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Taking kids out of school?


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We just took our two kids (7 and 11) out of school last week for our cruise. I would do it again in a heartbeat. Life is short and unpredictable. I was reminded of that today when I heard one of my son's classmates lost his mom this week. The first thing I said to my DH was 'that's why we take vacations like we just did'. You just never know. Live for today!

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My sister took her 10th and 7th grader to Hawaii for 3 weeks during September. The kids had a great and educational time out of school. Two years ago we sailed the BVI's on a private yacht during November. The kids learned to pull lines, drive a dhingy, and read sailing charts. She would continue to take the kids out.



"Half of a DINK and proud of it!."😜

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When Dad retired from the Navy, my parents took me out of school (not that I was in school, it was summer), and I did not go to school a single day for a year. Flew Space A to Japan and Europe, spent a year traveling. Priceless education.


My education had gaps from many Navy moves, new school every year, and even some time in Iran at an International school. Yes, it caught up with me in high school, but I just took the GED and went to college instead of my senior year. It all works out.


Just try to keep the kids caught up in math and science courses, those can be problematic when missed.

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I'm a teacher and if you want to take your kid out of class even though schools give ample vacation time for family vacations that's your prerogative. But the teacher is not obligated to provide the classwork beforehand I would simply give that student a zero on any tests and assignments missed since the absence is unexcused.

Edited by Got2Cruise
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I'm a teacher and if you want to take your kid out of class even though schools give ample vacation time for family vacations that's your prerogative. But the teacher is not obligated to provide the classwork beforehand I would simply give that student a zero on any tests and assignments missed since the absence is unexcused.


Wow just wow!


Certainly your prerogative to do that and I hope your children never need an extra special service from one of the teachers they love... JMHO



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Edited by JVilleGal
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I'm a teacher and if you want to take your kid out of class even though schools give ample vacation time for family vacations that's your prerogative. But the teacher is not obligated to provide the classwork beforehand I would simply give that student a zero on any tests and assignments missed since the absence is unexcused.



That response made me sad. You obviously never had these memorable experiences as a child and that is disappointing. Good thing my son doesn't have you. His teachers, with advance notice gave him the opportunity to complete all work he will miss. And we will complete it all while basking in the Carribean sun.

Hear hear to the good teachers!!

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I'm a teacher and if you want to take your kid out of class even though schools give ample vacation time for family vacations that's your prerogative. But the teacher is not obligated to provide the classwork beforehand I would simply give that student a zero on any tests and assignments missed since the absence is unexcused.


I don't think parents expect teachers to spend time preparing work for them, but I tend to word it "let us know if there is something you'd like x to do to while he/she is away". If they provide, then we'll make sure it gets done. If not, then he'll just miss the work and we take responsibility to ensure our child doesn't fall behind going forward.

But wow...I must say that you are a teacher I'd not want my kids to have for being so cold and almost creating punishment. There are many reasons people choose other than summer, march break or Christmas break to take kids out of work. Don't think I need to rehash them here as they've been said. I know as a teacher you don't have a choice for vacation as times are set, but others do have that choice and will do what's best for them. There are many variables in the decision.

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Teachers work incredibly hard and do have an often thankless job. But it is hard to understand an attitude so closed as the comment by a poster who is an educator.


Every family has a different situation and whether to remove a child from school is always discussed long and hard (at least in our family). Last year after much discussion with our high school senior, he decided he could not miss school. We respected that decision. His younger siblings on the other hand, had an opportunity to spend priceless time with grand parents in Hawaii. A time they will treasure and always remember.


Travel of any kind is an education and time spent as a family is priceless. Sadly these times are rare and do not always meet the calendar of the school officials or the teachers who work so hard for our children.


I am certainly sad that a teacher out of spite (or a rules are the rules attitude) would punish a child for choices that the child's parents made.





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I'm a teacher and if you want to take your kid out of class even though schools give ample vacation time for family vacations that's your prerogative. But the teacher is not obligated to provide the classwork beforehand I would simply give that student a zero on any tests and assignments missed since the absence is unexcused.


The schools do give ample time for the students to take vacations. However, the schools do not coordinate the vacation time with the parents who have jobs and are subject to the restrictions the jobs place on them.


In those cases, is it your opinion the the family should just give up family vacations for twelve years?

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I don't think parents expect teachers to spend time preparing work for them, but I tend to word it "let us know if there is something you'd like x to do to while he/she is away". If they provide, then we'll make sure it gets done. If not, then he'll just miss the work and we take responsibility to ensure our child doesn't fall behind going forward.

But wow...I must say that you are a teacher I'd not want my kids to have for being so cold and almost creating punishment. There are many reasons people choose other than summer, march break or Christmas break to take kids out of work. Don't think I need to rehash them here as they've been said. I know as a teacher you don't have a choice for vacation as times are set, but others do have that choice and will do what's best for them. There are many variables in the decision.



That depends on the parent. MY wife is a teacher and she has had many students take a vacation during the school year. Some parents give advance notice and discuss it with her, some tell her the day before they leave and ask for a work package, some expect her to give up her time to catch the student up when they return. Not every parent takes the teacher in to consideration when pulling their child out for a vacation.

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That depends on the parent. MY wife is a teacher and she has had many students take a vacation during the school year. Some parents give advance notice and discuss it with her, some tell her the day before they leave and ask for a work package, some expect her to give up her time to catch the student up when they return. Not every parent takes the teacher in to consideration when pulling their child out for a vacation.


You are correct, not every parent handles this correctly and not every teacher does.

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I know that there are a lot of various opinions on this topic. I will say that my mom took me out of school a few times for vacations growing up. Then as I got older, those vacations were replaced with being taken out to be with my mom in the hospital. She died when I was 20. How much do I cherish those vacation memories?! I'm thankful that our lives weren't dictated by a school calendar.


If it's more affordable and ideal to go during the school term, then I say go for it. Just do it! The ages of 6-18 are for more than education in a room with 4 walls. What amazing lessons in marine life, astronomy, navigation, broadening one's palate, language, compassion for those who may live less fortunately in other countries, foreign architecture, foreign currency, and the list goes on and on.

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I know that there are a lot of various opinions on this topic. I will say that my mom took me out of school a few times for vacations growing up. Then as I got older, those vacations were replaced with being taken out to be with my mom in the hospital. She died when I was 20. How much do I cherish those vacation memories?! I'm thankful that our lives weren't dictated by a school calendar.


No words but just saying that I'm so very sorry. You'll always have those wonderful memories. Life is very short and this family time together is so very important. Not everyone can travel during school vacation times and so I say go for it, whenever it works. A week of school here or there is worth the family time.

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I'm a teacher and if you want to take your kid out of class even though schools give ample vacation time for family vacations that's your prerogative. But the teacher is not obligated to provide the classwork beforehand I would simply give that student a zero on any tests and assignments missed since the absence is unexcused.


Not too bloody-minded !


Spoken like a true educationist (one who makes a living out of the education system). rather than a teacher or educator - embodying the qualities and attitudes those terms imply.

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No words but just saying that I'm so very sorry. You'll always have those wonderful memories. Life is very short and this family time together is so very important. Not everyone can travel during school vacation times and so I say go for it, whenever it works. A week of school here or there is worth the family time.


Well, thank you very much. You're very kind.

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You should do what you think is best after all they are your children. However this not the classrooms of ten or twenty years ago. Standardized tests are the norm and teachers follow strict curriculum . With twenty five or more students in the class teachers do not have time to prepare individual lesson plans for vacationing students. Unfortunately many parents do do this. Teachers devote many hours to lesson plans and instruction. That being said if you consider your vacation more important than a week of school by all means take it. But don't expect special treatment from the educator.

Edited by Rayed
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You should do what you think is best after all they are your children. However this not the classrooms of ten or twenty years ago. Standardized tests are the norm and teachers follow strict curriculum . With twenty five or more students in the class teachers do not have time to prepare individual lesson plans for vacationing students. Unfortunately many parents do do this. Teachers devote many hours to lesson plans and instruction. That being said if you consider your vacation more important than a week of school by all means take it. But don't expect special treatment from the educator.


I know that in my state a parent can be reported for child neglect for purposely causing their child to miss school.

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We are going on a cruise at the end of May, and we have a third grader and a child in kindergarten. They will be missing a week of school, granted it is at the time when they have quit teaching anyway, and all standardized testing is over. My thought though is that my children go to a school district that does not do field trips or any off site education what so ever. We have an awesome zoo less than 20 minutes from the school, but the school doesn't take them. We take every opportunity to take our children somewhere different where they can learn something. My daughter loves history, and my son loves to animals of all kinds and to know how things work. So I am completely comfortable with taking them out of school for a week. I explained at the beginning of the school year our plans to their teachers, and both of them understood where I was coming from.

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We are going on a cruise at the end of May, and we have a third grader and a child in kindergarten. They will be missing a week of school, granted it is at the time when they have quit teaching anyway, and all standardized testing is over. My thought though is that my children go to a school district that does not do field trips or any off site education what so ever. We have an awesome zoo less than 20 minutes from the school, but the school doesn't take them. We take every opportunity to take our children somewhere different where they can learn something. My daughter loves history, and my son loves to animals of all kinds and to know how things work. So I am completely comfortable with taking them out of school for a week. I explained at the beginning of the school year our plans to their teachers, and both of them understood where I was coming from.


Home would be my guess.

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I'm a teacher and if you want to take your kid out of class even though schools give ample vacation time for family vacations that's your prerogative. But the teacher is not obligated to provide the classwork beforehand I would simply give that student a zero on any tests and assignments missed since the absence is unexcused.


WOW! That is the saddest thing I have ever heard out of a teachers mouth!! You should be ashamed of yourself and I will thank GOD that my children will never have you and I will also pray for the little souls that have you as a teacher. Unbelievable!!


I must be the luckiest parent ever because we live in a school district that values family and all forms of "education". From our district handbook, "Family vacations arranged in advance with the school administration are excused absences". "Students shall make up all assignments missed during excused absences, with credit awarded."


Our oldest just turned 21 and is a Junior in college, our second child is 18 and is a Freshman in college and our youngest is in 8th grade. They have been on 4 cruises and we are getting ready to take our 8th grader on her 5th cruise. They have learned so much from these experiences. The highlight was the year that we visited an orphanage in Roatan. I had researched the orphanage before and learned of their needs. We got a private driver who took us to a local grocery store (believe me-that was educational) and bought the orphanage their food needs for a month. My sons bought a basketball for the kids and we spent the entire afternoon playing, talking, and loving on these children. BELIEVE me this was educational!!


If you ask any of my kids about the standout moments of their lives I will assure you the experience at that orphanage will rank very high to the top. Learning is not just done in a classroom-the world is a classroom and we should encourage all to grab ahold of it even if that means a few days of school are missed.


So thankful for our school district and our awesome teachers that understand what education really is!

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I'm a teacher and if you want to take your kid out of class even though schools give ample vacation time for family vacations that's your prerogative. But the teacher is not obligated to provide the classwork beforehand I would simply give that student a zero on any tests and assignments missed since the absence is unexcused.

Huh. My kids' teachers (middle school and elementary) were absolutely thrilled that the kids were given the opportunity to go to Hawaii for 11 days. So glad they have the incredible teachers that they do and not ones that are like you. :)

Edited by greatlakesgirl
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WOW! That is the saddest thing I have ever heard out of a teachers mouth!! You should be ashamed of yourself and I will thank GOD that my children will never have you and I will also pray for the little souls that have you as a teacher. Unbelievable!!




I must be the luckiest parent ever because we live in a school district that values family and all forms of "education". From our district handbook, "Family vacations arranged in advance with the school administration are excused absences". "Students shall make up all assignments missed during excused absences, with credit awarded."




Our oldest just turned 21 and is a Junior in college, our second child is 18 and is a Freshman in college and our youngest is in 8th grade. They have been on 4 cruises and we are getting ready to take our 8th grader on her 5th cruise. They have learned so much from these experiences. The highlight was the year that we visited an orphanage in Roatan. I had researched the orphanage before and learned of their needs. We got a private driver who took us to a local grocery store (believe me-that was educational) and bought the orphanage their food needs for a month. My sons bought a basketball for the kids and we spent the entire afternoon playing, talking, and loving on these children. BELIEVE me this was educational!!




If you ask any of my kids about the standout moments of their lives I will assure you the experience at that orphanage will rank very high to the top. Learning is not just done in a classroom-the world is a classroom and we should encourage all to grab ahold of it even if that means a few days of school are missed.




So thankful for our school district and our awesome teachers that understand what education really is!



Wow, this brought tears to my eyes, what a wonderful and caring family you are! You are right, all learning is NOT done in a classroom, and your story is a perfect example. I'm sure the kids at that orphanage have never forgotten your family and the happiness you brought them.

And may I say to all the "teachers" who are against taking kids out of school for vacation: after all the hard work the kids do, in and out of school (I am of course speaking of the extraordinary amount of homework kids get, even though teachers are being paid to teach them AT SCHOOL), they deserve vacations, just as adults do. Maybe some of you teachers need a good cruise to lighten up.





[emoji572]️ You know you're a cruise addict if:

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Wow, this brought tears to my eyes, what a wonderful and caring family you are! You are right, all learning is NOT done in a classroom, and your story is a perfect example. I'm sure the kids at that orphanage have never forgotten your family and the happiness you brought them.

And may I say to all the "teachers" who are against taking kids out of school for vacation: after all the hard work the kids do, in and out of school (I am of course speaking of the extraordinary amount of homework kids get, even though teachers are being paid to teach them AT SCHOOL), they deserve vacations, just as adults do. Maybe some of you teachers need a good cruise to lighten up.






There is nothing wrong with homework if it serves a purpose and kids get plenty of earned vacation time.


That being said, it is every parent's decision if taking their child out of school is appropriate but don't try to justify it by saying kids deserve a vacation (other than the vacation time they get now).

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That being said, it is every parent's decision if taking their child out of school is appropriate but don't try to justify it by saying kids deserve a vacation (other than the vacation time they get now).



Did anyone say anything about "kids deserving extra vacation time".


I sure never saw that statement anywhere. Parents make decisions based on family time and the needs of each individual families circumstances. No one has the right to judge choices made for the children who have no say about missing school and whether it is appropriate or not.


I personally believe that family time is as important as education and spending time together is a priceless gift.


Any kind of travel or outing is an experience to never forgotten.






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