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Possible man overboard on Grandeur

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[quote name='Charles4515']This thread is about the article. An article that says a man allegedly went overboard. That has not even been confirmed. The article seems more about giving Walker another platform to claim that the cruise lines are not in compliance with the Cruise Vessel Security and Safety Act than whether a man in fact went overboard. Walker always leaves out the part of the act that says "to the extent technology is available". Even if it turns out to be a true that a man went overboard that is not what this particular thread is about. It is about Walker using the alleged incident to push his agenda to paint the cruise industry as evil. It is about an opportunist.[/QUOTE]

Since I am the OP, I will again repeat: the purpose of this thread was to note the "possible man overboard." It gave a link to the article from which the [I]possibility[/I] was referenced.

I titled it "Possible..." because there was no straight news story that confirmed the incident and given the current talks in D.C. any news or rumors of this nature are bound to put another blemish on some people's perception of the cruise industry.

This thread was not about Walker's personal agendas...it was made so by people who chose to post their opinions about him on this thread.
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[quote name='Paulxyz2004']Seeing the source I knew it was not worth reading the article.:rolleyes:[/QUOTE]
[quote name='Paulxyz2004']Greed IMO is a good, no a great Thing in any industry. A Business is a Business and Needs to make Money. The more Money they make with greed the better... [/QUOTE]
Problem with that argument is that it's overwhelmingly greed driving Walker too, and I don't think you'd argue it's a great thing in his case. It can be good, in proper moderation though.
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[quote name='Dawniepoo']It was also poorly written. He graduated from law school?? :eek:[/QUOTE]

Oh, that is FUNNY. You expect LAWYERS to have good English skills?

I assume that you don't know too many lawyers! :eek: :eek: :eek:

(don't attack me, lawyers. I know that SOME of you can read and write proper English. But I am certainly not surprised when one CANNOT. ;) )
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[quote name='BND']Well, since this article is the only "information" we have no way of knowing if it really happened or not. If you do a google search the only things that come up are the original "story" and this thread. Pretty unusual since every man overboard is normally on the news within a day or so, regardless of how or why it happened. I think we need to question the original story on the questionable site. Walker even says "if this information is accurate" and "allegedly" and is not corroborated by any other source so I'm saying this probably never happened.[/QUOTE]

triple ding ding ding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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[quote name='MaritimeR&R']Since I am the OP, I will again repeat: the purpose of this thread was to note the "possible man overboard." It gave a link to the article from which the [I]possibility[/I] was referenced.

I titled it "Possible..." because there was no straight news story that confirmed the incident and given the current talks in D.C. any news or rumors of this nature are bound to put another blemish on some people's perception of the cruise industry.

This thread was not about Walker's personal agendas...it was made so by people who chose to post their opinions about him on this thread.[/QUOTE]

You posted about non compliance with the Cruise Vessel Security and Safety Act and the DC hearings so you made the thread to be about more than noting a possible man overboard. It is as plain as day what you posted under the link. Edited by Charles4515
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[quote name='WrittenOnYourHeart']Excellent point.

Plus the assumption that he was depressed may not be correct either. He could have had a terminal disease and opted this out rather than undergo expensive, painful, and possibly fruitless medical intervention. He could have developed early onset alzheimer's and set up a system to help him know when to end it (the utter horror of early onset is you are aware of what you lose day by day and often people will set up some kind of reminder question series that will pop up on their phone or computer and have a link to a file with their plans to end it when they cannot answer the questions anymore).


This has got to be one of the most ridiculous posts I've ever read here:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: On so many levels........
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Where does Walker get his information?

He's the only one who knows anything about this? Sounds like rumor to me. The ship's next sailing was not delayed. You'd think there would be some kind of investigation and public information?
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[quote name='BND']Well, since this article is the only "information" we have no way of knowing if it really happened or not. If you do a google search the only things that come up are the original "story" and this thread. Pretty unusual since every man overboard is normally on the news within a day or so, regardless of how or why it happened. I think we need to question the original story on the questionable site. Walker even says "if this information is accurate" and "allegedly" and is not corroborated by any other source so I'm saying this probably never happened.[/QUOTE]

That's a really good point. There is no mention of this anywhere in the news and Google searching only comes back to Walker and this thread. So all we have is Walker and the OP claiming RCI is out of compliance over an incident that no one seems to know about.

This only furthers my opinion of this buffoon Walker. Create sensationalism and slam a cruise line for something he doesn't even know happened? And some people wonder why lawyers get the reputations they do. :rolleyes:
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[quote name='Charles4515']You posted about non compliance with the Cruise Vessel Security and Safety Act and the DC hearings so you made the thread to be about more than noting a possible man overboard. It is as plain as day what you posted under the link.[/QUOTE]

Ah, yes. I did use the words "non compliance."
That is my opinion based on my evaluation of the excerpted phrase "to the extent that such technology is available:" And like any other opinion posted on these boards , albeit "the best drink," "the best cabin," etc., I am entitled to it.

The laser technology to detect a man overboard has been available for a number of years. The law as written has been attacked as being too vague as it has allowed the cruise industry to continue "testing" various systems without any deadline for the mandatory installation of a system.

But please note, apart from a few exceptions, posts to this thread did not address that either, but rather focused on the trustworthiness and professionalism of the author of the article.
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[quote name='MaritimeR&R']

The laser technology to detect a man overboard has been available for a number of years. The law as written has been attacked as being too vague as it has allowed the cruise industry to continue "testing" various systems without any deadline for the mandatory installation of a system.[/QUOTE]

Also, note, man overboard detection systems are not safeguards just for passengers; the crew needs this protection as well.
I am very sensitive about this issue. My father, while crewing aboard a cruise ship during a hurricane in the Pacific in the late 50's, was washed overboard while secured to a line. It took 45 minutes to discover that he had gone overboard and retrieve him. He sustained a shattered collar bone, and multiple fractures of both arms and both legs due to slamming against the side of ship as it pitched. He was home for a year and a half recuperating. So, do I think the cruise industry is dragging it's feet and not complying, definitely -- the tech is available.
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[quote name='celebrity']Well said Cindy. Every time I read about someone ending their life by jumping overboard, I immediately say a prayer for the lost soul and his/ her grieving family.
Jim Walker's agenda is not about passenger's safety. Jim Walker 's agenda is his fat wallet.
I bet he has never stepped foot on a cruise ship.[/QUOTE]

From what I've read he used to work for a cruise line as one of their lawyers and then he "saw the light" and quit. However he sounds more like a disgruntled ex-employee though.
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[quote name='MaritimeR&R']Also, note, man overboard detection systems are not safeguards just for passengers; the crew needs this protection as well.
I am very sensitive about this issue. My father, while crewing aboard a cruise ship during a hurricane in the Pacific in the late 50's, was washed overboard while secured to a line. It took 45 minutes to discover that he had gone overboard and retrieve him. He sustained a shattered collar bone, and multiple fractures of both arms and both legs due to slamming against the side of ship as it pitched. He was home for a year and a half recuperating. So, do I think the cruise industry is dragging it's feet and not complying, definitely -- the tech is available.[/QUOTE]

I am pretty confident that the cruise industry has changed in the last 45 years.
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[quote name='MaritimeR&R']Also, note, man overboard detection systems are not safeguards just for passengers; the crew needs this protection as well.
I am very sensitive about this issue. My father, while crewing aboard a cruise ship during a hurricane in the Pacific in the late 50's, was washed overboard while secured to a line. It took 45 minutes to discover that he had gone overboard and retrieve him. He sustained a shattered collar bone, and multiple fractures of both arms and both legs due to slamming against the side of ship as it pitched. He was home for a year and a half recuperating. So, do I think the cruise industry is dragging it's feet and not complying, definitely -- the tech is available.[/quote]

Maritime - That's awful! :eek:
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[quote name='reallyitsmema']I am pretty confident that the cruise industry has changed in the last 45 years.[/QUOTE]

In many ways, yes, but when it comes to investing money that will not yield revenue, the answer is no. Like many industries, they do what is "mandated."
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[quote name='MaritimeR&R']Ah, yes. I did use the words "non compliance."
That is my opinion based on my evaluation of the excerpted phrase "to the extent that such technology is available:" And like any other opinion posted on these boards , albeit "the best drink," "the best cabin," etc., I am entitled to it.

The laser technology to detect a man overboard has been available for a number of years. The law as written has been attacked as being too vague as it has allowed the cruise industry to continue "testing" various systems without any deadline for the mandatory installation of a system.[/QUOTE]

Grandeur just went through a major inspection when returning to service after last year's fire. The ship is compliant with today's regulations and has the go-ahead to sail from the USCG. This, I know, is fact.

Ref man overboard detection, you mentioned lasers. They are crap. Lasers need reflectors to work and ships flex every time they pitch or roll, breaking the connection. Plus, lasers can't differentiate between people, garbage, deck chairs, birds...nothing.

What is just now coming on line is a system that detects falling heat signatures. They are slowly being installed on ships, but this process takes weeks for just 1 ship, is very expensive, and is very reliant on the availability of the contractors who created the system. I know this installation is a complicated process because I got to see it in action a few weeks ago on Zuiderdam. I shared a beer with one of the installers, who explained the system to me.

But all this aside, 2 facts still remain. This alleged suicide is yet to be confirmed by any news source and two, Grandeur is not a non complaint ship. Edited by Aquahound
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[quote name='brfan']From what I've read he used to work for a cruise line as one of their lawyers and then he "saw the light" and quit. However he sounds more like a disgruntled ex-employee though.[/QUOTE]

He has become a buffoon. Last week on his Facebook page he posted on his page:

"I don't understand why anyone would cruise to this rock in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean."

The "rock" he is posting about is Bermuda!

If he was not a kook before, the above reveals he is a kook now.

He is reading this thread by the way. He posted this morning that there a was wierd lynch mob here. LOL. Ironic since he is the one with the lynch mob mentality. Edited by Charles4515
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[quote name='Aquahound']That's a really good point. There is no mention of this anywhere in the news and Google searching only comes back to Walker and this thread. So all we have is Walker and the OP claiming RCI is out of compliance over an incident that no one seems to know about.

This only furthers my opinion of this buffoon Walker. Create sensationalism and slam a cruise line for something he doesn't even know happened? And some people wonder why lawyers get the reputations they do. :rolleyes:[/QUOTE]
I posted that observation - that there's not a single news agency corroborating his "story." He deleted my comment & blocked me from his Facebook page! LOL! He obviously doesn't take kindly to people pointing out that most of his "news" is unverified drivel! :rolleyes:
[quote name='Charles4515']He has become a buffoon. Last week on his Facebook page he posted on his page:

"I don't understand why anyone would cruise to this rock in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean."

The "rock" he is posting about is Bermuda!

If he was not a kook before, the above reveals he is a kook now.

He is reading this thread by the way. He posted this morning that there a was wierd lynch mob here. LOL. Ironic since he is the one with the lynch mob mentality.[/QUOTE]
I'm still not so sure that he's not only reading this thread, but posting in it too.
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[quote name='DShock']If someone is bent on hurting themselves there is nothing the cruise industry can do. This is just another blood sucking lawyer trying to extract money from a lucrative industry. And since there are so many people looking for a free ride these days he will have no issues getting people to initiate lawsuits. A sad thing for this persons family but he would have done this some other way anyway. To hold the cruise line responsible is ridiculous.[/quote]

You hit the nail on the head !!!
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[quote name='brfan']From what I've read he used to work for a cruise line as one of their lawyers and then he "saw the light" and quit. However he sounds more like a disgruntled ex-employee though.[/QUOTE]

" Saw the light or was "shown the door". Something tells me it was the latter.
He has also posted that a woman drown on a Princess ship. He wants life guards to be mandatory on all cruise ships. I do recall that on our first Celebrity cruise on Zenith, there was definitely a life guard. Being that I was a certified life guard, I was totally jealous that I didn't have that gig. :)
However, our very first cruise in 1979 on Hal, I don't recall a lifeguard but I was on my honeymoon so I may have missed him/ her.
Funny,how he isn't all riled at all the hotels without lifeguards.
Sorry, but I cannot stand this man. Edited by celebrity
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