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Table for two etiquette


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bdjam... this is off-topic - but how do you get multi quotes?? The most I can get is 2. :confused:


It's a lot of copy and paste. If I want more than two quotes, I post the first two. Then if there's something else I want to quote, I use the quote button for the single message and then copy the quote from the window. THEN I go back to my post and use the edit function (Advanced), paste the quote and then type in my comments.


Hope that helps...

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It's a lot of copy and paste. If I want more than two quotes, I post the first two. Then if there's something else I want to quote, I use the quote button for the single message and then copy the quote from the window. THEN I go back to my post and use the edit function (Advanced), paste the quote and then type in my comments.


Hope that helps...


Ooooo Kay - should try that. Seem's like a lot of work. :eek:

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When we request a table for 2 it is because we Do. Not. Want. to talk to others during that meal. Yet, others seated next to us feel the need to chat with us. No reason we should be polite to those being rude.

I would think your attitude rings loud and clear to most people!!

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That's one thing on Long Island we don't have to worry about.. The check-out clerks at supermarkets here don't look at you, don't talk to you, don't even acknowledge you.. They MAY tell you, after ringing everything up, what the total amount is.... but usually not... they just wait for you to hand them money.. Then, to top it off, there is no thank you...have a nice day...goodbye.. Nothing.. It makes a person understand why there's so much misery and pent-up animosity here.


I'll take a chatty check-out clerk any day....




Boy do you have that right ....



Just came back from a road trip from Florida . Made a lot of stops at a lot of stores, restaurants, convenience stores , hotels. between Florida and Connecticut. Could not believe the nice friendly people in all those places. A nice smile, a "where you folks from ?" Nice exchange of pleasentries.


Boy you could sure tell you hit Jersey when you stopped on the Turnpike .


The 2 clowns at the counter made a Minstral show look like Masterpiece Theater.


And the manager was just annoyed by the slightest hint they she may have had to get up and actually do her job.

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You know you are right



Years ago when the sweet little old lady at the table next to me struck up a conversation (My meal had just arrived and she was still ordering, It looked so good, she wanted to know what it was so she could order it herself.)


I should have given her the evil eye and ignored her.


Of course then I would have missed out on having the nicest conversation with Helen Hayes .


What a neat story. You just never know who you are going to meet up with and not realize who they are.....not that anyone is better than any one else.

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What a neat story. You just never know who you are going to meet up with and not realize who they are.....not that anyone is better than any one else.



She was the sweetest little grandmotherly lady you could want to meet.


When she first started talking to me I thought it was her and of course you think "Nah , it couldn't be . But then again it was in NYC , and a pretty famous restaurant and this was pretty close to Broadway , so yeah, it could be very possible it's her.


And I asked her and sure enough she was. Very sweet and very friendly.



She was with a gentlemen and once her order came I kind of minded my business and let her eat in peace with her friend . But she still was chatting away with me . And she was a delight .


And I certainly wasn't going to be like a few people on this thread would be and say "Hey First Lady of The American Theater , stop being a freak and talking while I am trying to eat" *LOL*

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She was the sweetest little grandmotherly lady you could want to meet.


When she first started talking to me I thought it was her and of course you think "Nah , it couldn't be . But then again it was in NYC , and a pretty famous restaurant and this was pretty close to Broadway , so yeah, it could be very possible it's her.


And I asked her and sure enough she was. Very sweet and very friendly.



She was with a gentlemen and once her order came I kind of minded my business and let her eat in peace with her friend . But she still was chatting away with me . And she was a delight .


And I certainly wasn't going to be like a few people on this thread would be and say "Hey First Lady of The American Theater , stop being a freak and talking while I am trying to eat" *LOL*


I love it?! Your story gets even better! Lucky for you to meet such a gracious lady.

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When we were on Pacific Princess we had a table for 2 in traditional that was right on top of the next table for 2, literally less than 12 inches apart. After a few nights we ended up talking to the people at the next table, and got along with them well. On our other side (also very close) was a table for 4, which had a family with 2 teen kids. We called them 'the Broodys' (play on 'the Bradys') because while they all looked alike, they would sit in silence brooding and not look at each other. Very depressing! So the couple on our other side was very handy for conversation.


However this other couple was very slow eating. We like to be 'fast' (i.e. 75-90 minutes for dinner) and if we had actually been sharing the table with the couple next to us, we would have had to slow down to their pace (they were often just getting entrees when we had finished dessert and were on our way out of the dining room). So the close 'two top' was the ideal for us: conversation, but separate dining paces.


We like the conversation and normally dine at larger tables. But, you are right. It takes longer to dine. Many times you wait for late diners just to begin, Some each much slower so service tends to be slower. Many times we are the last to leave the DR. Although, sometimes I have asked the wait staff to serve us because we want to get somewhere.

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We chat with the people at the table next to us all the time. If they start the conversation, we talk. It isn't like we're going to meet up with them at the bar and have a drink. What I don't enjoy is being seated at a table with people who can't speak English - that's really awkward.


You are forcing the people who have chosen a table for 2 and are stuck w sitting next to you do have 2 options -


1 - have a conversation with you even though they do not want to or


2 - politely or impolitely if you try to continue to talk with them tell you that they have absolutely no interest in talking to you.


Both options are uncomfortable for your forced table mates.



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Land based restaurants and cruise ships are different. At no land based restaurant would I ever talk with someone at the table beside me. Like ever.


On a cruise ship, because I am introverted I try to request just a table for two (or four if we have the kids) but even so, we are always friendly with the people beside us. Sometimes we engage in conversation with the next table and sometimes we don't. I think most adults are capable of feeling out a situation.


As much as in normal day to day life I hate chit chat...again cruise ships are different. I guess it harkens back to the grand old days of ship travel, where there wasn't these big diversions and entertainment options happening 24/7, so your fellow passengers WERE the entertainment, lol.


I like keeping up tradition. For me, I like that (pardon the pun) we're all in the same boat / all a big family feeling that I get on ships.


If you want a totally private meal, there is always room service.


I will save my miserable, loner can't-be-bothered-with-everyone-around-me persona for real life lol.

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You are forcing the people who have chosen a table for 2 and are stuck w sitting next to you do have 2 options -


1 - have a conversation with you even though they do not want to or


2 - politely or impolitely if you try to continue to talk with them tell you that they have absolutely no interest in talking to you.


Both options are uncomfortable for your forced table mates.





Oh my God


Some people just need baby steps to get through every day.


So if you don't wish to carry a conversation any further than" Good morning" / "How are you this evening?" , "Fine and you?". Just turn away from them and engage with the other person at your table.



This isn't "Who's Afraid Of Virginia Wolfe?" Oh my God what if they ask about our son? Honey you will have to pretend we just got a telegram that he just died.

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Land based restaurants and cruise ships are different.


And this really is the focal point of this thread. Are they different? And if they are, then why are they different? I think it is apparent that some people think the two are different and others don't see it that way. And when a table for two that wants to chat sits next to a table that doesn't, you have oil and water.

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Can one of you folks that likes to chat please explain to me then WHY you choose to sit at a table for two? I'm not begrudging you being friendly, but if so many people on this forum are adamant that they do NOT want to chat with you -- we can debate about whether that is rude or not -- it seems to me that the tables for two are expressly that, tables for TWO.


As I mentioned earlier, I will never be rude to you -- and even beyond the polite smile and hello, I will maintain the conversation. But if I had wanted to chat with strangers, I would not have asked the head waiter for a "table for two only." I would not have gotten to anytime dining when it opened to get said table. I would not have waited at breakfast or lunch along the side of the door when he tells us we will have to wait a moment because right now it is "sharing only."


I'm not begrudging you folks from taking a table for two -- you are entitled to any table in the dining room, as am I. I just want to know why the heck you want one when you feel that you wish to engage others around you in conversation -- particularly when their actions should lead you to believe that are not interested in participating. Wouldn't the shared table be a better fit, thereby allowing us antisocial folks our privacy and you friendly folks the banter you seek?

Edited by Waimea'sMom
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We like the conversation and normally dine at larger tables. But, you are right. It takes longer to dine. Many times you wait for late diners just to begin, Some each much slower so service tends to be slower. Many times we are the last to leave the DR. Although, sometimes I have asked the wait staff to serve us because we want to get somewhere.


It seems kinda strange to me that someone who wants to chat would choose a table for two.


As far as being at a chatty table, I'm in total agreement that it does take longer to dine when you have a chatty table. I love chatting with other tablemates and don't mind spending a little extra time in the MDR. We've also had a couple occasions where we had a short time to eat. In these cases, I would just tell our tablemates of our limited time to eat. I would then explain to our waitstaff also of out intentions to make our time in the MDR short.....:):):)



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And this really is the focal point of this thread. Are they different? And if they are, then why are they different? I think it is apparent that some people think the two are different and others don't see it that way. And when a table for two that wants to chat sits next to a table that doesn't, you have oil and water.


To me, they are different because traditionally the cruise experience has always been that of communal dining. So I guess a lot of people feel more relaxed about it on a ship. But again I would hope most people would be able to read others' signals regarding conversation.


It would help if the tables were not squeezed so close together that you are knocking elbows though.


(I've been at tables so close together it made me feel the whole "table for two" thing is just a complete misnomer, just to fool you.)

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Can one of you folks that likes to chat please explain to me then WHY you choose to sit at a table for two? I'm not begrudging you being friendly' date=' but if so many people on this forum are adamant that they do NOT want to chat with you -- we can debate about whether that is rude or not -- it seems to me that the tables for two are expressly that, tables for TWO.


As I mentioned earlier, I will never be rude to you -- and even beyond the polite smile and hello, I will maintain the conversation. But if I had wanted to chat with strangers, I would not have asked the head waiter for a "table for two only." I would not have gotten to anytime dining when it opened to get said table. I would not have waited at breakfast or lunch along the side of the door when he tells us we will have to wait a moment because right now it is "sharing only."


I'm not begrudging you folks from taking a table for two -- you are entitled to any table in the dining room, as am I. I just want to know why the heck you want one when you feel that you wish to engage others around you in conversation -- particularly when their actions should lead you to believe that are not interested in participating. Wouldn't the shared table be a better fit, thereby allowing us antisocial folks our privacy and you friendly folks the banter you seek?[/quote']


The placement of the tables so close together actually makes people uncomfortable. Some are uncomfortable at your closeness and can't relax with their own private conversation. Some become talkative to alleviate the tension and to be considered polite. Being nervous in an uncomfortable situation can make people talkative.


There are many tables for two on the new builds with much better seating arrangements. We usually sit with others, but on the Royal we dined for two for the whole cruise. We never felt a need to converse with another table.

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My wife and I normally enjoy sitting at a 2 top but sat at an 8 top for the first time a cruise or two ago. The others were pleasant enough but it was somewhat uncomfortable, for me at least, as it was quite apparent that the others had WAY more money than we do and weren't shy about talking about their circumstances.


As others mentioned, it took way longer to eat. While we had one appetizer, the six others had two appetizers, two had three appetizers and one gentleman had FOUR. All of us dutifully waited for the others to finish before the main course, or in several cases courses, came. We had to skip dessert so we could make a show.

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I'm sure others are like us, we don't mind talking to folks but we don't do the different courses. We only eat the entree, not even dessert. If we are sitting at a table with others waiting for them to go through the various courses, we end up eating too much of those bread offerings. We rarely take up table space for more than 30 minutes. We visit with folks at other times.


Cruisin Oldies


That is our reasoning for anytime dining for 2 as well. We eat the entree and leave to do other stuff on the ship. On rare occasions, we might have soup or pasta before the entree. We don't want to wait while everyone else gets multiple courses. We enjoy what the dining room has to offer, but don't want to waste 2 or 3 hours to get it. If another table talks to us, we are polite & respond, but we don't initiate conversations.

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I thoroughly agree with you, I too cannot understand why people request a table for two and no longer get seated then proceed to talk to the people sitting at the table next to them. Why not just sit at a larger table if they enjoy talking to other people.

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I thoroughly agree with you, I too cannot understand why people request a table for two and no longer get seated then proceed to talk to the people sitting at the table next to them. Why not just sit at a larger table if they enjoy talking to other people.


It’s not just all about wanting to sit at a table for two so you don’t have to talk with anyone. There are a few reasons for those wanting a table for two. Allows you to eat at your own pace and not others. No waiting for some that like to show up late. You can get up a leave when you’re ready. And if you don’t want to talk with anyone you have that choice. On our Emarald Cruise we had a table for four for just the two of us. No way could you have spoken to anyone at the next table without yelling.

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I've seen a lot of comments about why might people sit at tables for 2 and why they might or might not want to chat. Here are a couple of reasons and some thoughts on this subject.


1. They don't normally eat appetizers (or normally eat more than one appetizer) and don't want to be delayed by having to wait for others (or delay others who might be delayed) but still enjoy talking to others.


2. On this same vein, they might be people who eat quickly or slowly and don't want to hold up others or have to wait on others but who still enjoy talking to others.


3. They may have had unpleasant experiences before with large groups at tables but still enjoy talking to others.


4. They may be introverted in large groups but feel comfortable around smaller groups.



The point is, does it really make any difference WHY you or they are sitting at a table for 2? Some people sit at small tables and enjoy chatting with others while others sitting at small tables don't! If you don't want to chat then just politely tell the next table that you would prefer not to chat with them and eat your meal. If you try and chat with the next table and you're told that they'd prefer not to chat, then acquiesce to their wishes and talk to the other side or just talk to each other. If not being able to chat really bothers you, then ask to be moved to a different table in another area next meal! Everybody has their own reasons for sitting at the table size they're at, others as well as yourself. It's a large dining area!


While everybody is on the cruise for their own reasons, I'm sure that the vast majority are there to relax and enjoy themselves, so just understand that people are different, you included. Life is too short to lose sleep over what, at the end of the day, are really trivial matters.



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We often ask for a table for 2. When we are seated we acknowledge the diners on each side of us with a friendly hello...common courtesy in my book, considering we are seated so close to one another. We don't intrude further but if one of the other couples wants to engage us in conversation, we happily comply. My husband refers to the people we meet at dinner or on deck or seated next to in the theater, "5 minute friends". Some of those have blossomed into long term friendships, but ALL of them have contributed to the enjoyment of our cruising experience.

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We often ask for a table for 2. When we are seated we acknowledge the diners on each side of us with a friendly hello...common courtesy in my book, considering we are seated so close to one another. We don't intrude further but if one of the other couples wants to engage us in conversation, we happily comply. My husband refers to the people we meet at dinner or on deck or seated next to in the theater, "5 minute friends". Some of those have blossomed into long term friendships, but ALL of them have contributed to the enjoyment of our cruising experience.


Very nice!

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I noticed on my last Emerald Princess cruise a number of people requesting a table for two, no sharing, getting their table for two, and then proceeding to talk to the couple sitting next to them for the entire meal.


If people wish to talk to others, should they ask for a sharing table so that a table for two is more available for those who really want a private meal?




I agree with you. You should enjoy your meals in peace


I am anti-social. Like many here, Im an old curmudgeon and easily get irritable. I don't talk to others. And I don't want them talking to me. I want to have my meals in quiet solitude. Don't bother me! :mad:

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And this really is the focal point of this thread. Are they different? And if they are, then why are they different? I think it is apparent that some people think the two are different and others don't see it that way. And when a table for two that wants to chat sits next to a table that doesn't, you have oil and water.


They are different in many ways:


1. On land you don't normally see the same people next to you night after night

2. On land pretty much all tables are private groups

3. On land there is usually much more space between tables, that creates enough separation such that the people on either side is not pretty much forced to hear your conversation with your dinner partner.

4. On land you and the people next to you are usually not part of a shared experience (other than the restaurant) unlike on a cruise ship where you have experienced the same ports, same entertainment options, etc.


Dining at a table for two that is right next to another table is a lot like the forced closeness of an airplane. except that it occurs over and over again for several days.

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