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Ridiculous up-charges


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The only thing I have learned from this thread is that there will probably be a lot more drunks sitting at the bars (sucking down medium priced drinks) all day on my next cruise.


We have yet to see nor meet them on our last few sailings. But on the Ruby Princess at the Aft Pool in 2012.

Some of the smokers had to have help lighting up.

Edited by wallie5446
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We have yet to see nor meet them on our last few sailings. But on the Ruby Princess at the Aft Pool in 2012.

Some of the smokers had to have help lighting up.


We had one of them on one of our cruises. But she also had a problem with her oxygen tank (she kept knocking it over every time she reached for her drink or the ashtray.

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We had one of them on one of our cruises. But she also had a problem with her oxygen tank (she kept knocking it over every time she reached for her drink or the ashtray.


Then it must not have been on Celebrity. Only one bar where smoking is in close proximity. You know which one that is?

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The only thing I have learned from this thread is that there will probably be a lot more drunks sitting at the bars (sucking down medium priced drinks) all day on my next cruise.


No, it was Holland America - and the lady was about 90 (in both age and proof).


Then you really need to sail more on Celebrity. Our 1st was in 1994 and we have yet to see or meet someone like that.

We have 1 mis guided sailing on HAL, thanks for reminding us why we don't want to go back.


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The only thing I have learned from this thread is that there will probably be a lot more drunks sitting at the bars (sucking down medium priced drinks) all day on my next cruise.


I think this is a very unfair generalisation about the people on these boards! Anyone can have an opinion on something without it being one of their own habits e.g. smoking or drinking and therefor join in a duscussion. This is 'cruise critic', a forum for debate and opinion..........

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I think this is a very unfair generalisation about the people on these boards! Anyone can have an opinion on something without it being one of their own habits e.g. smoking or drinking and therefor join in a duscussion. This is 'cruise critic', a forum for debate and opinion..........


Just returned from a super cruise on Eclipse, so feel qualified to comment on this thread.


My wife and I both feel that the daily programme is geared to heavily on upselling, but generally don't feel that there is much value in upgrading classic drinks package. Most cocktails, many decent wines, a few beers, juices, water and coffees are included on the CP. I enjoyed many different speciality coffees.


For the last six days of the 13 day cruise, I upgraded and enjoyed a few Grey Goose based cocktails and a few Martinis, but generally was happy drinking the CP offerings.


I didn't notice anyone showing signs of being drunk, but the demographics suggested that was unlikely to happen.


Many people complained about the high prices of drinks and many weren't on packages.

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.....Many people complained about the high prices of drinks and many weren't on packages.


Prices are no higher than a lounge at a quality hotel or popular nightclub in the city. If people expect drink prices to match their neighborhood bar, they are simply being unrealistic.

Edited by SantaFeFan
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Prices are no higher than a lounge at a quality hotel or popular nightclub in the city. If people expect drink prices to match their neighborhood bar, they are simply being unrealistic.

With all due respect, Celebrity's drink prices are quite a bit higher than Princess' and Holland America's. Celebrity also carries a gratuity that is 20% higher than the competition. (0.18/0.15 = 0.20 = 20%) If you take into account the higher drink costs AND the 20% higher gratuity, it can really add up.


We did a work up of the cost differences among the three premium lines if you really want to know.


Here's the thing - When we stay at a high end hotel (Ritz-Carlton, Four Seasons, Waldorf Astoria, etc) we know that there are certain costs associated with the experience. My assumption is that Celebrity brings with it that "certain something." It's why we booked with them.


I don't expect to be paying for "popular night club atmosphere" - at least in Miami / Fort Lauderdale. Nothing against y'all - or us for that matter - but I kinda think that the average cruise passenger, on any premium line, might not make it past the rope at "da club." :D

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Prices are no higher than a lounge at a quality hotel or popular nightclub in the city. If people expect drink prices to match their neighborhood bar, they are simply being unrealistic.


Many years ago it was actually rather common that cruises has much lower priced drinks and such in comparison land based establishments as the cruise fare partially subsidized those add ons, even though they were optional. It has been very apparent within the past 5 years that there has been a tipping point and cruise drinks are often priced higher than a land establishment now.


for the record; to have a drink package, PAY to upgrade the package, and then still be literally nickel and dimed is a bit chintzy in my opinion. The beautiful part of cruising is not really having to keep being faced with costs and nominal surcharges. While not ALL inclusive, it IS an "inclusive-style" vacation. To have 2 paid upgrades over what is included in the basic and then be hit with 50 cent charges smacks of just being a bit tacky. Either raise the limits on the package, OR limit the amount of items priced above the limit. Since people already complain about the selection, re-setting the limit makes much more sense and is easiest to implement.


I just came off another cruise line and they had just raised their limit with their beverage package. As such, there was no more nickel and dime add ons for probably 99% of available drinks. One or two super premium items incurred a fee, but the package limit was sufficiently high to avoid this annoyance. Just because something is technically optional doesn't mean it can't be an annoyance all the same. Petty, and literally pennies when spending thousands; PERHAPS. But if the amount is so small as to be trivial, let Celebrity dispense with the tackiness. If they had to raise the package price $1 pp/per day to cover it, it is a lot less tacky and in your face. Just my opinion. It's like when I saw Royal Caribbean charging money for popcorn. I thought that was an insult.

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We just disembarked Summit last Sunday with a premium drink package. During our embarkation lunch in Luminae I was a bit annoyed to be charged $.50 for a glass of wine but I understood the reasoning. Later in the cruise I again ordered the same wine and was again charged $.50. This time I was more than annoyed considering we had spent upwards of $700 on wine by the bottle and still had 5 days to sail. I know they have some freedom in up charging so I wondered why the Sommelier charged the $.50. He did redeem himself by opening a bottle not on the package at lunch and not charging for it so all was good in the end.

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Yes, it's JUST your opinion - one that the more reasonable among us don't share. ;)


So true. It amazes me what some people get themselves all wound up about. They complain and complain about trivial things - and sound pretty foolish doing so.


Complaining about having to pay the difference of a drink priced higher than the package covers is no different than if they went to their favorite store with a $25 gift certificate, and then had to pay the $.99 difference if they bought an item for $25.99. Would they wail as loudly about how "tacky" and unreasonable that would be? I rather doubt it. But if they did, trust me, they would sound equally ridiculous doing so! :rolleyes:

Edited by sloopsailor
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Yes, it's JUST your opinion - one that the more reasonable among us don't share. ;)


So true. It amazes me what some people get themselves all wound up about. They complain and complain about trivial things - and sound pretty foolish doing so.


Complaining about having to pay the difference of a drink priced higher than the package covers is no different than if they went to their favorite store with a $25 gift certificate, and then had to pay the $.99 difference if they bought an item for $25.99. Would they wail as loudly about how "tacky" and unreasonable that would be? I rather doubt it. But if they did, trust me, they would sound equally ridiculous doing so! :rolleyes:

And to those same it will always be, gimme, gimme. This thread only proves this out. A sad state of affairs for we so called 'leaders' of the free enterprise system.

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So true. It amazes me what some people get themselves all wound up about. They complain and complain about trivial things - and sound pretty foolish doing so.


Complaining about having to pay the difference of a drink priced higher than the package covers is no different than if they went to their favorite store with a $25 gift certificate, and then had to pay the $.99 difference if they bought an item for $25.99. Would they wail as loudly about how "tacky" and unreasonable that would be? I rather doubt it. But if they did, trust me, they would sound equally ridiculous doing so! :rolleyes:


I think you're way off base. Please though, continue being overly dramatic. it is amusing.

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Yes, it's JUST your opinion - one that the more reasonable among us don't share. ;)


I'm entitled to my opinion and just because you disagree doesn't mean you are reasonable and I am not. It just means we have a different perspective. At least you're not jumping up and down dramatically about to have a stroke over it.

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I'm entitled to my opinion and just because you disagree doesn't mean you are reasonable and I am not. It just means we have a different perspective. At least you're not jumping up and down dramatically about to have a stroke over it.


From this side of the discussion, it is you who is beating this dead horse over and over again. It seems it is YOU who are being dramatic about what is actually a non issue for the majority. But as you have said, you have a right to have your own opinion. I will respectfully give you that. But, you don't have a right to have your own facts.

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From this side of the discussion, it is you who is beating this dead horse over and over again. It seems it is YOU who are being dramatic about what is actually a non issue for the majority. But as you have said, you have a right to have your own opinion. I will respectfully give you that. But, you don't have a right to have your own facts.


That's the weakest point I've read someone try to hang their hat on in a while. I chose to put my opinion out there on a public discussion forum using a single post that did, in fact, contain many facts based on 25 years personal cruising experience about what some other lines do, how I feel about the charges, possible solutions, and even some history as to pricing "back in the day". Some may agree, some may disagree with the subjective portions and that's all fine; this is a discussion forum after all, not an echo chamber. But my subjective opinions are based on real life experiences and objective facts.


But a bunch of adults piling on back slapping each other about being rude to the "outsider" just comes off as...how can I put it...tacky. Suggesting the infinitely small sample size here as being indicative of the majority, or worse, as being the one and only correct way to handle things is laughable. Group think dusted with delusions of grandeur. Respectfully sent from my keyboard to your screen.

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That's the weakest point I've read someone try to hang their hat on in a while. I chose to put my opinion out there on a public discussion forum using a single post that did, in fact, contain many facts based on 25 years personal cruising experience about what some other lines do, how I feel about the charges, possible solutions, and even some history as to pricing "back in the day". Some may agree, some may disagree with the subjective portions and that's all fine; this is a discussion forum after all, not an echo chamber. But my subjective opinions are based on real life experiences and objective facts.


But a bunch of adults piling on back slapping each other about being rude to the "outsider" just comes off as...how can I put it...tacky. Suggesting the infinitely small sample size here as being indicative of the majority, or worse, as being the one and only correct way to handle things is laughable. Group think dusted with delusions of grandeur. Respectfully sent from my keyboard to your screen.


Very well said! It appears that if you dare voice an opinion that doesn't match with certainb members of these boards, they respond in a condesensing, arrogant and frankly quite rude manner. As you and others have said many many times on these boards we are all entitled to our own personal opinion which can be argued by some, debated by others BUT should be respected by all!

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So true. It amazes me what some people get themselves all wound up about. They complain and complain about trivial things - and sound pretty foolish doing so.


Probably no more than the amazement I have of some who constantly feel the need to defend the cruise line, and get so wound up against anyone with a contrary position. And not defend with new arguments, but just putdowns of any complaint... and sound pretty foolish doing so.


Reminds me of political (and other) fanbois. It gets so ridiculous that you hear putdowns if party A does something... but then 6 months later when party B does the same thing, it's the greatest thing ever - and only necessary because Party A is so bad. :rolleyes:


The above certainly doesn't mean the cruise line is always wrong... but some arguments just amount to 'it's the right decision because the cruise line is doing it.' Not a lot of logic behind that.

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Probably no more than the amazement I have of some who constantly feel the need to defend the cruise line, and get so wound up against anyone with a contrary position. And not defend with new arguments, but just putdowns of any complaint... and sound pretty foolish doing so.


Reminds me of political (and other) fanbois. It gets so ridiculous that you hear putdowns if party A does something... but then 6 months later when party B does the same thing, it's the greatest thing ever - and only necessary because Party A is so bad. :rolleyes:


The above certainly doesn't mean the cruise line is always wrong... but some arguments just amount to 'it's the right decision because the cruise line is doing it.' Not a lot of logic behind that.


Ah, but it isn't "defending" the cruise line. It is accepting that "it is what it is". I refuse to go through life complaining about things that are minor inconveniences. The beverage plans cover items in a certain price range. We all know that when purchasing it. To then bellyache, grouse, bitch, complain and whine that the cruise lines are being unreasonable because I CHOSE to order a drink that costs more than the beverage coverage and that they then have the nerve to charge me the difference, is pointless, and actually quite childish. It smacks of throwing a tantrum similar to a child crying that "Mary's piece of cake is bigger than mine".


But, if you want to live your life making yourself unhappy with the most inconsequential of things, then go right ahead. Personally, I would not want to live in that perpetual state of dissatisfaction, but if you do, have at it. Your happiness is entirely up to you, and no one else.


You chastise me for being critical of certain opinions on the matter, then in the same post criticize me for having my OWN opinion. Quite ironic, actually.


I call your :rolleyes: and raise to :rolleyes::rolleyes:

Edited by sloopsailor
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I don't think a double paid upgrade should then have little 50 cent surcharges on top of that.


To me, cruising is an escape from day to day life where one is constantly faced with prices, budgeting, etc. One of the appeals of cruising is that it is mostly inclusive and you can just relax and enjoy yourself without constantly being presented with a price board or check. There are certain types of vacations that constantly present opportunities to spend money or are very in your face with upcharges and I avoid those as they don't create the feeling that I like.


Why anyone would have the impression I expect anything for free is beyond me. I've stated in quite plain English that they should adjust the package pricing to eliminate this nominal upcharge practice. Some posters continue to post multiple times, yet have the "not bothered/don't care" attitude. Clearly that's disingenuous, as they continue to post how little they care. When I don't care about a topic I don't participate, I don't go in and seek attention by stating I don't care.


Further more, stating that something that is already a double upcharge should not incur further nominal fees should really not be a very contentious statement akin to lighting a fuse on a powder keg. The responses I've received to a well reasoned and fact based opinion are very abnormal. Not what I would expect from the caliber of guests on Celebrity. Everyone is allowed their opinion, everyones perspective will differ. But some of the attitudes here are abhorrent. I'd feel embarrassed to ever respond to another adult in a conversation in the accusatory, insulting manner thrown about this forum as if that is how adults are meant to behave. Behave as if you are not hiding behind a keyboard.


Some of us are capable of holding an opinion without carrying on, whining, throwing a tantrum, or whatever other childish episodic label you wish to throw on it. We are very capable of accepting "it is what it is" while voicing that we would ultimately like to see a change. Perhaps the complacent and non-vocal should thank us for helping to ensure that they don't become an endless yawning wallet.

Edited by LMaxwell
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My take on the discussion is the OP may not have done their 'pre-cruise' homework to possibly understand what the up-charges can or will be and determine, in advance, if this would be acceptable rather that charge would be $.01 or $10.00.


I can accept the fact that it can possibly be an annoyance for some passengers to sign a slip for such 'minimal' amounts at each serving. Another option might have been used, is to order a wine package vs a beverage package if it is the same wine which the OP (and others) wanted to have. May have been cheaper overall, not sure though.


I wonder how long I would, personally, stick with a cruise line that annoyed me in this way. I Am sure others have complained to X directly about this over the last few years and the packages continue to evolve to what is offered today. No real changes, except for pricing, I believe.


I believe all opinions (without weighting them) are valid, regardless of how minor it sounds to me.


We can always change lines or vacation types to accommodate our particular desires and wants and peculiarities and etc....


Many here are fonts of information, many come to gain knowledge, many come for discussions on X and its' policies (bad, good or indifferent) and some of us just read to smile or growl at the exchanges.


At any rate, do not miss your boat and bon voyage for all, regardless of the beverage package you may or may not choose, just remember to consider what is and what is not covered under them ... :cool:

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I don't think a double paid upgrade should then have little 50 cent surcharges on top of that.


To me, cruising is an escape from day to day life where one is constantly faced with prices, budgeting, etc. One of the appeals of cruising is that it is mostly inclusive and you can just relax and enjoy yourself without constantly being presented with a price board or check. There are certain types of vacations that constantly present opportunities to spend money or are very in your face with upcharges and I avoid those as they don't create the feeling that I like.


Why anyone would have the impression I expect anything for free is beyond me. I've stated in quite plain English that they should adjust the package pricing to eliminate this nominal upcharge practice. Some posters continue to post multiple times, yet have the "not bothered/don't care" attitude. Clearly that's disingenuous, as they continue to post how little they care. When I don't care about a topic I don't participate, I don't go in and seek attention by stating I don't care.


Further more, stating that something that is already a double upcharge should not incur further nominal fees should really not be a very contentious statement akin to lighting a fuse on a powder keg. The responses I've received to a well reasoned and fact based opinion are very abnormal. Not what I would expect from the caliber of guests on Celebrity. Everyone is allowed their opinion, everyones perspective will differ. But some of the attitudes here are abhorrent. I'd feel embarrassed to ever respond to another adult in a conversation in the accusatory, insulting manner thrown about this forum as if that is how adults are meant to behave. Behave as if you are not hiding behind a keyboard.


Some of us are capable of holding an opinion without carrying on, whining, throwing a tantrum, or whatever other childish episodic label you wish to throw on it. We are very capable of accepting "it is what it is" while voicing that we would ultimately like to see a change. Perhaps the complacent and non-vocal should thank us for helping to ensure that they don't become an endless yawning wallet.


Nominal fee? Do you realize that Celebrity supplies wine, beers, and/or high end liquor that may be $15 or more above the current $13 limit? In this example what amount would you consider not nominal and OK to charge?

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Problem solved...


X did for a period of time have a Gold standard or some sort drink package, that even included the expensive stuff, it was truly all-in. I think it was like $150 pp per day. I think it was around back when Michaels was still public and had all the fancy scotch and whiseys etc.


Bring that that package back, OP can purchase that and not worry about being charged for the 50 cent overage.

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