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Can you still smoke in...........?


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two reasons this is a non-starter:


1. Every cruiser has his/her favorite location. Designating a smoking area would simply start a new argument by non-smokers about how they have now been shut out of the prime real estate or by smokers about how they have been relegated to the worst areas.


2. Smoke still travels -- you would still have complaints by non-smokers who are in any position to smell the smoke.


My only response to this is... too bad. Suck it up. No pun intended. My point is, if a non-smoker is given the opportunity to distance themselves from smoke and all they want to do is complain about the location, then they have choices to make...


Book a cabin w/ smokers or book a cabin w/o smokers. I'm convinced they'd be complaining anyway about something else, but I also believe they would quickly find a new favorite location or so called "prime real estate"

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Also it should be noted that on the Navigator this past March, the Sky Bar, you could smoke. In fact, the bartenders put out an ash tray. It didn't prevent the throngs of non-smokers from lining up 6 people deep around the bar to get their buzz on with drinks!


So that's why it was so crowded up there? Should also note that for some reason ships in the Navigator's class have the smoking area on the port side at the back of the pool area (I believe all others it's on the starboard side at the front). I observed that despite strong winds, this area doesn't clear of smoke very well.


The cigar lounge on Navigator is off the entrance to the theatre.

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My only response to this is... too bad. Suck it up. No pun intended. My point is, if a non-smoker is given the opportunity to distance themselves from smoke and all they want to do is complain about the location, then they have choices to make...


Spoken like a die hard smoker. Fortunately the non-smokers don't need to make that choice, the choice has already been made by the cruise line. Other lines have done it also the trend is not going backward. In my town they started with a city smoking ban, they eventually got it struck down, only lasted a few months, now we have a state wide public smoking ban that is much more strict than the city ban and this one has been upheld. It's happening everywhere, if it hasn't happened where you are, it's only a matter of time.


Fewer people are picking up the habit and that means there is a larger customer base to be had for companies that want to cater to the non-smoking crowd. You can argue all you want but they aren't going to go back to the old way, the next change to the policy will be to tighten it a bit further. They will continue to tighten it until one day it just doesn't happen at all.

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Maybe some, but more likely that most people just can't stand the stench of it.


What about the people who can't stand the stench of perfume? Could they make the ship "perfume-free" so that those who can't stand that smell don't have to suffer? :D

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What about the people who can't stand the stench of perfume? Could they make the ship "perfume-free" so that those who can't stand that smell don't have to suffer? :D


My pulmonologist has a sign on his door "for the comfort of other patients, please refrain from using perfume"

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Minimal isn't "none." And meanwhile, from the FDA:


As I said, I think its inconclusive at present. Some studies indicate "minimal risk", some claim more of a risk, FDA says unknown quite yet.


There is nothing in this world that doesn't have some risk attached to it. :rolleyes:

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What about the people who can't stand the stench of perfume? Could they make the ship "perfume-free" so that those who can't stand that smell don't have to suffer? :D


I don't care if they make the ship perfume free. They just better never make it deoderant free as that would cause way too much of a stench that I have had to deal with in the elevators.

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What about the people who can't stand the stench of perfume? Could they make the ship "perfume-free" so that those who can't stand that smell don't have to suffer? :D


You're joking but if enough people complained about it, they would ban perfume, hairspray, khakis, red shirts, or any other product if they thought it would help them fill their ships.


It's not being banned because RCI hates smokers or loves non smokers or wants anyone to be healthier, or are morally opposed to smoking. Cruise lines have decided strict smoking polices will make them more money, and it's really that simple.


For every ticked off smoker that refuses to cruise, there will be a non-smoker (or 2) more than happy to take their place. And that's not me saying it, all you have to do is look at the way smoking policies are trending. No law is forcing cruise lines to restrict smoking, they are reacting to customer demand, as they should.

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For me, yes. I would expect the cruise line to respect smokers and non-smokers, and treat everyone in a friendly manner. I have not cruised since the new policy went into effect, but will be on the Grandeur in 2 weeks. I have never had an issue before, and I would hope I never do.


I totally respect everyone's right to not be exposed to the smoke. I truly mean that. But I would be nice to have a comfortable place for people that do smoke, to be able to enjoy their cigarette/cigar, ecig.


I have read several reports of the smoking areas not having the ashtrays emptied. As a smoker, I would like a place to go that is properly maintained and clean of overflowing cigarette butts. I don't believe that is too much to ask. A place that doesn't interfere with people that want to avoid the smoke.

Sharod, I am a smoker too and appreciate your post. We are sailing on Grandeur next winter. Can you, please tell me where you were able to enjoy your cig. on you March (or was it April?),2014 sailing. Thank You.

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Yeah!! Unscented perfumes and while we're at it dry water and hot ice cubes too!


Sent from my Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk


Believe me if you suffered from migraine like I have from my teens you would not mock unscented substances.

Scents and smoke can trigger one off quite quickly but as I get older I can deal with the migraines much better.

Mind you my daughters when still at home thought it was great that I bought unscented hairspray and deodorants for them.

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My only response to this is... too bad. Suck it up. No pun intended. My point is, if a non-smoker is given the opportunity to distance themselves from smoke and all they want to do is complain about the location, then they have choices to make...


And that right there is exactly why the cruise lines have to make policies like they do - because those who are inconsiderate don't give a crap about what their habit does to other people. This is narcissism at its finest.


I'm a former smoker whose partner still smokes, bythe way.

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I am a former smoker, married to a still smoking DH. And I am not pro or anti smoking, I think everyone has the right to make their own choices, but here are my thoughts.


I can understand the issues with balconies and ciggarette smoke, however I have to say I am not sure why all the fuss about e-ciggarettes. My DH tried to use them to give up and it was an incentive when they were allowed in public places etc.


For one they are safer (only "lit" when inhaling), no residual ash falling everywhere, no trash and smelling ashtrays that needed cleaning. All that you had was intermittent vapor, unlike a lit cigarette that someone had put down and smoke is still constant. The "smell" from the vapor I found less irritating (and even barely noticeable) when I was around him than true cigarette smoke. However, now they are regulated the same as true cigarettes, there is no longer any incentive for smokers to use them.


Perhaps if the incentives, more flexibility remained for e cigarettes, we would all see less smoke rather than a lot more smoke in fewer, more confined areas where the overall effect is more noticeable.

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Believe me if you suffered from migraine like I have from my teens you would not mock unscented substances.

Scents and smoke can trigger one off quite quickly but as I get older I can deal with the migraines much better.

Mind you my daughters when still at home thought it was great that I bought unscented hairspray and deodorants for them.

Sorry, I was certainly not mocking unscented substances in general, nor those who have sensitivities to the scents. Having said that, did you not see the humor in someone talking about "unscented perfumes" which is of course a complete and total oxymoron?


Sent from my Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk

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Sorry, I was certainly not mocking unscented substances in general, nor those who have sensitivities to the scents. Having said that, did you not see the humor in someone talking about "unscented perfumes" which is of course a complete and total oxymoron?


Sent from my Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk


I have heard of unscented pheromone perfumes and colognes, but I don't think the point of using them is to smell pleasant. :)

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I am a former smoker, married to a still smoking DH. And I am not pro or anti smoking, I think everyone has the right to make their own choices, but here are my thoughts.


I can understand the issues with balconies and ciggarette smoke, however I have to say I am not sure why all the fuss about e-ciggarettes. My DH tried to use them to give up and it was an incentive when they were allowed in public places etc.


For one they are safer (only "lit" when inhaling), no residual ash falling everywhere, no trash and smelling ashtrays that needed cleaning. All that you had was intermittent vapor, unlike a lit cigarette that someone had put down and smoke is still constant. The "smell" from the vapor I found less irritating (and even barely noticeable) when I was around him than true cigarette smoke. However, now they are regulated the same as true cigarettes, there is no longer any incentive for smokers to use them.


Perhaps if the incentives, more flexibility remained for e cigarettes, we would all see less smoke rather than a lot more smoke in fewer, more confined areas where the overall effect is more noticeable.


Maybe when people get more used to seeing them, it will be different, but I can tell you a big reason they're not allowed right now: Too many complaints, even if the complaints aren't really justified.


My friend owns a restaurant/bar, and he banned smoking in there years ago, not because he hates smoking (he smokes), but because that's what his customers demanded.


A year or 2 ago he decided to allow e-cigs in the bar area, since they wouldn't really bother anyone right? Wrong. People constantly complained "Hey I thought it was no smoking in here, why is that guy smoking blah blah" He was constantly having to explain it's not a real cigarette, it's just water vapor, etc.


In the end it was just way more trouble than it was worth, so he stopped allowing it.

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I have heard of unscented pheromone perfumes and colognes, but I don't think the point of using them is to smell pleasant. :)

Hmm, haven't heard of such a thing - it would seem to be a bit of a stretch to call such things "perfumes", given the definition of the word "perfume":

a fragrant liquid typically made from essential oils extracted from flowers and spices, used to impart a pleasant smell to one's body or clothes.
Edited by LetsGetWet!
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Hmm, haven't heard of such a thing - it would seem to be a bit of a stretch to call such things "perfumes", given the definition of the word "perfume":


Definitely a stretch by the marketers of those products.


But back to the subject at hand.....have the banned smoking in the casinos yet? Or am I allowed to smoke in my cabana on Labadee? ;)

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Definitely a stretch by the marketers of those products.


But back to the subject at hand.....have the banned smoking in the casinos yet? Or am I allowed to smoke in my cabana on Labadee? ;)

Are you saying your cabana on Labadee has a casino?! :D


Sent from my Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk

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There was a guy smoking an e-cig in the Schooner lounge on Freedom last week during the trivia games. I only noticed because I saw the vapor. No one complained, I guess, since he did it during several trivia games. I was sitting right next to him and I didn't notice any smell or anything and didn't complain because I had no reason to...




Maybe when people get more used to seeing them, it will be different, but I can tell you a big reason they're not allowed right now: Too many complaints, even if the complaints aren't really justified.


My friend owns a restaurant/bar, and he banned smoking in there years ago, not because he hates smoking (he smokes), but because that's what his customers demanded.


A year or 2 ago he decided to allow e-cigs in the bar area, since they wouldn't really bother anyone right? Wrong. People constantly complained "Hey I thought it was no smoking in here, why is that guy smoking blah blah" He was constantly having to explain it's not a real cigarette, it's just water vapor, etc.


In the end it was just way more trouble than it was worth, so he stopped allowing it.

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Plenty of smoking in the casino on Freedom last week even by people where were just standing around and not gambling. It's beocme the de facto smoking place on the ship.


I also saw people smoking all over Labadee. I didn't check inside the cabanas since that would be kind of stalkerish, but I wouldn't be surprised if people smoked in them. They were smoking on the beaches and BBQ huts. Didn't bother me any since it was all outside and I could choose to sit away from where people were smoking.




Are you saying your cabana on Labadee has a casino?! :D


Sent from my Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk

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"Everyone has the right to make their own choices in terms of smoking or not"...that is true as long as it doesn't impact me personally (as in on a cruise), affect MY health (as in second hand smoke or having a disgusting smelling passenger that sits next to you at a show), or cost ME money due to the high cost of treating smoking related disease. I'm tired of paying for other peoples bad decisions. And who are we kidding...e cigs are just a way to keep people addicted to nicotine. Actualy number of smokers have declined due to warnings, TV spots (i.e.lady with the hole in her throat). E cigs are the answer to fill that sales vacuum. And those that think that e-cigs are harmless or are just fine...well you fall into the same intelect category as smokers of real cigs.

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"Everyone has the right to make their own choices in terms of smoking or not"...that is true as long as it doesn't impact me personally (as in on a cruise), affect MY health (as in second hand smoke or having a disgusting smelling passenger that sits next to you at a show), or cost ME money due to the high cost of treating smoking related disease. I'm tired of paying for other peoples bad decisions. And who are we kidding...e cigs are just a way to keep people addicted to nicotine. Actualy number of smokers have declined due to warnings, TV spots (i.e.lady with the hole in her throat). E cigs are the answer to fill that sales vacuum. And those that think that e-cigs are harmless or are just fine...well you fall into the same intelect category as smokers of real cigs.


Oh please tell me you are in perfect shape and are a vegan. Post a picture if you can.

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I believe Jewel still uses the Hollywood Odyssey as the cigar bar in the evening. This will change when Jewel is revitalized in 2016 as they turn the HO into the Concierge Lounge.


You're no longer allowed to smoke anywhere inside on Jewel, except the casino. I was on her in February. Had to smoke my cigars out on deck.



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Plenty of smoking in the casino on Freedom last week even by people where were just standing around and not gambling. It's beocme the de facto smoking place on the ship.


I also saw people smoking all over Labadee. I didn't check inside the cabanas since that would be kind of stalkerish, but I wouldn't be surprised if people smoked in them. They were smoking on the beaches and BBQ huts. Didn't bother me any since it was all outside and I could choose to sit away from where people were smoking.





This was the case on the Enchantment in February. The Casino is so small that the smoke seemed to have no place to go. I am used to land casinos and smoking, but this was insane. Plus, since it became a social gathering place, folks were sitting at machines in groups, facing each other with their backs to the machines. It was obvious that there were not playing.


I wish RCCL would designate some sort of indoor smoking areas so those who want to smoke, can do so comfortably , and those who want to gamble can also do so.


As an optimist, I guess all the casino smoking actually saved us casino money, as we could not get to the machines we like.






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