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Spirit LA - LA via Auckland


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Wellseasoned/Dieter & Debbie; Passed Evelyn (your butler from your recent Spirit cruise) enroute to breakfast today and passed both of your warm regards along--big smile from Evelyn (but she is glad she does have to pick up your stinky socks anymore)


NJBelle/Janice; Thank you for your kind words. Ida and I wish you both fair winds and following seas on your upcoming Asia voyage on the Wind--we will be following you as this itinerary is on our to do list to:


Here is EnglishUSA/David in one of his daily Tshirts (will now try to share his daily tshirt with y'all(





We enjoyed a nice Lautoka, Fiji Orchid farm and Viesei village excursion yesterday.

Pls enjoy a few pix below. First is Emtsbam/Bob & Victoria enjoying fresh fruit juice and freshly cut fruit.




EnglishUSA/David enjoying the fruit juice as well on yesterday at yesterday's Orchid farm:




Ida peaking out of a fern on the Orchid Farm:




Our Viesei Village Fijian Tour guides, Ida and I enjoying some Kava..err mean fruit juice:



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Yesterday's port stop was SavuSavu, Fiji. Please enjoy a few pix of our visit:


Our sunrise as the Spirit entered the port of SavuSavu:





For the first time ashore since Sydney we saw members of the Spirit's outstanding Reception Team. LtoR; Ida, Laura (from Chile),Jean (from Taipei)




The Silver Spirit anchored in the waters of SavuSavu, Fiji




Artists of Silversea presenting their last performance of "Signed, Sealed, Delievered," A Tribute to Motown.





Bree, Melissa, and Vicki performing:


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Please enjoy some dinner pix from last night's home run dinner in the main Restaurant:


We began outstanding (OMG) Caramelised Red Onion & Jarlsberg Tart:





Next pasta course was prepared by Chef Byong shown here with Ida and Linquine al Pesto (made outstanding with the addition of pine nuts--Ida took notes):




Our delish main course was Steak & Ale (Striploin Steak of Aberdeen Black Angus, Blue Cheese Potato Mash, Broccoli with New Castle Ale jus.




For desert, "Fantasia" White Chocolate underneath, topped with a macaroon, drizzled with raspberry sauce, Armando (Pastry Chef trainee from Italy) and Jessica (outstanding server in the Restaurant, from Canada)



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Yes, Herman my bad, Moss Hills will replace Don Fluke.


Victoria, Moss becomes Spirit CD on Mar 27th--alas when we disembark.


Excellent news for our TA on 13 Apr. Not only is Moss a great CD, he performs an excellent show each voyage - the highlight of any cruise!


Above all that he is one of nature's true gentlemen.

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To the Sunset; fair winds & following seas for your April Spirit voyage.



As yesterday unfolded, we continued to celebrate Ida’s birthday with the wonderful Silver Spirit crew special touch. The Spirit team that helped us make Ida’s birthday dinner very, very special-- Damain (Restaurant Mgr), Kiri (Head Sommelier), Nelson (Server), Reception team (Laura, Nicole, Jean, Alix)



Just prior to our dinner we gathered in front of the Restaurant (LtoR; Wes, Ida, EnglishUSA/David, Richards49/Helen and George. Emtsbam/Bob & Victoria joined us soon thereafter (second pix below) LtoR; seated Ida, Emtbsam/Victoria, Richards49/Helen, standing LtoR, Wes, Emtsbam/Bob, Richards49/George.







Some of the outstanding Spirit Restaurant team came to our table after dinner and sang happy birthday to Ida in Spanish (Las Mananitas) and English led Ricardo--we all chimed in staring at the mouth watering Gateau St. Honore cake that the Spirit

Pastry Team led by Chef Eric prepared for Ida.





We coordinated with the outstanding Restaurant Maitre’d Damian for Ida’s dinner (Foie Gras, Lobster Risotto, and Beef Tournedos, desert was a Gateau St. Honore cake). Pls enjoy a few more special dinner pix below, first pix below is Emtsbam/Bob & Victoria

speaking with/thanking executive Chef Jerome. Second pix is Ida thanking the Pastry key members of the Spirit Pastry team, Pastry Chef Eric and Pastry Chef trainee Adrian.







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Affer that fabulous birthday dinner, we adjourned to the show lounge for the premier Silversea show of Stephani “Spark” Whittemore—international vocalist, songwriter, pianist, and guitarist. Stephani beautifully presented diverse medley of songs (Jazz, pop, her own compositions). Stephani recognized Ida’s birthday by announcing her birthday prior to singing a rousing rendition of Elton John’s Benny and the Jets and during the Chorus, sang, Benny, Benny..Ida, Ida…as the warm/welcoming Spirit audience sang along. Pls enjoy a few pix below:







Ida thanked Stephani for "rocking" the Show Lounge during her first performance. Stephani will do a tribute to Whitney Houston in a few days, with Stephani's powerful, sultry, smooth voice bet she nails Whitney.




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Today we were fortunate to be able to be included in a Silversea Exclusive Event that

was breathtaking/spectacular display of Samoan Warrior culture. Pls enjoy a few pix below:





Ida smiling broadly after receiving numerous Samoan flower leis from these Samoan Warriors:






Emtsbam/Bob and Victoria enjoying the Samoan warrior dancing:






Ida working with La Terraza Maitre'd (Donato--center of pix) presented her two Samoan Flower leis to Florina (right) and Sharletta.



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Spinnaker2/Candy & Larry; Thanks for Ida's belated born day well wishes--absolutely cuisine and adult beverages we're outstanding. The Silver Spirit Team clearly went above & beyond making Ida's birthday a special day for her treasure. Kudos go to the Reception Team (Nicole, Alix, Jean, Luara) for special invitations, servers Alan (for birthday special cappuccino), Donato for presenting Ida a gracious lunch birth day greeting in La Terraza, Spirit featured entertainer, Stephani Whittemore for Ida's birthday shout out during her Elton John son. Damian, the Restaurant maitre'd went way above & beyond expertly coordinating a perfectly served dinner for seven of us. Members of the Spirit Sommelier team; Head Sommelier Kire & Nerick expertly paired and poured our wines to match Exec Chef Jerome's (Foie Gras, Lobster Risotto, Tournedos Rossini) And the pastry team led by Chef Eric bake the best birthday cake Ida and I have ever tasted. Also, thanks to Amadeus in the Panorama lounge for honoring special requests; birthday song and "my way." Lorenzo and Michael our outstanding suite team (butler and room steward) suite birthday decorations also added to Ida's special feeling. Today, we delivered a two page hand written thank you to the Reception Team thru the GM (Flavio) to these outstanding Silver Spirit team members.




About 8:15 in the morning yesterday, we went on an independent excursion of Apia, Samoa with outstanding tour operator Scenic Samoa. Pls enjoy a few pix of Bob/Victoria, George/Helen and Ida and I enjoying Samoa--we all agreed--we like Samoa (only 5 hrs) so much Samoa is on our return to see list:


The Church of Immaculate Conception in Apia, Samoa:






Sophie our outstanding tour guide of Scenic Samoa took us next the the Apia fruit market:




Sophie proudly displays Samoa fruits/veggies (we've never seen such giant zucchini, and green beens) The Soil found in Apia is terrifically rich for veggie and fruit growing.





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After a wonderful visit to the Apia, Samoa fruit market we headed up into the hills of Apia towards the Robert Luis Stevenson museum. First we made a visit to the Baha'i House of Worship. Pls enjoy a few pix:




As we explored the grounds of the Baha'i house of worship we met Marco, who ensures the grounds look beautiful. LtoR: Marco, Sophie (our Apia Tomoa, Scenic Samoa tour guide), and Ida.





We then headed down from the Worship Hall to the Robert Louis Stevenson Museum. Along the way we passed numerous & gorgeous embassy grounds. Feeling patriotic emotions pulling our heartstrings we asked our driver Jack to stop so we could take a pix of Old Glory flying behind the walls of the US embassy in Apia.




We ended up on our independent tour at the Robert Louis Stevenson Musuem. This beautiful island plantation home was orignially built by the famous author Robert Luis Stevenson (who is now beloved in Apia & Samoa). The museum served as the official

home for the head of numerous administrations in Western Samoa.


On the porch of the museum, Samoa warrior musicians get ready to play for Silver Spirit Guests:




Pls enjoy a few more pix of this exciting/passionate Samoa Warriors dancing for us

at the remarkable included Silversea exclusive event for all guests:



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Our Hotel Director, Flavio was named as ceremonial chief for the 200 or so Samoan Warriors who performed for about 250 Spirit guests at this spectacular Silversea included event:





Our visit to Samoa was truly an exceptional port visit--enhance first by a marvelous independout tour of Apia, Samoa by Scenic Samoa, and further enhance by the outstanding Silversea event featuring 200+ Samoa Warrior performing for us--Silversea had cool refreshments (beer, soda, wine, et. al) and horse dervies for

guest. Only challenge was the temp/humidity (easy felt like over 100F or 33 C) and for many of us that was our visit to the sauna :) yesterday.


Pls enjoy a pix of today's sunrise taken about 7 a.m., as we head towards Fanning Island and will enjoy two consecutive sea days:




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Spinnaker2/Candy, alas, just heard (8 a.m. at sea) that Vanuatu was hit by the Cyclone with 300km winds--we are hundreds of knotical miles away sailing (2nd of three sea days) towards our next port Fanning Island. We do hope/pray loss of life, damage to property in Vanuatu was low. Appreciate the smooth sailing well wishes too.


Dougburns, Ida and I thank you for your well wishes, Ida often has conversations and toasts to Lynn and you at our cocktail hour in the Panorama lounge before dinner :). Please see David's daily tshirt worn yesterday (first day at sea after our visit to Apia, Samoa. David is doing well we enjoyed drinks w/David during lunch at the Restaurant yesterday after David ate lunch in La Terraza. Pls see his daily t-shirt pix below the Silversea crew member profile directly below:



Silversea Silver Spirit Crew member profile:



Today, we meet Joe, one of the Provision Men serving now on the Spirit. Joe is in charge of a three person Provision team (JC, Nino (pictured with Joe below (L2R, Joe, JC, Nino), not pictured is third member of their team Herbert). Joe has been serving with Silversea almost 17 years (he began his career with Silversea in 1998). When asked what Joe likes best about working on Silversea ships, Joe enthusiastically says it is a good working environment with an excellent team. Joe's favorite Silversea ship is the one he is working on. He tells me the provision team (managing over 1000+ items) hardest duty is once a month off loading ship containers to stock the provisions on the Spirit. Joe has been married to Sally for 14 years and has three beautiful daughters




EnglishUSA/David's daily themed T-shirt:




In the afternoon yesterday on board the Spirit Emtbsam/Bob & Victoria competed in the member/guest ping pong tournament. Please enjoy a few pix of their friendly competition below. kudos to Bob for beating a Silver Spirit guest from Canada in the finals! Nicolas, the food in beverage manager on board made it to the semi-finals and is shown in the pix below:







We enjoyed another outstanding dinner in La Terraza last night with International Hostess Ana, and Helen and George. Apologize for dark pix, will take my point and shoot along with my Ipad mini to capture low light pix at night. LtoR, Standing: George, Ana, Ida, Wes, seated Helen.



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Kudos to Victoria and Bob, well-known SS ping pong wizards! And thank you, Wes, for going back to a real camera rather than that I-Pad mini thing for taking your indoor photos!Hope you get in to Fanning Island. Not much infrastructure, but we loved it and the people! We'd love to be there with all of you. And thanks for the David T-shirt photos. And his wines look good!



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Emtsbham are the most active of our passengers particpating in multiple Spirit activities all day long (Ping Pong, Volleball, Trivia) and winning in most of them. Bob and Victoria are not only good sports but wonderful friends and model Silversea guests.


Wellseasoned/Dieter; You're welcome.


Pls enjoy some pix from yesterday guest vs crew volleyball game. Emtsbham/Bob, Victoria, Ida, and guest Derrick played a competitive game against the crew. Victoria got leg cramps deep into the game and Captain Zanello came in to play for the guests

(Hooah, Capt Zanello!)










Sunrise pix from yesterday on our second of three sea days (Mar 14) as we sail to

Fanning Island. Ida and I along with many, many fellow Silver Spirit guests are heartbroken with the death and destruction caused by Cyclone Pam about a week after our visit to this beautiful So Pacific nation.





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The storm looked hellacious.

I don't recall exactly where Wes said they disembarked, but the devastation seems widespread.

It is a tragedy and a reminder of the power of nature, yet again. I am not sure what assistance we can offer, but maybe red cross contributions?

I will look online.

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Englishusa, spinnaker2, almost spit out my coffee at la terraza when I read y'alls post.




Silversea Spirit Crew member profile:




Please meet Pat, the Bosun (Boss) of the Spirit Deck Department (15 person team).

He supervises the deck department in their principal duties (maintenance of the ship; painting, washing the deck (ensuring salt is washed off railings, deck chairs, et.al) tender operations and assisting maneuvering the ship when docking. In my observation the deck crew are some of the hardest working Spirit crewmembers on board.

When asked what Pat likes most about serving on the Spirit, "it is very nice to work with a good team."

Pat has been with Silversea for 15 years he is married to his wife Mennie and has one beautiful daughter Nicole. His home is the Phillipines.







Sent from my iPad mini using Tapatalk

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Candy, we disembarked in Vanuatu @ Port Vila on March 7th. Captain Zanello at his noon announcements sadly just reported unofficial death toll is about 40 with lots of damage. Vanuatu still has no electricity he reported. Ida and I both hope international aid arrives soonest, and so fondly recall the warm, friendly nature of the Vanuatu people.

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Apparently the place you disembarked no longer resembles that which you saw when you arrived.

A poignant lesson in how very fragile our life and environment truly is.

Destruction from this storm appears massive. A direct hit on the port Vila.

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