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Pathetic response to complaint from Celebrity


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I'm wondering...since they banged on the door for housekeeping (which you did not want, since you had the DND sign out), and never delivered your breakfast, I'm wondering if your DND sign was the problem - you thought it was on when it was not, and vice versa?


And regarding the room service deliveries...did you simply WAIT the hour and 20 minutes, or did you call after half an hour and say "I think there might be a problem..."

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To all those who asked what I expected: definitely not money (since all such issues were perrception-based) or future credit since my financials / distance / air travel cost do not allow me the luxury of cruising every year - hence a waste of the future credit. ...


Then why did you say you were going to resolve it with Visa? I'm very confused.


I do understand your feeling of being unimpressed when you had higher expectations. That is exactly how I felt after my first HAL cruise. I really wanted to like it, but I left feeling underwhelmed. Other than one minor issue that did eventually get resolved, I had nothing concrete to complain about.


So, I wrote them an email telling them (briefly) what I liked about my cruise -- spacious cabin, lovely ship, fantastic itinerary, and why I would not probably not be returning -- dining room service issues.


In response, I received a personal email from a representative who identified themselves by name and offer of comps related to my issue (free specialty dining and a beverage card). Guess what, I booked another HAL cruise the following year. I enjoyed my return cruise a lot more. So yes, I agree that customer service matters.

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Then why did you say you were going to resolve it with Visa? I'm very confused.


I do understand your feeling of being unimpressed when you had higher expectations. That is exactly how I felt after my first HAL cruise. I really wanted to like it, but I left feeling underwhelmed. Other than one minor issue that did eventually get resolved, I had nothing concrete to complain about.


So, I wrote them an email telling them (briefly) what I liked about my cruise -- spacious cabin, lovely ship, fantastic itinerary, and why I would not probably not be returning -- dining room service issues.


In response, I received a personal email from a representative who identified themselves by name and offer of comps related to my issue (free specialty dining and a beverage card). Guess what, I booked another HAL cruise the following year. I enjoyed my return cruise a lot more. So yes, I agree that customer service matters.


I get the feeling the OP has become significantly more frustrated as the days have passed since they returned. Going strictly by the OP's original review of their cruise vs what they are posting here.


I'm really intrigued the angle that the OP will take with VISA and BBB. As others have said MANY of these issues should have been addressed onboard the vessel.


I also really do not feel that the OP is entitled to financial compensation(VISA charge back) for many of the gripes... I.e. Pool chairs not being cleared of left belongings, not enough ice in the drink, a hit and miss dinner, cabin attendant knocking on the door.

Edited by cwb27
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Was this your review of the cruise you're discussing now?



While your review does touch on some points that you have mentioned in this thread there are things (such as the cabin attendant) that you seem to now have a problem with...


I'm not sure what to think here.


I just read the link above on the review from the OP's review and I must say, I am completely confused and somewhat bewildered by this whole thread. The review has almost none of the complaints (with the notable exception of the "fresh juice" issue) that this thread has--


What is it exactly that the OP wants again?

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"Steak and Potato dish at Bistro on 5" must be one of the new menu items. What else has been added?

Difficult to piece together your experience, but I most certainly agree with others that any problems should have been resolved as close to the event as possible. Much of what you report is due to an improperly trained cabin steward. In fact, some of the duties you mentioned are usually performed by the Assistant Steward who might have been fairly new. Talk to him first and indicate your preferences. If that doesn't work speak to the Assistant Head Housekeeper for your section. I can almost guarantee that you would not need to go beyond that level. There is no excuse to be treated in less than a professional manner by customer service. There have been major delays reported in hold times and Celebrity needs to address that issue. Naturally we don't know what you actually said and how they responded, but they do record all calls and that could be recovered for future investigation.

Send an e-mail to: contactmichael@celebrity.com if you need to discuss your concerns. Don't know if you used the word, or inferred "compensation". That would be a complete no, no for them.


I'm with you. I have never seen steak and potatoes or pasta served in the Bistro. Could it possibly be that this poster thinks they can just order whatever they please anywhere on the ship. The same goes for the fresh squeezed juice. They don't serve it everywhere. If that was the expectation I'm not surprised they were disappointed.

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I'm with you. I have never seen steak and potatoes or pasta served in the Bistro. Could it possibly be that this poster thinks they can just order whatever they please anywhere on the ship. The same goes for the fresh squeezed juice. They don't serve it everywhere. If that was the expectation I'm not surprised they were disappointed.


They have changed the menus to Bistro on 5 and added new entree items. Trying to get more people in there in the evenings - I guess.

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It is always sad to hear of anyone who did not enjoy their vacation/holiday cruise experience. But as others have said, those type of complaints are best resolved while onboard by contacting Guest Relations, talking with your steward, and if necessary, elevating the issues to a higher level within the Hotel Department. Sending this type of complaint letter to Celebrity (or most cruise lines) is only going to get a canned response.


We did find one complaint a real issue. Cabin stewards work long hours, but do have a set schedule. Most work in the morning until around noon, and then they return to work in the late afternoon and work until around 9. If passengers refuse to let stewards clean their cabin in the morning, then it becomes a real problem for both the stewards and the passenger. If you wanted your cabin cleaned late, it usually is just a matter of asking the steward if they can clean your cabin last (very late in the morning). If the passengers insist on staying in bed until very late (say noon or even later) then they should expect that their cabin is only going to be cleaned at the evening turn-down time. And since stewards have less time in the evening (and often do not vacuum at that time) this can be problematic.


But when we read these kind of complaints about stewards, our heart goes out to the steward. The OP never indicated if they had a civilized discussion with their steward(s) about some kind of cleaning schedule. We have been on a lot of cruises (over 3 years crusing) and have always (except one time) found stewards very amenable when asked to do things at a certain time of the day...as long as it is within their working hours.




My thoughts exactly.


The OP could have worked something out "in person" with his Stewards... OR Guest Relations / Housekeeping directly (we have never found Room Stewards to be anything but professional in doing their jobs... Maybe some friendlier personalities than others, but always job focused)


I am guessing that keeping up the Inside Cabin became an issue cause of timing for the Stewards... Who do work long hours & split-shifts. They begin their day very very early, and by 11 AM to Noon they are heading off for their break, before returning for the second round starting late afternoon.


I can 100% see where a Room Steward would get frustrated by a seemingly always apparent DND sign on a cabin door. They have a job to do, and that sign would have come between them getting that done and you the guest being happy. At some point something would have to give... A conversation. Hence the knock on the door... The attempt to start one "sorry, but I need to tidy your room". If that was met by "go away can't you read the sign says DND" or some other such reply, then ya I could see where communications fell apart.


In which case, i am not sure what the OP truly expected to happen if he didn't then seek out the Steward or Guest Services / Housekeeping to work out a plan that would satisfy BOTH parties.


Add in the fact, that although the Stewards live on the ship, the housekeeping services they provide are much like a hotel. Not everything is always available, or easily available round the clock.


If the OP was in a Hotel he would have faired as badly or worse, considering that in those situations the majority of Housekeeping staff actually leave the premises and go home. So I cannot see where he has not encountered this type of issue in the past on other vacations :confused:


As for Room Service... No way would I have just sat round waiting for an hour or more. I would have been on the phone much sooner... Especially so as in our experience Celebrity ALWAYS very clearly has given a Delivery Time (and they have never missed it... Ie Breakfast we write down 8:00 to 8:30 AM and I can set my watch within 5 minutes either side of 8:00 AM getting a phone call saying food is on its way... And the one time that there was going to slight delay... Although still well within the 30 minute span, I got a phone call to apologize that they were running late... Which technically they were not)


All things considered, I think the OP could have done better communicating his wants & needs (expectations based on hearsay... Perhaps not so much) to his Room Stewards.


As to what exactly the OP expects compensation on (based on the Visa & BBB reference) I am truly confused.


By all accounts, including his posted Review, Celebrity delivered the product he purchased.


If he's not happy cause they did not wait on him hand and foot 24/7 with a Personal Attendant seems unrealistic to me... Even the Butlers in Suites don't work round the clock.


Changes in Latitude... Require Changes in Attitude



Edited by Sloop-JohnB
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I've also read her review.


The thing she talked about the most that she didn't even mention here was the soup from...not even a recipe...just "here are the ingredients, make my kids this special soup because they are depressed" - really? And then complain that they did not look up the recipe? (Have you ever SEEN what an enormous enterprise the kitchen is, having to serve thousands of people several times a day in many different venues?). Agreed, they should never have promised the soup, but they were just trying to be nice.


I actually have a cocktail recipe that I love which I bring with me and have bartenders make - but it's an actual recipe, with ingredients in defined amounts. Most have been happy to comply.

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I'm still not clear on what the OP wanted in response. Granted, a heart-felt apology is always better then a by-rote response, but depending on what was said and the tone of the conversation, that is sometimes all you get. Did they want money, credit, what? And you guys are right, the original post is very different from the earlier review. In their own email, OP says that the problems were relatively minor, but they feel the need to start two threads to complain? Something's not right.

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The OP did say they managed to still enjoy their vacation. I guess they felt Celebrity didn't even read or pay attention to their particular letter. I don't get the BBB or Visa thing unless they want their Bistro on 5 money back??


I do not feel a knock on the door with a do not disturb sign is appropriate at any time. Especially, since there are 2 rooms with same steward. He could have just asked the parents when is a good time to clean the 2nd room.


I personally would have addressed all of those complaints when they occurred, as most have said.


On his behalf, we were not there and are taking all his minor complaints individually and out of context, but if one thing after another keeps happening, I can see where his/her original high expectations were not meant.

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I have (very occasionally) been in a hotel when we did not want to be disturbed, and did not care if the room got serviced. Housekeeping has slipped a note under the door (or hooked it to the doorknob) stating "Sorry we missed you - please call if you would like your room serviced" - I wonder if X does anything like that?


I didn't realize the kids were in a separate cabin (or have any idea how old they are). Yes, speaking with the parents about when to clean the kids' room also would have been appropriate.

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I do realize that these are minor issues. But when you pay extra for a cruise line that is supposed to be one of the best mainstream lines, you do expect value for your money. Thank you all for listening to me (or reading this). Apologies for the wrong "vent" however, trust me this is the first time I deal with a cruise a month after the cruise has ended.


Without knowing the details, I believe that in the case of cruises to Bermuda, we all pay extra, a lot extra, in summer months, because of supply and demand, and the higher port fees and taxes. Most of the RCL cruises to Bermuda that I looked at are a higher price than =X=. Bermuda is our favorite island, by far, but we have never cruised there because the price is out of line compared to other cruises. Maybe some day.


Also, Summit is one of our absolute favorite ships; sorry that your experience was not as good as ours have been.



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I'm still not clear on what the OP wanted in response. Granted, a heart-felt apology is always better then a by-rote response, but depending on what was said and the tone of the conversation, that is sometimes all you get. Did they want money, credit, what? And you guys are right, the original post is very different from the earlier review. In their own email, OP says that the problems were relatively minor, but they feel the need to start two threads to complain? Something's not right.


I agree Patty! I struggled through each of the OP's posts -- looking for some horrible experience that X's post-cruise customer service failed to address. No overflowing toilets or leaky showers. No missed ports, hurricanes, or Noro outbreaks. :confused: Just mundane stuff, which -- as others have so aptly pointed out -- would have been better addressed onboard the ship.


Generally, a few words to the room steward about when you're usually going out (breakfast, gym, etc) in the morning, gives them a good idea of when to come by to clean your room. But, if you just leave your "do not disturb" sign out all the time, and don't communicate -- it's hard for the room staff to know when it would be convenient for you. :rolleyes:


This is one of the few areas where I think Royal has a better system than X. Their door-slot cards have "Do Not Disturb" on one side, with "Please Make up the Room" on the other side. There's little room for confusion or miscommunication, with those. :cool:

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Mediocre service in many ship venues (can not be substantiated or proven - just a personal feeling, that is why I did not elaborate on those).


So you sent them a letter saying all these little things went wrong... things you acknowledge cannot be proven. And they in turn send you a letter and say they're sorry things didn't go well and you're unhappy because....why??? What exactly is it that you expected them to do? It's he said, she said....are they supposed to fire the staff members in question and report to you that they've done so? Offer you a refund? or something else? All because you claim a bunch of little things that can't be proven, actually happened? I mean serious- what response would you have been happy with under the circumstances? :confused:


Celebrity did not even bother to ask what the problems were.


Oh for heaven's sake, YOU wrote THEM a letter of complaint; why should they have to do all the detective work? Are they supposed to play twenty questions and beg you to tell them what the issues were? If you have complaints, then you should have shared them in the original letter, not just said "Hey a bunch of things upset me, please respond appropriately."


I'd be willing to bet that based on what you've said, Celebrity probably read your apparently very vague letter and thought, "Here's another one, looking for a refund because he didn't like the cruise."

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Possibly this post by the OP on a different thread answers the questions with regard to Visa and BBB. Looks like they felt they were charged too much for their cruise and felt that they were subsidizing the perks for Captain's Club members. I gather that the OP wants some of their money returned to them.


Interesting thread despite the "problem" with the original post title. Just my 2 cents: Recently sailed the Summit to Bermuda - first time on Celebrity. The experience was well below our expectations (based not on the slogan but on other older cruises with RCL and Princess). In summary, we felt we were paying high service prices to subsidize the perks enjoyed by the frequent Celebrity cruisers. For example prices for drink packages, internet, laundry, chef's dinner table etc, were sky high and the general belief amongst other first timers was that we were there not as guests/passengers but just to fill the ship and subsidize the benefits of others. IT IS expected and acceptable that frequent cruisers should enjoy more benefits, but the company already made a profit from their many cruises. Why should a first-time cruiser pay such high prices for an average product on par or below the similar products of other cruise lines?

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Possibly this post by the OP on a different thread answers the questions with regard to Visa and BBB. Looks like they felt they were charged too much for their cruise and felt that they were subsidizing the perks for Captain's Club members. I gather that the OP wants some of their money returned to them.


Interesting thread despite the "problem" with the original post title. Just my 2 cents: Recently sailed the Summit to Bermuda - first time on Celebrity. The experience was well below our expectations (based not on the slogan but on other older cruises with RCL and Princess). In summary, we felt we were paying high service prices to subsidize the perks enjoyed by the frequent Celebrity cruisers. For example prices for drink packages, internet, laundry, chef's dinner table etc, were sky high and the general belief amongst other first timers was that we were there not as guests/passengers but just to fill the ship and subsidize the benefits of others. IT IS expected and acceptable that frequent cruisers should enjoy more benefits, but the company already made a profit from their many cruises. Why should a first-time cruiser pay such high prices for an average product on par or below the similar products of other cruise lines?


Celebrity Cruises, the official representative from Celebrity, posted an apology and gave a contact email to help the OP resolve any outstanding issues. That should end this discussion.

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Celebrity Cruises, the official representative from Celebrity, posted an apology and gave a contact email to help the OP resolve any outstanding issues. That should end this discussion.
Obviously, with the amount of posts after Celebrity's heartfelt apology, it continues.
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Possibly this post by the OP on a different thread answers the questions with regard to Visa and BBB. Looks like they felt they were charged too much for their cruise and felt that they were subsidizing the perks for Captain's Club members. I gather that the OP wants some of their money returned to them.


Interesting thread despite the "problem" with the original post title. Just my 2 cents: Recently sailed the Summit to Bermuda - first time on Celebrity. The experience was well below our expectations (based not on the slogan but on other older cruises with RCL and Princess). In summary, we felt we were paying high service prices to subsidize the perks enjoyed by the frequent Celebrity cruisers. For example prices for drink packages, internet, laundry, chef's dinner table etc, were sky high and the general belief amongst other first timers was that we were there not as guests/passengers but just to fill the ship and subsidize the benefits of others. IT IS expected and acceptable that frequent cruisers should enjoy more benefits, but the company already made a profit from their many cruises. Why should a first-time cruiser pay such high prices for an average product on par or below the similar products of other cruise lines?


All the mystery & vagueness to start off this topic


Then this gem (thanks NLH ARIZONA for finding that)


Yowzer... That is quite the post / claim.


If he indeed said this to Celebrity I can see WHY they might have given him a pat response (or rolled their eyes like I did)


Same with his claim that everything is so expensive (drink pkgs, Internet, laundry) no real surprises there... ALL that info is available upfront on Celebrity's Website... Including the FAQ section (it was up to him to read it BEFORE he booked)


Plus these are pretty normal prices for Cruise Ships / Resorts / Hotel experiences.


Lol, on the other hand, the OP might now want to take advantage for himself one of those perks he claims that Celebrity gives out to their loyal followers


As no doubt he is now a registered member of the Captain's Club so he qualifies for a one in category upgrade on his next cruise...


Oh ya, he's not going to take another Celebrity Cruise :rolleyes:


So according to him, better for the rest of us ;):D



Edited by Sloop-JohnB
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I suppose if I kept a log about everything that happened that wasn't 100% to my liking on every cruise I could come up with about the same number of things that the OP has. I've had cruises where my cabin never got turned down while I was at dinner, I've had cruises where my room service meal either didn't show up or was late, I've had meals in the MDR which were not very good, I've had trouble finding a chair in the solarium at times, I've had long waits for drinks, etc. Did any of these affect my enjoyment of my cruise in any way? Absolutely not. Would I even dream of writing a letter of complaint about them to the management? Absolutely not.


As to the complaint about subsidizing frequent cruisers, it sounds as if the writer thinks that first time cruiser should get a discount, right? That made absolutely no sense to me at all.

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I think the underlying issue is Bermuda. It IS way overpriced compared to other, 7 day, warm-weather destinations. I felt the same way when we went, and we are Elite. But I just gulped and paid it because we love Bermuda. And now that a year or two has passed I don't even have a recollection of the cost, except that I thought it was too much at the time. But...I knew the price. And I chose to pay it. Perhaps the OP would have been able to overlook many of the minor issues had they booked a Caribbean cruise at a much lower price point. Her objection seems to be "value for money spent" which she felt she did not get.

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When I read threads like this I first try to give the OP the benefit of the doubt - in most cases someone is posting because they are truly upset about what took place on their cruise. We may not agree, but if they are upset that is their true feeling. But then I read more of the thread, and then I read what NHL Arizona found and my benefit of doubt crumbled rapidly. Prices of those things are so high because of all the benefits the CC members get? Hmm. I am Elite+ and unless I get a 1-2-3 promo (which anyone can get), I need to pay the same prices for a drink package. I pay the same prices as anyone for just about everything, save for some internet minutes and laundry. I do get a few basic drinks several times on the ship, as well as a one category upgrade for some categories only. When I looked around at various cruise lines for an October cruise (because there was no viable Celebrity option in the Caribbean) I found similar cruise fares, and similar onboard prices to what I find on Celebrity, except for Carnival which is not my cruise line of choice. It just does not deduce then that these prices are high to pay for the perks of others.


Now, some of what the OP said would have annoyed me too. We have occasionally (very occasionally) encountered some of these types of issues on Celebrity. We deal directly with the party involved (works 95% of the time) and escalate if needed (we have only had to do this once for a very bad room attendant). But overall, it sounds like the OP expected a cruise experience like staying at the Ritz. Celebrity is a very nice, classy cruise line, but it is still considered mainstream and not a luxury line. I expect good service, but I do not expect my every need to be met 100%. Sounds to me like the OP did. If he/she is really trying to get money back from their charge card for a few minor issues on their cruise I confess I am stunned. :eek:

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I feel your flames. Some people on here are just nasty. I realize you may have been unclear in the beginning but there is no reason for rudeness. People say things on here that they would never say if they had a conversation with you face to face. They hide behind their screen and are bullies.


Flames? Nasty? Rude? Bullies? There is not one response that I have read (up to your post) that reflected any of these words. :confused:

I found all of the responses to be quite factual and respectful. Some even went so far as to sympathize with the OP.

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I have (very occasionally) been in a hotel when we did not want to be disturbed, and did not care if the room got serviced. Housekeeping has slipped a note under the door (or hooked it to the doorknob) stating "Sorry we missed you - please call if you would like your room serviced" - I wonder if X does anything like that?


I didn't realize the kids were in a separate cabin (or have any idea how old they are). Yes, speaking with the parents about when to clean the kids' room also would have been appropriate.


Their "kids" were 21 and 16, according to their review.

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