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M&G was poorly attended


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Sometimes things happen. On my November cruise, I fully intended to go to the meet and greet that was at 9:30am the first sea day, but when I woke up at 10:00am, I figured I would have missed the entire thing even if I got up immediately showered and dressed.


So true, and after you have had a chance to read the Freestyle Daily, who knows what you may want to do with your precious cruise time. All the more reason to make it short and sweet. Get to the point, and if people want to linger and chat, they are welcome to do so. The rest can scatter and enjoy whatever.

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We'll see how ours turns out next week but I think it should be good. We all had to sign up specifically for the M&G and the list is updated and circulated often. Further, one member arranged for a list of "key words" where each member gave some key words about themselves ahead of time for conversation starters.


Also, someone organized a slot pull following the M&G.


I sometimes don't make it to the M&G because I get carried away having other kinds of fun, but I feel more inclined to go to this one because of the organizing that has gone into it.


Can you explain this a little further: "Key Words" about themselves ahead of time. I'm interested, but not sure of what really transpired here.

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Can you explain this a little further: "Key Words" about themselves ahead of time. I'm interested, but not sure of what really transpired here.


Key words like "desert dweller", or "Hoosier". Then each person can take 15 minutes to expound on themselves.

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Glad you agree! And I agree, the host should ask for a Bridge Tour, But, if you are ever in charge of a Roll Call I am on, I will be sure to sit veeery near the door, so I can make a fast getaway. LOL


I understand LOL Some people do like to tell a little about themselves and where they're from. Others don't. Some leave after the Officers talk and others like to stay and mingle for a little bit or a lot. You can't please everyone, and everyone is free to stay or go. However, the M&G's I've hosted, all except for one, was under 25-30 people. The larger one I hosted I didn't dare even try it! It would have taken way toooo long!


BTW, I'd love to actually meet you....M&G or not!



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A big problem is you register for a M&G.


There are things on the ship you are really looking forward to


Galley Tour


Some lecture

Some show

Bridge tour

Whatever floats your boat


And the thing you really wanted to do clashes with the M&G.

If possible you should still swing by and still sign the list that NCL puts out, even if you cannot stay. I learned that on one cruise where everyone on the list was invited to a BTS tour...

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I understand LOL Some people do like to tell a little about themselves and where they're from. Others don't. Some leave after the Officers talk and others like to stay and mingle for a little bit or a lot. You can't please everyone, and everyone is free to stay or go. However, the M&G's I've hosted, all except for one, was under 25-30 people. The larger one I hosted I didn't dare even try it! It would have taken way toooo long!


BTW, I'd love to actually meet you....M&G or not!




Escape January 23 2016. The Roll Call is already going.;).


I do think the M&GS are definitely worthwhile. But I think the key to making them good is when you are already acquainted from the Roll Call. Maybe some of those ideas, like key words, could be implemented on the Roll Call itself and get people involved. ( why do you call yourself desert dweller? ) Why wait till the actual meeting? I just joined one that I will be on for a year. Plenty of time to get to know a little about each other.

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OK, I'll post a bit of a differing opinion from many who have posted to suggest things like submitting info for a bio in a newsletter type thing, going around the room to tell everyone who you are and where you are from, gift exchanges, etc.


You can easily get to know people on your cruise before you even board, by being active and chatting on your role call. In doing that, you may find people you want to specifically track down at the M&G, or just mingle, and you are free to do that while waiting for the intro of the officers or after that is concluded, for as long as you wish to stay.


I personally have no desire to sit through 30+ intros, a gift exchange, etc. I have places to go and things to do. IMO, this is a turn off to most potential M&G attendees, who just don't want to be bothered, and if it seems like it is getting too complicated and time consuming, they will just bail on the M&G.


Don't mean to sound antisocial. Have spent time chatting with people at the M&GS, done Cabin Crawls and Slot Pulls. But all I want is to have the officers intro'd, get their contact info, chat a little and then be free to get the heck out of there. If you want the M&GS to be "better" then get out of your chairs and mingle, and get active on the roll call.


I might not agree with you, but you do have a point. A lot of people prefer not to spend too much time at M&G and yes, we do make a certain amount of contact just posting on the roll call. On the other side of the coin, most of the fun things some of us like are strictly voluntary. When we have done a gift exchange it is afterwards so those who do not want to take part can leave. The newspaper idea is just a fun way to remember those you cruised with.

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We have attended cc M&G where 150 persons attended and some where only 25 attended. My experience is that it largely depends on how active was the roll call, as well as how many private tours were organized and/or events.


We too have had them from small to very large. I truthfully do not like the ones with a hundred or mosr in attendance, I think those with 25 to about 50 work best.


I also love the idea of the cabin crawl and the slot pull. All these things make for a fun cruise experience, sometimes you end up making a lasting friend and none of the events are forced on anyone. They are strictly a choice. I love to hear what the the management has to say about future plans for the cruise line, how to contact someone if you need help and just have the chance to ask the management questions.

Edited by newmexicoNita
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Getting familiar and making plans together in the rollcall before the cruise really does make a huge difference. On my our last cruise, we did both of our excursions with other members from the Roll call and it was amazing. We ate and drank with other folks from the group and were just super active.


Highly recommend being active in the thread and plan stuff together. It's one thing to go to a M&G and say Hi, but you'll really enjoy things more if you actually do things together.

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I personally have no desire to sit through 30+ intros, a gift exchange, etc. I have places to go and things to do. IMO, this is a turn off to most potential M&G attendees, who just don't want to be bothered, and if it seems like it is getting too complicated and time consuming, they will just bail on the M&G.


Don't mean to sound antisocial. Have spent time chatting with people at the M&GS, done Cabin Crawls and Slot Pulls. But all I want is to have the officers intro'd, get their contact info, chat a little and then be free to get the heck out of there.


Ditto! I always encourage things like gift exchanges to happen at the end of the M&G, so people that don't want to participate can leave. Everyone wants something different, and it's not too hard to accommodate everyone.

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I prefer a quick informal meet up before muster drill to put some names with faces; usually around the pool bar area or something. Very casual, a nice "Hi, how are you, I am so and so". Then when you see people around it's nice to say hi during the cruise, or you may find yourselves sharing a cab or a beer at port. I've been to organized Meet and Mingles and it was very weird. One lady dominated the whole thing and had 3 or 4 couples she clearly knew and everyone else was sort of cast out. Wasn't very friendly and not a good use of vacation time.

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I prefer a quick informal meet up before muster drill to put some names with faces; usually around the pool bar area or something. Very casual, a nice "Hi, how are you, I am so and so". Then when you see people around it's nice to say hi during the cruise, or you may find yourselves sharing a cab or a beer at port. I've been to organized Meet and Mingles and it was very weird. One lady dominated the whole thing and had 3 or 4 couples she clearly knew and everyone else was sort of cast out. Wasn't very friendly and not a good use of vacation time.


Love this! I've had bossy people on roll calls who wanted to organize the whole cruise so I've withdrawn from M&Gs. We once decided on a casual M&G meet up an hour before the first martini tasting as a lot of people seemed interested in doing the tasting. Several people showed up & we were having a great time when this woman walks in and makes an announcement asking where all the CC people were for the M&G (in the middle of martini tasting over 90 minutes after our meet up time) so we could go do a slot pull. We all played dumb.

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Love this! I've had bossy people on roll calls who wanted to organize the whole cruise so I've withdrawn from M&Gs. We once decided on a casual M&G meet up an hour before the first martini tasting as a lot of people seemed interested in doing the tasting. Several people showed up & we were having a great time when this woman walks in and makes an announcement asking where all the CC people were for the M&G (in the middle of martini tasting over 90 minutes after our meet up time) so we could go do a slot pull. We all played dumb.

We to avoid regimentation on our cruises as well. I have found that the M&G is a good place to meet certain ship's officers and meet the real people that have posted on the roll call.


Many times, I organize private tours and it is a great way to introduce myself, so people on my tours know who I am when we meet on the dock for the tours.


The activities like cabin crawl, gift exchange and slot pull are optional and normally not imposed on anyone at the M&G. Usually, another meeting time and place is announced for those activities.


I have had a lot of success organizing M&Gs the night before the cruise at a bar, where many of us get to know each other better.

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I've only attended one M&G, on the Norwegian Dawn, in 2013. I've joined roll calls for other cruises, but there has been very little activity on other roll calls and no M&G.


I arrived at the M&G late on the Dawn. The time stated on the roll call was apparently changed after I left home for the ship and I didn't think to check the roll call the day I boarded. It was clear everyone had been there for awhile and the introduction of ship personnel was getting ready to start. After comments by ship personnel, the M&G was over and everyone began to leave.

I didn't meet anyone through the M&G.


I would attend another M&G if one were organized on one of my cruises. I frequently travel solo and enjoy meeting new people when I travel - it's all part of the journey.

Edited by SteelMagnolia9
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I've found this whole thread very entertaining. I've probably registered for 4 M&G's in the past. The first one I was able to make it to was last year on the Breakaway. My wife and I got there a few minutes late due to our breakfast taking longer than expected. By the time we got there, people were already breaking into groups. I signed in on the sign up sheet and left.



Getting familiar and making plans together in the rollcall before the cruise really does make a huge difference. On my our last cruise, we did both of our excursions with other members from the Roll call and it was amazing. We ate and drank with other folks from the group and were just super active.


Highly recommend being active in the thread and plan stuff together. It's one thing to go to a M&G and say Hi, but you'll really enjoy things more if you actually do things together.


I don't know if I would ever be comfortable making plans with people before meeting them. Especially on something as confined as an excursion. I could see meeting up for a drink or two on the ship and going from there. But setting up beforehand just seems very risky.

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I don't know if I would ever be comfortable making plans with people before meeting them. Especially on something as confined as an excursion. I could see meeting up for a drink or two on the ship and going from there. But setting up beforehand just seems very risky.


No different than doing an excursion with a dozen strangers, really.

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I, also, always ask for a bridge tour and have received one for the M&G group except when on the Getaway and Breakaway. I, also, pass the mic around and ask everyone to introduce themself, say where they're from, and why they choose their UserId and to say a little about themselves. It's really fun and helps everyone remember others. I'm not a drinker so I always ask for the person with the closest birthday or anniversary and give the bottle of wine/champagne to them that I received in my cabin. I also play a 'guessing game'. I fill a container with something.....could be jelly beans, Hershey kisses, nuts, etc. and ask everyone to guess how many are in the container. The person closest without going over gets to keep that container as well as a 'little something else'. You've got to engage the people. You can't just plan it and then let everyone be on their own as they will just stay seated and only talk to those who are at their table. Best is when there is very little tables and chairs and people have to 'mingle'.




Harriet, thanks for the Great ideas. I am hosting my first M&G and am petrified that no one shows up! It is like a recurring nightmare with me. Then I worry- what do I do if people Do Show up? I am an introvert But I think even I can handle your suggestions! :o

I stay in suites and receive the complimentary sparkling wine which DH and I don't drink. So what a great idea to use it as a prop! Also loved the idea of glass with jelly beans/kisses/etc.

Thanks again! You have made me feel much more comfortable!:D

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Harriet, thanks for the Great ideas. I am hosting my first M&G and am petrified that no one shows up! It is like a recurring nightmare with me. Then I worry- what do I do if people Do Show up? I am an introvert But I think even I can handle your suggestions! :o

I stay in suites and receive the complimentary sparkling wine which DH and I don't drink. So what a great idea to use it as a prop! Also loved the idea of glass with jelly beans/kisses/etc.

Thanks again! You have made me feel much more comfortable!:D


Damn, I'm giving all my secrets away! LOL


Enjoy! I love planning things and keep trying to think of other things to do! We all know people love 'give-a-ways' and free stuff!



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Do any of you do a sailaway get together with your roll call after muster drill ? We try to arrange a sailaway for the highest bar on the ship.. We say come dressed for the weather... we supply name tags and chat with everyone for about half hour to an hour weather permitting and say see you tomorrow at the M&G... lots of success :D

Keyword, "DesertDweller" ???? we live in Arizona for half of the year.

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I do think the timing is often the issue. While 11AM on a sea day may sound good, most people were up late enjoying the ship on night one. A cocktail hour would make a lot more sense and probably be better attended. I don't think many people are setting their alarms for a meet and greet.

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I do think the timing is often the issue. While 11AM on a sea day may sound good, most people were up late enjoying the ship on night one. A cocktail hour would make a lot more sense and probably be better attended. I don't think many people are setting their alarms for a meet and greet.



I guess I'm the opposite. I don't like 11AM because I've already been up 5 hours, been lounging by the pool for 3 or 4 of that, and plan to stay a while longer. I'm not going to get dressed and cleaned up to do anything at that point.

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Do any of you do a sailaway get together with your roll call after muster drill ? We try to arrange a sailaway for the highest bar on the ship.. We say come dressed for the weather... we supply name tags and chat with everyone for about half hour to an hour weather permitting and say see you tomorrow at the M&G... lots of success :D

Keyword, "DesertDweller" ???? we live in Arizona for half of the year.


We have done that on several cruises and it is fun plus gives us a chance to get acquainted before the official one with the management. A few times, including the one we are doing in April will be held in someones suite.

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I do think the timing is often the issue. While 11AM on a sea day may sound good, most people were up late enjoying the ship on night one. A cocktail hour would make a lot more sense and probably be better attended. I don't think many people are setting their alarms for a meet and greet.

Unfortunately that is the time usually assigned by NCL for the M & G. Over the years this has become the norm. If you think about it having it at a consistent time allows the Officers to attend as they can plan their busy schedules ahead of time. Other groups also exist and need meeting space.


On the Getaway the ship was on such a tight schedule they were definitely pushing us out of Cagney's at the one hour mark.

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Do any of you do a sailaway get together with your roll call after muster drill ? We try to arrange a sailaway for the highest bar on the ship.. We say come dressed for the weather... we supply name tags and chat with everyone for about half hour to an hour weather permitting and say see you tomorrow at the M&G... lots of success :D

Keyword, "DesertDweller" ???? we live in Arizona for half of the year.


The best sailaway party I ever attended with fellow Roll Callers was on the Star when one of our members had the huge Garden Villa and they invited us up for sailaway. We did a cabin crawl on the second sea day, and they suggested they be the last one on the list so that we could again enjoy their space.


Some of us also enjoyed lunch in Teppanyaki one day. The GV owner requested that they open for us, and they did. We did a sign up on the roll call and the first 12 or so to sign up for it got to go. It pays to have friends in high places.;).


Some Roll Calls even plan a precruise get together somewhere for drinks/dinner the night before the cruise, as many people fly in a day early.

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