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When cruising solo, do you guys think others look at us as "Loners?" Because that's what I'm feeling..Lol! I cruise in October on the Getaway and I'm starting to think that maybe people will look at me while eating and wonder what in the heck I'm doing sitting by myself.

I believe more than anything, I'm scared to fly alone. 2012 was my first time ever flying and it was with someone...This will be my second and I'm sure will feel just like my first. Can we say scareeeeeddddd!

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I am taking my first Solo cruise on June 1, but have traveled solo many times. Flying solo is great, in my opinion. Lots of people fly solo. I have met a lot of interesting people on airplanes. Brag it up with the people around you on the plane; "I'm on my way to a cruise" should cause others to think how lucky you are :D Make the most of it, you're on vacation and you are taking a cruise! What could be better than that?

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Cruising solo is my preference and most enjoyed way of traveling regardless if it's a cruise or land trip. Really don't care or even concern myself as to what others might think as that's their problem not mine.


Cruising Solo is more common that most people ever realize.

Edited by xxoocruiser
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Unless you are movie star beautiful no one will give you a glance. Only problem I ever encountered was open seating dining in MRR. MaitreD tries to seat you at couples table. They reply'we prefer to be alone'.Ask your travel agent or cruise line to book you at a singles table before cruise. Spend some time reading cruise port books so you can enjoy the sights and

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When cruising solo, do you guys think others look at us as "Loners?" Because that's what I'm feeling..Lol! I cruise in October on the Getaway and I'm starting to think that maybe people will look at me while eating and wonder what in the heck I'm doing sitting by myself.


Yes, sometimes.....but I don't care what strangers think about me. I am a bit of a loner and don't think it's a bad thing, so I don't mind. And if they think it's a bad (or weird) thing, I don't mind either.

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I am basically a loner anyway, so I really don't care what other folks


I do meet people very easily though and cruising is a piece of cake:)

(for me anyway)....I am very outgoing so that is a positive for me.


As for flying? I have been flying long before I ever cruised. Nothing

scares me about it at all. It can be a pain but it is transportation

and that is how I look at it.......If I need to fly in order to

cruise? Then I fly:)


And truthfully, most people are more concerned about themselves

than if someone else is cruising/eating on their own.

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I am basically a loner anyway, so I really don't care what other folks


I do meet people very easily though and cruising is a piece of cake:)

(for me anyway)....I am very outgoing so that is a positive for me.


As for flying? I have been flying long before I ever cruised. Nothing

scares me about it at all. It can be a pain but it is transportation

and that is how I look at it.......If I need to fly in order to

cruise? Then I fly:)


And truthfully, most people are more concerned about themselves

than if someone else is cruising/eating on their own.


Like Lois, I'm also a loner, comfortable in my own skin and don't care too much what folks think. :) I'm also outgoing, love cruising and have never had a problem. I usually ask for a large table so I can meet other folks and you would be surprised how they kind of take you under their wing when they discover you are traveling solo - they also admire you!


I've always loved, loved, loved to fly so that's not a problem - although it's not the same as "back in the day". I'm a senior and years ago it was very special to fly, now it's kind of like herding cattle! :rolleyes: Get an aisle seat and you won't feel as confined, relax, enjoy the flight and, please, enjoy your cruise!! :D

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Not at all! I'm 31, male, and it's very common for people in my demographic to travel alone, usually on business. The way I see it, aviation infrastructure is there for people to get around quickly, without regard who they're with, and I'm only using it for its intended purpose. If someone doesn't like it, their problem. The only things I'm uncomfortable doing alone are going to a public beach and eating in a fine restaurant. No one ever hassled me over being solo: TSA, police, or civilians. (A customs agent did once, though.)

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I've been literally all over the world as a solo cruiser and never had any problems with cruising that way. I will admit that in some countries, they do look at you a little strange when they see a woman traveling alone. In places like Vietnam, Sri Lanka and Myanmar, the whole solo woman traveling thing just isn't in their culture. So, I wear my old wedding band (I've been divorced a long time), and I just say that my husband doesn't like to leave the ship, and then they leave it alone.

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Please try not to be afraid of flying alone. I do that a LOT, and I find there are lots of others flying alone too. Remember, many people are flying for business, or to meet up with their friends or family -- I would guess that half the plane is full of people flying alone!


Nobody finds it at all unusual for you to dine alone on a cruise ship. Even people who are travelling with others might eat alone some evenings when the "togetherness" has gotten to be too much.


If you are sailing on an NCL ship with Studios, they open the Studio Lounge in the evenings in case you want to meet up with someone for dinner. So it's really up to you if you want dinner companions or not.

Edited by Valen9
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I travel for business about once every 6 weeks and it's always flying. I think in my whole life I have actually flown WITH someone like 4 times. So I always fly solo. It never dawned on me that other people would be scared to fly alone. I wouldn't worry much about that....what would you look to someone else to do for you?


Use the flight as a prep for your solo cruise. It'll be a learning experience. I know that's how I'm treating my first solo cruise this summer. Hoping to meet others and have a great time. I already live alone, work from home and my family lives in another state. So doing things alone feels natural to me. I do get lonely from time to time, but I'm hoping having so many other cruisers around, they'll keep me company!

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I knew a married couple with children who, whenever they went on vacation to Europe together without their kids (which they did at least once a year,) actually booked separate flights so that even if something happened to one of their flights, the other would be okay...and the kids wouldn't be orphans. That seems a little extreme to me but trust me, lots of people fly alone. It will be fine. :)

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Who cares. Solo cruising is great! And you're on the Getaway which has studio cabins, a studio lounge with host who organizing mixers every evening if you like to socialize. If you're not one to socialize, do it anyway. I've had so many new experiences, visited so many new places, and met so many new friends along the way I would not have had the opportunity to do otherwise if I'd had to wait for friends or family to match vacation schedules and budgets.

Edited by kylenyc
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I've been literally all over the world as a solo cruiser and never had any problems with cruising that way. I will admit that in some countries, they do look at you a little strange when they see a woman traveling alone. In places like Vietnam, Sri Lanka and Myanmar, the whole solo woman traveling thing just isn't in their culture. So, I wear my old wedding band (I've been divorced a long time), and I just say that my husband doesn't like to leave the ship, and then they leave it alone.


Good idea. Could prove useful in certain circumstances.

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in some countries, they do look at you a little strange when they see a woman traveling alone. In places like Vietnam, Sri Lanka and Myanmar, the whole solo woman traveling thing just isn't in their culture. So, I wear my old wedding band (I've been divorced a long time), and I just say that my husband doesn't like to leave the ship, and then they leave it alone.


thank you for this. I'll be in Vietnam this fall. I wonder where my old wedding band is?

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I'm naturally a loner but am able to be sociable and mingle with others. I fly a lot both business and pleasure and you see a lot of solo passengers on flights. Business people more often than not travel alone. On of my team chooses to sepit by herself even when travelling with me because she openly admits to being anti social on red ye flights and just wants to sleep and not feel pressured to engage.


If it is being on your own and people's perception of this that is scaring you, trust me you will not be the only person on the flight travelling by the self. If however it is flying itself you fear and find having someone with you helps you manage those anxieties that is different and us just telling you we fly alone ad are fine isn't going to help. In the UK most airlines offer courses for nervous flyers, perhaps they do the same in the US? These courses are designed for both people who have not flown or not flown much and are nervous through to those with phobias over it. They aim to demystify it and allow people to understand what will happen and get used to it all before going on a much longer flight.


I used tow get a bit anxious when flying because I was having health issues at the time and was scared about having a turn whilst effectively "trapped" on a flight. Needless to say that condition was made worse by being anxious. I learnt how to distract myself via a range of techniques like reading, doing sudoku or doing mental tricks like doing the alphabet back words, but making it hard by skipping every 2nd or 3rd letter. Fear is a trigger from the primitive part of your brain to protect you from dangers (perceived or real) - the whole flight or fight reaction. In modern situations we can do neither, so if we allow that part of our brain to stay in control, we get more and more panicked and feeling out of control. It is getting the logical pat of your brain back in control that is the trick.

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I knew a married couple with children who, whenever they went on vacation to Europe together without their kids (which they did at least once a year,) actually booked separate flights so that even if something happened to one of their flights, the other would be okay...and the kids wouldn't be orphans. That seems a little extreme to me but trust me, lots of people fly alone. It will be fine. :)


Believe me! I've considered doing that!


I actually love flying solo and have done far more solo flights - especially long haul - than flights with others. I like being 'master of my own destiny' when I fly and not have to think about anyone else's needs or preferences. I guess the same could be said of cruising too - though I can only speculate as I am yet to take my first cruise.


Relax, enjoy it and celebrate the small pleasures you will find!


And believe me, it could be worse - you could be travelling with my three boys! :P

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I have never cruised alone, because my wife is even more keen than me! But I think there is nothing wrong with it, and never think 'loner' when I look at someone when they are alone. I actually think 'cool', they are just doing what they wanna do. A lot of people would be nervous of doing such things on their own, and that is much worse.

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Thank you all for your kind words! I have gotten a little bit better about my "thoughts". Lol! I'm ready to tackle this solo flight and cruise! Afterwards I can actually say I did it! That makes me more excited than anything!

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Thank you all for your kind words! I have gotten a little bit better about my "thoughts". Lol! I'm ready to tackle this solo flight and cruise! Afterwards I can actually say I did it! That makes me more excited than anything!


conquering the fear is so empowering! good for you. you CAN do it. and if you need to say the alphabet backwards, that's okay. :)

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Flying solo can be great, especially if you have extra time. Hearing that wonder announcement "the flight is overbooked, anybody willing to give up their seat........" is wonderful. I will sometimes book a morning flight (that can get over booked easy) just to try and get some vouchers for later. A few years ago I flipped a $200 (give or take) flight form Houston to Tampa into a $300 voucher (and a seat on the next flight). Used that voucher for another Tampa ticket (went to see a concert) and flipped that flight into another $300 voucher and went to Denver for a concert. Ended up when it was all said and done with two trips to Tampa and one to Denver for about $200. :D

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I'm naturally a loner and I am comfortable with it. I started cruising with my family when I was in high school. Since they are now deceased and my friends and other family members do not share my passion for cruising, I cruise solo and I love it. I have met wonderful people on my cruises that I would meet for drinks, ship entertainment, or shore excursions.


As far as flying, it is a means to an end. It is the quickest way for me to get to my destination -- the ship!!! I hope you can overcome your fears. Do not let it consume you or you will miss out on a lot.

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When cruising solo, do you guys think others look at us as "Loners?" Because that's what I'm feeling..Lol! I cruise in October on the Getaway and I'm starting to think that maybe people will look at me while eating and wonder what in the heck I'm doing sitting by myself.

I believe more than anything, I'm scared to fly alone. 2012 was my first time ever flying and it was with someone...This will be my second and I'm sure will feel just like my first. Can we say scareeeeeddddd!


I don't know what your medical status is, but you might at least check with your physician to see if you could get a prescription for a few tablets of valium or something along those lines, so you could take one just before your flight to keep you from stressing too much.


I do know the feeling--I used to be PETRIFIED of flying. And of giving presentations. My solution was to take a job where I knew I'd have to do both...and a few years later taking another job where I would be doing both at least a couple times a month! Eventually just the repetition of it turned it into "normal" and I wasn't scared anymore. Obviously not a solution for everyone, and it sure caused me some stress at first. Just saying that with each flight it will get a little easier. :)

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When cruising solo, do you guys think others look at us as "Loners?" Because that's what I'm feeling..Lol! I cruise in October on the Getaway and I'm starting to think that maybe people will look at me while eating and wonder what in the heck I'm doing sitting by myself.

I believe more than anything, I'm scared to fly alone. 2012 was my first time ever flying and it was with someone...This will be my second and I'm sure will feel just like my first. Can we say scareeeeeddddd!

I quite enjoy flying, but I don't relax until I get to the gate and can see my plane. I find the worst part is having to keep an eye on the boards in the airport yourself and find your way. I went on holiday with some friends recently and it was so nice to let someone else do all that for a change. But once I'm on the plane that's the start of my holidays, so I watch the films, read a bit, have a drink and think about my plan of action when I arrive...

I try not to be too bothered what people think of me while I'm eating alone, and if they stare at me - well its better than being ignored. In fairness while you are people watching back you are also staring at them (Is that his wife or his daughter? Are those guys just friends? That couple look miserable! What is she wearing?;)). More often than not though I end up roped into a conversation either on a shared table or with someone sat close by and dinner flies by!!

The main thing is whatever your worries you are out there having a good time and that is far better than being at home :)

Edited by GaryT-UK
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