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Opting out of the auto tip

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People don't get that you aren't paying your server per say with your tips. The tips are pooled and then divided. The best way to make sure a good server gets whats due is to pay them with cash directly and let the prepayments pay like they automatically do. That way, the basic tip (auto or prepaid) is part of the pot for everyone, but that little extra is theirs because of their specific hard work. If you remove the auto tips you are hurting all of the staff not jus the bad server.


I am not sure I understand. I think if I remove auto tips and tip everyone myself in person, giving a little more to those who deserve it and maybe a little less to those who do not, then I won't be hurting all the staff, just the "bad" server unless you are saying that those auto tips also go to people we wouldn't normally see to tip? One seven night cruise we were on, we never saw the matre'd, even when we asked to see him until the very last night when he came over and introduced himself. We gave him a very minimal tip and gave the extra to the servers who had tried to compensate for his being unavailable. I will say , it has always bothered me that 18% gratuity is automatically added to the bar bill. I realize that some people would not tip , but I am a good tipper however there have been times when I have been the only one waiting for a drink at a bar and it took 20 minutes. I don't think they deserved 18%.

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From my understanding, if you opt out of the auto gratuities, the cruise line expects your severs to be claiming the cash tips you plan to give instead. Those cash tips go right back into the same pool to be distributed as if you left the auto gratuities there to begin with.

I like to just leave them there and tip a little as I go to the main people serving me.

In addition to this, I have read on these boards that: 1. the quality of the server's (esp. steward's) work may be called into question by his superiors if the auto-tip is removed or adjusted, and


2. the stewards, at least, have a list of those pax who have removed the auto-tip, and may (I repeat, may) change their attitude and therefore the quality of their service to those who have removed the tip.


Disclaimer: I cannot verify the veracity of any of these claims, nor do I make these claims myself. I am simply reporting what I have read, in case others might care to follow up on these rumors, since if they can be verified, they may be relevant.

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On a cruise, tipping is customarily done on the last evening....not "as you go". With auto tip, the tipped folks don't GET the tips until the cruise is over, anyway, so you can make adjustments, if you feel the need.


By tipping as suggested, everyone gets their share and you don't have to worry about it!

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Considering how little the actual pre-pay tips truly are if you figure how much per day you are giving to each employee, I am of the mindset that if someone is giving you above and beyond service throw them EXTRA cash. Don't punish the rest of the servers because ONE didn't treat you like royalty. Unfortunately when tips are shared ship wide, your good/bad deed effects everybody so either way its a wash...


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You can visit guest services to remove the auto tip if you would prefer to tip in cash. Less, equal, or above the requested amount is up to you.


Why do people on this website assume that if someone tips cash it is always LESS? It could very well be far above and beyond the requested amount. Maybe they hit it big in the casino and would rather hand out large sums of cash than to have it be billed to their credit card at a later date? Maybe they had an emergency and needed to use a debit card linked to the same as the auto-tips and can not replenish that account fast enough, but DO have cash at hand on the cruise; maybe they are traveling somewhere post cruise without the ability to quickly replenish a bank account.


You don't know and neither do I. Can't people on this forum EVER just answer someones question factually without getting up on a pulpit and preaching what is right and wrong? I mean honestly; what a bunch of ignorant judgmental people on this site. Shame on the lot of you.


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You can visit guest services to remove the auto tip if you would prefer to tip in cash. Less, equal, or above the requested amount is up to you.


Why do people on this website assume that if someone tips cash it is always LESS? It could very well be far above and beyond the requested amount. Maybe they hit it big in the casino and would rather hand out large sums of cash than to have it be billed to their credit card at a later date? Maybe they had an emergency and needed to use a debit card linked to the same as the auto-tips and can not replenish that account fast enough, but DO have cash at hand on the cruise; maybe they are traveling somewhere post cruise without the ability to quickly replenish a bank account.


You don't know and neither do I. Can't people on this forum EVER just answer someones question factually without getting up on a pulpit and preaching what is right and wrong? I mean honestly; what a bunch of ignorant judgmental people on this site. Shame on the lot of you.



I would agree with you, if not for the fact that the OP also complained about the gratuity cost, saying that $400 was a lot to them. To me, that indicated that they did not plan to give that much.


Edited: Sorry, I was incorrect. It wasn't OP saying that, it was a different poster. I don't know how I got that confused. I don't think there was anything wrong with what the OP was asking, and I agree with you that we can't assume that they weren't going to pay the full gratuity still.

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I would agree with you, if not for the fact that the OP also complained about the gratuity cost, saying that $400 was a lot to them. To me, that indicated that they did not plan to give that much.


And I am on the record on this site asking why I should be penalized paying $500 for gratuities for 6 people three months ahead of sailing because of MTD when other get charged after service or are able to use OBC and I can't. Traditional dining was not even an option 13 months out! I think $500 is a lot of money no matter what it is for. That doesn't mean I won't pay it and it doesn't mean I won't add cash either along the way or at the end as I have traditionally done for good service. But when I complain about being charged so far in advance people insist I am cheap or trying to beat the system, etc. Okay....:rolleyes:


We don't know what OP plans to do, therefore there is little sense in people being mean to them or berating them. Just provide the facts, let them decide what they want to do. People calling OP cheap, or saying don't cruise, or insisting cash tippers short the staff...internet bullies. Not helpful. No factual information there. Frankly, it just drives newbies off this forum. Did we really just want an echo chamber of cheerleaders?

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There have been numerous threads on this subject, and, IMO it will never be resolved. The autotip is really part of the cost of the cruise. One of the reasons the cruise lines do this, is if it was added into the cruise cost, the line would have to pay commissions on that amount.


We were recently on a 31 day cruise, and I got $100 in singles from the bank, These were used to tip the room service personnel and the tour guides. (More than $1!)

On this cruise, the autotip came to over $700 for the two of us


I believe there are a minority of people, who,to put it charitably, are excessively frugal (cheap).


In the old days when tip envelopes were used, a number of passengers were noticeably absent from the dining room on the last night to avoid tipping the waiter.



It also amuses me that some are paying thousands of dollars for a cruise and complain about a $25 airline charge for a second bag.

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I'm addicted to reading CC, but I don't post enough, so I've decided that I need to get more involved. I thought I would chime in on this, as tipping is a real funny one depending on where in the world one resides.


I don't think the Cruise Lines do themselves any favours by calling it a 'tip'. Why? In non-tipping/low-tipping countries a tip is considered to be given at discretion ON TOP of someones wage for excellent service and going the extra mile. Therefore if a crew member is seen to be doing their job - making beds, serving drinks etc, then why would someone even consider tipping them, if it's not part of their culture?


Something along the lines of a 'crew service fee' would be better. I'm guessing that due to tax implications they would not be able to call it mandatory and one would still have to have the ability to remove it.


I think the vast majority of people of these boards know the deal with cruise line personnel, and how their pay is structured, however, new cruisers probably don't. The industry is growing and attracting a record numbers of new cruisers, younger cruisers and ships are being deployed all over the world. The cruise lines do need to be REALLY upfront about these costs.


We have to remember, that there are plenty of cruise ships that do not sail from the USA where the vast majority of passengers will be from non-tipping/low-tipping countries.


I personally like pre-paid tips/service charge, I just see it as part of the holiday price, also, why would I take US dollars on a cruise holiday if I wasn't travelling from the USA? Any additional tips (usually stateroom attendant) we will give local currency to.

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I am not sure I understand. I think if I remove auto tips and tip everyone myself in person, giving a little more to those who deserve it and maybe a little less to those who do not, then I won't be hurting all the staff, just the "bad" server unless you are saying that those auto tips also go to people we wouldn't normally see to tip? One seven night cruise we were on, we never saw the matre'd, even when we asked to see him until the very last night when he came over and introduced himself. We gave him a very minimal tip and gave the extra to the servers who had tried to compensate for his being unavailable. I will say , it has always bothered me that 18% gratuity is automatically added to the bar bill. I realize that some people would not tip , but I am a good tipper however there have been times when I have been the only one waiting for a drink at a bar and it took 20 minutes. I don't think they deserved 18%.


Just an FYI - the maitre'd is not part of the tipping pool so does not receive tips. Are you perhaps referring to the headwaiter who largely works behind the scenes to insure that things run smoothly in the dining room. If everything is going well, then he is doing his job. If not, he is the one you will see about getting things fixed. He cannot be expected to be fawning over your table and doing his job properly. Excuse the use of the masculine, it was just easier - the headwaiter can certainly be female.

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We do know that he plans on buying two drink packages at 110.00$ per day


And we also know they are taking a cruise that cost exponentially more than that.


My point stands; no one here can legitimately claim that OP will give less than the automatic amount by going with cash. I stand by my statement that they very well might give an equal amount or greater amount.

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Am I the only one who is done hearing people come up with a variety of reasons to opt out of their tips. They are from a country that does'nt tip, they are soooooo friendly that they want to tip in person, they don't like the cruise line telling them how much to tip and they want to see what kind of service they get. Ok - once more - tipping is part of how the staff gets paid - if you do not tip them they make a minimum of salary. They are the ones cleaning your dirty bathroom EVERYDAY! They are the ones changing your dirty sheets on your bed. Your rugs in your room, dusting, polishing EVERYDAY! They are the ones getting your food -just the way you want it. Cleaning away your dishes and cleaning your mess off the tablecloth EVERYDAY! And need I say remembering your name and how you like your coffee with a dozen of other things EVERYDAY! If you don't want to tip or can't afford to tip, then a cruise is not for you. As for people from "wherever" who don't tip in their country. Guess what, you're not in your country on a cruise - NO ONE IS!

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So you are telling is that if the cruise fare had been $5025.99 you would not have booked because $400 breaks the bank? Really?


Lets break it down. $376.20 /3 = $124.50 / 10 days = $12.45pppd. How much does a stubby cost or a glass of wine in a bar in Australia to put it into perspective.




As others have said, you are going to America and when in America you do what is expected in America......



Actually I am going to Australia.

My cruise is from Sydney to Tasmania.

In Aussie waters the whole time.

Yes on an American ship, but we have only picked this ship due to it's itinerary, we have no interest in going to America at this stage.

And with the nasty attacking comments just over tipping, who could blame us!!

I'm not sure what beer or wine costs in an Aussie bar, because I don't drink either of them.

And no the $400 won't break the bank, I would just prefer to tip the people as I go.

For a 10 night cruise I only expect to eat in the MDR twice.

The rest of the time will be in the buffet.

I would prefer to pay my room steward extra money, then see it divided up, and also pay the waiter for the two nights he will serve us.

Wow so many nasty comments.

Like I already said, we do not normally tip in Australia, it's not how I was raised, so it's very new to me.

A simple explanation of how it works would have been great, no need at all to attack me.

How on earth would I know what is expected in America if I have never been there, that is the reason for my question in the 1st place.

A little manners would not hurt you, and some of the others on here, that are just plain nasty!





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And I would like to add, that until right at this moment in time, I didn't know that their income was from tipping, where I live, we are payed by the hour from our employer. Or paid a salery. A "tip" to us, might be from a customer paying a bill for $19.45 using a $20 note and saying jeep the change.

I have never cruised before, with any cruise line. This will be my 1st cruise.

Now after understanding that is how tips are used etc. I am happy to pay it. And also tip my room attendant and waiter extra.

I just think that a lot if you, need to learn some manners, not go flaming people, and verbally attacking them. And also just use a simple answer when a question is asked.

Other like myself, may be knew to the cruise industry. And have very little understanding of how it all works.

This is the reason I joined this forum in the 1st place.

For help and advice! Thanks for nothing.



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And I would like to add, that until right at this moment in time, I didn't know that their income was from tipping, where I live, we are payed by the hour from our employer. Or paid a salery. A "tip" to us, might be from a customer paying a bill for $19.45 using a $20 note and saying jeep the change.

I have never cruised before, with any cruise line. This will be my 1st cruise.

Now after understanding that is how tips are used etc. I am happy to pay it. And also tip my room attendant and waiter extra.

I just think that a lot if you, need to learn some manners, not go flaming people, and verbally attacking them. And also just use a simple answer when a question is asked.

Other like myself, may be knew to the cruise industry. And have very little understanding of how it all works.

This is the reason I joined this forum in the 1st place.

For help and advice! Thanks for nothing.



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There are a few subjects, and tipping in obviously one of them, that can cause an uproar on these boards, and sometimes can cause the bad in people to come out.


A lot of people don't understand that what is the norm for America, is not the norm in the majority of the rest of the world. Originally coming from a non tipping culture, like yourself, it took a while for me to comprehend the American way of paying service workers a wage of 50% of the minimum wage with the expectation that the customer will make up the difference, but now, after 22 years, it is second nature to me, and going home for a visit and not tipping seems strange.


Don't let the ney sayers spoil your holiday, have a wonderful time, like we all do.

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I've been told that if you opt out of auto gratuities.

Then you still get the bill at the end of your cruise.

For example, my upcoming cruise I have to prepay my gratuities,

We have three people and it's a 10 day cruise.

$4649.79 is the price of the cruise.

$376.20 is the gratuities amount.

In Australia we do not normally tip, it's just not what we do, so almost $400 is a lot for us to pay ontop of what we are already paying For the cruise.

I would love to know, if anyone has opted out of the gratuities, and what was the end result?



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If you opt out you don't get a bill at the end. The only time you have to pre-pay grats is when you have MTD. If you opt out you can request envelopes and give tips at the end

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A lot of people don't understand that what is the norm for America, is not the norm in the majority of the rest of the world. Don't let the ney sayers spoil your holiday, have a wonderful time, like we all do.



Thank you, it's nice to see someone who understands where I am coming from.

And I am sure I will enjoy my holiday, I am very excited :-)



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If you opt out you don't get a bill at the end. The only time you have to pre-pay grats is when you have MTD. If you opt out you can request envelopes and give tips at the end



That is great advise, thanks for that.

Because I will dine in the dining room two times, if I opt out of the prepaid gratuities, do I tip the waiter after each if the two meals? I haven't picked the dining option yet, what would be the best choice considering I only want to dine twice?

Also how much should I tip for each night? Is $60 Australian a good amount for three people per night?

Like I said it's new to me, so I am not sure.

Also for my room attendant after 10 nights, what would be a good amount for him? $250 Australian?

We wouldn't be requiring any extra things from him that they normally wouldn't do.

I still have not decided to prepay or tip as I go. I just feel better knowing the money is going straight to the workers who I deal with directly.

And if it costs me a bit extra i am happy to pay that, for good service.




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That is great advise, thanks for that.

Because I will dine in the dining room two times, if I opt out of the prepaid gratuities, do I tip the waiter after each if the two meals? I haven't picked the dining option yet, what would be the best choice considering I only want to dine twice?

Also how much should I tip for each night? Is $60 Australian a good amount for three people per night?

Like I said it's new to me, so I am not sure.

Also for my room attendant after 10 nights, what would be a good amount for him? $250 Australian?

We wouldn't be requiring any extra things from him that they normally wouldn't do.

I still have not decided to prepay or tip as I go. I just feel better knowing the money is going straight to the workers who I deal with directly.

And if it costs me a bit extra i am happy to pay that, for good service.




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Well to my understanding if you do opt out whatever money you give them has to go into a shared pool anyway. To be honest, when i'm on vacation all those calculations give me headaches! lol. I;ve only opted out once, that was last cruise on allure. We tipped our cabin guy like $100 US (not sure of your conversion) for a 7 night 3 people . I never ate in the dining room, nor in the windjammer. We ate in specialty restaurants and I just tipped extra there. If you do decide to go in the dining room for however many nights, I would say just give them whatever you plan on giving them on the last time you're there.


I know many people criticize on here about tipping, or non-tipping, and i'm probably going to get flamed for what i'm about to say, but I say tip however the heck ya wanna tip. Ultimately, it's your vacation, your money and you do what you see fit.


I'm actually sailing tomorrow, and this time I chose to pre-pay my tips and selected MTD. We aren't planning to eat in any specialty places this time around and Most likely will be in he dining room all nights.

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M&S, I feel your pain. My wife & I ALWAYS cancel the auto-tips for precisely the same reason we don't tip in advance anywhere. We over-tip the last day & tip for service on an ongoing basis.


Yes, we carry a large amount of cash & eat virtually all our meals in the WJ. We tip after every meal & the wait staff becomes extremely attentive as the trip progresses. By day three we have a "reserved" table with the appropriate soft drinks awaiting our arrival. I realize that we may be overlooking some of the staff that we don't directly interact with this approach. But our personal responsibility can only be stretched so far. It's a shortcoming with this strategy. Nothing is perfect. We have been honored with magnificent service all our RCL cruises.


Auto-tip or not, it's simply a personal preference. Most importantly, you seem like a responsible, level-headed, kind, intelligent person. I'm sure you'll do what's ultimately right for everyone involved. Have a wonderful trip!!


Be Well,


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We was talking to a Dj on our cruise last week he said all room attendants and wait staff ONLY make tip money! So if this is the case if everyone decides no tips they get no pay! The one bad thing my hubby hates about this policy of pooling the tips and then dividing it is that if 1 person goes out of there way to be friendly or work extra hard they get paid the same! For example on our last cruise we saw our neighbors room attendant way more than ours he was very friendly. Well I'm not going to tip him when he hasn't done anything for me, but he should be acknowledged for acting like he enjoyed his job!

Edited by tidygirl
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Thank you, it's nice to see someone who understands where I am coming from.

And I am sure I will enjoy my holiday, I am very excited :-)



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I am sure you will have a wonderful holiday and sorry that so many people are so rude. It just seems to happen on these boards.


You might find it easier and simpler just to pre-pay your gratuities at the standard rate, or have them posted to your account daily. That way everyone gets their money - even if you only eat in the main dining room a couple of times those same people work in the Windjammer (buffet). You really do not have to tip in the Windjammer - the majority of cruisers just pay their "standard" tips, and then give a little extra if they feel they have had special attention/service.


By doing it this way you would not have to carry cash around - not necessary. The only people you should tip are the people that deliver room service $2 to $5 depending on how big the order. They are not included in the "standard" tips. Also your drinks have an automatic gratuity included - again no need to add extra.


Hope that helps and simplifies a little - above all have a great cruise.

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