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Our NYC plan ~ looking for advice


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Thought a little advice from locals or those-in-the-know would help me in planning our whirlwind 24-hour Christmas tour of New York City. We are flying out of JFK to Europe for two weeks for a Christmas Markets vacation. This is the first time either of us have visited New York City. I am beyond excited! I’ve made a basic schedule for our day in NYC. My husband and I are not the type to cram too much in one day and we try to simply enjoy the sites on the way to the sites… if you know what I mean?! So, here is my idea for our quick in-and-out of NYC vacation. Comments, suggestions, etc would be welcome. I have also asked a few specific questions for anyone willing to answer.


Day 1 – Flying from STL to JFK (a Thursday)

I haven’t booked our flight yet but I’ll probably book the earliest flight I can find. Right now it’s looking like the earliest flight will get us to JFK at 11:05am. We plan to take a shuttlebus transfer to our hotel. The NYC airporter looks to be $16pp and we aren’t in a hurry so I believe I’m fine with this.

We are staying at Comfort Inn Manhattan 42 West 35th Street. So I believe we can take the shuttle directly to our hotel (I read this somewhere but I can’t verify that right now). If not, we may just take a taxi from Grand Central Station to our hotel. I haven’t really looked into our options on this as my main focus was simply getting a hotel close to Rockefeller Center and Macy’s.

We plan to check-in, throw the bags in the room, and hit the ground running.

Idea/Wish List of our day today:

o Macy’s window displays & a bit of shopping

o Eat “New York Style” slice of pizza (hubby’s wish)

o Go up the Empire State Building

o Times Square

o Serendipity 3 meal (possibly)

o Rockefeller Plaza at night to see the Christmas Tree

o Central Park Carriage Ride (hubby’s wish)


My research has showed me that almost everything is within walking distance of our hotel but the Central Park Carriage Ride.. which I want to skip but hubby says if we can fit it in, he really wants to do this. Any suggestions of the best way to get to Central Park from the Rockefeller Center?? Taxi there and back just for a carriage ride? If so, I think we’ll pass…?


Anyone have any suggestions or comments about other “must-dos” that are in that same area??


By the way, the backup hotel reservation is at Millenium Hilton on Church Street but I am VERY happy with our current hotel from everything I’ve read on Trip Advisor.


Next day – taxi from our hotel to JFK – flying-out on Air Berlin –– we don’t leave JFK until 5:30pmish tonight. My plan is to leave the hotel around 1/1:30pm as this should give us plenty of time, yes or no??? Any suggestions of a quick morning walk somewhere to get our blood pumping and see one last New York site??? We may just sleep-in (doubtful we can do that on vacation, however) and have an early “breakfast/lunch” at Serendipty around 11:30/12:00 and then go from Serendipity to the airport – in case we don’t have time for Serendipity the day before. By the way, we always check-in for international flights 3 hours early and we like this – I love people watching in airports and not having to worry about being on time for our flights – we make our travel days as stress-free as possible.


Upon return, we will be flying-in to JFK on Air Berlin and I have two hotels reserved right now – can’t make-up my mind. We will have been awake a LOOOONG time because we are actually leaving our hotel before 3 or 4am Vienna, Austria time… then flying from Vienna, Austria to Dusseldorf, Germany…then flying from there to JFK. By the time we land it will only be 4pm New York time but no way we are getting on another flight home tonight. We plan to get to a local/airport hotel, order-in some sandwiches or pizza, and sleep.

Choice of hotels for the night…

Howard Johnson Inn Jamaica JFK Airport – 153-95 Rockaway Blvd

free shuttle from JFK to the hotel – free shuttle bus from hotel to JFK the next morning, too


Comfort Inn JFK Airport - 14436 153rd Lane in Jamaica, NY – Trip Advisor reviews are lacking at this property

We fly home to STL from JFK the next morning.


Comments and suggestions welcome! Thank you!

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Rockefeller Center to Central Park is a fairly easy walk - you're going uptown from around 49th Street to 59th Street (Central Park South). The carriages board between 5th and 6th (Avenue of the Americas for non-locals;)) Avenues. And if you walk up 5th Avenue, you can see the windows at Sachs Fifth Avenue, which I prefer to Macy's windows. Going back to your hotel you may want to take a cab.


Since everything on your wish list is in Midtown, I'd stay with the Comfort Inn. The Millennium on Church Street is downtown and not near anything on your list.

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That's a busy day, but mostly doable. I know nothing of Serendipity, other than it's not exactly on the beaten path for the rest of your trip...


You're only real challenge is going up the Empire State Building; it's right there by your hotel, but you don't want to waste a lot of time in line. I would seriously consider springing for the Main Deck Express Tickets, even at $50 each, just to save your limited time. You're saying "Christmas", but I don't know your dates. Christmas in NYC is one of the busiest times of the year. If you want to shop versus just look at Macy's, you'll need to check their opening hours. They do tend to open late around Christmas, which would be great, otherwise you may want to double back to your hotel with any purchases early in the day (which is thankfully close). Keep in mind that Macy's is huge, and will take forever to get through near the holidays. Do a little research if you want to shop there...


I'm going to figure 12:30 -1:00 into Midtown. There's a pizza place called NY Pizza Suprema at 33rd and 8th Ave that gets good ratings on Yelp, TripAdvisor, and others. We personally pretty much always do John's on 44th off Times Square (which I highly recommend), but that might require some doubling back unless you're good to wait for a late lunch.


It's a mile and a half from Macy's to the southeast corner of Central Park, not including a detour through Times Square. If it were me, I'd probably head for the Empire State Building with my express tickets and go to the top. Circle back towards Herald Square and check out the Macy's windows (and I agree, Saks is probably the best; Bergdorf Goodman is also nice). Walk up Broadway or 7th Avenue to Times Square, and I'd take my detour there for a late lunch at John's. Wander around and through Times Square and head towards the Park. You can go up 7th Ave if you like, or cut over around 50th to Fifth Avenue, and see the windows at Bergdorf on the way. Detour into FAO Schwarz at 59th and Fifth Avenue; it's a cool store to see, and it's the last place big enough to have indoor, clean, public restrooms; this is important in upper Manhattan! Either walk through the park, or do your carriage ride as you see fit. From Central Park, if you want to detour to Serendipity, you should be fine. It looks like it's crosstown from the Park; crosstown blocks in that part of Manhattan are big. From there, come back to Fifth Avenue, and go down Fifth Avenue to Saks and Rockefeller Center. If you're beat by now, you can try to catch a cab, or catch the E Train at 53rd to Penn Station.


If you're looking for a nice walk on Friday morning, depending on weather, you're only a few blocks from the north entrance into the Highline




which is a perfect walk and a great way to see the West Side.


Keep in mind you're going to be exhausted...

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Another option to the Empire State Building is Top of the Rock in Rockefeller Center right around the corner from the tree. Entrance is on W. 50th St. between 5th and 6th Ave. Admission is $29 and as I remember the line was nowhere near as long as the ESB. NY is a beautiful place during the holidays. Enjoy!

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The shuttle is generally not recommended from the airport to hotels in NYC--it can take HOURS as you wait for it to fill up and then make multiple stops on the way to your hotel.


If you don't have lots of luggage, the Airtrain to the subway is a good idea. If you have too much luggage, the fixed rate fare of $52.50 (plus tip & tolls for a total of $65-$70) is better.

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Please find another hotel. All hotels at JFK Airport are used by NYC to provide emergency housing to families. I have compassion for these families but can't suggest for people on vacation stay where the turmoil these families are under might accompany them. While on vacation you need peace and quiet

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1. The Airporter bus only drops off FROM JFK at Bryant Park. Then you have to wait for a contract shuttle to your hotel. The Airporter has NO CONTROL over when the shuttles show up (right on their website) So not only are you standing on the street with all your luggage, you have to schlep your luggage twice-off the bus and then onto the hotel shuttle. Around Xmas, the weather can be glorious or nasty. And finding a cab in the Xmas time frame can sometimes be an exercise in frustration.


2. As Andee posted, the Airporter and all other shuttle services will stop at all terminals (Super Shuttle and other private shuttles will go around and around until the shuttle is at max capacity. The Airporter, only once). So it may be quite a while until you get out of the airport depending on which terminal you arrive in. Then an hour or so ride to Manhattan, plus wait for the hotel shuttle. You have WASTED 2 hours of your very short time in NYC. For an additional about $30, you can get a car service DIRECT to your hotel from JFK. MUCH better use of your short time in the City. Surely, your short vacation time is worth something.


3. Take markeb's advise and buy the EXPRESS tickets to the ESB. http://www.esbnyc.com/buy_tickets.asp. IMHO, there is nothing quite so magical as the ESB at night with all the lights, particularly all the Xmas lights. Sure, you can't see all the boats and warehouses along the Hudson and East River as you can in the daytime. But how many times have you seen on TV the ESB in the daytime? Rarely It truly is better at night.


4. TAKE the carriage ride. If the new mayor has his way, there will be NO MORE carriage rides. Romantic, magical and a true NY experience. But the new mayor is trying to ban the carriages with the help of some "animal" groups. LOVED the Forbes article that pointed out that 150 horses died at Aquaduct between 2009 and today while only 5 carriage horses died. So if you don't do it now, you may NEVER get the chance (if it is even still available in December).


5. Got2Cruise touched on your returning hotel lightly. ALL JFK hotels/motels have contracts with the City of NY for emergency housing. And one of the largest housing projects in NYC is not far from JFK. So those hotels/motels get used a lot. You may not get the "quiet, peaceful" sleep you intended.


CPS and the cops have to put the kids someplace when there is domestic violence, a drug bust or a shootout. Because of the availability of services needed (particularly ground transportation) and the closeness of the hotels, when something happens where someone has to move kids at 2AM, it is to the JFK hotels/motels. Flight attendants HATE staying at JFK hotels, even those like the Sheraton, Hilton or Radisson. The noise on the weekends can be overwhelming with people in the lobby area at all hours, kids running up and down the hallways and "stuff" scattered all over the hotel. When CPS or the cops start moving people, it is "grab and go". So lots of black garbage bags filled with clothes and toys.


Your choice but just be forewarned-you may be walking into a very, very noisy, chaotic hotel/motel where you won't get the sleep you need or want.


Whatever you do, enjoy!!!!

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Greatly appreciate everyone's posts. Very good information here - thank you all!


I was reading Trip Advisor yesterday and looking at our schedules and decided to make a few changes...

- taxi from JFK directly to our hotel (Comfort Inn Manhattan)

- Dial 7 car service from Comfort Inn

Also, I decided we can swing another night at the Comfort Inn and I haven't bought flight tickets yet so now we will not have to worry about "rushing around" and we can spend almost 2 days exploring NYC.

We are traveling the first two weeks of December, after the Rockefeller Christmas tree is lit.


Adding another night was expensive ($300+ for the hotel :o ) but we can fly-in, take a taxi to the hotel, and maybe do the Central Park carriage ride the first night. The next day we can do Macy's & Times Square and I like the Top of the Rock idea or doing the Express tickets for ESB around sundown - great tips from everyone! I'm making notes on all the comments.


Also, I did not want to do the carriage rides because I felt sorry for the horses (I'm an animal lover) but my husband said Nicholas Cage was a huge supporter of the NYC carriage horses and once made a statement that the horses are extremely well cared for, etc. Suppose I will be doing some Google research on the carriage rides.


On the way back... unfortunately.... I just can't see my husband willing to get off an 8 hour flight and get back on a plane to fly home. He's a smoker, he has a broken tail bone that healed wrong years ago, etc. Planes are his biggest nightmare. And, sadly, Air Berlin does not have the best on-time record so I'd hate to book a flight from NYC to STL that we would miss because Air Berlin was running late. The HOJO in Jamaica may have to work for us for one night. We are the type that would order a pizza, go to our room, shut the door, and be asleep before 9pm. I don't know. I will probably buy our flight tickets this month so I'll look at the options. I find New York's Dept of Social Services choice of hotels a little flabbergasting ~ don't they know tourists want to stay in those hotels and these kids and families are the impression others get of NYC when they stay there?!! Strange they couldn't choose another area. :confused:


Again, thanks for all the advice. I'm going to know more specifics once I get the flights booked and then I'll probably start mapping the walk/taxi trail from one attraction to the next. Thanks again!

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I find New York's Dept of Social Services choice of hotels a little flabbergasting ~ don't they know tourists want to stay in those hotels and these kids and families are the impression others get of NYC when they stay there?!! Strange they couldn't choose another area.


IMO, they chose that area for several reasons: the hotels are cheap, they're close to several of the areas where there's trouble, and it keeps the people they house there as far away as possible from Manhattan. For their purposes, there is no better area.

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IMO, they chose that area for several reasons: the hotels are cheap, they're close to several of the areas where there's trouble, and it keeps the people they house there as far away as possible from Manhattan. For their purposes, there is no better area.



And this is going to sound harsh but good luck closing the door and going to sleep 9 pm with children running up and down the hall, music playing, folks congregating in the halls talking

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Can you fly in and out of LaGuardia?


I really see no reason not to. IF the OP is flying Air Berlin, that is now a OneWorld carrier. So any of the US/AA flights could be booked as part of the same ticket.


Or even as two separate tickets-AA from STL/LGA and return LGA/STL. Then Air Berlin RT out/in of JFK to wherever in Europe they are going.


There is only one nonstop from JFK to STL and that is on Delta. So if the OP is in any way looking to maximize miles gained on this trip, it makes no sense to take the Delta nonstop and the AA/US flights into/out of JFK all have stops from/to STL.


If it was my trip, I would book this as two separate tickets. There is plenty of time with this trip so you don't have to worry about missing a connection and having no airline protection.


AA nonstop from STL to LGA, then to the hotel in NYC (cost is approx $20 less in taxi fare than from JFK). Then JFK to Europe and return to JFK. Take a taxi to LGA that night (approx $30), stay at one of the hotels at LGA (Crowne Plaza which is now the LaGuardia Plaza is a favorite of mine and I stay there a lot-can often be booked in a lot of venues for $125 per night or less), then take the 12:50PM AA flight nonstop to STL out of LGA to get home.


Solves quite a few problems-no JFK hotel, cheaper taxi fare getting into NYC initially, nonstop flights both going from and going home to STL, NO MONEY PENALTY trying to book one ticket with a layover in NYC (there will be if you try to book the entire trip as one ticket) and ALL THE MILES can be credited to AA, BA or any of the many OneWorld carriers you prefer.

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...my husband said Nicholas Cage was a huge supporter of the NYC carriage horses and once made a statement that the horses are extremely well cared for, etc.


It's actor Liam Neeson who supports the carriage horses (and the carriage drivers, many of whom are Irish immigrants). Here's an editorial he wrote that appeared in the NYT: http://www.nytimes.com/2014/04/15/opinion/carriages-belong-in-central-park.html?_r=0

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When I bring friends to NYC or plan a trip for them, I always recommend to go up the Rockefeller Building to "The top of the Rock".


I have done both many times and have come to that conclusion.


Why ?, well the view on Central Park is superb. You have no rails or fence to block you and ruin a perfect picture. You have a non obstructed view on 3 sides at a time and for the 4th one you just have to move to that side.


Your ticket is a reservation for a specific time. So you can plan to do whatever before and after knowing what time you will be on the Rock.


You find the Empire State Building beautiful and want to see the different lights on it ? well there is no better view then FROM the Top of The Rock. If you are IN the ESB...not much of a view of the ESB.


Went to Macy's on a couple of occasion and you can spend a day in there...it is huge...if you have specific item you plan on, then the suggestion of making a "route" in the store is a good one.


Walking on 5th street is a must for beautiful window displays during xmas time, especially between 46th (48th is Rockefeller building)and 59th ( Central Park ).


Have fun !

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I love NYC at Christmastime. But please prepare yourself for crowds, especially around the Rockefeller Tree. I normally agree with the recommendation to do Top of the Rock over ESB, but I'd be a little wary around Christmas.


My recommendation is after you hit Macy's (their windows are okay, but not the most impressive IMO), walk east over to Fifth Ave and walk up Fifth to Central Park. This way you can stop by my personal favorite window display, Lord & Taylor, and also take in Bryant Park which has ice skating, its own tree, a smaller crowd, and a holiday market where you can do some shopping and have a cup of hot chocolate. After you have braced yourself, head up to Rockefeller and wade in through the crowds to the tree. I'd recommend viewing the SAKS show from there as well. Then take in the other windows along Fifth (Tiffany's and Bergdorf are both good).


Just as an fyi on the recommendation for FAO Schwartz, there is often a line to get in the store during the holidays. So I wouldn't count on that as a pit stop.


No advice from me on the carriage ride (I personally support our mayor's efforts to do away with them).

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Just as an fyi on the recommendation for FAO Schwartz, there is often a line to get in the store during the holidays. So I wouldn't count on that as a pit stop.


Yeah. We've never had a problem at Christmas time, but we may be hitting them early in the morning. I think FAO Schwarz is a great stop, and having bathrooms in Midtown, especially on Fifth Avenue, is a big bonus.


You can find pit stops in the food court of the Plaza, Tiffany (Second Floor), or Barney's. There's also a deli/bodega just west of the Plaza on I think 58th, if you want to take a break. I'm sure Bergdorf has them as well, but we've never looked for them...


Clearly we spend a lot (too much?) time in Manhattan!


Oh, and amen to the crowds!

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Yeah. We've never had a problem at Christmas time, but we may be hitting them early in the morning. I think FAO Schwarz is a great stop, and having bathrooms in Midtown, especially on Fifth Avenue, is a big bonus.


You can find pit stops in the food court of the Plaza, Tiffany (Second Floor), or Barney's. There's also a deli/bodega just west of the Plaza on I think 58th, if you want to take a break. I'm sure Bergdorf has them as well, but we've never looked for them...


Clearly we spend a lot (too much?) time in Manhattan!


Oh, and amen to the crowds!


And so "pit stops" I like the Trump Tower, one level down, near the food court.


If you visit Central Park ( am not sure about winter time ) halfway in the stairs leading to the Bethesda Fountain in Central Park under the Terrace Drive, there is an other pit stop there...I always found them very clean ( for a very public area )...not the newest in NYC but still...

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We spent long weekends two years in a row during early December in NYC and the windows displays are not to be missed. I also like the market area in Union Square with all of the different craft vendors. We also bought tickets for the Radio City Music Hall Christmas Spectacular at the TKTS booth. We are big theatre people, so we always go that booth, so I was surprised to see this show on the boards, too.


Expect a long wait at Serendipity 3 - even with a reservation. It's neat to say you have been there when you see the restaurant in movies though.


We stayed near JFK one night several years ago - I cannot remember which hotel, but they were all on the noisy side and kind of a dump - around $110/night. We had a very early flight to catch to go back home. It did have a free shuttle. That was the only plus. I was not aware of the emergency housing situation when I stayed there, but that explains the constant talking by the elevator.


Keep in mind that the weather may play a factor in your sightseeing, so allow extra time. We did not have snow, but we had sleet and then temperatures in the mid-20's and that was in early December.

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Lots of good advice. Yes, stay midtown not Church Street, though NYC has a great subway system that can get you anywhere. I agree with Top of the a Rock suggestion. I'm curious why a BDWY show or Radio City Rockettes not in your plans???? Also, I love to hop a train downtown to Mulberry Street and go to Little Italy, but you may be pressed for time. Near a Roc Ctr is St. Patricks Cathedral, too....



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Thank you to anyone who left a kind response or some valuable information for our trip to NYC. I have not had time to plan exactly what we will be doing but I did read this board (in detail) and thank some of you for your excellent suggestions. I keep telling myself we have almost six months so I don't have to have our plans made ASAP.


I know we will see some of the top spots:

- Empire State Building (it's next to our hotel)

- Macy's (found a map & shopping information for what floors to see,etc)

- Rockefeller Center (may do the tour and Top of the Rock)

- Central Park (maybe just walk through, unsure at this point what to do or

see here and we won't want to stay long here)


The only thing for positive we are doing is the Dyker Heights Christmas Lights & Cannoli Tour. http://asliceofbrooklyn.com/christmas.html


I am watching David Letterman's website and hoping to catch tickets if/when they coming available for December. Also watching Seth Meyers and Jimmy Fallon - chances are slim but you never know...


Hubby doesn't want to see The Rockettes (I do). We compromised and decided on the Dyker Heights Christmas Lights tour instead ~ win-win for both of us!


Hubby wants to see The Book of Mormon but the tickets are $$$ so I'm holding-off, hoping to find something else less expensive.


I am looking for a Manhattan, short-but-sweet walking/foodie tour or some sort of scheduled coach/van group food tour - something of that sort. We did a foodie tour in Seattle a few years ago and loved it ~ a little taste of this, a little history about that, another taste, a few jokes, etc... it was fantastic. I'm still looking for something like this in NYC.


A lot of our time will simply be spent walking... to Times Square... to the New York Public Library (may take the free tour)... through Macy's.... down 5th Avenue... etc. I'm trying to be reasonable about what we can do/see in 2 days as I'm sure this won't be our last time in New York City. :)

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I would not miss a Broadway show! There's nothing like it in the world. Many great shows are available for a discounted price at the TKTS Booth in a Times Square. Matilda is great for everyone, based on a middle school book. As for a foodie tour, there are so many great places. It's worth the subway ride downtown to go to either Little Italy or Chinatown. Get off at Canal a Street.....favorites are Temple Garden in Chinatown and Paesanos in Little Italy on a Mulberry Street.

You are planning all midtown activities. Downtown includes Statue of Liberty, 911 Museum and Little Italy/Chinatown.

Maybe you need another NYC trip!



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  • 5 weeks later...
I would not miss a Broadway show! There's nothing like it in the world. Many great shows are available for a discounted price at the TKTS Booth in a Times Square. Matilda is great for everyone, based on a middle school book. As for a foodie tour, there are so many great places. It's worth the subway ride downtown to go to either Little Italy or Chinatown. Get off at Canal a Street.....favorites are Temple Garden in Chinatown and Paesanos in Little Italy on a Mulberry Street.

You are planning all midtown activities. Downtown includes Statue of Liberty, 911 Museum and Little Italy/Chinatown.

Maybe you need another NYC trip!



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Jersey Boys is SO much better than Book of Mormon and alot cheaper too. Although the Book is fun to see too but overpriced in comparison and not as good. IMO


You were smart to add another night in Manhattan.

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I live an hour north of the city and I never tire of it! There's the Museum of Natural History around. Congratulations!!80th, the Museum of Modern Art is my favorite! Tour around Statue of Liberty still vhokes me up !



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Jersey Boys is SO much better than Book of Mormon and alot cheaper too. Although the Book is fun to see too but overpriced in comparison and not as good. IMO


You were smart to add another night in Manhattan.


Two totally different shows for two totally different audiences.


Read about your options before you select. One size rarely fits all on Broadway!

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