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Solstice Live: Australia/NZ/Hawaii, Many Pix’s, Jan. 20-Feb. 3


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Hi Terry,

Just perusing other threads for our upcoming cruise April 2015 on the Oosterdam and saw your post about the private tour of the Port Arthur penal colony. Whom did you book with? Was it worthwhile?

As an aside your photos are beautiful and info is really helpful.

Hope to hear from you,


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Hey Terry, enjoyed your Hawaii photos as well.


We were there in May. Here are some images (Big Island, Oahu and Kauai):



Hope you're getting in some good shooting (with the camera that is) in Colorado. Your Africa adventure sounds like it will be fantastic.

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Hi Terry, Just perusing other threads for our upcoming cruise April 2015 on the Oosterdam and saw your post about the private tour of the Port Arthur penal colony. Whom did you book with? Was it worthwhile? As an aside your photos are beautiful and info is really helpful. Hope to hear from you, Anne


Appreciate Anne's nice comments and the follow-up from our neighbor to the north in Michigan. Good luck on your April 2015 adventure!!


For the Hobart, Tasmania, tour with our group of seven couples, including visits to Port Arthur, Richmond and the wildlife center, we worked with Judy Livingston of Eye See Personalize Tours. She gets well-deserved, high ratings from such services such as TripAdvisor. You can reach Judy at

E-mail: eyesee@netspace.net.au

Website: http://www.eyeseetasmania.com.au

Tell her that Terry said HI!!


See full details and lots of pictures on page ten of this live/blog, posts #128, #129, #131, etc., for Port Arthur, the wildlife center, etc.


Keep the good questions rolling along. Happy to share more!!


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Did a June 7-19, 2011, Celebrity Solstice cruise from Barcelona that had stops in Villefranche, ports near Pisa and Rome, Naples, Kotor, Venice and Dubrovnik. Enjoyed great weather and a wonderful trip. Dozens of nice visuals with key highlights, tips, comments, etc., on these postings. We are now at 177,231 views for this live/blog re-cap on our first sailing with Celebrity and much on wonderful Barcelona. Check these postings and added info at:


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Hey Terry, enjoyed your Hawaii photos as well. We were there in May. Here are some images (Big Island, Oahu and Kauai): www.ariphoto.com/hawaii

Hope you're getting in some good shooting (with the camera that is) in Colorado. Your Africa adventure sounds like it will be fantastic.


Appreciate so much the great photo link from Ari/YOW. Wonderful pictures and dramatic sights from our Canada neighbor and photo star. Brings back nice memories on Hawaii and makes the case for the need to visit there, again and again!!


Yes, we had a super time in Colorado, July 2-10. Below are only a few visual samples. My first visit to the Rocky Mountain State. Great variety there on spectacular sights to see, wonderful food to eat, etc. Very challenging to narrow it down to only six highlights.


Africa? Yes, continue to work on that adventure for next year. Am having lunch Wednesday with the former Columbus Zoo Director to pick his brain for ideas on that amazing part of the world. He has visited Africa countless times and worked closely with Jack Hanna to make our Columbus Zoo one of the best in the U.S.


This live/blog is now over 66,000 views. Appreciate the continue interest and good questions. Keep it rolling!!


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Super loved Dubrovnik!!! See more details and lots of great visual samples/examples at this link. Have had over 22,533 views on this posting and appreciate those who have tuned-in and dropped by.




For staying in Colorado Springs, Co., with our fellow Aust.-NZ cruise travelers, John and Susan, one of the first super highlights was visiting the U.S. Air Force Academy where two of their daughters graduated. The Chapel is in the background with a plane in the foreground. Second is my wife, Penny, on the left, shown with Susan, as we were traveling up the Pike’s Peak Cog Railroad near Manitou Springs. We had a front-row seat right next to where the engineer was guiding this historic train on this super scenic route to the top of this famed 14,110’ mountain. Third is one of the dramatic rock formations within the “Garden of the Gods” inside the City of Colorado Springs. Amazing sights there in Colorado!!:











We also visited other key parts of central Colorado, including Boulder, Denver, Crested Butte and Breckenridge. First is some of the drama near Crested Butte with their wild flowers at the peak of the season and a stream and mountains in the background. Second is a wonderful and filling breakfast in Breckenridge with poached eggs, real, slow-cooked corned beef hash, potatoes and topped with classic Hollandaise sauce. What else to eat at an altitude of nearly two miles up?? Finally, here is the dramatic view as we are crossing the Continental Divide at Hoosier Pass at an 11,539’ high viewpoint. The toughest part? Narrowing all of my great views and experiences down to only six summary pictures.:









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Informative and interesting article relating to Australia, its discoveries and naming from the Telegraph newspaper in London. From their July 18 edition, they have this headline: "Matthew Flinders: On the trail of the man who gave Australia its name" with this sub-head: "As a new statue is unveiled in London for the British explorer, we take a look at the many places associated with Matthew Flinders".


Here are some of the key story highlights: "The Duke of Cambridge unveiled a statue of the Captain Matthew Flinders. Renowned in Australia for his exploration and navigation, Flinders joined the British Navy in 1789, after being inspired by the seafaring tales of Robinson Crusoe. He made several significant voyages, notably as commander around the entire coast of Australia, making him the first person to sail around its entirety and confirming it as a continent. He is also credited with giving Australia its name. In 1817 Lachlan Macquarie, the governor of New South Wales, adopted his term. His book and atlas, A Voyage to Terra Australis – was published posthumously, and was very well received. He died aged 40, exactly 200 years ago today in London. The statue will be placed at Euston Station".


Captain Flinders named more than 100 places in total in Australia. I ran across his name while on Kangaroo Island in January. Until this London news article, I did not realize his importance and work down under. While on Kangaroo Island, we visited Flinders Chase National Park. It is an amazing area on the west end of Kangaroo Island, 110 mi WSW of Adelaide. This National Park was made a sanctuary for endangered species in 1919. It includes the coastal landscapes around Cape du Couedic, the former Cape Borda Lightstation reserve, etc. The park contains two amazing geological monuments. First are Remarkable Rocks as the naturally-sculptured formations balanced atop a granite outcrop that looks like sculptures of Henry Moore. Second is Admirals Arch, home to New Zealand Fur Seals and showing the ability of the ocean to carve the coastline. See a few of my visual below. For more on this National Park, check:



Lots more background, details and history on Matthew Flinders at:


That profile includes this little item: "Australia holds a large collection of statues erected in Flinders' honour, second only in number to statues of Queen Victoria."


Full UK Telegraph story at:



THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio]


For Athens, Greece, check out this posting with many ideas, tips and exciting visuals. Go to:


There have been over 9,732 views on this posting.



From Flinders Chase National Park on Australia's amazing Kangaroo Island, here are a few visual samples that I have not posted previously. This gives an idea for only a small part of what is here within just this one park named after this famous explorer of Australia. Pictures two and three are from Remarkable Rocks.:











Within Flinders Chase, here are some Admirals Arch visuals, including wildlife, dramatic coast views and the famous "hole" through the rocks. Lots to see at and nearby to this famous Arch within the National Park.:









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  • 2 weeks later...

Terry, I understand you took the ship´s tour with the train from Akaroa and therefore should have had priority tendering. But perhaps you met some people with individual tours. Can you estimate how long it takes for individual travellers to get to shore in Akaroa? I plan to be at guest relations or whereever they give you the tender tickets very very early that morning but that won´t help if it still takes hours :mad:

Solstice is scheduled in Akaroa for 8 AM and I want to do an individual tour that starts at 8.45 AM at the tender pier.



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Terry, I understand you took the ship´s tour with the train from Akaroa and therefore should have had priority tendering. But perhaps you met some people with individual tours. Can you estimate how long it takes for individual travellers to get to shore in Akaroa? I plan to be at guest relations or whereever they give you the tender tickets very very early that morning but that won´t help if it still takes hours :mad: Solstice is scheduled in Akaroa for 8 AM and I want to do an individual tour that starts at 8.45 AM at the tender pier. Thanks!


Appreciate this good question from our German friend. Like your country and its wonderful cities/sights, etc.! My mother's maiden name is Goeckerman, from Germany!! Probably was originally in the old country spelled as Goeckermann.


From what I understand and have experienced from twice sailing on the Solstice, it seems that your "plan" should work reasonably well in aiming for an 8:45 am tour. Clearly, things could vary a little depending on exactly when the Solstice arrives in Akaroa harbor, the weather, staff decisions that day, number of tender ships used, etc.


My suggestion would be ask the guest relations staff when you get on the ship about this plan/timing and/or any other suggestions they might make. Maybe a 9 am tour start allows a little more time. Also, since many of the "walk-around" and independent tour options in Akaroa are a little limited, I don't know or re-call that there was a massive rush by everyone to get off of this ship that quickly at this port. Good luck!!


Other questions, info needs, etc.? Happy to share more.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


For details and visuals, etc., from our July 1-16, 2010, Norway Coast/Fjords/Arctic Circle cruise experience from Copenhagen on the Silver Cloud, check out this posting. This posting is now at 151,550 views. Nice to be hitting this high of a level for viewership. Appreciate the interest and follow-up questions/comments!!


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Thank you very much, Terry. I appreciate you answer all these questions even months after your cruise. This travel review is really a great source of information. I´m quite relaxed now about the unique tour I booked for Akaroa.


My mother's maiden name is Goeckerman, from Germany!! Probably was originally in the old country spelled as Goeckermann.



I think you are right about the spelling of your mother´s maiden name with a double "n" at the end. Most likely it would have been Göckermann as very often (but not always) "oe" is spelled "ö" in German. That creates some trouble sometimes with international travel (my last name also has that damn "ö" in it!) as most other languages including English don´t have that. So in my passport I have two names (the one with the correct German spelling including "ö" and for international reasons an official "translation" to the "oe").

Where in Germany did your mother come from?

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Appreciate this good question from our German friend. Like your country and its wonderful cities/sights, etc.! My mother's maiden name is Goeckerman, from Germany!! Probably was originally in the old country spelled as Goeckermann.


From what I understand and have experienced from twice sailing on the Solstice, it seems that your "plan" should work reasonably well in aiming for an 8:45 am tour. Clearly, things could vary a little depending on exactly when the Solstice arrives in Akaroa harbor, the weather, staff decisions that day, number of tender ships used, etc.


My suggestion would be ask the guest relations staff when you get on the ship about this plan/timing and/or any other suggestions they might make. Maybe a 9 am tour start allows a little more time. Also, since many of the "walk-around" and independent tour options in Akaroa are a little limited, I don't know or re-call that there was a massive rush by everyone to get off of this ship that quickly at this port. Good luck!!


Other questions, info needs, etc.? Happy to share more.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


For details and visuals, etc., from our July 1-16, 2010, Norway Coast/Fjords/Arctic Circle cruise experience from Copenhagen on the Silver Cloud, check out this posting. This posting is now at 151,550 views. Nice to be hitting this high of a level for viewership. Appreciate the interest and follow-up questions/comments!!




Just chiming in to validate Terry's comments about the early morning tendering service in Akaroa.


My husband and I were off the ship early (between 8:15 - 8:30 a.m) with priority tender tickets...didn't need them, as there was not a line-up of passengers waiting to get off!



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AntjeG, Just chiming in to validate Terry's comments about the early morning tendering service in Akaroa. My husband and I were off the ship early (between 8:15 - 8:30 a.m) with priority tender tickets...didn't need them, as there was not a line-up of passengers waiting to get off! Carolyn


AntjeG: Thank you very much' date=' Terry. I appreciate you answer all these questions even months after your cruise. [b']This travel review is really a great source of information.[/b] I´m quite relaxed now about the unique tour I booked for Akaroa.


Appreciate the great follow-up from our German friend on the potential family name spellings on my mother's side. Interesting and sounds correct. ALSO, excellent to get the added confirmation from Carolyn. Very helpful.


From the Chicago Tribune earlier this week, they have this headline: "People Down Under are up and over the top" with these highlights: "Why visit Australia? After all, isn't it just America with kangaroos? In preparation, we read Robert Hughes' great book, 'The Fatal Shore,' about the European colonization of Australia, and before we even set foot in the country we began a love affair with it. Hughes describes how England in the late 18th century sent almost its entire prison class halfway around the world, hoping to never see it again. Instead they built a model society that today in many ways surpasses England itself."


This writer has more interesting insights: "In the building process, Australia developed an upbeat, confident, can-do spirit that infuses almost everyone. We saw it in the retired teacher who rented us his cabin cruiser without deposit or even ID. When we admitted that none of us had ever piloted a boat, he said, 'No troubles, mate. I'll give you a quick lesson.' We saw it everywhere. We loved the Australians. They are living proof that democracy, with all its flaws, works and that the human spirit is, indeed, indomitable."


Full story at:



THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Did a “Solstice: Visuals, Highlights Shared!” summary with many pictures and other details on this ship and its many options. Check it out at:


Now at 20,425 views for this posting.

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Thank you, Terry in Ohio, for allowing me to tag along you and your friends' "down under" trip.

While immersing myself in your fascinating story, I forgot completely about rockets, sirens, running to shelter, the madness :mad: and the hopeless life here and across the border.

Really enjoyed reading it all.:D

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Thank you, Terry in Ohio, for allowing me to tag along you and your friends' "down under" trip. While immersing myself in your fascinating story, I forgot completely about rockets, sirens, running to shelter, the madness :mad: and the hopeless life here and across the border. Really enjoyed reading it all.:D


Appreciate so much this above posting from our friend in Israel. I shared your kind and sincere comments with my wife. WOW!! Yes, we forget about the pressures of war disrupting the lives of those in Middle East. Have had lots of friends visit there, but we have not had that opportunity, yet. Look forward to seeing more there at a future date when things are peaceful and calm. Hope that happens soon!!


This live/blog is now at 70,777 views. Cute number and over the 70K level!! Lots of activity and interest in a little over six months. Glad so many have dropped by, asked questions, etc. Happy to share more. Keep it coming.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Did a June 7-19, 2011, Celebrity Solstice cruise from Barcelona that had stops in Villefranche, ports near Pisa and Rome, Naples, Kotor, Venice and Dubrovnik. Enjoyed great weather and a wonderful trip. Dozens of nice visuals with key highlights, tips, comments, etc., on these postings. We are now at 179,689 views for this live/blog re-cap on our first sailing with Celebrity and much on wonderful Barcelona. Check these postings and added info at:


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Hello Terry, Thank you very much for your quick respond. In past I have always enjoyed reading your whole blog. You have given me information in details.

I have few questions about your private cab tour.

How many places did it covered?

How long was your tour?

Did he charged you by time or fixed prices?

Could you please tell me more about your vist to Wellington?

We are group of 8 friends. Do you think we can get Van easily at the port or should we book it ahead? I would like to know how did you go all these plases in Wellington. for example: walk or cable or Bus? Hema


Above is one of the questions from Hema on the Australia-NZ CC Board as they plan for adventure and potentials in Wellington. Thought I would share this added follow-up here. With a group of eight, it is a little more "complicated/challenging" than exactly what my wife and I did on our glorious sunny morning in Wellington. BUT, our experience was that the cab driver was very flexible in making our tour very "custom" and fitting our needs/interests. Just talk with the driver in advance, make sure you can "communicate" well, that this individual has some "personality", knowledge, interesting in Wellington, etc.


Clearly, going first up to the great Mt. Victoria vantage point will a winner for everyone. Then he drove us around to get a feel for the top attractions, including the main shopping areas, the Parliament Building, Old St Paul’s church, etc. It was an excellent "orientation" for what was there, helping us consider our options for later in the day, etc.


I think our drive-around was about an hour-and-a-half, but could have been up to about two hours in length if we had desired or needed. The best part for us was our "conversation" with him, getting the overall introduction, asking lots of questions, learning many little items about "life" there in NZ and their capital city, etc.


It was a fixed price of $65NZD, as I recall. With eight people, you might be able to do this option with two cabs. Liked what earlier poster Chris did on having the cab drop you at the top of the cable car ride. When we were there, the line was long, long waiting for those to go up on this cable car ride. We viewed it as not worth the time to wait that long. Had lunch schedule with friends in our tour group at a top dining place in the Cuba shopping area.


We ended up walking back to the cruise ship. That worked well, too! Overall it was a wonderful day here. It was good break from all of the nature efforts and long bus rides that we had during our three previous days. As I recall, Celebrity did charge for its shuttle bus. Maybe $20 as I remember.


Hop on Hop off "buses" are an option, but in some cities, they can get very crowded and congested. For us, our experience worked super well. No crowds, mobs and/or being slowed down to the pace of others. Just enjoying a great city with interesting architecture and very nice views.


Added questions and needs??


Below are a few more Wellington visuals that I have not previously posted. Hope this builds up the excitement for those planning to visit this charming and interesting NZ Capital City.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Did a June 7-19, 2011, Celebrity Solstice cruise from Barcelona that had stops in Villefranche, ports near Pisa and Rome, Naples, Kotor, Venice and Dubrovnik. Enjoyed great weather and a wonderful trip. Dozens of nice visuals with key highlights, tips, comments, etc., on these postings. We are now at 179,689 views for this live/blog re-cap on our first sailing with Celebrity and much on wonderful Barcelona. Check these postings and added info at:




This visual shows where the Solstice and another larger cruise ship were docked during our Wellington stop. The large round structure is their major outdoor stadium. This gives you a sampling for the wooden tree trunks and other "goods" in this area. Not a scenic neighborhood port location, but it worked for us and not too far from the main downtown/museum/shopping areas.:





As we headed to go up Mt. Victoria, here was a small sampling of a nearby Wellington residential area overlooking the waterfront beaches, etc.:





Here are a couple of downtown visuals. First, one of the older, historic building that has been converted into a shopping area. Second, a closer view of their beehive-shapped Parliament Building.:








From inside the Te Papa Museum, here is the view out towards some of the various and interesting options to see as you walk along this area in returning to ship docking location. Second is another example of the items on display in the Te Papa Museum. This is a long, long boat with lots of carvings, etc.:






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Hi Terry,

We have been following your great reviews and photo's for some months now and can't thank you enough for the insight it has given us. Far better than the tourist books! My wife and I are setting off in a little over 3 months for our trip of a lifetime down under and doing a 2 week cruise around NZ visiting a lot of the places that you have posted about.

We are planning to do the bridge climb at some point either before or after the cruise and were wondering if you have to do the pillon visit the same day as you do the bridge climb or can you come back another day?

Will probably have other questions to ask along the way! :D

David and Kaye

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Hi Terry, We have been following your great reviews and photo's for some months now and can't thank you enough for the insight it has given us. Far better than the tourist books! My wife and I are setting off in a little over 3 months for our trip of a lifetime down under and doing a 2 week cruise around NZ visiting a lot of the places that you have posted about. We are planning to do the bridge climb at some point either before or after the cruise and were wondering if you have to do the pillon visit the same day as you do the bridge climb or can you come back another day? Will probably have other questions to ask along the way! David and Kaye


Appreciate the follow-up and kind comments from TRUEBLUE66. Good luck to Kaye and David with your upcoming New Zealand adventure. WOW!! Lots of great stops. Sailing from Sydney and visiting Bay of Islands, Auckland, Tauranga, Napier, Picton, Wellington, Akaroa, Dunedin and the various Sounds. Not all cruise ships do Picton and Napier. Lucky you!!


On the Sydney Harbour Bridge, the Pylon Lookout is open 7 days a week, 10 am-5 pm. Admission is $13AUD and $8.50AUD for seniors and students. You don't have to do the Pylon at the same time. It's the logistics/stairs question. There are 200 stairs up to the Pylon Lookout, 285 feet above sea level. There are three levels of exhibits to see going up on the history and construction of the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Do you want to do that big walk up once or twice? Your choice!! You can also stay flexible and decide depending on the weather, your interests after doing the BridgeWalk, etc.

See more at: http://www.pylonlookout.com.au


Will you have the option/potential with your cruise line to do the Queenstown overnight excursion? That worked super great for us and our interests.


Although you are doing a cruise on the Solstice, below are added pictures that I dug up and had not yet posted here on this live/blog. These are from Silk Harvest, the Asian speciality location on the Solstice. During our first Solstice cruise, we really loved this setting, food and family-style experience. These four pictures do look very, very good, but during our most-recent Jan. 2014 visit, the results were a little more mixed. Maybe we ordered the wrong things. Maybe the kitchen was having an off night. Crowds seemed the weakest in this speciality place compared to the more popular Tuscan Grille and Murano. Maybe that's part of the "crowd" with our sailing. Nor sure on the long-term future for this dining venue. There has been some serious debate/question about Silk Harvest on these CC Boards about its long-term future.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Did a “Solstice: Visuals, Highlights Shared!” summary from two different adventures on this ship with many pictures and other details on its many options. This includes our recent Australia to New Zealand sailing. Check it out, including these recent updates, at:


Now at 21,586 views for this posting.



Here are four examples from what we tested and did during our January 2014 Silk Harvest visit. The last picture is dessert, of course!! Four different types of ice cream toppings! But, there was fruit there in the middle to keep it healthy!:












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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi Terry: Seats for Madama Butterfly for our Feb 27 visit in Sydney become available in late October. Do you have any recommendation for seat location? Thanks


Appreciate your good question on the opera options in Sydney. These two visuals might help for those planning to visit and see a performance here. There are two large "houses" within the multi-stage Sydney Opera House complex. Most operas, including Madam Butterfly, will be staged in the Joan Sutherland Theatre. This is where we saw the "Magic Flute" opera with music by some guy named Mozart. It was much enjoyed. Got tickets for the 11 am show on the day before when we did tour of the complex. Below is a picture that shows the set-up for this theater doing the operas. Also below is the other large theatre that is more set-up for orchestra and other such performances.


Personally for us, being closer to the stage was better than being too far back and/or in the more distant balcony. This is not a large, large setting, so most seat are fairly good. I took the below visual from our seats, about the 14th row, right side. Worked well for us. Could see and hear very well.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


For details and visuals, etc., from our July 1-16, 2010, Norway Coast/Fjords/Arctic Circle cruise experience from Copenhagen on the Silver Cloud, check out this posting. This posting is now at 154,959 views. Nice to be hitting this high of a level for viewership. Appreciate the interest and follow-up questions/comments!!




Here are my pictures of the interiors for the two main, large theaters at the Sydney Opera House. First is the Joan Sutherland Theatre that is used primarily for opera/stage performances. It was renamed for one of Australia’s greatest artists in October 2012. This theater is on the eastern side of the complex and has 1,507 seats. Second is the grand setting of the wooden-paneled and cathedral-like Concert Hall with the acoustics from high vaulted ceiling for symphony performances. It features white birch timber panelling. The Concert Hall has 2,679 seats and contains a Grand Organ with over 10,000 pipes.:






Edited by TLCOhio
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  • 3 weeks later...
This is one of the reasons I love photography. As we get older and life beats our inner child into submission, the ability to experience joyous wonder at the simplest things fades. Photography lets me experience it vicariously through captured images like this and in some ways I still feel it myself when looking for something to shoot. Screw drugs and therapy! I have a camera! How about you? Dave


Krazy Kruizers: I take pictures for the memories.


On another CC board' date=' this super excellent original question came up from Dave. Love the blunt comment on "Screw drugs and therapy!". Yes, as noted above by Krazy Kruizers, so much for me is about [b']keeping the "MEMORIES" fresh and alive[/b].


We are now finalizing on the planning for a Jan. 25-Feb. 20, 2015, Silver Cloud Amazon River-Caribbean combo back-to-back sailing over 26 days. It is lots of fun doing that research for this future adventure, plus thinking about all of the great visual images that will be possible to get and share. Am planning on doing a live/blog, again, for this trip. Plus, this timing, as happened with our down under trip, it gets us out of Ohio during the peak, cold winter season.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Did a “Solstice: Visuals, Highlights Shared!” summary from two different adventures on this ship with many pictures and other details on its many options. This includes our recent Australia to New Zealand sailing. Check it out, including these recent updates, at:


Now at 24,618 views for this posting.



From a week ago, here are two of the most recent candid pictures of our two grandsons in Virginia. First is the oldest, who will turn four in early October. Second is the youngest who just turned two in late July. So much fun capturing BOTH family and travel pictures. Great memories that stay fresh and alive!!:






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Appreciate your good question on the opera options in Sydney. These two visuals might help for those planning to visit and see a performance here. There are two large "houses" within the multi-stage Sydney Opera House complex. Most operas, including Madam Butterfly, will be staged in the Joan Sutherland Theatre. This is where we saw the "Magic Flute" opera with music by some guy named Mozart. It was much enjoyed. Got tickets for the 11 am show on the day before when we did tour of the complex. Below is a picture that shows the set-up for this theater doing the operas. Also below is the other large theatre that is more set-up for orchestra and other such performances.


Personally for us, being closer to the stage was better than being too far back and/or in the more distant balcony. This is not a large, large setting, so most seat are fairly good. I took the below visual from our seats, about the 14th row, right side. Worked well for us. Could see and hear very well.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


For details and visuals, etc., from our July 1-16, 2010, Norway Coast/Fjords/Arctic Circle cruise experience from Copenhagen on the Silver Cloud, check out this posting. This posting is now at 154,959 views. Nice to be hitting this high of a level for viewership. Appreciate the interest and follow-up questions/comments!!




Here are my pictures of the interiors for the two main, large theaters at the Sydney Opera House. First is the Joan Sutherland Theatre that is used primarily for opera/stage performances. It was renamed for one of Australia’s greatest artists in October 2012. This theater is on the eastern side of the complex and has 1,507 seats. Second is the grand setting of the wooden-paneled and cathedral-like Concert Hall with the acoustics from high vaulted ceiling for symphony performances. It features white birch timber panelling. The Concert Hall has 2,679 seats and contains a Grand Organ with over 10,000 pipes.:







Forgive the redundancy of my question but is your complete blog on your AU/NZ trip last year available anywhere. I have seen bits and pieces at various points on CC but would love to review the whole trip in its entirety. My husband I leave will be on this cruise Jan/Feb 2915 with a pre cruise trip to Cairns and GBR. Really looking forward to it and your wonderful photos really whet the appetite. BTW what camera do you use. Can't wait to hear about your Amazon trip. Thanks in advance.


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Terry: Forgive the redundancy of my question but is your complete blog on your AU/NZ trip last year available anywhere. I have seen bits and pieces at various points on CC but would love to review the whole trip in its entirety. My husband I leave will be on this cruise Jan/Feb 2915 with a pre cruise trip to Cairns and GBR. Really looking forward to it and your wonderful photos really whet the appetite. BTW what camera do you use. Can't wait to hear about your Amazon trip. Thanks in advance. Elayne


AntjeG: Elayne' date=' this is Terry´s great Live Blog . [b']Just start reading[/b] from the beginning and be prepared for several great evenings following that cruise & pre-cruise adventure.


Appreciate this follow-up and questions from Elayne in wonderful Texas. Yes, our good friend from Germany, AntjeG, summed it up very well for this being "the place". Good or bad, you've found it.


Ideally, everything would be neatly in exact chronological order. BUT, in doing this month-long journey/adventure, time was limited. In total, I took about 8,000 pictures. With all that we did, it was not possible (I would have needed 28-hour days and even less sleep) to keep everything current with real-time posts. Plus, we had the group of other couples from Central Ohio traveling with us.


I am still hoping to do a better "index" for finding these different posts, locations, their exact order, etc. BUT, I am still working, having family/home duties, plus planning for our Jan.-Feb. 2015 Amazon River-eleven island Caribbean trip. BUT, I will get that "index" done. Feel free to skim through the post to find what is of interest. No need to read every word that I wrote and/or the various comments/questions from others.


On the camera, I upgraded to a Nikon D7100 with an 18-140mm VR lens for this Australia-NZ adventure. It is a good camera, but not at the top-pro, high-cost levels. But, just like with an artist or cook, it is not always the quality of the paint brush or pots and pans that make the difference. It's also the skill, attention to detail and interest of the camera user. I had been using a Nikon D3100 camera that is now down to less than $300 for that body with a good and versatile 18-55mm lens. I mostly shoot in the "program" setting, keeping things more automatic to let the camera do most of the work for focusing, exposure, etc. That allows more time for me to focus on the subjects and being creative on angles, people, etc.


Keep the good questions rolling along. Happy to share more. Answer any questions. Good luck in your planning for your early 2015 trip down under. How many days will you have in Cairns? How much time in Sydney? How much time in Auckland?


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Did a June 7-19, 2011, Celebrity Solstice cruise from Barcelona that had stops in Villefranche, ports near Pisa and Rome, Naples, Kotor, Venice and Dubrovnik. Enjoyed great weather and a wonderful trip. Dozens of nice visuals with key highlights, tips, comments, etc., on these postings. We are now at 183,866 views for this live/blog re-cap on our first sailing with Celebrity and much on wonderful Barcelona. Check these postings and added info at:


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These postings just sent over 78,000 views. Appreciate those who tune in, make comments, ask good questions, etc.


Below are a couple pictures taken this weekend of international visitors to our home and community. Love cruising as a way to learn more about the amazing world around us. BUT, unfortunately, we cannot be doing Celebrity to land-locked Serbia with its well-known capital of Belgrade. But, maybe a Danube River cruise as that famed river goes through their Serbia capital. Will have to use another line other than Celebrity. Maybe, Viking!!??


We are continuing to plan for our upcoming Jan. 25-Feb. 20, 2015, Silver Cloud Amazon River-Caribbean combo back-to-back sailing over 26 days. Fun doing that future research!! Weather is prefect in the Midwest today, but by January, we will be ready to escape the cold and snow. As did so successfully earlier this year by sailing down under.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


For details and visuals, etc., from our July 1-16, 2010, Norway Coast/Fjords/Arctic Circle cruise experience from Copenhagen on the Silver Cloud, check out this posting. This posting is now at 158,066 views. Nice to be hitting this high of a level for viewership. Appreciate the interest and follow-up questions/comments!!




This week in Columbus, Ohio, we have visiting members of the Parliament of Serbia. Two of the National Assembly members, including the Vice Speaker, are staying at our home. Fun and interesting!!! Have not, yet, been to Serbia, but we visited in June 2011 both neighboring Croatia and Montenegro. Loved both countries and their super historic and scenic areas of Dubrovnik, Kotor, etc. From the top picture, I arranged for them to visit a local TV/political show that I often do. It is called "Columbus on the Record" at WOSU-TV, a part of the major state university here in Ohio. They watched from the high-tech control room to see how the program involving media and political experts was done. They are shown in this picture visiting the set with the News Director/show host of this program. The second picture shows them at the COSI or Center of Science and Industry where the TV studio is located.:






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Hello TLCOhio,


You sure have some fantastic photos in this thread. I love Ohio and do miss my theme parks from your home state since i moved back to Prince Edward Island from Toronto/Newmarket Ontario in 2006.



Kevin Reid

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Hello TLCOhio, You sure have some fantastic photos in this thread. I love Ohio and do miss my theme parks from your home state since i moved back to Prince Edward Island from Toronto/Newmarket Ontario in 2006. Regards, Kevin Reid


Appreciate, Kevin, your postings and dropping by this Australia-New Zealand live/blog. WOW!! Was overwhelming by the opening part from your Caribbean trip summary about all of your cameras. Impressive!! Lots of hard work just keeping track of ALL of the equipment, watching the charging cycles, etc. Have been looking and considering getting Go-Pro. BUT, there is only so much time to do it "ALL" while on vacation. My Nikon D7100 does good hi-def 1080p videos. Only so much time and limited number of hands to hold our "stuff".


Glad to know you have an Ohio connection and love roller coasters. Smart guy!! We have not, YET, been to Prince Edward Island. BUT, it is on our priority, to-do listing for the future now that my wife is retired. Plus, I like fine seafood from PEI. Had great mussels from Prince Edward Island just last Saturday evening here in Columbus.


We are now busy planning a Jan. 25-Feb. 20, 2015, Amazon River-Caribbean combo back-to-back sailing with Silversea over 26 days. Fun doing that future research!! Three of our stops will be Bridgetown/Barbados, Roseau/Dominica and St. Maarten/Netherland Antilles. Have not had a chance to go through all of your postings. What pages are those ports on your reports to help me check out what you did there? Also see that your upcoming March 2015 cruise will involve San Juan. This upcoming 2015 trip will finish in San Juan. Any good suggestions for there? We will have three days there in our first visit to this area.


If you can share any special tips, insights and secrets on this thread that you learned about these four locations in the Caribbean, it would be much appreciated. Look forward to reading more on your fine reports.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


If Venice is one of your future desires or past favorites, you might look at this earlier posting that I did on the Italy board that shows many options and visual potentials for this city that is so great for "walking around", personally sampling the great history and architecture. This posting is now at 42,006 views and I appreciate those who have dropped by and tuned in.

Venice: Loving It & Why??!!


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