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To Roll Call or not to Roll Call - that is the question!


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Well, I did it, and wouldn't you know, I made the title too long, and the end of a word got cut off - we're now headed to Rom! Lonny, I know how you feel....


YAY Vict0riann :) :)


hey the typo is easy to fix. If you are still in edit time (20 minutes I think), click edit and then advanced and you can fix your title.


If you are past that time, think what you want to change to make it fit and then hit the red triangle (yes, report your own post) and ask Host Walt if he would kindly fix it for you. He is very helpful on the roll calls. He will merge, and fix if you need it :)


There is no need to look at a typo for 14 months. honest ;)

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YAY Vict0riann :) :)


hey the typo is easy to fix. If you are still in edit time (20 minutes I think), click edit and then advanced and you can fix your title.


If you are past that time, think what you want to change to make it fit and then hit the red triangle (yes, report your own post) and ask Host Walt if he would kindly fix it for you. He is very helpful on the roll calls. He will merge, and fix if you need it :)


There is no need to look at a typo for 14 months. honest ;)


NOW you tell me!!! I wonder if I can get it fixed after looking at it for 6 months???

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In my opinion, it is inconsiderate at the least; rude at the most.


I agree.

If someone wants to leave the Roll Call after being the OP, fine......

But at least have the simple manners to tell everyone so they can go about

making other choices. Not nice of her IMO


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Personally, I love participating in the roll call. As someone else mentioned, there does seem to be greater involvement on the longer cruises. The roll call was so helpful to us on our med cruise. We had very active people who were willing to put together excursions with private companies. If someone had been to a particular place before they were usually the person that volunteered to work that excursion. We have been very lucky with our excursions and have met some wonderful people even before the cruise began.


I am finding a lot less participation on our partial Panama Canal cruise in January. Hopefully people will begin to show up.


I don't see what you have to lose by getting involved. You can interact as much or as little as you wish once you meet everyone.


We also put together a happy hour each night with a fixed meeting place so people could share the day and a drink. Sometimes there were 10 people, sometimes 30. Totally flexible.


Anyone want to go on the Panama Canal cruise? The roll call is already set up!!



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I was recently on a roll call where the OP just disappeared. She was very friendly and chatty for quite some time and then she just stopped posting, leaving people to wonder what happened to her. I later saw elsewhere that she had cancelled the cruise to book another instead. I personally think it is very rude and inconsiderate to start a roll call and get things going and then not let others know you are cancelling.

Maybe I am in the minority on this point; I don't know. What do others think?


On the other hand, I have made some really great friends on roll calls and do enjoy them for that reason.


As I said earlier in this thread, I feel the same way. It's just common courtesy to let others know.

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Ann: If it were not for the Roll Call, I would not have met you, Pat, and the rest of the gang, and I would not have had the best cruise ever. Consequently, since I suffered from Roll Call Withdrawal, I started our Far East Passage Roll Call about a year out. The worst part was, due to nervousness, making a spelling mistake in the heading! Now, never mind what everyone else may think of my literacy, each time I go to the Roll Call, that mistake slaps me in the face.







I know how you feel. My autocorrect kept changing Mediterranean to Meditteranean. I kept looking at it thinking it looked wrong but couldn't figure out why. I finally had to google it. You'd think if autocorrect was going to correct you, it would at least be with a real word! I'm looking forward to sharing ideas on roll call. I particularly hope the Mediterranean one heats up!

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NOW you tell me!!! I wonder if I can get it fixed after looking at it for 6 months???


I am pretty sure if you hit the red triangle on your INITIAL post and explain to host Walt, and ask to have it amended, he will be kind enough to help. I hope he doesn't shoot me later for saying this when I hit my weekly red triangle on my FCL listing :p


Absolutely - get if fixed if you don't like it.

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Is it usual to publish on the rollcall thread everyones Cabin No.


I know that if someone is organising a M&G they need to know the Cabin No. But to have it in the thread seems to me to be a bit off.


I have organized a number of meet and greets and don't agree with publishing cabin numbers.. I just ask the roll call members to email me off board with their numbers so I can get the invites to them and if they are on my private tours, I need to reach them.


There is no need to publish personal information on the roll call IMO.

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YAY Vict0riann :) :)


hey the typo is easy to fix. If you are still in edit time (20 minutes I think), click edit and then advanced and you can fix your title.


If you are past that time, think what you want to change to make it fit and then hit the red triangle (yes, report your own post) and ask Host Walt if he would kindly fix it for you. He is very helpful on the roll calls. He will merge, and fix if you need it :)


There is no need to look at a typo for 14 months. honest ;)


Thanks, Jacqui, I'll try that - I think I needed to go to a second line in the title; I'll see if I can figure it out and ask Host Walt.

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Years ago I used to sign us up for the Roll Calls. Some were very active and some were dead.

Then when people started arranging cabin crawls, gift exchanges, games, etc., I no longer joined them. In fact I don't even bother to go and read the Roll Calls for any of our cruises anymore.

I liked it better when we met and talked and got to know each other.

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Years ago I used to sign us up for the Roll Calls. Some were very active and some were dead.

Then when people started arranging cabin crawls, gift exchanges, games, etc., I no longer joined them. In fact I don't even bother to go and read the Roll Calls for any of our cruises anymore.

I liked it better when we met and talked and got to know each other.




Ditto and add to this that I would just about never get involved in roll call shore excursions so while the Roll Calls are wonderful fun for many people, they are not for everyone. :o I am happy for those who greatly enjoy their Roll Calls and think it wonderful.


I liked when it was to meet and get to know some fellow cruisers and then it wasn't fun anymore.


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I have organized a number of meet and greets and don't agree with publishing cabin numbers.. I just ask the roll call members to email me off board with their numbers so I can get the invites to them and if they are on my private tours, I need to reach them.


There is no need to publish personal information on the roll call IMO.


I agree, and did the same once when I organized the Meet & Greet. For HAL, there's a bit of work involved in getting the list updated, booking the party with HAL, proving the Bar Mgr with the names to receive invitations. Celebrity makes it easier by handling all those details.

Edited by Caribbean Chris
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I have had to cancel a couple of cruises I'd booked due to work obligations. Both times (once as organizer and once as just a participant) I let the roll call know I wouldn't be sailing. Seems like the proper thing to do. If for some reason you cannot go and you take the time to do this, I wouldn't feel guilty about having to cancel -- someone else will generally step up to the plate.

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JMO -- but I would not start a Roll Call as too often the others who join in expect you to take charge of setting up everything with HAL -- time, place, date, etc.


I'm the same way.


As far as posting too much info on a roll call about names etc I have a situation like that now. It's very uncomfortable.


If people cancel, the least they can do is let the roll call know, whether they are the op or not.

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JMO -- but I would not start a Roll Call as too often the others who join in expect you to take charge of setting up everything with HAL -- time, place, date, etc.


I don't think this is true at all KK There is no expectation on the OP. As I said, I have set up a number of meet and greets and I have NOT been the OP of the roll call.


Years ago I used to sign us up for the Roll Calls. Some were very active and some were dead.

Then when people started arranging cabin crawls, gift exchanges, games, etc., I no longer joined them. In fact I don't even bother to go and read the Roll Calls for any of our cruises anymore.

I liked it better when we met and talked and got to know each other.



That's a shame. You do get to know each other on the roll call. Sure, if there are a lot of sea days, people might want to do a cabin crawl or a wine tasting, whatever, but none of it is obligatory. It's all for those that are interested in it. There's no pressure.


And people organize tours. Same thing. for those interested. no pressure.


but what DOES happen, is that you start to get a sense of who everyone is and get a feeling like you "know" them a bit. I know on our Prinsendam and Westerdam cruises, many said they already felt like they knew the people and they were all fantastic roll calls and a great time on board.


We have had a blast on past roll calls with some activities. Our wine tasting was great fun and it's basically a social thing = a good excuse to get together.


I thank my lucky stars every day for some of the wonderful people I have met on roll calls and thank them again when I find out I am fortunate enough to cruise with those people again.

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No right or wrong......

Each to their own style.

Whatever works best for each individual. :)


I agree. I've been on some amazing roll calls and met some people that I still keep in contact with. Others, lots of pressure. Not fun. I look at a roll call and if it looks like the people might be fun I join in. If not I don't. If people don't want to join I see nothing wrong with it. It's getting rare to see anyone I've heard on a roll call anymore so there must be a lot of people that feel the same. I do realize this is not true of all roll calls.

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Heck, I love roll calls.:D And I have found that the HAL roll calls are much more inter-active and friendly (for the most part) than the ones on RCI. On the flip side, I have seen some where the OP makes it clear only SOME people are welcome to their little soirees or sailaways or whatever, but I've got a thick skin and I make friends easily, and know who to avoid. I've been really fortunate, I think, and have made life long friends through roll calls and M&Gs, and have no hesitation in cruising again with those people. Probably the absolute best was the Sailaway Gang's roll call, and the M&Gs which were amazing. I also like the ones where things are split between roll call members, so someone keeps track of everyone, someone else arranges the M&G, etc. And I have learned lots about shore excursions as well.


And to the OP - who I met through a roll call:D - go for it! But if worst comes to worst and you have to cancel, just let the other members of the roll call know. Many people sign up for a roll call and circumstances change - that's life.

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I have been reading this thread with some interest. I really do enjoy the roll calls, as I find them useful for port information, arranging private tours, saving cash on fares when reduced, etc. I've taken pride in knowing my alerts have saved others some cash when a price drop occurred, too.


I normally find the M&Gs are fun, and enjoy putting faces to the names I've gotten to know on the roll call. Most people are pretty interesting, and those that aren't...well, it's easy to walk away when in a crowd.


I agree with those who find posting cabin numbers (and last names or home towns, if not readily shared) intrusive. If you arrange a tour, I feel that signing up, sharing private emails, cabin assignments, etc., should be handled off the roll call.


When I am the M&G coordinator, I make sure that every time the roll call is updated, the date, time and location of the M&G is posted. I think everyone on the list is an adult, and I don't really care to spend the first day aboard worrying about delivering invitations. If you don't make it to the M&G, after constant reminders with the roll call list (and one last post just giving the M&G details before we leave home), it's not my problem. Sorry if that sounds harsh, but that's my approach.


I have only done one cruise where a volunteer set up a spreadsheet. Even if it is only meant for the eyes of those of us participating in the roll call, I don't think everyone needs to know who is on each private tour, full names, cabin numbers, etc. I've been on cruises when solo travelers had issues with overly "friendly" fellow travelers. I don't travel solo, but I do feel that the others on board don't need to know where I'll be in every port.


Of course, others may feel differently, and that's fine. While I love chatting with new people, there are still some things I really don't care to make public to everyone, especially online.

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I started one roll call but was not in charge of the meet and greets (long cruise so we had seven). If anyone on the roll call expected me to be, they never said anything. I did offer to make a spreadsheet but it was e-mailed to those who wished to participate not put on Cruise Critic for everyone to see.


As I almost always travel solo, being part of a roll call has been especially beneficial. "Knowing" people in advance and then seeing friendly faces onboard has meant that I never feel alone.


On the last three cruises I have been on we have set up dinner the night before embarkation. Although I do some ship excursions, I have also been on many great ones set up on the roll call (which I would never have had a chance to do as a solo cruiser).


I have met some great people through the roll calls (that I likely would not have met onboard otherwise) who I have cruised with again (and quite a few that I will cruise with in the future).


For anyone reading this thread who has never joined a roll call, go ahead and try it. Joining does not obligate you to participate in anything.


Ann, I am glad you decided to start the roll call!

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I have been reading this thread with some interest. I really do enjoy the roll calls, as I find them useful for port information, arranging private tours, saving cash on fares when reduced, etc. I've taken pride in knowing my alerts have saved others some cash when a price drop occurred, too.


I normally find the M&Gs are fun, and enjoy putting faces to the names I've gotten to know on the roll call. Most people are pretty interesting, and those that aren't...well, it's easy to walk away when in a crowd.


I agree with those who find posting cabin numbers (and last names or home towns, if not readily shared) intrusive. If you arrange a tour, I feel that signing up, sharing private emails, cabin assignments, etc., should be handled off the roll call.


When I am the M&G coordinator, I make sure that every time the roll call is updated, the date, time and location of the M&G is posted. I think everyone on the list is an adult, and I don't really care to spend the first day aboard worrying about delivering invitations. If you don't make it to the M&G, after constant reminders with the roll call list (and one last post just giving the M&G details before we leave home), it's not my problem. Sorry if that sounds harsh, but that's my approach.


I have only done one cruise where a volunteer set up a spreadsheet. Even if it is only meant for the eyes of those of us participating in the roll call, I don't think everyone needs to know who is on each private tour, full names, cabin numbers, etc. I've been on cruises when solo travelers had issues with overly "friendly" fellow travelers. I don't travel solo, but I do feel that the others on board don't need to know where I'll be in every port.


Of course, others may feel differently, and that's fine. While I love chatting with new people, there are still some things I really don't care to make public to everyone, especially online.


I agree about the reminders for the meet and greet. That should be enough. Years ago we were on the ryndam together and you arranged a tour in Jamaica and we also went to nachi cocum. I enjoyed the tour very much and appreciated that it wasn't a copy of the Hal tour.

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