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A never before asked question ( I think )


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So what do you think when your cover is blown...........let me explain :eek:


On CC we all have our Screen Names that we can hide behind and I am sure that most of us have posted words that we may not have actually said in face to face conversations.


Now I will always stand by my statements and have no problem when people that we have met on ships, comment on my posts and use my actual name.

It is Dave if any of you are interested ( although most people do call me Chip )


However I was wondering if everyone feels the same, I have always seen that some people will refer to posters by their real name. I have been able to identify CC members when I meet them for the first time by knowing their first names from these pages, how do you feel about this, and have you ever been recognised by a fellow poster and if so was the experience a positive one or not ?.


Luckily for me , most of my posts are taken with the original intent, and so far nobody has ever confronted me for my thoughts.


Obviously a lot of us do get to know others from Meet and Mingles, but I also know others that do not attend such events, simply to stay below the radar.:eek:

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Morning Dave.


I have been on the Dark side of cruise critic once and have been very good since.


At all 4 of the M & M I have attended, people recognized me after the host asked us to introduce ourselves, and everyone accepted me as that.


Some of my post are "unique"

And no one ever held anything against me.


Happy sails.


If on the boards someone does not agree with a post or criticizes one of mine, oh well, their intitiled to their opinion as I am to mine.


Safe travels


Sea Ya

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Morning Sue


I agree that some do like it when M&M hosts do ask attendees to stand up and name themselves, but recently I have found that some M&M hosts do not do this, and the so called Meet and Mingle is actually turned into a Sales Event with less attention paid to the actual mingle part


For me it is always good to meet those that you might have known for years on these pages :D

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To be honest I´ve never posted anything I wouldn´t tell the Person face to face. Even though I´ve been accused of that:eek:;):D.


I´ve met a lot of nice People through CC in the past, but I have to say just as cruising has changed the crowd on CC has changed a lot over the years and I now often cruise with friends I met on CC, but I don´t bother with Roll Calls anymore and don´t attend any M&M´s anymore, as it´s mostly Folks I don´t care to meet onboard or get acquainted with.

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We've never been to an M&M where people had to introduce themselves. I've met several CC members on cruises and never had an issue. I can't control what others think about me and I've had nothing but good face to face interactions with other CC members. I think most people realize that things posted online don't necessarily mean all that much since everyone is entitled to an opinion. There are only a couple of posters I have no interest in meeting and that's mainly because they are either pot stirrers or go out of their way to give false information. I also always wonder if some of those that do that have actually ever been on a cruise :-)

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Interesting question. Ive got one person on my ignore list because about 75% of his posts are critical, smart@ssed remarks to the OP of that thread. If I met that person I'd have to turn and walk away. The only experience I have has was as a result of a roll call. I'm active in all my role calls and because of that I am easy to spot at the Meet and Mingle. My 2011 Allure roll call was totally a dead one. At the end, one lady came up to me and asked how I could spend so much time on these boards and walked away before the answer.

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Morning Sue


I agree that some do like it when M&M hosts do ask attendees to stand up and name themselves, but recently I have found that some M&M hosts do not do this, and the so called Meet and Mingle is actually turned into a Sales Event with less attention paid to the actual mingle part


For me it is always good to meet those that you might have known for years on these pages :D


I have only been to two M&M's. The first one was great. The Activity Director, Elvis definitely did everything to make it about the 'meeting other cruises who have attended today'; so of course I expected the same on the second one and was greatly disappointed. That AD made it all about the ship and what was so special about it....and true we were cruising on Allure and it can be a destination itself. But there was very little "meet and mingle with each other" -- he did have us write our screen names on name badges, but very little mingling until after he was done talking and then very little time until the end.


But believe me -- those that wanted to mingle, walked into the next activity which was the C&A welcome back event together -- that many of us were heading to as well.


I hope that the M&M for our next cruise on Indy, February 14 is more like my first one.

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Dave, that is an interesting question.


I once heard someone define "integrity" as being the same on the inside as you are on the outside. My land and cruise friends tell me that I fit that definition.


The posts I write on CC are hopefully a reflection of that. What you read is a true reflection of who I am.


My name is given on Roll Call but not on the general thread because most people don't do that on the main board. Sometimes my cruise friends use my name in posts and that is fine with me.


I laugh at the threads slamming people who wear their pins or post their C&A level at the bottom of each of their messages. HaHa…I'd include my level or some nice saying but I don't know how. HaHa.


It would be nice to meet many of the nice folks who contribute to CC.

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To be honest I´ve never posted anything I wouldn´t tell the Person face to face. Even though I´ve been accused of that:eek:;):D.


I´ve met a lot of nice People through CC in the past, but I have to say just as cruising has changed the crowd on CC has changed a lot over the years and I now often cruise with friends I met on CC, but I don´t bother with Roll Calls anymore and don´t attend any M&M´s anymore, as it´s mostly Folks I don´t care to meet onboard or get acquainted with.


I really believe that I have never posted something on CC that I would not say if the discussion was being held face to face. As I usually say, people may not like or agree with my opinion (nor I with theirs) but we each are entitled to our opinion. That is the part of discussions that many people have difficulty with....because too many people want someone else's opinion....but really only if it agrees with their own.

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I only post what I would say in public. I am also not afraid to speak up politely if someone says something inappropriate, in public or on the boards. There are a couple of posters that I have thought about ignoring, but one of them does occasionally say something of merit. It makes me think that there is a real person in there.


I have gone to M&Ms and sometimes not. It is a countdown to fun. Depending on the activity on the roll call and the connections made I will attend or sometimes there are other family activities to be a part of. It all depends on the sailing.



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I'm not totally sure I am understanding your question but I have met some fantastic people on cruises because of CC. In fact a group of us that met on our last cruise, through our Roll Call, are doing a B2B in February and have another booked in 2016.


I enjoy meeting people at a sailaway gathering because of the limited format of most M&M's. Usually, if I think I like someone on CC, I do, and vice versa, but not always. The internet can make an introvert into an extrovert but someone that is a horses patutie on line is usually the same in person. Ithink most of the posters would say in person what they have posted online. There are exceptions but if I don't like you on line I am not going to waste my vacation visiting with you in person.


I know my experience is different since we don't have access to the lounges and are relative newbies. I have come across so many helpful people in my planning and am always glad to at least meet and thank them. I think the nightly DL and CL events put you in constant contact with some on CC who I would choose to avoid based on the tone of their posts.


I agree with Andrew, whether I attend a M&M depends on the activity of the roll call and whether there are other activities going on that I would rather be a part of.


Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Tablet using Tapatalk

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We had a weird experience on our last cruise. This woman showed up for the cabin crawl and claimed to be a poster here whom I know since the REAL poster and I did a Med cruise together. This poser was definitely NOT her! She also was definitely NOT on our list of cruisers for the cabin crawl or Meet and Greet. She apparently found out about the cabin crawl when she attended our Meet and Greet - which she apparently came by and just walked in and joined the group. I noticed she did weird stuff on the cabin crawl, like touch bed pillows - stuff that is just rude and that you don't do - in the cabins and ask people if they liked this or that feature of the cabin. She also raved on about how "awful" her cabin was. People were just rolling their eyes and trying to avoid her. The woman also would literally not leave the final cabin on the crawl. (An owner's suite). One of the weird things she said to me was that she was trying to meet some people who she could share a suite with. All I could think was NOT US! NOT EVER! The people who had the owner's suite and my husband and I had been trying to find time to chat about something in particular and we had wanted to do it then - after the cabin crawl, but she would not go away. Finally, my husband and I left, hoping she would take the cue and leave herself and still she persisted in staying. She wanted to use CC to "complain" about her cabin and from what we were told the husband of the couple in the Owner's suite had to escort her out after another 30 minutes - at that point I was so concerned for them that I called them on the phone to make sure they didn't need ship security. So was she "busted"? Yes, but not for anything she said online - I don't believe she actually posts here, but we busted her for posing as one of CC's real posters. Very creepy and weird behavior. I only saw the woman once more on the cruise - thank goodness.

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Good morning, Dave, I post my name on my signature, and I post our picture for our avatar, so I have never been accused of hiding behind my screen name, lol! :D I have only been challenged once (if memory serves) on something I wrote, and it was way back in 2005. I had mentioned that Amtrak (our national rail system) needed work, and a Canadian took me to task at the M&M because he loved riding trains -- in Canada. Apples/oranges. (He was very nice about it.)


Most of the time, our roll call threads are congenial, and I think it is because we know there is a very good chance the members will meet onboard. And I have also found that the roll call threads are what you make of them. Some are very active, some are not. IMO, the longer the cruise, the more active the roll call thread. On the 7-night Caribbean sailings, there are many families who know they will be busy the entire week, so the participation is lower, generally speaking. Always happy exceptions, of course!


Now, it has been my experience on the main boards that anything goes. I have seen rudeness and a total lack of respect that is generally not a part of the roll call threads. Again, JMO. And people do say things on those threads that they would most likely not say face to face. I generally avoid the main message boards, unless I see a thread started by someone I know. Like you. You do a an excellent job with your posts, and WYSIWYG. :)


To respond to your question -- there are those who specifically hide behind their screennames. If you want to see some real aggression, go to the message boards for the airlines. :eek:


I'm editing this post to add that we met you and DW first onboard, and then online.

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I don't post things that I would not say in real life, and I am not at all secretive about who I am. I have my real name in my signature, as well as a link to my blog which often features photos of myself and my family. So, I guess there is no cover to blow :p

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I stand behind everything I write, most times I write in response to a question presented by another poster.


In the case of subjects that require an opinion, its my opinion, if you agree great, if not we can agree to disagree.

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On CC I'm no different than I am in real life. Can't see any reason to be. :)

One thing I've noticed at M&Gs: Sometimes, those who seem very outgoing and post lots on their Roll Calls, are actually quite shy in person. Have any of the rest of you found this to be true?


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Since I have NO filter when it comes to what comes out of my mouth, what I say here I'd definitely say anywhere. In fact, having the option to edit what I type, I'm probably NICER here than in person. ;)


However that's still an interesting question because I figure I'll never meet 90% of the folks on here, though I have met plenty. When posting on the general forums, I have used the first names of people I've met, and it never dawned on me that they might not appreciate it.


So if I stepped on toes, by addressing anyone by name, sorrrryyyyy.


And DAVE, you'll always be CHIP in my mind, b/c I like the name Chip. Not that there's anything wrong w/ the name Dave, but so many Daves… so few Chips. :D

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No problem with me, if someone doesn't like something I said it wouldn't bother me to meet them face to face.

Would love to meet the poster I called out for being the rudest and most condescending person on Cruise Critic. I ended up getting a guideline warning, guess he couldn't take a bit of his own medicine.



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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I would be sad if I knew someone ignored me. :( I have such interesting things to share. :D


BTW, I didn't post as much until I got this silly smartphone.


I don't have anyone on ignore. I'm not that thin skinned. Plus, it can be fun to read what a few post because you never know what a couple of posters will come up with.

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No problem with me, if someone doesn't like something I said it wouldn't bother me to meet them face to face.

Would love to meet the poster I called out for being the rudest and most condescending person on Cruise Critic. I ended up getting a guideline warning, guess he couldn't take a bit of his own medicine.



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Is a guideline warning a red card or a yellow card?


Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Forums mobile app

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On a recent cruise I was in the CL and bumped into a couple. We started making small chat and with the direction the conversation was going we managed to work out we knew each other from the roll call we had been on. They had unfortunately missed the M&M but had we not known their names and them ours we probably would never have realized who we were actually talking to!!!


It was great to put names and faces to screen names.


In my experience never judge a book by its cover. Some people really are as nice as they come across online, others are misread for better and few for worse. By meeting someone you get a true perception of the person that lies beneath the screen name.


People come on here to express opinions and experiences. Just because people have differing views doesn't make them a nice or not so nice person. It's their personalities that make them click with others not whether they are right or wrong on here.


I look forward to meeting many more of you

Happy sailing :D

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