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62 points went POOF! Worst IT error I've experienced

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Just went out and checked ours. The total in small print on the left above the view reservation box is correct, but my completed cruises list hasn't been updated since December, so when I add up my total I come up far short. My wife's completed cruises list shows our 2014 cruises, and when I add up her total, it matches the correct number. It almost looks like they're only updating the list for the first passenger in the cabin.:confused:

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Just went out and checked ours. The total in small print on the left above the view reservation box is correct, but my completed cruises list hasn't been updated since December, so when I add up my total I come up far short. My wife's completed cruises list shows our 2014 cruises, and when I add up her total, it matches the correct number. It almost looks like they're only updating the list for the first passenger in the cabin.:confused:

It's important to get your list corrected, because if you ever get unlinked, some of your points will go poof too.:eek:

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I am just logging into my account and saving all cruise history to be safe and

Making a PDF for proof;)


Before reading this thread I just checked and saw my cruise last week was added ok. I think I'll do the same.

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I almost wonder, knowing how their IT is, if they have forgotten what happened in the change over from 1 point for 1 cruise to the current system of one point per night. (around 2010 or 2011?)


Under the old system it took 10 cruises to be diamond. I forget how many cruise nights I had back at the time of the conversion, but I remember they added a few nights to people's totals at the time of conversion. I assume that was done to ease some of the complaints.


Under the old system I would be Diamond now. But after my last trip I am showing 75 cruise points, 5 nights short. However, if they lost my list and I submitted proof they probably would only credit me with 56 points.


PS - I forgot I had one 4 day cruise in a JS, so I would have 60 points if they recalculated. as soon as I see that Diamond on my status next year, I'll be recording that as evidence.

Edited by BillOh
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I am so sorry that this happened to you. I hope that RCI will get it straightened out quickly. They have the worst IT department ever.


After reading what happened to you, here is what I have done. I started a new album in iPhoto called Cruise Points. I took screen shots of all the cruises listed in my account and then in my husbands account. Added them to the album, so now I have an easy access record of all our cruises.


I also keep all our my Sea Pass cards on a ring clip, so that I will have cabin numbers and folio numbers.


I also find the listing on my signature helpful to remember my cruises! Of course we are just beginners at cruising - just had our four year first cruise anniversary - so a complete list would not be practical for some of you Diamond Plus and Pinnacle people!

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If you have proof of the missing cruises in terms of an old seapass or ship photograph than you can get them added back to your cruise history. Pain in the neck I know, but can be done. I took a Monarch of the Seas cruise in 1992 then didn't cruise again for almost 20 years. When I joined C&A, I sent them a picture from the ship's photographer and was able to get the 7 points.


This isn't as easy to do when it involves close to 80 cruises. And impossible by long distance of course.

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I make a PDF file for each page of the our cruise history (I know, very time consuming), and attach all the PDF files to one email message to myself. That way I have access all the time.


If I remember correctly, I did make PDFs for the first time prior to my last cruise. But they are home. I really don't want to be required to do this after each cruise because of the RCI IT incompetence.

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I really feel your pain as the same thing happened to me last November after disembarking Rhapsody, instead of getting my points added they took seven away never to be seen again despite numerous emails and calls to C & A in USA. I can't find the missing cruise either and I was 6 points off diamond plus at the time. Really upset me, I never dreamed they would just take the points away and make me dig up all my old cruises. I thought to email Adam Goldstein ?? To lose 62 points must be very distressing, I wish you luck sorting it out and any hints for getting my points back would be appreciated. Sue



I also had 7 points subtracted last fall. I had just printed out my points total page and emailed it to them. They couldn't figure our the mistake but said they added the points unattached to the cruise. I wouldn't have to worry about they said as it would roll over with the point total with each cruise. Which it did with the 6 or 7 cruises taken since that error. Now not only are the 7 points gone, so are who knows which cruises.

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What a horrible experience to go through. Thats almost nine 7 night cruises worth of points gone :( Even worse than that is RCI taking the "too bad so sad" highway.



They are working on it. But the guy who I spoke with did say that's what my points add up to and planned to leave it at that. When I reminded him to add the bonus points given during the conversion he said "I know what I'm doing". With that attitude.


There is voyage information sent to each ship stating points of the top cruisers each sailing. Hopefully the LA will have a copy of that info or they can come up with it somehow. Unless of course it has also gone into the RCI IT filing system never to be seen again. :(

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My RCCL history has been messed up for years. A while back I sent them some information to try to get it straightened out; the result is that it's messed up even worse: they have me going on the same cruise (same date) 3 times, while others are missing.

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If I remember correctly, I did make PDFs for the first time prior to my last cruise. But they are home. I really don't want to be required to do this after each cruise because of the RCI IT incompetence.

It's a tedious ritual that takes me about 30 minutes, but I always make the PDFs of my wife's, my daughter's, and my cruise history right after the points post. I have never trusted Royal's IT skills and unfortunately your experience has shown that it has likely not been wasted effort on my part.

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I would be extremely hissed off. I do not know how the IT at RCI is configured. However, given all the issues and problems over the last year something needs to be done. If they have a contract with a company I cannot see how all these do not add up to non-performance...thus the contract should be voided as soon as another vendor can be found. If it is internal, it is well past the time to hold somebody accountable.


I may get flamed for this, but just ripping someone who is a direct report and reflecting it in a performance review IS NOT holding someone accountable. The web site problems is hurting their image and reputation. Someone needs to lose their job...plain and simple.


Just my opinion.

Edited by TC1957
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Wow I'm so sorry to hear this. I too have been frustrated by the IT department, but it's not limited to RCI. Other very large corporations have terrible IT problems. I too just went in and made a screen shot of our past cruise history in case of a problem. I'm sure you will get this worked out when you get back. In the meantime try to enjoy the rest of this cruise.

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Thanks for the heads up. I gained 4 points. Seams our last cruise they have me double but my wife none though her total is also 4 more than it should be. I have never been able to see our daughters so I sent an email to them about that.


I work with under people some just out of college that unless they can do it online they won't. Their lack of a good website is goin to cost them money. Just picture a 20 something never been on a cruise has some issue because of the so had website and then either cancels or surely never cruises with them again.


As already shown it is also having an impact on the call centers because people are getting angry having to take calls that should be done online. That too is going to lead people to look elsewhere.


Wake up RCI it's 2014 you need a website and mobile tools that work or your going to miss out.

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There is voyage information sent to each ship stating points of the top cruisers each sailing. Hopefully the LA will have a copy of that info or they can come up with it somehow. Unless of course it has also gone into the RCI IT filing system never to be seen again. :(


Funny you should mention that. When I went to the C&A welcome back last week on Jewel the LA gave this ladies' name and her point total and another couple spoke up rather indignantly that they had 12 more points.

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I recently had an IT error as well, I was looking at my cruise points and it shows I have 61, which I have had for quite a while. I wrote C&A to inquire about my cruise points and they wrote back stating I actually have 78 points! They said that they can see I went on a cruise but they don't know which one and that even though on the RCCL website it states I have 61 in reality I have 78 and that it can take up to a month to fix.

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Hi Gina!!


Just wanted to say hey!!


Sorry this has happened to you. Very frustrating, I'm sure. Take a deep breath and try not to worry about it too much. Maybe "attitude boy" will figure it out!

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Sorry to hear about the most recent IT snafu, it seems to be turning into a trend. Hope you will be able to get it resolved when you get home.


On a happier note, we here in the Seattle area are trying to put our best foot forward weather wise for the start of your cruise. It is expected to be in the mid 70s here next Friday. :)

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Funny you should mention that. When I went to the C&A welcome back last week on Jewel the LA gave this ladies' name and her point total and another couple spoke up rather indignantly that they had 12 more points.


Wow, awkward.

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Sorry to hear about the most recent IT snafu, it seems to be turning into a trend. Hope you will be able to get it resolved when you get home.




On a happier note, we here in the Seattle area are trying to put our best foot forward weather wise for the start of your cruise. It is expected to be in the mid 70s here next Friday. :)



We'll enjoy Seattle for 3 days pre-cruise. Our son lives there. You'll find me running on Eastlake and shopping at the REI Flagship store sale. :) We're heading up the pacific coast highway beginning today.


Don't let the temps get too high. No Florida weather, please. ;)

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Yes, I checked my cruise points today after disembarking a cruise just 1 week ago. I didn't get 8 points added to my total cruise points but they subtracted 62 points and they can't figure out why. :eek: Someone is working on it but they seem to think cruises have dropped off my record. So basically...they are going to say "too bad".


And since we are away for a while on cruises, I have no access to my file at home with my most recent point print out.


I am totally frustrated with RCI and their worst ever IT department. There is nothing I can do about their errors long distance.


I just felt like publicly venting. And I hope RCI sees this.






When did you see this error occur? Was it right after the switch to the new site, or was it before?


I don't work for RCI, but I do work in IT for a large bank that handles updates to the website and troubleshooting when things go wrong. The reason I ask is that if its ALWAYS shown up the way you have seen it, and then it suddenly changed the minute they went to the new coding, then it could just be an error on the website's end, just showing a value that isn't true. If your points really did go away, they somehow botched up the database, and its very likely that there will be numerous issues across the board, and not just to yourself. If this was the case, it would be national news by now.


I'm guessing (hoping for your sake) there's just something wrong with the application in place that talks to the database to display your cruise points on the site. Considering the website was just updated this week, it very well could be a bug that needs to be worked out on their end. They're not going to put the burden of proof back on you to prove you went on nine 7 day cruises, that would be PR suicide. At worst, they should be able to go back and look at a legacy mirror of their most recent build and see where you had the points you claim to have. I'd say give it a little time, and if things don't improve, then run it as far up the chain as you can with every escalation you can make. Don't settle for the first 2 levels you speak with, make sure you get up to VP levels at a minimum.

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We'll enjoy Seattle for 3 days pre-cruise. Our son lives there. You'll find me running on Eastlake and shopping at the REI Flagship store sale. :) We're heading up the pacific coast highway beginning today.


Don't let the temps get too high. No Florida weather, please. ;)


It's only 70 degrees in Orlando today, so apparently we're having Seattle's weather:D

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Gina, so sorry to hear about the loss of your points. Believe me we UNDERSTAND your frustration of trying to get something done while you are away from you computer! ! ! :eek: It is NO fun.


We now travel with a "passport" that is a back-up of our hard-drive for our main computers. We are in between two countries so it makes it even harder! :( Will be praying that you can get those points back! Will the loss change your status for this cruise. :confused:


I just did a print screen of our past cruises and one of our future cruises FOR BOTH OF US! :D I hope that this will be enough along with our Sea Passes from our past cruises. I almost got rid of the BUT now I'm so glad that I didn't. Cello56 I love your idea of a Ring clip to keep them. I have a three-inch one so it will work for now! :p

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We have been dealing with the IT department too but over a different issue. Since they did their "up-grade" they are worse than ever. There are several "new" opportunities! ;)


One when we try to log in it puts us into Spanish. Doesn't matter what we do or what country we have as a preference. Spanish isn't the problem! The problem is that it won't give us any of the discounts that we are eligible to receive! We have called and called. They say tomorrow or in 24 hours . . . That was MANY 24 hours or tomorrows ago! :mad:


It is frustrating especially with the specials going on now. When I call they say that IT can only be reached via email. I have sent several emails but all have bounced! :eek: Wonder if the box is full? :rolleyes:

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