.)Wes
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I have finished all the "Billy Billy" on board. No more until FLL.! Civan has offered a replacement. This is an Australian 2010 Chateau Tanunda Grand Barossa Shiraz. I like it! " Ripe berry fruit and exotic spicy earthiness on the long lingering finish. Matured for 18 months in French oak".

Civan is a great wine steward, in fact a sommelier-in-waiting. The other evening at dinner, I mentioned that the wine tasted fine but had a terrible smell. He smelled the wine in my glass and immediately removed it. He returned with an identical bottle and uncorked it. He had me compare the two glasses. The second had a very pleasant odor. He explained that the original bottle had a "bad" cork.

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Silver Spirit Crew Member Profile:

Please meet Peter, a member of the Silver Spirit Bar team. Peter works in the Panorama Lounge on board the Silver Spirit. Peter is from the Philippines, his family lives in Palompon, Leyte.


Peter is married and has two wonderful children (boy & girl). His son, John Lloyd is 15 years old, his daughter Ainna Marie is the youngest at age 12.


Peter was on board the Spirit when earlier this month (Nov 4th) Typhoon Haiyan stuck Palompon and devastated his family home—a large coconut tree fell on his home and slice it in half. Fortunately, his family was not hurt. Now, however his family is in need of immediate assistance from the Government to rebuild/repair the family home. Peter’s family does receive donations in terms of needed food assistance but his family is in critical need of construction materials to repair their family home.


Peter used to use daily, the internet free video service, Skype to talk to his John Lloyd and Ainna Marie and his wife--Virgie. However since Hayain struck his home, his family is without a computer and he instead calls daily to keep in touch with his family.


Peter has been with Silversea for over four years. He first started serving on board the Shadow before transferring to the Spirit. What Peter likes most about working for Silversea is the opportunity to serve guests in the Panorama lounge and serving as a valued member of the Spirit Bar Team.


Wes, thanks for sharing. What a sad story. Peter and his family will be in our prayers. It has to be very hard for him and other Filipino crew members to be away from their families right now as they deal with this tragedy.

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Silver Spirit Crew Member Profile:




Please meet Peter, a member of the Silver Spirit Bar team. Peter works in the Panorama Lounge on board the Silver Spirit. Peter is from the Philippines, his family lives in Palompon, Leyte.


Peter is married and has two wonderful children (boy & girl). His son, John Lloyd is 15 years old, his daughter Ainna Marie is the youngest at age 12.


Peter was on board the Spirit when earlier this month (Nov 4th) Typhoon Haiyan stuck Palompon and devastated his family home—a large coconut tree fell on his home and slice it in half. Fortunately, his family was not hurt. Now, however his family is in need of immediate assistance from the Government to rebuild/repair the family home. Peter’s family does receive donations in terms of needed food assistance but his family is in critical need of construction materials to repair their family home.


Peter used to use daily, the internet free video service, Skype to talk to his John Lloyd and Ainna Marie and his wife--Virgie. However since Hayain struck his home, his family is without a computer and he instead calls daily to keep in touch with his family.


Peter has been with Silversea for over four years. He first started serving on board the Shadow before transferring to the Spirit. What Peter likes most about working for Silversea is the opportunity to serve guests in the Panorama lounge and serving as a valued member of the Spirit Bar Team.



Methinks we will have to help out Peter when we board!

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I have finished all the "Billy Billy" on board. No more until FLL.! Civan has offered a replacement. This is an Australian 2010 Chateau Tanunda Grand Barossa Shiraz. I like it! " Ripe berry fruit and exotic spicy earthiness on the long lingering finish. Matured for 18 months in French oak".

Civan is a great wine steward, in fact a sommelier-in-waiting. The other evening at dinner, I mentioned that the wine tasted fine but had a terrible smell. He smelled the wine in my glass and immediately removed it. He returned with an identical bottle and uncorked it. He had me compare the two glasses. The second had a very pleasant odor. He explained that the original bottle had a "bad" cork.


I'm wondering if this is the same Civan we had on the Whisper in July (or Cloud is September). Can you ask, or have Wes snap a photo and post? We thought he was fantastic!


By the way, I assume the bartender from South Africa, Gareth is not on board? Or is he? He is usually at the pool, but you certainly haven't had pool weather (yet)!

Edited by Herman The Cat
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Civan has offered a replacement. This is an Australian 2010 Chateau Tanunda Grand Barossa Shiraz. I like it! " Ripe berry fruit and exotic spicy earthiness on the long lingering finish. Matured for 18 months in French oak".


Apparently saw a bit of an American tree as well.


Worth asking if they have any Chateau Tanunda Cab Sauv on board. Parker rates the 2011 at 90/100. So worth a punt:)


Oh, and please don't deplete stocks before we join the ship on 5 December.


Have you managed to get a viewing of the complimentary wine list ( no easy task). If so could you share?


In any event any reports of what complimentary wines are currently being offered would be much appreciated.



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Apparently saw a bit of an American tree as well.



Have you managed to get a viewing of the complimentary wine list ( no easy task). If so could you share?


In any event any reports of what complimentary wines are currently being offered would be much appreciated.





Good luck with that!


It varies from ship-to-ship based on inventory. In this case, it will vary based on what is leftover from the transatlantic crossing! :D

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Don, Bill..you're very welcome. Peter is a trooper and his family by divine grace are fortunate to be alive and not hurt.


Herman, yes our Civan is the same Sommelier you’ve had and enjoyed—he provides outstanding wine service—knowledgeable, learns your palate and then provides intuitive wine service. Passed on your warm regards along to Civan.


Lucas (head sommelier) and Civan have made some exceptional wine (EnglishUSA has selected Penfolds Bin 389 (shiraz) and another friend picked Barnett Chardonney) we anxiously look fwd to trying Civan's picks) & champagne pairings (from the connoisseur list) for our special (Tvl Agent provided) lunch for 20 clients on Saturday. Will share the menu (Marcelo/ and Ramon/Exec Chef have developed our menu)/pairings Saturday after lunch.


Pat, passed your warm regards along to Ana the international Hostess, she beamed brightly, fondly remembering you from last November’s Amazon cruise. She said she will email you shortly.


Another wonderful nite on board the Silver Spirit last nite. Pls enjoy the pix below as we enjoyed (LtoR, Ida, Lynn, Doug) an outstanding dinner in Le Champagne last nite, capped off with Grand Marnier Soufflés for all. Ida and Lynn/Doug then went off to dance the nite away in the Panorama lounge—believe I woke up about 2:30 am as Ida came in. Today’s highlights (lectures, foxtrot dance class, language classes, yoga) will be capped with a Crew show at 10pm (hope to take pix to share)



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Last night I had avery interesting wine. A 2008 Chateauneuf Du Pape from M Chapoutier. A very pleasant wine but the interesting bit is the label. The owner of the vineyard has a blind daughter and so the label is also printed in braille so she can tell what wine is in the bottle.

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Nice quiet night last night for a welcome change. Dinner with Wes and Ida, then off to the Panorama for dancing. Lynn and I lasted till @ 0045, while Ida stayed until 0230. Great night for sleeping and Miss Lynn did until after 0700 this morning. Today is overcast with temps in the low 70s and @ 15 kts of wind. Tonight is dinner with Paolo and tomorrow we pull into St. George, Bermuda with the last formal night that night(Fri). Sat is the Pool BBQ, weather permitting and then it's packing day(SOB!). I'm enjoying the sea days, but I think most folks want to get to Bermuda to regain their land legs. Miss Lynn is managing to do away with our OBC in the jewelry store aboard. I'm certainly not leaving any behind. Any questions, fire away and we'll put our heads together to give you an answer. Have a great day all!

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Last night I had avery interesting wine. A 2008 Chateauneuf Du Pape from M Chapoutier. A very pleasant wine but the interesting bit is the label. The owner of the vineyard has a blind daughter and so the label is also printed in braille so she can tell what wine is in the bottle.


Indeed,all Chapoutier wines have raised braille labels.


Until you are told the story you do wonder what the raised bumps are for on the label.


Glad to see good French wine being drunk by someone on this crossing.


Try a Sassicaia from Italy if they have one on the wine list.

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This crowd knows how to do it right!


Can't see the year on that bottle of Tignanello at the Le Champagne table, but what a lovely wine of Sangiovese, Cabernet Sauvignon and Cabernet Franc it is year-in and year-out.


Last night I had avery interesting wine. A 2008 Chateauneuf Du Pape from M Chapoutier.
Do you know if it was the Barbe Rac or the Croix de Bois EnglishUSA? Either one is virtually impossible to find in the US as they import less than 100 cases for the country. I can only dream how wonderful your wine was as I've never been so lucky to have those beautiful wines from the Southern Rhone cross my lips.


Try a Sassicaia from Italy if they have one on the wine list.
Those little goodies will use up any remaining OBC very quickly!
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Yesterday was beautiful, sunny, calmer seas. Today is a bit stormy but not too bad. Tomorrow Bermuda!

Doug previously reported on the lovely renewal of vows ceremony for Allen and Beryl last Sunday. With their permission, I am posting some photos of the event which were taken by the Emtbsams.


Beryl and Allen with "wedding planner" Emmy




Capt. Pontillo performing the ceremony




With Doug and Lynn




The whole gang.



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