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Ordering more than one entree in MDR


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I have an obsession with the spring roll appetizer lol... So every night they have them I order 3 orders (they only come with two per order) That usually winds up being my dinner...like I said I am slightly obsessed with them...but yes you can order as many as you would like.

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That is how you should be treated but on my first cruise every thing I asked for was met with a no. I had a table of people from hell. After the third night we ate in the buffet and I removed all dining room tips.


Now I would know to just ask for a different table, but at the time I thought what I got was what I got.


Although, I must say, if my table mates are ordering everything on the menu, I would be glad for them to be told no.


The table is not that big and there is little room for all those extra plates, added to the fact it would make me sick to see people consuming all that food. Not to mention how long the meal would go.


I think there is plenty of room on the tables. Now if you are ordering EVERYTHING yea that is a bit excessive. However, plates are cleared quickly and normally you only have one maybe two plates in front of you. I mean if there wasn't that much room on the table I don't think that our waiter would have brought out a large plate with the word NO written on it in chocolate sauce bc my husband didn't want any dessert and our waiter was being silly.

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On my second Carnival cruise, I told the waiter I may order a second lobster on formal night, he told me, it helps them out if we order it all up front (saves them trips) so I did, and I ate both platefuls no problem.


When I have ordered something I didn't like, and I don't eat it, the wait staff gets all upset. Can I get you something else, please, let me help you-they didn't' cook it, and it's not their fault I don't like it. I feel sorry they are so stressed over my not eating something.


I will order a soup, appetizer, salad, main course and dessert-that is a 5 course meal-and on the night they have bitter and blanc, they also have cherries jubilee-so I order both, chocolate and cherries cannot be beat! Enjoy, munch away!


But I do have to agree, if you are with a large table, order it all upfront. I cruised with a heavy muncher, she would eat something, and then order something else, which held up our next course, then she would order two entrees, one after the other, again holding up dessert for everyone else-by the end of the week, no one came to the table anymore. She said they didn't show because of the slow service, we got the slow service because of the way she was ordering.

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We were eating late on lobster night and the waiter insisted that we should have a second lobster tail then threw in a free glass of wine. They were consoling people after a delayed boarding because of fog in Tamps.

Edited by getupgo
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Thanks for the tips for how we can order everything we want, but still be considerate of our table mates. We'll definitely order everything up front and won't go crazy -- I'm a vegetarian, so I'm kind of limited to a certain number of items anyway. I'll definitely be saving room for two desserts each night though! Don't judge! :D

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Planning my first Carnival cruise for December. Have only been on one prior cruise on Princess. Our understanding was that you could order as much as you want in the MDR. Well, on our first night (at a giant group table full of people we had just met) my husband and I tried to order a couple of appetizers and entrees each and were humiliated by our waiter. Basically told us "one each" in a rude tone. We were really caught off guard and had to scramble to decide which we wanted while everyone was starring at us.


So, my question is, has anyone ever experienced any trouble ordering more than one item on Carnival? My husband and I are big eaters, love to try new things, and will eat every bite of what we order. I just don't want to be embarrassed again if it's not really appropriate to order multiple items. Thanks! :D


Wow! I'm in shock! I've been ordering multiple starters and entrees for 21 years, and have NEVER had a problem. The only inconsistancy has been how they serve it; one at a time or both at once.


Either way, I just dig in.

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Go ahead and order whatever you want. The waiters will let you order whatever you want. Usually they will bring you one thing at a time, but occasionally will bring two to speed up the process. If you want it served a certain way, just request it and they will try to accommodate your request. We have never had a problem with ordering more than one thing. They will even plate your desserts to take back to your room with you if you want. Enjoy!!!


Yeah, as long as you're not unreasonable in your request they will do their best to accommodate you. Sometimes they just can't but they usually try. If you ask for the entrees to be brought at the same time or one before the other they will take care of that also. They will often ask you which you would prefer. I have never heard of a mdr waiter refusing to bring you multiple apps or entrees though. That's weird. Even the most incompetent waitstaff I ever had on a cruise still accepted our multiple entrees and apps orders, although they kept taking forever to bring them to us and often brought the wrong stuff to everyone at our table.:mad:

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On our first Carnival cruise our fantastic wait staff asked us if they could choose entrees for us. We obliged and they did great! Ever since; my husband lets the waiter know that he comes hungry to dinner (he is a skinny guy that can eat his weight) and that he'd rather the wait staff bring him the best food of the night. He never complains and finds it to be his own personal fun :) I mean; where else can you dine this way? It's going to be a sad day if he ever gets a waiter that doesn't want to play. Anyway; when they see he likes something they always ask if he wants another!

Edited by steph7021
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Planning my first Carnival cruise for December. Have only been on one prior cruise on Princess. Our understanding was that you could order as much as you want in the MDR. Well, on our first night (at a giant group table full of people we had just met) my husband and I tried to order a couple of appetizers and entrees each and were humiliated by our waiter. Basically told us "one each" in a rude tone. We were really caught off guard and had to scramble to decide which we wanted while everyone was starring at us.


So, my question is, has anyone ever experienced any trouble ordering more than one item on Carnival? My husband and I are big eaters, love to try new things, and will eat every bite of what we order. I just don't want to be embarrassed again if it's not really appropriate to order multiple items. Thanks! :D


Americans are BIG eaters. The cruise company knows this. What I do is slip the head waiter a few dollars on the first night. I let him know I love the lobster. I also tell him not to bring me 6 plates of it (it is embarrassing, other tables stare). On the lobster night, he/she brings me ONE plate of 6 lobster tails on it, thus saving me from prying, jealous eyes!!!!! lol


The trick is to order ALL of your food all at once when the waiter asks for your order. By doing this, it helps the waiter and the kitchen (keeps things in sequence). If you keep on changing your mind throughout dinner by adding different dinners or appetizers, it throws the kitchen and service off.


Otherwise, order as much as you can and sometimes it looks ridiculous but in America, we EAT and CArnival knows this!!!! If you feel in secure, shake your servers hand and slip him a 5 or 10 dollar bill. Its not much, but it truly changes your service experience.



Edited by EL Capitan Z
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What irritates me more than anything is when people just waste food sometimes!!! They order extra and than don't eat it!! ERRRRR! I digress...


On the Breeze last cruise my DH and I would order and split a dessert daily or just not order and our waiter would look at us like we are crazy. The table next to us order double entree's each night and didn't eat the sides that came with it just the protein. The waiter was always more than gracious to serve double.


I hate wasting food too, but what do you think happens to that extra food that is not eaten? I hope they dont use it on the next week's cruise.

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Although, I must say, if my table mates are ordering everything on the menu, I would be glad for them to be told no.


The table is not that big and there is little room for all those extra plates, added to the fact it would make me sick to see people consuming all that food. Not to mention how long the meal would go.


Really!?!?!? Seeing someone consume an extra entrée (which is what the OP wanted to do, not order everything on the menu :rolleyes: ) would make you sick?!?! :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: I hope you bought trip insurance!

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The last time we had seated dining DH and I were at a table with a group of 6. 2 couples, a sister and their mother. In addition to it being extremely uncomfortable because we were excluded from most conversation, the mother and my husband clashed over food. She would order one entrée then complain that she didn't like it. My husband would tell her to send it back and get something else, she would explain that you can't waste food, clean her plate and still complain. My husband would order several entrees, eat what he liked off each plate and leave the rest. She would scold him for wasting food. Our next cruise was when they started ATD. We will never get seated dining again.

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On my last cruise, our wonderful waiter overheard us early on (as our table was in the getting to know you phase) how much we all loved cheese. That night, and for every night forward, each couple had a cheese plate (the one normally served as a dessert course) waiting for them.


I'd like to think that this kind of service was more the norm than the attitude the OP experienced.

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On my last cruise, our wonderful waiter overheard us early on (as our table was in the getting to know you phase) how much we all loved cheese. That night, and for every night forward, each couple had a cheese plate (the one normally served as a dessert course) waiting for them.


I'd like to think that this kind of service was more the norm than the attitude the OP experienced.


And, based upon our 26 Carnival cruises, you would be correct.

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I hate wasting food too, but what do you think happens to that extra food that is not eaten? I hope they dont use it on the next week's cruise.

It gets loaded into a giant garbage disposal, pulverized into a pulp, then dumped into the ocean at least 12 miles offshore. The fish eat it, only to later get caught by fishing boats, and be turned into food for cruise passengers. And so, the cycle continues :p.

Edited by LandlockedCruiser01
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On the question, I have only ever heard that you can order as much as you want. My waiter on one of half of my recent B2B said he was going to bring me a second lobster tail when he brought the first. I thought he was kidding. I didn't ask for it. I had completely forgotten about it by the end of the meal, and then he brought it. I can eat at least as much as the average guy, but I will finish my plate 9 times out of 10. I don't believe in wasting food. And then he brought the second tail. Say what you like about Carnival's MDR food, but if you eat a couple dinner rolls, an appetizer, the entree and all the accompaniments, it is a lot of food. I was totally stuffed, but assuming the misunderstanding had been my fault, I ate the second tail because I didn't want to waste the food.


On the issue, I am fine with people ordering two entrees if they eat everything on their plate. If they don't, it seems wasteful. I don't like to waste food and it irks me to see other people waste food.

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I think on most of our cruises our waiter has told my husband he will bring 2 lobster tails without him having to ask. We've never had a problem with ordering more than one entree or appetizer though we rarely do. Always had good to outstanding service in the MDR.

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The last time we had seated dining DH and I were at a table with a group of 6. 2 couples, a sister and their mother. In addition to it being extremely uncomfortable because we were excluded from most conversation, the mother and my husband clashed over food. She would order one entrée then complain that she didn't like it. My husband would tell her to send it back and get something else, she would explain that you can't waste food, clean her plate and still complain. My husband would order several entrees, eat what he liked off each plate and leave the rest. She would scold him for wasting food. Our next cruise was when they started ATD. We will never get seated dining again.


I would have just told her to STHU, and let her deal with it if she wanted to sit with us again.

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I would have just told her to STHU, and let her deal with it if she wanted to sit with us again.


Seriously. The first night, I would have told her one of us is going to speak to the maitre d' and find a new table. I never would have switched to ATD just over that.


That is one part of cruising I have always loved. 7 nights with the exact same wait team. Same time and same table so they get to know you versus just being another family in their section. I wouldn't let some old woman ruin my cruise. Also, we have always sat either with friends or by ourselves. It might be interesting for one night, but I don't know about sitting with someone I don't know for an entire cruise.

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That is one part of cruising I have always loved. 7 nights with the exact same wait team. Same time and same table so they get to know you versus just being another family in their section. .


Hey I have had this same experience with ATD. Same staff same table awesome service. We will not do set time dining - we get the same service at our own leisure.

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Everyone saying they don't like to see food wasted needs to keep in mind you don't get to chose everything on the plate. I don't care for many vegetables. So everytime they bring my entree with vegatables or other sides, I won't eat most of it. So, if I order an extra entree, yes you will see stuff on my plate I will not eat. If I could get them to not give it to me in the first place, there would not be the waste. I am a picky eater. Yes, I could go to the buffet, but I can do that at home. I prefer the MDR because of the staff, the atmosphere and the food. It's the only time I tend to eat out at a "real" restaurant on my own because they will put you with other people at your table. I'm not a person who is comfortable solo dining in a restaurant. I rarely eat out at home since I won't go without a friend with me.


In regards to wait staff, my first cruise on Imagination, my waiter did poke fun at me that I wanted to order off the kids menu. I am a picky eater, everything to "fancy" for my tastes as I like plain things. But, my friends wanted to eat in the MDR.


On my other two cruises, on the Destiny, the staff were great! Many of my meals I just had a large bowl of mac & cheese. But it was great like homemade stuff. There are now more items I do like so I enjoy MDR now. Plus it's the only place you can get WMC LOL.

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Thanks for the tips for how we can order everything we want, but still be considerate of our table mates. We'll definitely order everything up front and won't go crazy -- I'm a vegetarian, so I'm kind of limited to a certain number of items anyway. I'll definitely be saving room for two desserts each night though! Don't judge! :D


ProfCruise, I am a vegetarian as well; and sometimes the MDR vegetarian entrees just don't appeal to me. Here's a tip that the waiter on my first cruise gave me that I have found very valuable over the years. Take a close look at the appetizers, many of them are vegetarian. Pick out a few you like, or multiple orders of one you like, and have your waiter serve them as your entree. You've just created your own "entree". :D This works out particularly well when you can get the appetizer sized portion of the pasta dish.

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