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Opting out of the auto tip

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I am not sure I understand. I think if I remove auto tips and tip everyone myself in person, giving a little more to those who deserve it and maybe a little less to those who do not, then I won't be hurting all the staff, just the "bad" server unless you are saying that those auto tips also go to people we wouldn't normally see to tip? One seven night cruise we were on, we never saw the matre'd, even when we asked to see him until the very last night when he came over and introduced himself. We gave him a very minimal tip and gave the extra to the servers who had tried to compensate for his being unavailable. I will say , it has always bothered me that 18% gratuity is automatically added to the bar bill. I realize that some people would not tip , but I am a good tipper however there have been times when I have been the only one waiting for a drink at a bar and it took 20 minutes. I don't think they deserved 18%.


You aren't just punishing the "bad" server, however. Any tips you give in cash, unless they are above the minimum suggested amount, MUST be turned into the pool therefore shorting one waiter, shorts them all.


Also, I am guessing rather than maitre d' you mean Head Waiter as the MD is not tipped? If so, the head waiter's job isn't really to be present. If you have a good, smooth experience in the MDR, the Head Waiter has done his job well.


You can visit guest services to remove the auto tip if you would prefer to tip in cash. Less, equal, or above the requested amount is up to you.


Why do people on this website assume that if someone tips cash it is always LESS? It could very well be far above and beyond the requested amount. Maybe they hit it big in the casino and would rather hand out large sums of cash than to have it be billed to their credit card at a later date? Maybe they had an emergency and needed to use a debit card linked to the same as the auto-tips and can not replenish that account fast enough, but DO have cash at hand on the cruise; maybe they are traveling somewhere post cruise without the ability to quickly replenish a bank account.


You don't know and neither do I. Can't people on this forum EVER just answer someones question factually without getting up on a pulpit and preaching what is right and wrong? I mean honestly; what a bunch of ignorant judgmental people on this site. Shame on the lot of you.



Seems from his later posts, we DO know he was not planning on tipping.


Funny you call other people judgmental and then judge them yourself. Mirror, mirror.

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As other people have pointed out, if RCCL paid its service people the same as Australia pays its service people, you would be paying the $400 anyways---it would just be included in the cost of your higher priced cabin. Either way, those people are going to get paid a fair wage---through tips or through an hourly wage---but both options would be paid by the cruiser somehow.


Good let them include it in the price of the cruise as a service charge.Tips are given not taken.I will stop the auto tips on the first day and tip the people i want to.:rolleyes:

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Well to my understanding if you do opt out whatever money you give them has to go into a shared pool anyway. To be honest, when i'm on vacation all those calculations give me headaches! lol. I;ve only opted out once, that was last cruise on allure. We tipped our cabin guy like $100 US (not sure of your conversion) for a 7 night 3 people . I never ate in the dining room, nor in the windjammer. We ate in specialty restaurants and I just tipped extra there. If you do decide to go in the dining room for however many nights, I would say just give them whatever you plan on giving them on the last time you're there.


I know many people criticize on here about tipping, or non-tipping, and i'm probably going to get flamed for what i'm about to say, but I say tip however the heck ya wanna tip. Ultimately, it's your vacation, your money and you do what you see fit.


I'm actually sailing tomorrow, and this time I chose to pre-pay my tips and selected MTD. We aren't planning to eat in any specialty places this time around and Most likely will be in he dining room all nights.


I agree tip the way you want it's your Money spend it as you please.Why even care what other people say. :rolleyes:

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I think pre-paid grats was the best thing the cruise line did. Now I don't have to make sure I have money set aside at the end of the cruise to stuff in envelopes and chase people around to give it to them.


I do know people who cancel their auto gratuity when they get on board. I guarantee that although they say they are tipping in cash, they do not. I never see these people hand anyone any money. I can't account for what might be left in the cabin for the room attendant.


Also, before boarding we cash in some large bills so we have lots of singles (one dollar bills). We are able to tip additional to those along the way we feel are providing good service.


They don't make much money, and it's not fair if you are deciding who you feel is entitled to your tip. Those people that you may not be tipping also have to pay out their service support people. So you are cheating many people by not tipping with the system they have in place.




You must be awfully busy tracking people who removes auto-tips from their account. How do you possibly find time to do anything else during the trip?

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A few points


1. The VAST majority of people that opt out of tips do not tip or tip very low. This is a heavily tracked metric by the cruise lines. They are well aware of people's tipping habits and this has been an established issue for a long time.


2. When you remove your tips and tip in cash, the person you tip is REQUIRED (under threat of losing their job) to turn that cash into the pool. So there really is no difference between prepaying, paying the auto charge and tipping in cash unless, of course, you don't plan to pay at least the suggested amount. Anything about the suggested amount is for the tipped crew to keep.


3. The dining staff rotate between the different venues. So even if you never eat in the MDR your tips are going to serve you at breakfast, snacks lunch and wherever you eat dinner. Unless of course you mean to suggest you go an entire cruise without eating anything?




I ALWAYS have my auto-tips removed from my account, and tip with cash at the end of the trip. I NEVER have the cruise line ask me how much I tipped. I don't think it is as heavily tracked as you think.

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Oh, I get it, someone has a lot of cash from a BIG winning at the casino, so they remove thier auto-tips? Why in Heaven's name would somone do that? They probably lost money in the casino, and are trying to re-coup their losses.:D


We also are entitled to give our response to their PUBLIC POST, just as well as they are entitled to leave no tip at all, which I feel in my heart that some do. I will continue to give my fair share, and some will not give their fair share for whatever cockamamie, hypothetical reason you may come up with in their defense. Yes, I know their are extenuating circumsatnces on occasion, but are you asking us to believe these type of circumstances are not rare? I still believe in my gut that these are those who are stiffing the staff.


I have no shame in giving my opinion, but there is shame in not being fair.:)


You can visit guest services to remove the auto tip if you would prefer to tip in cash. Less, equal, or above the requested amount is up to you.


Why do people on this website assume that if someone tips cash it is always LESS? It could very well be far above and beyond the requested amount. Maybe they hit it big in the casino and would rather hand out large sums of cash than to have it be billed to their credit card at a later date? Maybe they had an emergency and needed to use a debit card linked to the same as the auto-tips and can not replenish that account fast enough, but DO have cash at hand on the cruise; maybe they are traveling somewhere post cruise without the ability to quickly replenish a bank account.


You don't know and neither do I. Can't people on this forum EVER just answer someones question factually without getting up on a pulpit and preaching what is right and wrong? I mean honestly; what a bunch of ignorant judgmental people on this site. Shame on the lot of you.


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There have been numerous threads on this subject, and, IMO it will never be resolved. The autotip is really part of the cost of the cruise. One of the reasons the cruise lines do this, is if it was added into the cruise cost, the line would have to pay commissions on that amount.


We were recently on a 31 day cruise, and I got $100 in singles from the bank, These were used to tip the room service personnel and the tour guides. (More than $1!)

On this cruise, the autotip came to over $700 for the two of us


I believe there are a minority of people, who,to put it charitably, are excessively frugal (cheap).


In the old days when tip envelopes were used, a number of passengers were noticeably absent from the dining room on the last night to avoid tipping the waiter.



It also amuses me that some are paying thousands of dollars for a cruise and complain about a $25 airline charge for a second bag.




And some of those very people love to brag about their $1000 bar tab for the week!

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Seems from his later posts, we DO know he was not planning on tipping.


Funny you call other people judgmental and then judge them yourself. Mirror, mirror.


No, we STILL don't know that. You can assume if you wish, but it is not a fact.


As far as being judgmental, when people are being nasty, rude, mean and ignorant of the topic at hand I'll point it out. That is hardly the equivalent of someone merely asking what a policy is and then being berated for it. Not even close. They chose to act that way, I pointed it out.

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Oh, I get it, someone has a lot of cash from a BIG winning at the casino, so they remove thier auto-tips? Why in Heaven's name would somone do that? They probably lost money in the casino, and are trying to re-coup their losses.:D


We also are entitled to give our response to their PUBLIC POST, just as well as they are entitled to leave no tip at all, which I feel in my heart that some do. I will continue to give my fair share, and some will not give their fair share for whatever cockamamie, hypothetical reason you may come up with in their defense. Yes, I know their are extenuating circumsatnces on occasion, but are you asking us to believe these type of circumstances are not rare? I still believe in my gut that these are those who are stiffing the staff.


I have no shame in giving my opinion, but there is shame in not being fair.:)


Your opinions are set in stone. They could come back and say they gave $500 cash and you would likely pronounce them a liar. You are entitled to your opinion.


And just remember, no matter how much you give, someone has given more and thinks you're the cheapskate...


The bottom line is no matter what you may FEEL people do, you don't know the absolute truth. Why not give people the benefit of the doubt? There are tons of perfectly legitimate and valid reasons why someone may elect to remove the autotip and tip in cash. You call my ideas cockamamie, I call them perfectly plausible. For some people dealing in cash is easier. It doesn't really matter. OP asked how to remove the tips. answer, go to guest services. You gave no helpful information to the OP. Answers like yours only drive people away from cruise critic.


You are, in the bitter end, absolutely entitled to your opinion and to do exactly how you please to do, but do give a moments thought before you so willingly put down others asking a simple question.


Think about it.

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And I would like to add, that until right at this moment in time, I didn't know that their income was from tipping, where I live, we are payed by the hour from our employer. Or paid a salery. A "tip" to us, might be from a customer paying a bill for $19.45 using a $20 note and saying jeep the change.

I have never cruised before, with any cruise line. This will be my 1st cruise.

Now after understanding that is how tips are used etc. I am happy to pay it. And also tip my room attendant and waiter extra.

I just think that a lot if you, need to learn some manners, not go flaming people, and verbally attacking them. And also just use a simple answer when a question is asked.

Other like myself, may be knew to the cruise industry. And have very little understanding of how it all works.

This is the reason I joined this forum in the 1st place.

For help and advice! Thanks for nothing.

Try not to let people bother you! When we went to Australia I had lots of questions too and if you don't ask how are you supposed to know?

We are planning a cruise in Europe and I have no idea are we expected to tip the baggage handlers, taxi guys etc. etc? as it's not customary or are we perceived as cheap Americans because they have come to expect it from us? I had one guy or Trip Advisor get kind of rude and nasty with me and it was irritating as I don't know what to do in some situations! Take the good advice and the ones that get mean ignore!

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As someone from Australia I view tipping as a rare add on of a small amount (usually about 2%) because I have a bit of extra money or to even out the fare. I also really hate mandatory service charges as I like to see the cost up front (as is generally required by law in Australia).


But in different situations the culture is different and it does form part of the compensation package and cruising is one of them and in those cultures it is easy to make a mess of the whole thing like not knowing who to tip.


So when I am on a cruise I love the auto gratuities because it means that I don't have to worry about any of this. I can just pay the bill (ahead of time as I love MTD) and then forget about it for the rest of the cruise. I don't have to worry about taking advantage of people, I don't have to think about it, I don't have to constantly feel the angst that comes from constant tipping. I just view it as part of the cost.

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Simply amazing how so many people on these boards know EXACTLY how the pay system works, and who gets what share, and whether or not service personnel are required to turn in all cash tips by threat of losing their job.


If that is the case, then why on earth would you give extra cash to someone doing a better than expected job? Obviously the cruise line is just going to confiscate it and distribute the money as they see fit.



I think one should only tip if they are allowed to smoke in their cabin and at dinner. :eek::eek:

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I ALWAYS have my auto-tips removed from my account, and tip with cash at the end of the trip. I NEVER have the cruise line ask me how much I tipped. I don't think it is as heavily tracked as you think.


It is reported by the people you tip. They re required, under threat of their employment, to report any and all cash tips. If it is above the suggested amount they keep the difference otherwise it goes into the pool. That is how it is tracked.


No, we STILL don't know that. You can assume if you wish, but it is not a fact.


As far as being judgmental, when people are being nasty, rude, mean and ignorant of the topic at hand I'll point it out. That is hardly the equivalent of someone merely asking what a policy is and then being berated for it. Not even close. They chose to act that way, I pointed it out.


And we chose to point out that the OP is planning to shaft hard workers. As he said in his latest post when he said he had planned to tip the wait staff for only two nights. You may want to reread the posts. It is really quite clear if you use a little logic.

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That is great advise, thanks for that.

Because I will dine in the dining room two times, if I opt out of the prepaid gratuities, do I tip the waiter after each if the two meals? I haven't picked the dining option yet, what would be the best choice considering I only want to dine twice?

Also how much should I tip for each night? Is $60 Australian a good amount for three people per night?

Like I said it's new to me, so I am not sure.

Also for my room attendant after 10 nights, what would be a good amount for him? $250 Australian?

We wouldn't be requiring any extra things from him that they normally wouldn't do.

I still have not decided to prepay or tip as I go. I just feel better knowing the money is going straight to the workers who I deal with directly.

And if it costs me a bit extra i am happy to pay that, for good service.




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Hi manda,


the tips are either pre-paid or charged daily to your account at a rate of $12 per day. This covers your cabin attendant and dining staff. It doesn't really matter where you eat because the people from the main dining room also work in the windjammer (that is the buffet on Royal) so they are all in the same tip pool anyway.


What we find easiest is to leave the tips in place and then bring some US currency to give further tips to staff who have made our trip extra great. We have tended to give an extra $20 - $50 to our cabin steward and about the same to our dining staff (we eat in the main dinign room most nights, it is really nice) dependign on the length of the cruise. We also take a bunch of $1 bills to tip room service and drinks waiters.


Giving this extra cash is compeltley up to you whether you want to do it or not, but for the bulk of tips we certainly find it easiest just to leave it in place knoweing everyone who should be covered is covered. I expect you will find this easiest too, especially for your first trip.


Enjoy your cruise and welcome to CC :)

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And I would like to add, that until right at this moment in time, I didn't know that their income was from tipping, where I live, we are payed by the hour from our employer. Or paid a salery. A "tip" to us, might be from a customer paying a bill for $19.45 using a $20 note and saying jeep the change.

I have never cruised before, with any cruise line. This will be my 1st cruise.

Now after understanding that is how tips are used etc. I am happy to pay it. And also tip my room attendant and waiter extra.

I just think that a lot if you, need to learn some manners, not go flaming people, and verbally attacking them. And also just use a simple answer when a question is asked.

Other like myself, may be knew to the cruise industry. And have very little understanding of how it all works.

This is the reason I joined this forum in the 1st place.

For help and advice! Thanks for nothing.



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I do hope you didn't find my post explaining the gratuities from an Australian point of view to be rude or attacking.

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That is great advise, thanks for that.

Because I will dine in the dining room two times, if I opt out of the prepaid gratuities, do I tip the waiter after each if the two meals? I haven't picked the dining option yet, what would be the best choice considering I only want to dine twice?

Also how much should I tip for each night? Is $60 Australian a good amount for three people per night?

Like I said it's new to me, so I am not sure.

Also for my room attendant after 10 nights, what would be a good amount for him? $250 Australian?

We wouldn't be requiring any extra things from him that they normally wouldn't do.

I still have not decided to prepay or tip as I go. I just feel better knowing the money is going straight to the workers who I deal with directly.

And if it costs me a bit extra i am happy to pay that, for good service.




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My understanding is that prepaid gratuities are mandatory for cruises leaving from Australia. Also do you realise your room attendant does not receive the tips you give him/her but rather puts it back in the pool. Therefore "the money is NOT going straight to the workers who I deal with directly". The people who launder your sheets, wash your dishes, bring your bags to your room etc are part of the pool.

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Instead of attacking each other, we should ask the cruise industry why they don't pay their employees more and let us tip what we want and who we want throughout the cruise. It does feel like a kind of pressure to make sure tips get distributed and are equitable, etc. I don't feel this is any other transaction but cruising. Weird.

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It is reported by the people you tip. They re required, under threat of their employment, to report any and all cash tips. If it is above the suggested amount they keep the difference otherwise it goes into the pool. That is how it is tracked.


I called and specifically asked Crown and Anchor about this and they said no, they are not required to pool tips that are given to them directly

And if they were then that is not really a tip. In that case Royal Caribbean should just call it a charge and pay their employees minimum wage.



And we chose to point out that the OP is planning to shaft hard workers. As he said in his latest post when he said he had planned to tip the wait staff for only two nights. You may want to reread the posts. It is really quite clear if you use a little logic.

Maybe more people should call and ask

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That is great advise, thanks for that.

Because I will dine in the dining room two times, if I opt out of the prepaid gratuities, do I tip the waiter after each if the two meals? I haven't picked the dining option yet, what would be the best choice considering I only want to dine twice?

Also how much should I tip for each night? Is $60 Australian a good amount for three people per night?

Like I said it's new to me, so I am not sure.

Also for my room attendant after 10 nights, what would be a good amount for him? $250 Australian?

We wouldn't be requiring any extra things from him that they normally wouldn't do.

I still have not decided to prepay or tip as I go. I just feel better knowing the money is going straight to the workers who I deal with directly.

And if it costs me a bit extra i am happy to pay that, for good service.




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Whew tough subject! You ask a lot of questions about "how much is a reasonable tip." Easy, the suggested gratuity is $12 per day. It was always, in the past, broken down between the waiter, assistant waiter, cabin steward, and a small amount for the headwaiter. So, you can research the breakdown but it's about $3.75 per person per day for the waiter and cabin steward, about $2.25 per day to the assistant waiter, and about $.75 per person per day to the headwaiter. Now the suggested guideline is a bit more ($12) so you can divide the extra $2.00 accordingly, and that will give you an idea of an "appropriate" tip. Or, go easy on yourself and just allow the standard tip to be withdrawn. As everyone has pointed out the tip is really the only compensation that these servers get. You should find the service is superior. They work very long days trying to make sure you get anything and everything you want, 7 days a week for 6 months or more. They do it tirelessly and usually with a smile. No one does that. The small amount we compensate them is a pittance in the grand scheme of the cruise. So, take off the stress of "how much is enough," and just give them the minimum. Then if you find someone who deserves more, give them some extra cash. Easy, fair, expected, deserved, non-controversial, no fuss, no muss, no exchange rate, no more "flaming."

It's a cruise. Quit worrying about it and enjoy it. If you don't want to tip, don't. If you intend to anyway, let it be withdrawn and divided to those who serve you. If someone deserves more, give it to them. It's all part of the cruise cost.

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the tips are either pre-paid or charged daily to your account at a rate of $12 per day. This covers your cabin attendant and dining staff. It doesn't really matter where you eat because the people from the main dining room also work in the windjammer (that is the buffet on Royal) so they are all in the same tip pool anyway.


What we find easiest is to leave the tips in place and then bring some US currency to give further tips to staff who have made our trip extra great. We have tended to give an extra $20 - $50 to our cabin steward and about the same to our dining staff (we eat in the main dinign room most nights, it is really nice) dependign on the length of the cruise. We also take a bunch of $1 bills to tip room service and drinks waiters.


Giving this extra cash is compeltley up to you whether you want to do it or not, but for the bulk of tips we certainly find it easiest just to leave it in place knoweing everyone who should be covered is covered. I expect you will find this easiest too, especially for your first trip.


Enjoy your cruise and welcome to CC :)


I could have not said it better. Excellent explanation & pretty much what we do.

As bekka said, enjoy your cruise. Come and join us all on the Aus & NZ board - a bit friendlier there :)


Happy cruising

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One point about only eating in the main dining room for two nights on a ten night cruise. Since you do not want to pre-pay your tips, I assume that you will be eating at one of the two main scheduled seatings? Please be aware, that your seats at that seating will be reserved for your party alone for all ten nights. So while you are planning on tipping your waitstaff for those two meals, your seats will go empty the other eight nights. That means that your waiters will not have any opportunity to 'make up' the lost wages on your empty seats. The main dining room is not like a restaurant where seats are filled as people arrive. (With the exception of My Time Dining).


So please keep that in mind when making your tipping decisions. Your waitstaff were counting on having your tips for ten nights. So you will be essentially cutting their wages by 80% on that cruise for that table if you remove the auto tips, and only tip them for the two nights you eat there.

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It does feel like a kind of pressure to make sure tips get distributed and are equitable, etc. I don't feel this is any other transaction but cruising. Weird.


Just pay the recommended amounts and be done with it.


You can tip room service a few dollars cash and if you want to give extra to anyone else go ahead, but you don't have to.


It's actually really easy.

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You must be awfully busy tracking people who removes auto-tips from their account. How do you possibly find time to do anything else during the trip?


As I said in my post, I know them personally and spend my entire cruise with them. They could me my friends or family, I don't just know these people from cruising. That was a stupid comment by you while I am making a point of something I am aware of first hand.

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As things ARE done differently in different countries, it is totally possible that you may not be able to remove the daily-auto-tip-service-charge from ships LEAVING from Australian ports. But, you can from ships leaving from American ports.:)

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