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Interesting RCL Review Trend

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Having just gotten off the Grandeur, and with an Anthem cruise in 3 months, I've been avidly reading all reviews about both ships. I'm not talking about the threads here, but what is posted in the "Reviews" section.


Most of the reviews have been decidedly negative, especially for the Anthem.

But if you look at the posters, in almost every situation the reviewer is posting their first ever review and they have ZERO posts on the Cruise Critic Forum.


Members who post on the Forum have tended to be more positive about their experiences.


I'm not sure what it means, but it is very odd.



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That's why I tend to prefer reviews on the board because they are more interactive. Some of the ones in the review section are SO nitpicky, you have to wonder if these people ever have a good time. Although some of their complaints are always good for a few laughs.

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I feel about reviews like I do about taking photos of EVERYTHING...you spend so much time with the details, I wonder when you have time to actually ENJOY your vacation experience!


I marvel at the people who take photos of everyone's entree, the doorknob, and which way the toilet paper is hung....and then proceed to tell you every, single experience they had. In great detail....when did they have time to have fun????? What do the others in their family think of this business of spending more time writing a review than spending time with them???

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I like reading the reviews, do not trust reviews or post of people that have never posted before. Always love when you read 2 reviews of same ship and same week and one is totally positive and other is totally negative.

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I like reading the reviews, do not trust reviews or post of people that have never posted before. Always love when you read 2 reviews of same ship and same week and one is totally positive and other is totally negative.


Same with us. It's hard to totally trust a first time poster who only seems to have joined CC to complain about a cruise. :rolleyes:



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I feel about reviews like I do about taking photos of EVERYTHING...you spend so much time with the details, I wonder when you have time to actually ENJOY your vacation experience!


I marvel at the people who take photos of everyone's entree, the doorknob, and which way the toilet paper is hung....and then proceed to tell you every, single experience they had. In great detail....when did they have time to have fun????? What do the others in their family think of this business of spending more time writing a review than spending time with them???


I don't think everyone writes reviews while they are actually on the cruise. I write mine when I get back and it is based on memory as I don't write down anything while I am on the cruise. As far as pictures are concerned, some people like to take more pictures than other and I see nothing wrong with that as some people like to do their review in more of a "Blog" style having more detail of their day to day experience and some like to have less detail and have more of the traditional review style. I enjoy both myself and I love the pictures. :cool:

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I like reading the reviews, do not trust reviews or post of people that have never posted before. Always love when you read 2 reviews of same ship and same week and one is totally positive and other is totally negative.


It is interesting to see completely opposite reviews. That said, everyone has to have a first review at some point. It should not mean that the person is not trustworthy. It does not mean that their first review is of their "first cruise." I had been on several cruises before I discovered Cruise Critic. I understand not giving a first time poster or first time reviewer as much weight as someone else.


When I do a review either under the member reviews or on the boards, I just usually try to skim over the highlights- commenting on the things that Wowed me and the things that were underwhelming. Usually not complaints, but just observations.

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It's great to see some pictures. :)


Not so good when the pictures are of the same place showing EACH family member doing the same thing. :rolleyes:


Happily, no one is making me read boring reviews so it's no problem for me whatever sort of reviews people post. :)



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It is interesting to see completely opposite reviews. That said, everyone has to have a first review at some point. It should not mean that the person is not trustworthy. It does not mean that their first review is of their "first cruise." I had been on several cruises before I discovered Cruise Critic. I understand not giving a first time poster or first time reviewer as much weight as someone else.


When I do a review either under the member reviews or on the boards, I just usually try to skim over the highlights- commenting on the things that Wowed me and the things that were underwhelming. Usually not complaints, but just observations.


Exactly! Same here and I always start my reviews with "This is a review which is my opinion of the things I saw and experienced on the cruise and others on the cruise may have a different opinion"! As with you I don't fill the review with complaints! :cool:

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As others have said you have to experience it yourself. The Quantum OTS has been vilified on this board since its introduction, but I took a 11 nite cruise from Bayonne to the Carib. and it was one of the best cruises taken. The food selections on the various restaurants was better than on other ships, but I had reservations firmly in hand. The biggest problem that I experienced was not with the ship, but with their reservations system--all of my entertainment reserves which were carefully planned around dinner times suddenly disappeared from my cruise planner some 4 weeks prior to sailing and had to scramble to replace them and fit them to the dining times.

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I love seeing pictures! (Not of family members doing the same thing over and over) but of the ships and the ports and the food and the drinks!


I have noticed that many of the negative reviews seemed to have been written by people who had unrealistic expectations and had no idea what a cruise entailed.


An avid poster on CC has a great quote in their signature and I can't remember who it is - but it's something like 'Never travel with expectations - you'll always be disappointed."


Too many people expect things that they have no real reason to expect. Like a deck chair for every single person aboard, five star quality "BUFFET" food, or gluten-free, vegan, free range toilet paper!!!!


I love this hive of information - that's where I'll get advice about cruising. Not the reviews.

Edited by casinostreer
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They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and we love reviews that are full of photos. If they are redundantly filled with people repeating the same activity or in front of the same feature, I just scroll past them.


Due to the expense of Wifi and that I am out and about enjoying the cruise, we usually post reviews upon our return. I make notes when there is something I want to be sure to share.


Negative reviews have their place. We peruse them for useful info. For example, we chose Allure over Oasis to avoid CATS after reading overwhelmingly negative reviews. We were glad to be warned which jewelry shops to avoid on St Maarten.


I do feel sorry for cruisers who let picky little issues dampen their fun. You can always find something to be happy about on a cruise!

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I feel about reviews like I do about taking photos of EVERYTHING...you spend so much time with the details, I wonder when you have time to actually ENJOY your vacation experience!


I marvel at the people who take photos of everyone's entree, the doorknob, and which way the toilet paper is hung....and then proceed to tell you every, single experience they had. In great detail....when did they have time to have fun????? What do the others in their family think of this business of spending more time writing a review than spending time with them???




If you're focusing in on little things and taking pictures, you could very well be experiencing it MORE than another person. People taking tons of pictures or taking notes/journaling while on the trip are right there in the moment, noticing and reacting to what is happening around them.


It's not a negative thing at all. And it doesn't mean they are ignoring their families.


I used to write reports for our Disney trips that way, and the trips were thoroughly enjoyed by all of us. Now I've pretty much taken pictures of everything, and an 11 year old doesn't say as many adorable and cute things (nor does an 11 year old want their cute sayings to be shared) so there's a lot less to say, and I don't really write them anymore.


And I have very little interest in writing up cruise reports.

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I think many people use a review to vent about the shortcomings they perceive on a cruise. Those who had a wonderful time often don't take the time to write a review.




I was thinking along the same lines. Some with negative experiences want to post and warn others, while others may be more likely to arrive home and tell their friends and family how wonderful it was.

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I love seeing pictures! (Not of family members doing the same thing over and over) but of the ships and the ports and the food and the drinks!


I have noticed that many of the negative reviews seemed to have been written by people who had unrealistic expectations and had no idea what a cruise entailed.


An avid poster on CC has a great quote in their signature and I can't remember who it is - but it's something like 'Never travel with expectations - you'll always be disappointed."


Too many people expect things that they have no real reason to expect. Like a deck chair for every single person aboard, five star quality "BUFFET" food, or gluten-free, vegan, free range toilet paper!!!!


I love this hive of information - that's where I'll get advice about cruising. Not the reviews.


Look, I need gluten free toilet paper okay!?! If it has too much gluten it gives me a stomach ache! Luckily it's all vegan nowadays, or I wouldn't eat it.

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Look, I need gluten free toilet paper okay!?! If it has too much gluten it gives me a stomach ache! Luckily it's all vegan nowadays, or I wouldn't eat it.



LOL!!!! I'm glad you get my humor!


I so love it when people avoid things with gluten and tell me it's because they're vegan. (Not you - just in general.)


But I only eat fair trade sustainably farmed compostable toilet paper. (When I'm not on my juice cleanse.)

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But seriously - that's a very good point. People who have a great time usually don't take the time to write a review.


The people who had a "terrible time" and need to vent love to write reviews because they think that they're hurting the big company that wronged them.

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Having just gotten off the Grandeur, and with an Anthem cruise in 3 months, I've been avidly reading all reviews about both ships. I'm not talking about the threads here, but what is posted in the "Reviews" section.


Most of the reviews have been decidedly negative, especially for the Anthem.

But if you look at the posters, in almost every situation the reviewer is posting their first ever review and they have ZERO posts on the Cruise Critic Forum.


Members who post on the Forum have tended to be more positive about their experiences.


I'm not sure what it means, but it is very odd.




I don´t think it´s odd at all. Actually it´s about what I would expect.


People that had complaints or a bad time will go on a Mission to voice their bad experience online These days.

These are the People who are not interested in a discussion and participation in a message board, so they post their Review but never get on the boards. Most likely you will find a copy and paste of These Reviews elsewhere as well.


Those People participating here tend to be more balanced and if a first time poster makes the mistake to post a "bad only" Review they will most likely be torn apart and not return.


The more serious Reviews that post good, bad and ugly will usually be up to discuss their complaints. Even then it´s still their opinion and perception of things and the next guy on the same cruise might have had a different view.


I´ve been on Cruises and read Reviews of those Cruises later where I thought WOW, must have been a different ship and crew !!!


In short - I don´t give much on Reviews.

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Having just gotten off the Grandeur, and with an Anthem cruise in 3 months, I've been avidly reading all reviews about both ships. I'm not talking about the threads here, but what is posted in the "Reviews" section.




Most of the reviews have been decidedly negative, especially for the Anthem.


But if you look at the posters, in almost every situation the reviewer is posting their first ever review and they have ZERO posts on the Cruise Critic Forum.




Members who post on the Forum have tended to be more positive about their experiences.




I'm not sure what it means, but it is very odd.







In my opinion, some people vent their frustration simply because they don't know what is the norm. Which they could have learnt from CC.

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Too many people expect things that they have no real reason to expect. Like a deck chair for every single person aboard, five star quality "BUFFET" food, or gluten-free, vegan, free range toilet paper!!!!


First thank you for a wonderful, start of the day, laugh. Not a big smile or a chuckle, but rather a full out loud laugh. Just read the sentence again and laughed out loud again. Love it.


My spouse has been reading all the reviews on Anthem almost daily for the last couple months because we are going on it for the first time in September. The most common negative review topics that I have heard about or read myself seem to be:

- People complaining about completely ridiculous issues (i.e.:read casinostreer's quote above).

- People who have never cruised before or have not cruised Royal before and are unaware of how or even if they can accomplish whatever they are complaining about.

- People who LOVE to complain.


Sure, there are some reviews which have very legitimate complaints and short comings of the ship or staff and hopefully Royal reads those and will take action.


Some of the more common themes I have read about which I don't really get:

- Food was flavorless / cold / no salt / too hot / not enough / etc. - 26 more days until I experience Anthem but I have never been on a Royal cruise where I could not get 10 different dinners if I wanted them. Seems like you could just get something else. Sometimes I think that this is a newbie mistake and they don't realize that what is placed in front of you isn't your only choice. Not enough seems particularly odd to me since I have never been refused more food on a cruise.

- Insufficient variety to the food - This one seems to show up most with cruisers on the early 3 day cruises which truly amazes me. Even if given the same menu in the same restaurant for three days, there are normally like 10 different choices on the menu. I cannot even imagine doing a muster drill for a three day cruise but I am sure some people love them.

- Insufficient deck chairs - This I believe is complained about for every line and every ship and I never get it. I have a number of patents through my company but sadly I know I will never get them to pay for patenting the "Bunk Chaise". I know I could make some serious money on that. :)

- The other common bucket of complaints seems to be around various topics which are in fact offered/available on the ship but the poster just doesn't know about. Sometimes I think it would be interesting if Royal was to buddy up new cruisers with more experienced cruisers on day one so they can give them pointers. When I think back to my first or second cruise, I know there were lots of things I "wished" they had on the ship which I later found they indeed did have.


Hopefully I will not be on this board in September posting complaints about Anthem. I doubt I would be since I have yet to have a bad cruise; I have had individual bad experiences but never a bad cruise. Interestingly, the bad experiences I don't remember the details of but the good stuff I remember well. I don't know if I am easily pleased (spouse would disagree), not too demanding (spouse would disagree) or just sufficiently laid-back (spouse...).

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Having just gotten off the Grandeur, and with an Anthem cruise in 3 months, I've been avidly reading all reviews about both ships. I'm not talking about the threads here, but what is posted in the "Reviews" section.


Most of the reviews have been decidedly negative, especially for the Anthem.

But if you look at the posters, in almost every situation the reviewer is posting their first ever review and they have ZERO posts on the Cruise Critic Forum.


Members who post on the Forum have tended to be more positive about their experiences.


I'm not sure what it means, but it is very odd.




I like to hear everyone's opinion whether positive or negative. While I agree that some of the negatives seem trivial to me I have found that there is usually something underlying that has cause the negative review. Some people like big ships and some like small ships, some people are used to elaborate meals and some people simple (not cafeteria fare). We like to left alone when cruising. It might be the drunk next door or the uncontrolled kids. My point is that there is a lot of expectation when getting on board a ship and their expectation was not met. They can go to a ship with a higher price point and probably get what they want (Hilton vs Super 8) but since they are trying out cruising they went cheap (assumption). IMHO I think we need to hold the judging down. There is usually some nugget you get from all reviews and it might give the cruise lines a chance to look at something they missed. Better to give them a chance to correct a tendency toward bad service than to have everyone move to another line.

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