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I can't believe NCL is buying REGENT...


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Some things in the last post do not make sense. Not in the mood to argue about them. I disagree with several statements in that post.


Obviously there is going to be a CEO of Oceania and Regent despite what is indicated in the last paragraph. Perhaps someone wants to read this and let us know where it indicates that Prestige Cruise Holdings will cease to exist. http://biz.yahoo.com/e/140904/nclh8-k.html .

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Some things in the last post do not make sense. Not in the mood to argue about them. I disagree with several statements in that post.


Obviously there is going to be a CEO of Oceania and Regent despite what is indicated in the last paragraph. Perhaps someone wants to read this and let us know where it indicates that Prestige Cruise Holdings will cease to exist. http://biz.yahoo.com/e/140904/nclh8-k.html .


First, thanks for removing some of your initial comments that were not correct. Secondly, my comment in the last paragraph is indeed not totally correct and confusing. It should have stated that there will after the close of the purchase be no PCH nor CEO of PCH. Of course and I said it earlier in the post, FDR will be CEO of both Regent and Oceania as is stated in the link below that Wes posted yesterday:





Also, the link that you provided is from back in early September while the above link is from yesterday and since it only mentions Mr. Sheehan announcing CEO's and COO's for Regent and Oceania and not mentioning PCH at all it becomes obvious that PCH will cease to exist once the deal is consumated. After all, it would be an unnecessary company to exist as the leadership of both Regent and Oceania will report directly to the CEO of NCL Cruise Holdings, a different company than the NCL Cruise Line and similar to PCH when both Regent and Oceania reported to PCH.


No need for any argument about my posts; they are based on facts and not simply opinion or wants and supported by the link that Wes provided and I showed above.

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First, thanks for removing some of your initial comments that were not correct. Secondly, my comment in the last paragraph is indeed not totally correct and confusing. It should have stated that there will after the close of the purchase be no PCH nor CEO of PCH. Of course and I said it earlier in the post, FDR will be CEO of both Regent and Oceania as is stated in the link below that Wes posted yesterday:





Also, the link that you provided is from back in early September while the above link is from yesterday and since it only mentions Mr. Sheehan announcing CEO's and COO's for Regent and Oceania and not mentioning PCH at all it becomes obvious that PCH will cease to exist once the deal is consumated. After all, it would be an unnecessary company to exist as the leadership of both Regent and Oceania will report directly to the CEO of NCL Cruise Holdings, a different company than the NCL Cruise Line and similar to PCH when both Regent and Oceania reported to PCH.


No need for any argument about my posts; they are based on facts and not simply opinion or wants and supported by the link that Wes provided and I showed above.


Again, one simple question...... where does it appear in any article or document that PCH will cease to exist? It does not appear in Wes' article. Just because Sheehan doesn't mention it does not support anything. Although whether it exists or not isn't a big deal, I'm simply asking you to support your "facts".


Note: I did not remove my initial comments because they were incorrect.

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Again, one simple question...... where does it appear in any article or document that PCH will cease to exist? It does not appear in Wes' article. Just because Sheehan doesn't mention it does not support anything. Although whether it exists or not isn't a big deal, I'm simply asking you to support your "facts".



While you are correct that nothing is stated that PCH will no longer exist, if it were to exist, the CEO would have been included in yesterdays announcement. What is telling is that previously FDR was the CEO of PCH and had no position in Regent and Oceania whereas with the announcement, he is CEO of both companies. What purpose would it serve for him to report to himself in PCH?? He is still Chief Executive of both companies and reports to Mr. Sheehan just like the new CEO of NCL reports to Mr. Sheehan.


Never once the purchase was announced did I think that PCH would continue and yesterday's executive announcement confirmed my belief. PCH served a purpose before the purchase as it was the company that Apollo owned the most stock in and needed to be there to own Regent and Oceania. Now with Norwegian Cruise Holdings (note the similar name to PCH) being the public stock company and owning Regent, Oceania, and NCL, the existence of PCH serves no purpose. Keeping PCH in existence would cost a significant amount of money and reduce savings from the merger and serve no real purpose or need.


Yes, nothing specific about PCH not going to exist but, the facts of no announcement mentioning PCH and FDR being named CEO of Regent and Oceania are sufficient facts to prove PCH will no longer exist.


Doubt there will be any public announcement regarding the negative that PCH is gone however, it will become obvious when it is no longer mentioned.


I've done all I can to provide facts and not opinion or wants; we will see next month the results of the purchase once it is consummated.

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Okay -- so your facts are actually your opinions based on what is not being said about PCH. Just wanted to be clear that both of us are posting opinions. All Press Releases indicate that NCL is acquiring PCH. It will be interesting to see if PCH suddenly vanishes as you seem to be predicting.

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Okay -- so your facts are actually your opinions based on what is not being said about PCH. Just wanted to be clear that both of us are posting opinions. All Press Releases indicate that NCL is acquiring PCH. It will be interesting to see if PCH suddenly vanishes as you seem to be predicting.


One difference is that I am basing my opinion on facts and I forgot to quote one more fact from yesterdays article as follows:


Sheehan also outlined the executive team for the merged company. He will remain president and CEO of the parent company, Norwegian Cruise Holdings while Drew Madsen, the new president and COO of Norwegian Cruise Line, will run that company on a daily basis. Oceania Founder Frank Del Rio will continue on as CEO of Oceania and Regent Seven Seas, while Kunal Kamlani will continue running the day-to-day business of both those lines as president and COO. Jason Montague, the current CFO of Prestige, will oversee the integration on a full-time basis.


Since Sheehan outlined the executive team for the merged company as the article stated above, where is any mention of PCH executives?? If they don't exist, how can there be a PCH?


A deal like this would never mention what doesn't exist as the list would be too long so have look at what is missing from the release and know that what is missing will cease to exist.


Not sure how you will ever be convinced as PCH has never had a website and was only mentioned briefly on the R and O websites??


At least this has been a peaceful discussion.

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Link to Prestige Cruise Holdings website: http://www.prestigecruiseholdings.com/


And these are the officers http://investing.businessweek.com/research/stocks/private/board.asp?privcapId=49161447


You post that "Jason Montague, the current CFO of Prestige, will oversee the integration on a full-time basis.

" In your scenario, who does he work for? And, what company does FDR work for -- NCL?


IMO, the fact that Sheehan does not mention PCH means nothing. If you think back to when Apollo purchased Regent, IMO, their top management was clueless in terms knowing much about Regent. IMO, Sheehan knows virtually nothing about Regent or their customers. FDR and Kunal Kamlani are there to insure that nothing changes -- at least not in the foreseeable future. Regardless of who they work for, they will insure that Regent (and Oceania) succeeds after the merger.


If/when FDR retires, we will probably leave Regent. This gives you something to look forward to!

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Link to Prestige Cruise Holdings website: http://www.prestigecruiseholdings.com/


And these are the officers http://investing.businessweek.com/research/stocks/private/board.asp?privcapId=49161447


You post that "Jason Montague, the current CFO of Prestige, will oversee the integration on a full-time basis.


That is not my post it is a copy and paste from the article and a quote of what Mr. Sheehan stated


" In your scenario, who does he work for? And, what company does FDR work for -- NCL?


Can't be sure about Montague but, most probably he will work for Norwegian Cruise Holdings as he is overseeing the integration of both Regent and Oceania.


FDR will work for Regent and Oceania and report to Sheehan, CEO of Norwegian Cruise Holdings as will Kamlani and the President of NCL. Please note, Norwegian Cruise Holdings is NOT NCL. No one from Regent, Oceania, or PCH will work for NCL as that is the Cruise Line much like Oceania and Regent and not the Holding Company, Norwegian Cruise Holdings who will be the owners of Regent and Oceania as well as NCL.


IMO, the fact that Sheehan does not mention PCH means nothing. If you think back to when Apollo purchased Regent, IMO, their top management was clueless in terms knowing much about Regent. IMO, Sheehan knows virtually nothing about Regent or their customers. FDR and Kunal Kamlani are there to insure that nothing changes -- at least not in the foreseeable future. Regardless of who they work for, they will insure that Regent (and Oceania) succeeds after the merger.


Highly doubt Mr. Sheehan knows virtually nothing about Regent or their customers as he and his team had to do due diligence before spending $3B purchasing them


There is a huge difference between Apollo and Norwegian Cruise Holdings and saying Apollo was clueless about the $1B purchase of Regent is also patently false as companies don't spend a billion dollars without knowing everything they can about what they are purchasing.


If/when FDR retires, we will probably leave Regent. This gives you something to look forward to!


So sorry you will be missing sailing on Explorer.


See within your quoted message for answers to the questions you asked.

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So sorry you will be missing sailing on Explorer.


See within your quoted message for answers to the questions you asked.


You assume that FDR will retire. Neither of us knows this.


While I am still interested in this thread, I no longer wish to participate in this debate of "facts" that are truly not facts but opinions. I am interested, however, if you have plans to sail on either Oceania or Regent. To my knowledge, you have not yet sailed on Oceania and have been away from Regent for approximately 3 years. Obviously you are still interested in both cruise lines. What are your plans? I've asked this in the past and it seems like you do not want to answer the question.

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Link to Prestige Cruise Holdings website: http://www.prestigecruiseholdings.com/


And these are the officers http://investing.businessweek.com/research/stocks/private/board.asp?privcapId=49161447


You post that "Jason Montague, the current CFO of Prestige, will oversee the integration on a full-time basis.

" In your scenario, who does he work for? And, what company does FDR work for -- NCL?


IMO, the fact that Sheehan does not mention PCH means nothing. If you think back to when Apollo purchased Regent, IMO, their top management was clueless in terms knowing much about Regent. IMO, Sheehan knows virtually nothing about Regent or their customers. FDR and Kunal Kamlani are there to insure that nothing changes -- at least not in the foreseeable future. Regardless of who they work for, they will insure that Regent (and Oceania) succeeds after the merger.


If/when FDR retires, we will probably leave Regent. This gives you something to look forward to!


It would be a shame if FDR did retire within the next year. Your posts would be missed along with future cruises. What would be your alternative?

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IMO, Sheehan knows virtually nothing about Regent or their customers. (tc2 quote)


While I can't say for sure what he knows about Regent, I can absolutely say that he is VERY familiar with the style of Regent or Silversea or Seabourn. Every boss has their own way of doing things. What I would very much like to see is a phasing out of the "big fish in a little pond" approach to customers. By the way, DelRio, Kamlani and Sheehan all have jobs because people choose to cruise and pay money to enjoy themselves. I look forward to seeing what the management style of K. Sheehan is like.

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While I can't say for sure what he knows about Regent, I can absolutely say that he is VERY familiar with the style of Regent or Silversea or Seabourn. Every boss has their own way of doing things. What I would very much like to see is a phasing out of the "big fish in a little pond" approach to customers. By the way, DelRio, Kamlani and Sheehan all have jobs because people choose to cruise and pay money to enjoy themselves. I look forward to seeing what the management style of K. Sheehan is like.

Couldn't agree more. Kamlani has demonstrated clearly to me he has no clue how a luxury cruise line should treat its passengers after they have been treated shabbily. Sheehan, and his senior managers both at corporate and on NCL ships, do understand. Here's looking forward to Sheehan rocking the boat.

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All Press Releases indicate that NCL is acquiring PCH. It will be interesting to see if PCH suddenly vanishes as you seem to be predicting.


The purchase is by NCLH (Norwegian Cruise Lines Holdings), of which one of their 'holdings' is Norwegian Cruise Line.


"Holdings" should rarely keep acquired "holdings;" they assimilate the brands of the acquired holding company for efficiency and synergy.


I would venture a guess that RSSC and O are added to the portfolio that contains NCL, SixthMan, etc., and PCH is dissolved.

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Interesting to hear the thoughts of Regent customers as well as those who either no longer sail on Regent or who have publically announced that they do not plan on doing so in the future (after one more cruise).


Those of us who love Regent just the way it is are happy that NCL will not rock the boat. There have been enough assurances of that. The issue really isn't whether things will change (at least not in the foreseeable future) because that has been put to bed. rallydave and I were discussing PCH. While it doesn't really matter whether PCH dissolves or not, our discussion (from my perspective) was figuring out where his facts came from. That has been resolved as well. We are giving opinions.


Based on my experience (and many others on the Regent board), it may not be a good idea to assume that the CEO of NCL knows a lot about luxury cruising. Although Oceania is "luxury-lite" or "premium-plus", the first couple of years it was clear that, while they (Prestige Cruise Holdings) understood some things (like service), IMO, they made the incorrect assumption that Regent passengers wanted the same thing as Oceania passengers. This was not true then and it is not true now.


NCL wants to make money -- not lose it. Rocking the boat (so to speak) is too risky. NCL is acquiring two very successful cruise lines and wants to keep them that way. Regent and Oceania are not failing. If you look back at NCL in 2007, they needed the infusion of the $1B that Apollo invested in them (there are plenty of articles to back this up).


As has been mentioned earlier, Carnival did not take over Seabourn to change it (or rock the boat). Like Apollo did with Regent, Carnival put $$$ into the ships and left them pretty much alone. Any changes that occurred took place a long time after Carnival acquired Seabourn.


We still plan on sailing on the Explorer in mid-2016. Since we are Platinum Seven Seas Society members, it is likely that we will get a booking. While I said that we may leave Regent when FDR retires, the Explorer is his vision - his internal design and I darn well want to sail on her. For those of you who have toured or sailed on the Riviera, you know what a amazing ship she is. And, the Explorer will be even more so.


It sounds like there is a lot of confidence about NCL and its' CEO. Perhaps their ships will gain more bookings -- from disgruntled Regent and/or Oceania passengers. This is a good thing for all cruise lines involved (my opinion of course).

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It sounds like there is a lot of confidence about NCL and its' CEO. Perhaps their ships will gain more bookings -- from disgruntled Regent and/or Oceania passengers. This is a good thing for all cruise lines involved (my opinion of course).


I would think that disgruntled regent passengers would be more likely to give Silversea or Seabourn a try as the product is more similar than NCL or Oceania.

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It sounds like there is a lot of confidence about NCL and its' CEO. Perhaps their ships will gain more bookings -- from disgruntled Regent and/or Oceania passengers. This is a good thing for all cruise lines involved (my opinion of course).


I would think that disgruntled regent passengers would be more likely to give Silversea or Seabourn a try as the product is more similar than NCL or Oceania.


Based on Cruise Critic postings, quite a few Regent customers have sailed on NCL when traveling with their families. Agree that disgruntled Regent passengers will/have try/tried Silversea, Seabourn and Crystal - just as customers dissatisfied with Silversea, Seabourn and Crystal have tried Regent. What I find the most interesting is the large number of Regent passengers that sail on Oceania (myself included). While I really wanted the experience of sailing on the Riviera - and I liked it quite a bit, I had little desire to sail on Oceania again. Our upcoming Oceania trip is my husband's idea and plan completely (super large suite, Caribbean, etc.). While we have a great time wherever we go, it would never be my choice to sail the Caribbean again. Obviously, this is besides the point -- just saying that even customers that are happy with Regent do try other cruise lines.

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I would think that disgruntled regent passengers would be more likely to give Silversea or Seabourn a try as the product is more similar than NCL or Oceania.



am disgruntled with Regent but have turned to Cunard. Ships very elegant, not overcrowded and still have formal nights. One of the things I disagreed with Regent when they stopped most of the formal nights. I still keep in touch with many of the Regent crew (quite a few who have, themselves, left Regent). When Frank De Rio got involved with Regent I think it changed a lot. Just my personal opinion of course.

Edited by DreamflightPat
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There are quite a few people that love Cunard. We don't tend to mention it when discussing "luxury" cruise lines since a major part of the ship is "mainstream".


Being a long time Regent customer, I have seen changes over the years. Most of them were for the better but some I wish had not happened. In terms of the dress code, Mark Conroy was mostly involved in that. Many customers asked for a less stringent dress code so he did surveys. One of the surveys was on Cruise Critic. "Elegant Casual" won by a good margin. As you probably know, both Crystal and Seabourn have also relaxed their dress code. Silversea (and Cunard) seem to be the only ones that still have formal nights (others have "formal optional"). The concern I had when I voted for "Elegant Casual" was that people would test the limits and dress as casual as permitted. Unfortunately, for some passengers, this has ended up happening. They wear the minimum allowed and sometimes wear jeans to see if they will be allowed or if they will be asked to leave the dining venue. However, this is a subject for another thread.


There will likely be subtle changes on Regent but probably nothing that would drive their loyal customer base to another cruise line (my opinion of course)./

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maybe new change with impending NCL new ownership--first time in about three years, now both Oceania and Regent are offering military discount fares. Norwegian has offered military discount fares for a long time. Healthy discount off of rssc site on these military discount fares. (at least 17 percent) Kudos to the (Regent, Oceania, NCL)leadership for offering these fares to our deserving military members (active & retired)

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Yes Jackie change has taken place already. Regent has three voyages @ military discount, Oceania 19, and NCL dozens and dozens. Eligible military are those now serving active or in reserves, retired with at least 20 years service, medically retired, 100% disabled, or Veterans who have served honorably with at least two years service. NCL, Regent and Oceania have chosen the generous military discount that includes both active and retired, contrast with Holland America who only provides mil. discount to active military now serving. However, if you book Regent military discount be sure to check with the agency booking if the cruise counts as a seven seas society sailing--in our experience with mil. discount on Regent we do not have credit for our Hong Kong to Bangok voyage since we got such a good mil.discount. The military discount fare on Regent (17% discount) also gives up to a $600 OBC and allows you to get $300 OBC if u use AMX-Platinum card (when we booked 4 yrs ago, AMX-Platinum discount was not available).

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Concur with both Ted and your, "great news--a home run." However, NCL, Regent, Oceania could hit a grand slam if they offered the Wounded Warrior Project and their Alumni a WWP cruise. Alumni are Wounded warriors (since 9/11) that are certified before becoming Alumni of the WWP. WWP Alumni can make a strong positive significant difference when they become peers and provide strong support for returning Veterans who need special attention that a fellow wounded warrior can provide.

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