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Princess Elite Level - Rules change - Rumor or possible fact???


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Just got our Elite status on Princess - while on the Golden - I was beat on a little by a passenger for doing some back to backs to get our Elite Status - NOT Fair she stated - I ask what rule I was breaking and was just told again, Not fair????

She continued to tell me that Princess is 'working on a change' in rules... going away from 'number' of cruises.

I did a search here and did find one long post that was stated back in June of 2012 - same subject manor - here we are in Nov of 2014 and no real change in rules.


So, any real 'meat' to this Rumor of changing cruises to Days or what ever - to reach Elite status.


Until the rules change, do not beat on me for doing what Princess allows.


BTW - back to back from San Pedro to Ensenada is ok but no real 'picnic' LOL.... Staff was GREAT but itinerary was the pits, lol


The Grand is going into dry dock in April of 2015 and she is ready - Still the staff was super and treated us very Good.



If I am only repeating a post here, please point me in the right direction and I will post there and NOT here - just trying to learn

Edited by Harley0711
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I have not heard of any rule changes. Likely, they would grandfather anyone already elite anyway to avoid backlash.


No one set of rules will please everyone. It's sad that someone would use their vacation to put down others instead of relaxing and enjoying themselves. So for now, I'd just ignore people like that and follow Princess's rules, and enjoy!

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No one set of rules will please everyone. It's sad that someone would use their vacation to put down others instead of relaxing and enjoying themselves. So for now, I'd just ignore people like that and follow Princess's rules, and enjoy!


Ignore it. Princess makes the rules, not you, not the snarky lady. I get that some people think it's "cheating" to reach Elite by cruises with these shorter ones now available, but there's no reason to act like four-year-old having a hissy fit in public.

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Ignore it. Princess makes the rules, not you, not the snarky lady. I get that some people think it's "cheating" to reach Elite by cruises with these shorter ones now available, but there's no reason to act like four-year-old having a hissy fit in public.


no hissy fit, just not happy with me, This was my first time to b2b and I was surprised to see just how many people were in the meeting area at 11am to get off and back on - I was NOT alone by any means, lol


even with my b2bs here - my Days are right at 130

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no hissy fit, just not happy with me, This was my first time to b2b and I was surprised to see just how many people were in the meeting area at 11am to get off and back on - I was NOT alone by any means, lol


even with my b2bs here - my Days are right at 130


Hi Michael, don't worry about the people that complain. We became Elite after 152 days and 15 cruises, so we made it both ways, but we would have taken advantage if we could have made it with 15 cruises and only 60 days or less.

Anyway, we hope you enjoyed your B2B. Nice to see you guys are still cruising. Hope to meet up with you again some day.



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I am 2 more sail days from being platinum. Does it make a difference to my life ? No it doesn't ! Too many people seem to be hung up on their status. I just want to cruise more. On our very first cruise we had a lady on our table at dinner that brandished her black card around all the time to get what she wanted, not nice to watch I thought it was embarrassing .really thought she was something special. In fact she was actually a very nice woman but the black card turned her into something she wasn't . At the risk of being shot down I would do away with all these cards, we have all paid to be on the ship we should all be treated the same not have special priveleges . Happy cruising everyone

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First, I don't know why she gets all over you. You did not make the rules. SO to me, it is perfectly fair to follow them. If she has a complaint it should be with Princess since they make the rules.


Second, there have been rumors for years about changes. So who knows.

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Carnival made the change not too long ago, and its likely Princess will eventually follow suit, but really, who cares?

Bonuses are nice, but I cruise to relax, see the world and have some fun.

I know that I will love free laundry when I get to Elite, but its not why I cruise. I've seen the funniest things in the laundromats onboard Princess ships, so its just all part of the adventure :p


Its a shame this woman is so hung up on status that she's lost the meaning of cruising. That's really sad. Although, I do wonder what she would have said if you had told her you were a suite passenger, so you were getting 4 cruise credits not 2. Would she have thrown a bigger fit or respected you for shelling out the extra for the suite? :confused:


Another of life's unsolvable mysteries ;).

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Some changes will come "down the pike." Look here: http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=2129268


The way I look at it is that any Captain's Circle status is established by the cruise line to develop brand loyalty and fill ships. If Princess feels that this can be accomplished in the current manner then that's it. It is not about fairness, and it is not about customers having a certain special "rank." Take it and think of it for what it really is, a marketing tool. This is the response to those that continually speak about fairness.

It now appears that some time in the future Carnival Corp. will attempt to attract repeat customers to all of their brands by offering some still undefined cross line status. Each of these brands will have a market focus, and will not really compete with each other. You can see this now by the focus of Princess in the Asia/Pacific market and statements by Stein Kruse that Princess' new builds will be in the 143M ton range to compete with RCI. So in the future you select whatever line and voyage you want and some status will follow you.

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Based on your cruise history, you more than earned the right. A couple of short cruises, why not. You paid for them.

Enjoy your new status and welcome to "Elite".


When we were almost Platinum, and right before a long European cruise,we took a 7 day Mexico cruise to get the status. The cruise cost more than what it would have cost to purchase internet access but we had fun, and were so pleased to go up a rung.

Now we are Elite and enjoy the benefits that come with it.

I am sure you will too.


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Thanks everyone for the info. After reading what the CEO of Carnival has been posting, I do see a change in the future.


I have talked to a lot of people on board and I love the BIG cruisers - 50+ cruises - Now they really love to cruise and as far as perks... The wife likes the laundry only for the convenience, not the money savings.. I joke by saving, Ya, we will get 'Free Laundry' only have to spend 50K to get it, lol.

We cruise because we love to travel, relax and see the world. NOT for the perks..


However, as Humans, we love to go one more time around and try to grab that brass ring (of Live)


The perks are a nice way to give people something to strive for.


I do not really like short cruises, even though we live in Central Calif. I have seen enough of Ensenada to last me a lifetime, lol. I want to see the Beauty this world has to offer and we are really looking forward to Australia and the Norwegian fjords


Having the Laundry allows us not to pack as much - The Internet is ok but its so slow, I only check my email and nothing else, the others are nice but not worth arguing over...


I have also talked to a bunch of people about different cruise lines.. I say its like talking cars,,, what is better, Ford, Chevy, ect.... it can go on for ever, LOL... We like Princess, is it perfect, no but we are more than happy. Our current project out of San Pedro - Loved the Crew, Liked the Ship but it needs to go into dry dock and the crew knows it - we had a very late start one leg because of an overnight repair in San Pedro - many passenger's were upset because we did not leave until the next morning.. what did they really miss???? ships stores and the Casino for one evening.. but one of the side thrusters needed to be replaced... hey, stuff happens..

I like the B2B idea - even more so on longer cruises - IF one can afford it - gives a person time to enjoy other spots in a port.


I do not let people upset me - we cruise for the ports and to relax... LOL>>>> wife would get a kick of me saying that based on out GREAT trip around the British Islands,,,, Very busy ports but GREAT

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Who knows if I will ever achieve the coveted elite status (will be a Ruby after next cruise).i It would be nice,but in the scheme of things, it is not a status that means anything special in my life (other than knowing I had cruised more). I fail to understand why anyone would be the least bit concerned about how someone "achieved" a particular status. Insecurity, too much time on her hands? Who knows, but most of us can think of far better things to occupy ourselves with on a cruise.

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Who knows if I will ever achieve the coveted elite status (will be a Ruby after next cruise).i It would be nice,but in the scheme of things, it is not a status that means anything special in my life (other than knowing I had cruised more). I fail to understand why anyone would be the least bit concerned about how someone "achieved" a particular status. Insecurity, too much time on her hands? Who knows, but most of us can think of far better things to occupy ourselves with on a cruise.


I agree - only reason this even came up was talk around the dinner table, lol..


BTW - I see you were on the Diamond and did Sydney/Auckland... We are going there in about 9 weeks... if you don't mind, would love to talk to you... you can contact me by my email below... Did you get to see the new toilets on board????? LOL.... been reading about them,,,, what a hoot,, LOL

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Although we regularly book full suites, and thereby getting double credits, we have not always done so, and only once have we cruised for less than 14 days, and that was 12 days, with the result that in January 2016 we will get to Elite when we make 154 days and 16 cruise credits, thereby passing both qualifying marks at the same time and whilst I think the system is perhaps not well thought out, I would not have gone to the lengths some appear to go to in order to be able to claim that they are CIP (commercially important passengers).


My attitude is what does it really have to do with most of us, how other people got their status and why should we care?


It is no more wrong that folks aspiring to fast track themselves to Elite should be disadvantaged by the rules changing before they get there than it is that folks like me will spend perhaps 20 times the amount some have spent n getting to the elevated status of Elite.


Those who got it by what some people think is the short cut method, will keep their 'status' through grandfather rights. Those of us who are happy to get there with minimum hassle and on a 'what the hell' basis will either already be there or content to progress towards the 'holy grail' of being Elite at a leisurely pace.


The only people who need to be worried are those who are trying to use the current rules to the maximum advantage and if the door closes before the achieve their objective, tough.


It does not concern me at all that some folks have already got their 'Elite' status by the fast track, and nor do I care whether or not the rules change, provided that, however they get there, they don't do what one person did last year when I was on Island and on seeing me in front of them in the line for the Elite/Suite desk, with my grey Platinum card, pushed past me and told me that they Elite clients had priority over non-Elite clients in suites?


As an aside, after recognising my accent, when I said, 'if it is that important to you please go before me', the man then asked me if I was Corfe Mixture from Dorset and, when I said 'Yes', immediately switched to saying, 'Ah you are the one person I wanted to meet on this cruise as I need some information on Dorset as we are planning to visit there later in the year'. The look on my face as I ended the conversation with the word 'Really' must have been priceless. :eek:

Edited by Corfe Mixture
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corfe mixture - had to google your location, finally got to the UK late Aug, early Sept - stay a week with friends in Warminster and LOVED everything about the UK. did the 12 day cruise around the UK - would loved to have been able ($$$) to do a B2B on that one - so many great places to see and visit. Will be back in June - Dover then up to Norway. Plan to try and spend a few days again with our friends... more Pubs to visit and land marks, While out seeing the sights with our friends, I would often ask (how old is that building?) Older than your Country was the 'Pat' answer, LOL.... again, loved your area.

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corfe mixture - had to google your location, finally got to the UK late Aug, early Sept - stay a week with friends in Warminster and LOVED everything about the UK. did the 12 day cruise around the UK - would loved to have been able ($$$) to do a B2B on that one - so many great places to see and visit. Will be back in June - Dover then up to Norway. Plan to try and spend a few days again with our friends... more Pubs to visit and land marks, While out seeing the sights with our friends, I would often ask (how old is that building?) Older than your Country was the 'Pat' answer, LOL.... again, loved your area.


If you come back to our part of the world, come south down to the coast. Unfortunately our area is some distance from Dover and more convenient for folks sailing out of Southampton.


but, if you are interested in more information, Google 'Jurrasic Coast', 'Lyme Regis', 'Corfe Castle', 'Portland Bill', 'Chesil Beach', and 'Poole Harbour' and also look up the discussions on the New Forest (actually in Hampshire and not Dorset and, as a US friend once remarked 'neither a forest not new' - Henry VIII chopped most of the trees down to build warships around 70 years before the Pilgrim Fathers set sail), Lymington and the Isle of Wight (both also in Hampshire) in the Ports of Call > Britain forum. Lots of good ideas.

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If you come back to our part of the world, come south down to the coast. Unfortunately our area is some distance from Dover and more convenient for folks sailing out of Southampton.


but, if you are interested in more information, Google 'Jurrasic Coast', 'Lyme Regis', 'Corfe Castle', 'Portland Bill', 'Chesil Beach', and 'Poole Harbour' and also look up the discussions on the New Forest (actually in Hampshire and not Dorset and, as a US friend once remarked 'neither a forest not new' - Henry VIII chopped most of the trees down to build warships around 70 years before the Pilgrim Fathers set sail), Lymington and the Isle of Wight (both also in Hampshire) in the Ports of Call > Britain forum. Lots of good ideas.



great advice, thanks

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BTW - back to back from San Pedro to Ensenada is ok but no real 'picnic' LOL.... Staff was GREAT but itinerary was the pits, lol


So, I mean, are you expecting commiseration? The itinerary was no great secret before you boarded, so why did you subject yourself to such torture? Were you in fact doing what frequent fliers call "a mileage run," or did you just miss the Love Boat Dream? Oh wait, you already answered that.


(And BTW, I've had pleasant times in Ensenada, and the zipline place outside town is one of the best I've ever been to.)

Edited by shepp
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So, I mean, are you expecting commiseration? The itinerary was no great secret before you boarded, so why did you subject yourself to such torture? Were you in fact doing what frequent fliers call "a mileage run," or did you just miss the Love Boat Dream? Oh wait, you already answered that.


(And BTW, I've had pleasant times in Ensenada, and the zipline place outside town is one of the best I've ever been to.)


LOL > we love to cruise and the days on board were very nice, shows were great and the staff was fantastic. We have done the Winery excursion and it was also great but that was Last year, just back for the milage run - LOL.... forcing us to relax for all those days was nice and for the bottom line cost, we could NOT have stayed at a HIE for the same price. Anytime on a cruise is better than home, LOL..


Learned a LOT in those B2B's

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Just got our Elite status on Princess - while on the Golden - I was beat on a little by a passenger for doing some back to backs to get our Elite Status - NOT Fair she stated - I ask what rule I was breaking and was just told again, Not fair????

She continued to tell me that Princess is 'working on a change' in rules... going away from 'number' of cruises.

I did a search here and did find one long post that was stated back in June of 2012 - same subject manor - here we are in Nov of 2014 and no real change in rules.


So, any real 'meat' to this Rumor of changing cruises to Days or what ever - to reach Elite status.


Until the rules change, do not beat on me for doing what Princess allows.


BTW - back to back from San Pedro to Ensenada is ok but no real 'picnic' LOL.... Staff was GREAT but itinerary was the pits, lol


The Grand is going into dry dock in April of 2015 and she is ready - Still the staff was super and treated us very Good.



If I am only repeating a post here, please point me in the right direction and I will post there and NOT here - just trying to learn


Hey Michael, how you going?


Don't feel bad about reaching Elite level by doing some small cruises...... there are some on these boards that cry foul whenever the subject is brought up but that is their problem. You didn't breach the rules, enjoy your Elite Perks, they are wonderful..... but next time don't tell anyone how you reached it. LOL

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Currently we are Ruby and at the end of our cruise in March we will have achieved Platinum. :D The little perks will be nice. It would be nice to get that little black card and the Elite status but it will happen when it happens. The status thing isn't why we cruise. We like to meet great people, have a good time and see some great places. The nice thing about cruising is you can cross off some bucket list items. For us that will be January 2016.



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So, I mean, are you expecting commiseration? The itinerary was no great secret before you boarded, so why did you subject yourself to such torture? Were you in fact doing what frequent fliers call "a mileage run," or did you just miss the Love Boat Dream? Oh wait, you already answered that.


(And BTW, I've had pleasant times in Ensenada, and the zipline place outside town is one of the best I've ever been to.)


We love the wine tour in Ensenada and the free bottle of wine at the first winery. We enjoy walking down to the mission across the road from the debarkation road. Nice bar, history, and street vendors there. If you're lucky to get in on a tour there, there's also wine sampling. We just mingled in with the crowd.

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If you're lucky enough to fast track to Elite by doing short cruises then go for it. However on the other hand I believe the amount you pay should also have some bearing on the status level. Similar to what some airlines are now doing in that the higher the fare you pay the more miles you earn. In my own example I've done 4 Princess cruises and the approximate amount I've paid is $18,500.

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