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New Smoking Policy ruins Cruise

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Holy Crap!!!!... as a smoker (who has quit in the past, so i'm on both sides of the fence) with an upcoming cruise I feel I have to comment on this!!


Number 4 - What was so very wrong about allowing smokers to smoke on their outside balconies?!?! Oh... I'm sorry if a small ash got on your balcony floor neighbor... I'm sure the wind will blow it away before you even realize...


---ready to take my beatings since I still smoke... :cool:


It's not about a "small ash" appearing on our balcony, although thanks for bringing up the issue that it's also a fire hazard.... But the last time we had a balcony before the change we couldn't use it at all because the people on both sides were chain smokers. I'm allergic to smoke so I couldn't sit out there at all.

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I do not smoke and I do not care about the smokers or where they smoke as smoke doesn't bother me. As a matter of fact I did not care that people were smoking on their balconies because I never smelt lingering smoke out there and I believe when the ship is underway any smoke smell isn't going to last very long. Don't get me wrong, I'm not going to purposely stand around in smoking area though and then complain about the smoke. I usually walk around the outside promenade deck and on the starboard side where they have smoking I don't turn up my nose and make faces because I chose to walk in that area. I don't gamble but I like to stand around the tables and watch the games being played but I know there are smokers in there, so I can't complain about it as it's my choice to be in there! One of my favorite bars is the sky bar but I can't complain about smokers in that area because I chose to be there. Smoking might go away one day on all inside areas of RCI ships but I don't think it will ever go away completely on the outside because Royal is not going to lose that revenue source of customers, so as a non smoker I will never complain if I choose to walk or be in that area where smoking is allowed! :cool:

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Recently returned from a 13 night cruise to Iceland on Adventure of seas.

The cruise itself was good except for the new change to the smoking policy we were not aware of when booking the cruise.


Apparently this policy has been applied to all Voyager and freedom class ships.


The change itself theoretically seems to be a change to allow smokers an inside space to now smoke since they have lost the ability to smoke on their balconies.


RCI have introduced smoking in the casino, now the problem, for those guests who don't smoke or have problems with breathing smoke. The layout of the voyager and freedom class ships with the casino having the spiral staircase leading to the royal promenade acts as a chimney for the smoke from the casino. directly next to this stair exit are two of the most popular bars, we found this very difficult o frequent these bars when the casino was open and smoke was dissipating out of the stair well and even spreading as far as the promenade café.


The casino also has large open doors at either end and the smoke bellowed out into the Schooner to such an extent that we never used this bar the smell was just too much. My Wife suffers severe migraines and cigarette smoke is one of the triggers (these migraines can last several days)


I find it hard to believe that RCI have not realised this would happen with this layout of ship with large open spaces.


There were not that many smokers in the Casino and the smoke travelling outside was very bad, I can only imagine what it would be like when the ship has a lot of smokers on board.


How can RCI force their casino workers to work in smoke filled environments for long hours, I though the laws had changed to not allow this?


The consequences of this new policy are:


We never used the casino

we spent a lot less money on drinks due to the loss of venues

Are seriously considering alternative cruise lines that do not have inside smoking.


I personally would have preferred to let the smokers smoke on their balconies and NOT allow smoking in the public spaces inside the ship.


What do other think?

Did you fill out a comment card? If all who don't want smoking allowed in the Casino and stated such on a comment card, then the policy may change.

I'm also pleased that smoking has been banned on balconies. If weather is bad, smokers can stand half in/half out of the room/balcony. Smoke can come in the room and stink it up. Nothing like sleeping on a pillow that reeks of stale smoke!!

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I don't think you can find any evidence of someone else's cell phone usage being detrimental to your physical health, no matter how hard you try. Annoyance is one thing, affecting my health is a DIFFERENT thing entirely. ;)


For me, being within earshot of someone abusing/cackling incessantly on a cellphone causes an anxiety attack and an alarming rise of blood pressure. I'd call this detrimental to MY health. Do I cry fowl or lament on the injustices of the world? No. Because, in my opinion, society is evolving into nothing but a bunch of self-centered & entitled individuals. I refuse to drink the Kool-Aid.


Bottom line: people need to re-discover social tolerance and civility towards our fellow humans. Or else let those without sin keep casting stones.

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Let's see people moan about Super Mario smoking his cigars on pool deck


I have had the opportunity to sail with Mario on several occasions, and as others have said, he is very down to earth, and really enjoys life, along with his cigars! You will find Mario, if you are sailing on the ship that he is aboard in his "office" which is on the pool deck, at the smoking area.


Wonder if they stopped Mario smoking he would stay with RC.

Loyal to royal 500 cruises!!!!!!


huh? :confused:

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I do not smoke and I do not care about the smokers or where they smoke as smoke doesn't bother me. As a matter of fact I did not care that people were smoking on their balconies because I never smelt lingering smoke out there and I believe when the ship is underway any smoke smell isn't going to last very long. Don't get me wrong, I'm not going to purposely stand around in smoking area though and then complain about the smoke. I usually walk around the outside promenade deck and on the starboard side where they have smoking I don't turn up my nose and make faces because I chose to walk in that area. I don't gamble but I like to stand around the tables and watch the games being played but I know there are smokers in there, so I can't complain about it as it's my choice to be in there! One of my favorite bars is the sky bar but I can't complain about smokers in that area because I chose to be there. Smoking might go away one day on all inside areas of RCI ships but I don't think it will ever go away completely on the outside because Royal is not going to lose that revenue source of customers, so as a non smoker I will never complain if I choose to walk or be in that area where smoking is allowed! :cool:


Nice to see some rationality :) and sensibility

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Sorry to disagree with you, but smoke on balconies does not just drift away. It "drifts" right next door to the balcony where the person is trying to enjoy the ocean and all you get is stinky cigarette smoke. On a 17 day cruise on Legend (before the new smoking policy went into effect) the people in the cabin next to us were chain smokers and we couldn't even go out onto our balcony to enjoy the ocean. On our recent 17 day cruise, we were one deck below the smoking section of the pool deck and at least 3 times a day the cigarette smoke drifted down to us. Lesson learned, I will never book a cabin on that side of the ship again! Also on the Legend, the smoke coming out of the casino was so bad you could smell it halfway down into the theater.


I wasn't trying to say that people on balconies aren't affected. But given the choice, I'd rather be 20 feet away from someone smoking outdoors than in an enclosed space and have someone sitting next to me with their smoke drifting directly into my face. Outdoors, it's a lot more diluted.


A smoking bar makes sense. There are enough bars on any ship for some to be smoking and some non-smoking. On most ships, there's only one casino.

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not at all, I saw it, just have no idea why it would matter. If they change the policy he will either stay and abide, or go elsewhere. It isn't relevant.


Actually very relevant. Loyalty being the key word here.

Let's do some math 500 cruises, for arguments sake, call it $2000 a cruise.

That's a cool million..

Stop the guy from being able to smoke on any RC ship...

Yes he may decide to quit smoking, or go elsewhere.. His CHOICE, and this goes full circle, operative word being Choice..

Don't like smoking, stay away from those areas, choose a non smoking area.

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Actually very relevant. Loyalty being the key word here.

Let's do some math 500 cruises, for arguments sake, call it $2000 a cruise.

That's a cool million..

Stop the guy from being able to smoke on any RC ship...

Yes he may decide to quit smoking, or go elsewhere.. His CHOICE, and this goes full circle, operative word being Choice..

Don't like smoking, stay away from those areas, choose a non smoking area.



I really don't think it is relevant, he's one individual. If it comes down to the company losing money because it allows smoking, they will restrict it further until it is eventually gone. It is happening everywhere and it's always the same. Fewer and fewer people are smoking, and more and more businesses are restricting it or simply banning it. You can deny it all you like but it is coming.


I'm sure RCI is grateful to Mario for all of his past business, and I'm sure they would like to have his business in the future. However if on every cruise that he is spending two thousand dollars on, they are losing tens of thousands of dollars on people not gambling or simply not being willing to cruise, then I'm sure they will part ways and cater to the majority.

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Sorry to disagree with you, but smoke on balconies does not just drift away. It "drifts" right next door to the balcony where the person is trying to enjoy the ocean and all you get is stinky cigarette smoke. On a 17 day cruise on Legend (before the new smoking policy went into effect) the people in the cabin next to us were chain smokers and we couldn't even go out onto our balcony to enjoy the ocean. On our recent 17 day cruise, we were one deck below the smoking section of the pool deck and at least 3 times a day the cigarette smoke drifted down to us. Lesson learned, I will never book a cabin on that side of the ship again! Also on the Legend, the smoke coming out of the casino was so bad you could smell it halfway down into the theater.



I keep hearing people complain about smoke bellowed into their balcony.Out of twelve cruises never had a problem with a smoking .neighbor. Have stood on the rail and talk to a smoking neighbor,the wind blew the smoke out to sea.The casino is a different story,would love to see smoking stop in casino and allowed on balconys.

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Gambling Addiction - Affects approximately 2.9% of the general population. There are social costs which include unemployment, domestic violence, suicide, financial ruin, depression. Studies indicate that the social "costs" per compulsive gambler are between $10,000 and $15,000 per year.


Smoking Addiction - Affects approximately 20.0% of the general population. The social costs were estimated to be $29,608 per smoker with the vast majority comprised of higher healthcare costs for the smoker and the family (via second hand smoke).


Alcohol Addiction - Affects approximately 6.9% of the general population. The social costs were estimated to be between $10,000 and $15,000 per drinker equally split between higher healthcare costs and social costs allocated to drunk driving, financial ruin, unemployment, and domestic violence.


Cellphone Addiction - Not even going there. According to the National Cancer Institute...."Although there have been some concerns that radiofrequency energy from cell phones held closely to the head may affect the brain and other tissues, to date there is no evidence from studies of cells, animals, or humans that radiofrequency energy can cause cancer."

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I am a reformed smoker and that makes me the worst kind of smoke hater! The smell makes me ill, blocks up my nose, and can give me a really sick headache! I don't know how I ever smoked. If a space is designated for smoking and ventilated properly such as on ships where there is a 'Cigar Bar', smokers can have an indoor area without bothering the non smokers. As for the casino, I think you will see more and more smoke free areas as smoking becomes less tolerated. Maybe they will all switch to those water vapor e-cigarettes, soome of them smell really good.:)

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I find those who gamble moaning about those who smoke very hypocritical.


Gambling addiction has massive repercussions for that person and others. I'm surprised it hasn't been banned altogether on cruise ships.


The cruise lines make way too much money to ban it. Everyone is just part of the bottom line.

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Funny why would you think your teacher look would have an effect on anyone,except your own ego. Smoking is allowed in the casino. :D :rolleyes:


Smoking is only allowed in the casino by those who are gambling, which this lady was not. If RCI actually enforced that it would help a lot. As it is now, the casino has become a de facto smoking lounge -- without proper ventilation. :(

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Funny why would you think your teacher look would have an effect on anyone,except your own ego. Smoking is allowed in the casino. :D :rolleyes:


Maybe she was trying to stop you gambling.


I can see I did not explain the reason for ""the look" fully and that did not make it very clear. The women put her walker immediately beside me and chain smoked--blowing the smoke in my direction the whole time. It was pretty rude behavior. So, I took my ego [and my dollars] and left. :rolleyes:

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I can see I did not explain the reason for ""the look" fully and that did not make it very clear. The women put her walker immediately beside me and chain smoked--blowing the smoke in my direction the whole time. It was pretty rude behavior. So, I took my ego [and my dollars] and left. :rolleyes:


Yes to be honest if she came over deliberately to blow smoke in your face that is pretty rude. But that's probably as common as someone coming over with their greasy burger and wiping their hands down your shirt. Not normal behaviour whether you are a smoker or not.

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I thought she was giving the teacher look because the woman chose to sit right next to her and chain smoke when there were plenty of other spots available........but that is just my interpretation......could be wrong!


My point is she can sit were she wants to, smoking is allowed. The teacher could have moved if he did not like the smoke.Also could have been the machine she wanted to play.Have a nice day.:)

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It's not about a "small ash" appearing on our balcony, although thanks for bringing up the issue that it's also a fire hazard.... But the last time we had a balcony before the change we couldn't use it at all because the people on both sides were chain smokers. I'm allergic to smoke so I couldn't sit out there at all.


Sorry that you are 'allergic' to smoke lovesthebeach2, and that your last balcony cruise was ruined by chain smokers that never left their cabin. Hopefully your next cruise will be much more enjoyable for you.

That being said, on our last RC cruise, when smoking was allowed, we asked our lovely cabin steward for an ashtray and was promptly provided one that was about as heavy as the anchor and in no way could have had an ash fly to your cabin next door. (as it's design was like a bulet; where you ashed & extinguished your cigarette was all enclosed)


I happen to NOT be the idiot smoker that would throw anything off a balcony, (my preferred cabin of choice) let alone something that is a fire hazard.

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Smoking is only allowed in the casino by those who are gambling, which this lady was not. If RCI actually enforced that it would help a lot. As it is now, the casino has become a de facto smoking lounge -- without proper ventilation. :(

Where do you see that rule?

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