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Live From!: South America - Rio to Santiago

Sox Fan Cruiser

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Sox fan we are awaiting your latest report particularly how the tour with Patrick Watts went on the Falklands. We will be with him in a couple weeks. We board the ship in Valparaiso when you get off. Please keep the reviews coming.


DW wants to know about the piano player in Crooners. We were on the Golden out of San Pedro in October before the ship transitioned to South America. The piano player had gotten into an argument one night with a pax and we learned the last night he was leaving the ship the next day when we returned to port. He had been fired. We saw the argument and knew the pax had gone to guest relations to file a complaint.

Edited by satxdiver
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on the great Patriots win. hope you got to watch the game


they won't get by the Seahawks, tho... just sayin' :D


i will be berthed in BsAs for the game, with set sail @ 6 pm. probably a party even if there's only us. GO HAWKS!!


and for sure GO DUCKS!!!

Edited by Merlinite
added DUCKS!
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Thanks so much for your wonderful review. I have been having packing nightmares, but your review is really giving me a better idea of what I need to take with. Enjoy your cruise and thanks again for the informative review.

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Sorry but I seem to have falling behind. Luckily there are so many sea days on this cruise! I don’t know how folks on port intensive cruises keep up with a Live From!


(And I didn’t proofread this so please excuse any typos!)


Anyway, we are having a wonderful time! It’s now Sunday and I can’t believe we don’t even fly home for another week!


So back to it. When we last left, I was again on my balcony in jeans and a hoodie. We aren’t getting the sun on our balcony in the morning so it’s kind of cold (we are starboard). We decided to go up top and again and see if it was warm enough in the sun to lay out, read and watch the sea go by. After 3 or 4 attempts, we found a spot out on open deck that was shielded from the wind and was in direct sun. I won’t bother about where because it will depend on so many factors that you will need to find “that spot” on your own. Be patient and find the spot with no wind and no shade and it will be perfect. And perfect it was. The temp was about 65 degrees but when the sun was not behind the clouds, it was almost hot! Off would come the sweatshirt and up would roll the sleeves. When the sun went behind a cloud, the sleeves would be rolled down and if it was too long then the sweatshirt would go back on. The theme here is layers. I never did put shorts on that day but thought about it a couple of times.


We took a break from reading and sea watching to attend the Most Traveled Passengers lunch. We would normally never get invited to such a thing but with all the South Americans onboard, I guess we qualified. We ended up sitting with Sammi, the cruise director and of course I HAD to bring up the issue of watching the NFL.  She assured me that it would be on the screen in Explorers lounge and since the second game started at 10:15, she was promoting showing up in your pajamas and have a big slumber party. (More on that later)


After lunch we changed back into Jeans and a sweatshirt and spent the rest of the day on a deck chair trying to finish at least one of the books that I brought. My goal is 3 but I’m not sure how long that Stephen King is yet so maybe it will only be 2. It was an absolutely beautiful day with only partly cloudy skies so we got to enjoy the last warm(er) weather day for a while.


Because of the big lunch we had, we skipped dinner. But of course we didn’t skip pre-dinner cocktails. We met our new friends at the Wheelhouse for a bit and then we headed to vines for a light dinner. They stopped serving the tapas at 8:30 and since it was 8:25 we ordered that first. I’ve never heard of them stopping it so “early”. Remember on this ship, everything seems to run later. Both because of the South American’s on board and the late sun setting. Then we had some sushi to finish the night. Not impressed this time. I love the sushi onboard normally, especially the ceviche and the whole plate being made to order. But here, the plates were pre-made and stored in the fridge. When you wanted one, the waiter would unwrap the saran wrap and bring it out to you. I am not a big fan of “pre-made” sushi.


After a nibble at Vines (and a pressed ham & cheese croissant from the IC to fill the sushi void!) we headed to Explorers from some Liars Club. It’s my second favorite besides Majority Rules. Will be keeping an eye out for that one too!


The night ended with drinks at Crooners (called the Promenade Bar on this ship) to visit with the lovely bartender Tess. She’s another crew member we’ve sailed with before. We are now bouncing between The Wheelhouse, Crooners, and Players trying to make all our bartender friends happy. They get very grumpy if we don’t come see them every night!


Oh yeah, a swing through the casino made for a very lucrative night. While I usually can end up paying off one of our cruise fares with my blackjack winnings, that won’t happen with this 14 day cruise fare! Luckily I used points from my Princess credit card and one of our fares was completely “free”.


Lastly, the outside pools were completely empty (of people) by this day but with the covered middle pool, the kids were still getting in their water time. The covered pool idea is a wonderful concept for these cold weather itineraries.

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We woke up to “Port Stanley Day” (barely remember what day of the week it is anymore!) to cloudy skies and light rain. I guess that is the day you want in Stanley because when it’s bright and sunny, that means that winds are higher and you might not get in. But we are here and that means only one thing: Penguins!!!


Tendering was non eventful as we are Elite and can go right down to deck 4 four and get off right away. We don’t need to go to the dining room and get a number. We were on the first tender and met with Patrick Watts right on the pier. He has everyone already assigned to a 4X4 before we got there and each driver has a sheet of paper with your name on it. But, our Wheelhouse best friends were also on the tour so we asked if we could switch and they were very accommodating. A little juggling and the four of us were off on a 2 hour drive to go see the penguins.


The first hour is very easy as it’s all on paved road. Our driver talked a lot about The Falklands and their history and other knowledgeable things. We had many laughs and learned a lot. He was the perfect driver for the four of us.


The second hour is nothing like the first. It takes another 1 hour to travel 11 miles as there is no road what-so-ever. We are traveling over wet, grassy plains on our way to the coast. We travel as one big group as you are likely to get stuck once or twice along the route. Especially with the rain, the land was wet and muddy. But as soon as you were stuck another car came around, took out a rope and up pulled you to dry land. They were very quick about it. The rain was coming down quite heavy at times and it made for a long ride. But it was so much fun! Our driver was very good and 4-wheeling and this ride was an adventure in itself that I would have paid money to do even without the penguins. (Maybe the bottles of wine we brought for the ride back helped a little!)


Seeing the penguins was awesome! They had Kings and two other types (that I can’t remember how to spell so I won’t try). Big colonies of them, in fact! We could walk right up to them and come within about 5 feet of them. The rule is 5 meters, but I don’t know the metric system so I just guessed!  We were very respectful and as the driver told us, let the penguins decide. If they walked away we stopped. If they stood there looking at you, crouch down and look back at them. It was a great experience.


Oh, with one slight problem. It was raining very very hard! We had about 90 minutes with the penguins but after about 2 minutes we were soaked to the core! There was very strong winds and heavy rain and within minutes, even our underwear was already wet! Bring good quality rain gear!!! I’ll say it again. Bring good quality rain gear. Not saying that everyone will have rain in Stanley, but if you do, be sure to stay drive. I had a good rain jacket that I forget to zip all the way up and so my sweatshirt underneath was soaked. I also have great rain pants that I left at home!! If I had them with me, it would have been no problem at all. So bring good quality rain gear!


The ride back was just as much fun only were doing it while sitting is soaking wet jeans! But more laughs and more Falklands info and we were back to the port in no time. (okay two hours again, but it seemed like no time.) Alan, our driver also gave us a tour of the town, even swinging by his house so we could see his Lab sitting in the window waiting for him to come. A truly beautiful dog, and with two of our own at home, it was a nice little reminder of our two boys staying with our dog walker.


The tender ride back was not much fun as we were now freezing, trying to stay warm as we sat there in wet jeans. Once on board, we grabbed coffee and went to our room to get out of the wet clothes!


We waited around with nervous energy waiting for our beloved Patriots to play and when it was time, we put on our Pats jerseys and headed to the cigar bar. Yes, the cigar bar. “But you told us it would be on the big screen in Explorers bar” you’re thinking? Yes it was. But again, since we were making friends with the bartenders, they wanted us to visit them. Miles, the bartender has promised a spread of food and decorations in his bar so we wanted to support him and so off to Players we went. He really is a great bartender so it was not a problem.


As we passed Explorers the crowd was starting fill up and all the wait staff was dressed in referee shirts. We got to Players and Miles didn’t disappoint. He had a spread of chicken wings, pigs in a blanket and some chips and salsa. Also, he put out bags of popcorn at halftime. I am what you might call a “loud fan” and was screaming and clapping for most of the game. Maybe it was better in this setting than in explorers with a lot of other people! Luckily my team came out victorious after a very tense game! I also really enjoyed watching the game at a bar setting instead of in a lounge. The only down side of the night was that we were inundated with smoke. An older couple came and sat right behind us and chain smoked the entire game. Even the Wheelhouse friends who were with us, who smoke, said that they were too much. Our clothes wreak of smoke and even my hair smells like tobacco. But we knew that going in and really wanted to support our bartender friend who went through so much trouble.


Now that I could relax, we headed to Explorers for the second game. They also had the pigs in a blanket and chicken wings plus some little pizzas. It was a nice time. And I guess I should mention that there was no reason to show it on MUTS as was too cold to be out there anyway. The experience at Explorers was a very nice event.


(Oh, I should mention that in the middle of the 4th quarter of the Pats game, the screen went blank and we lost the satellite feed! Luckily it was only for about 5 seconds and came back on before I time to panic!!)


The seas definitely started to get rougher as the night went on and we heard a couple of bangs against the hull while in players. But between the stabilizers and it calming down a little, it was a very quiet night sleeping once again.


I have taken note of all your questions and will answer them later today some time. But I’ve spent over an hour already on this and want to go explore the ship. I will tell you that it is now cold. Stepping out on the balcony in a shirt and pajama bottoms lasts for no more than 20 seconds! We are approaching Cape Horn and just passed a beautiful mountainous land mass but I’m enjoying it from the comfort of my bed with the curtains pulled all the way back! And yes, football will be shown again but this time in the Vista lounge. It conflicts with the scenic cruising period so I’ll be ducking in an out. I didn’t come all this way just to watch Peyton Manning. I see enough of him on the commercials!

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Thanks for sharing your experiences and for emphasizing about the changes in weather on this itinerary so that others can pack accordingly. We were lucky enough to have sunshine when we visited the Falklands but it started pouring when we tendered back and it was so foggy as we left that it was eerie.


Sammie was our cruise director for our around the horn trip too. We were onboard for the Super Bowl which was shown on MUTS and in the Princess theatre. We were rock and rolling off the coast of Chile and it was blustery, so the Princess theatre was packed.


Enjoy the rest of your cruise and thanks again for allowing me to relive our wonderful cruise!

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And now for the day that we’ve all been waiting for. We are sailing around the horn!!


But first we get to enjoy a lovely sea day. WAY too cold to go outside today. Pretty rough seas so the ship was bouncing around a little, but they keep it as level as they can. But very windy. No one was out on deck at all except for the poor security woman that needs to make the rounds and some kids with nothing to do but run around and expel energy.


So we both grabbed our books and headed to Skywalkers from some relaxing.


At around 3pm the NFL football game was shown in the Vista lounge so we headed down there. Nothing special this time, just the game on and a few waiters to serve cocktails. But the real show started at 4:30!


We approached Cape Horn around that time and so we headed up to our balcony to watch the beautiful scenery. We are on the Starboard side but the Captain decided to circle the island from the ships Port side. DO NOT WORRY! You are not in a speed boat. We go nice and slow that you can view everything from all different areas of the ship. After ordering champagne from room service, we watched from our balcony with our Wheelhouse best friends. Then we headed up top for some pictures with Cape Horn itself. Then on to their balcony for some more beverages as we went viewed the horn from the south. It was really cool to look straight ahead and think about where we were! The whole world (almost) was right in front of us.


As for weather, it was quite cold and windy while all the north side but seemed to calm down a little while on the south side. There were storm clouds all around us and you could see showers happening everywhere. But surprisingly the rain didn’t catch up with us until the very end. But it was getting dark and time to go in anyway. Seriously I only wore jeans and a hoody and was for the most part just fine. It was extremely windy at times and those with thinner blood would want to bundle up a little more.


Nothing much else to report. We headed back to the Vista lounge for the second NFL game and then a couple of drinks in the Wheelhouse and we called it a night. Excursion starts at 7:40 AM tomorrow! Dinner was from the BBQ grill up top which is what the hamburger grill turns into at night. The pulled port sandwich was terrific!!


I have all your questions written down and will answer them when I return to the ship after my excursions today.

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I saw on the bridgecam yesterday that you were doing scenic cruising @ Cape Horn, and the sea did look choppy.


Have you any idea what the actual outside temp was yesterday? I am still trying to decide what cold weather outer clothing I will need to pack, because we'll be doing the same thing at the "Horn" on Feb 26th!!

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I saw on the bridgecam yesterday that you were doing scenic cruising @ Cape Horn, and the sea did look choppy.


Have you any idea what the actual outside temp was yesterday? I am still trying to decide what cold weather outer clothing I will need to pack, because we'll be doing the same thing at the "Horn" on Feb 26th!!


Looks like in the 40's http://www.windfinder.com/forecast/cape_horn


Best advice for this itinerary is to layer!

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What a fortuitous find. Today, I just booked the Star for Christmas/New Years 2015/16 around The Cape. I am still fairly new to Princess and was unaware that the Star and Golden are sister ships. I've learned a lot already. Thank you for all that you are sharing.

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I hope people are finding this beneficial. We aren’t the normal cruisers I guess as we don’t go to shows, eat the buffet or sit by the main pool. My main goal is to help those folks on future SA cruises get an idea of the weather and ports to help them with what they need to pack. From what the crew is saying, you’

VERY beneficial. Thank you! We aren't normal cruisers, either. Your style sounds a lot closer to ours.


I love your writing style! Excellent thread! I love your attitude! :D


I was so relaxed and they mostly well behaved that I decided not to care
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Sorry everyone! We lost internet halfway through "Puenta Arenas" day and it never came back. I am now sitting in my hotel room in Santiago. The satellite went down and we couldn't use internet or phones.


But don't worry, I was continuing my "Live From" offline and will upload later! Off to dinner now.

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