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Does it seem QUIET around here? Have posters quit posting? Or ?


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I agree with you about the reviews. I took the time recently to write an extensive review of our Mediterranean cruise. It got all of 12 replies! I said to myself, "Why did I bother?" I will think twice in the future.



I write a review for each cruise in the review section of CC, not here in the individual cruise line forums . I do so for myself ,to put down a memory of another wonderful cruise, similar to a photo album . I will post after returning on topics where I can (hopefully) add something useful . Perhaps in the future you can post strictly for your own satisfaction , regardless of the response, if not here then in the review area of CC .


On a regular basis I do thank those that start review threads but don't want to be accused of doing so just to boost my post count . (I truth I don't worry about that.)

Edited by richstowe
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A few times when I've been slapped down (hard), I've retreated with my tail between my legs and my head hung low. I would back off from posting and just lurk, and then cautiously re-enter the fray.


One particular instance I remember was the time I recommended the Embassy Suites in Ft. Lauderdale to a new CCer. This same hotel is recommended almost every day by people who post in this forum on a daily basis. I was told that anyone who likes that hotel is cheap and lower class. The attack was very personal, and totally unwarranted. That was apparently OK, but around the same time I was reported for telling someone that it's a muster drill, not a mustard drill. :D






that's stupid Roz. plain stupid. Lots of us stay there and enjoy it.


that's a shame that you had a personal attack but don't let that stop you from posting on the boards.


Personally we are staying there again and like it. If people disagree so be it. When it lets me down I will change my tune.


Sadly, for your "report" you got nailed on correcting spelling. What I have found is that some seem to be able to do more than others. I'm not sure why or how.



Roz I agree with Kazu. That is unacceptable behaviour. I see that kind of stuff all the time where I live, and while it doesn't completely desensitize me to it on CC, it probably bothers me less than it bothers some people.


I see people using their supposed-money, supposed-good-taste, supposed-social-standing, supposed-good-manners as weapons against anyone they can. Now I just consider anyone who behaves that way to be a poseur. The truly well-mannered don't use their advantages to beat people down; they use those advantages to lift people up. I'm sorry you were made to feel so uncomfortable.

Edited by CowPrincess
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Just five:

Number of members

Total threads (all forums)

Total posts (all forums)

HAL threads

HAL posts


All are increasing, but the rate of increase (average per day) is slowing over the long term. New members are always highest for the first 4 or 5 months each year and decline to a low in Dec. In May of this year CC gained 683 new members, and last month it was 343. Last Dec it was 261.




jtl513, I only quoted this one post but for all the stats you keep and provided, thank you! :D I am really surprised that there is still a year-over-year increase in new posters. That's one of the things I was thinking, that fewer people join up, too few to compensate for attrition.


I've noticed this since I recently returned to CC, after taking approx. 3 years off from cruising. It appears a lot of the people I remember posting a bunch are no longer with us, and there aren't as many "new" mega-posters to replace them.


Nor do there seem to be much in the way of newer topics.


Makes me long for a "which way do they have the toilet paper mounted?" threads of yesteryear...


I agree, my perception has been that #s are down/posters/posts/threads, yet jtl's stats seem to disprove that.


I love the idea of "which way should the the toilet paper be mounted?" as a thread. Though I suspect it would get very contentious, very quickly ;)

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I learned about cruise critic while on my second cruise. When I first started I mainly read posts and learned a lot of helpful information for upcoming cruises as well as how to book them. Once I had a few cruises under my belt I began to post and answer questions based on my experiences. At times I got my hands slapped for my answers and then I backed off of posting. After awhile I went back to posting but was very cautious about how and when to respond as not to offend the dire hard cheerleaders.


Over the course of time I have met some very nice people and have booked cruises intentionally to be with them. I have sailed three times with one member and we have two more booked together. Others I have met and would like to see again. Still others whose opinions I value I would like to meet on a future cruise and that might just happen on next month's cruise.


I am one of those who is not happy with the CC policy about mentioning a website that is a valuable tool and a certain social page that I also use to chat about cruising with HAL. On one of those other groups I often mention CC and a certain web site. Once the latter policy went into effect I did reduce postings and felt uneasy that I couldn't suggest a valuable tool making my CC experience less than desirable.


I continue to use CC on a daily basis. I enjoy the sail away threads and the fleet locations, especially as my next ship is getting closer to picking me up. I will continue to help answer questions based on my experiences and hopefully will review a cruise once again.

As a new cruiser (next summer to Alaska), I too wish helpful websites could be mentioned. Experienced cruisers mention sites that they use (like tracking prices to see if they come down) but then say they can't give out the name of the website. Why is that? Who is that hurting?


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As a new cruiser (next summer to Alaska), I too wish helpful websites could be mentioned. Experienced cruisers mention sites that they use (like tracking prices to see if they come down) but then say they can't give out the name of the website. Why is that? Who is that hurting?


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The answer to your question is that Cruise Critic is owned by a travel agency and has paid advertisers. Therefore we are not allowed to mention other travel agencies or provide links to other sites that contain advertisements. CC is protecting their paid advertisers. :)

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The answer to your question is that Cruise Critic is owned by a travel agency and has paid advertisers. Therefore we are not allowed to mention other travel agencies or provide links to other sites that contain advertisements. CC is protecting their paid advertisers. :)

Thank you, I didn't realize that. Is there another way to find these other sites?


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I have to go for now, will be back later. I have so much chaos in my house right now, I need to get that looked after (providing temporary housing for foster cats.....) ('nuff said ;) )



Thanks for fostering cats. I would fail at that as I'm not sure I could give them up. Four of our six came from a local rescue organization and I admire the work that they, and you, do for them.

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Thank you, I didn't realize that. Is there another way to find these other sites?


Sent from my LGLS991 using Tapatalk

Google is your friend! I'm sure that searching for something like "cruise price tracking" would give you results for the area you mentioned.

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I'm so glad I stopped by here today. I usually avoid HAL boards because I think I'm in a time warp. Same nasty people talking about the same goofy things. I'm so glad that others feel like I do. The clique mentality is ridiculous and truthfully when I did post on this board I was always afraid I'd be chastised or my posts would be deleted (both have happened to me). I finally decided to read when I wanted and not to post at all. As to the subject of Roll Calls- the cliques do seem to be alive and well on the HAL boards. I have stopped even reading those boards because I know I'm not welcome at events(despite what Joanie says). It's really tough to break into an established group. But thanks to OP. This thread has been very interesting and safe.

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Here's my two cents about the HAL board...

Quite honestly I feel like it's a notch or two ABOVE some others in terms of manners, helpfulness, and politeness. I wouldn't say it if it were not so.


As mentioned....this board DOES come across a little slower than some....not as many sailing as there aren't as many ships and those ships aren't as big.


There is always....ALWAYS a few along the way that are buzz killers....I ignore them and move along.


The largest and most active roll call I've been apart of.....was by FAR my least favorite. The smallest roll call....Carnival Elation...best EVER! So SIZE does NOT equal QUALITY!;)


I'm looking forward to my first HAL cruise, roll call, AND meet and greet!

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I'm so glad I stopped by here today. I usually avoid HAL boards because I think I'm in a time warp. Same nasty people talking about the same goofy things. I'm so glad that others feel like I do. The clique mentality is ridiculous and truthfully when I did post on this board I was always afraid I'd be chastised or my posts would be deleted (both have happened to me). I finally decided to read when I wanted and not to post at all. As to the subject of Roll Calls- the cliques do seem to be alive and well on the HAL boards. I have stopped even reading those boards because I know I'm not welcome at events(despite what Joanie says). It's really tough to break into an established group. But thanks to OP. This thread has been very interesting and safe.


I encourage you to join in roll calls. Sure, if a couple of us have sailed together, it's always nice to see a familiar poster but that doesn't mean that more aren't better - ever!


Maybe I have been lucky - I don't know - but all of our roll calls have been helpful, informative and caring.


O boards are not supposed to have big roll calls but ours has moved along well.


All of my HAL roll calls have been fun and in fact, on our P'dam & W'dam roll call we were all anxious to finally meet the people that we had been "talking

to" for months.


I am looking forward to meeting my roll call members in 3 weeks ;)

Edited by kazu
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The fact that someone has referred to this thread as "safe" and so many people have spoken about being stung, slammed, etc etc- should be a lesson to everyone. If you want the board and the threads to move along and be lively then be careful what you say. One line comebacks can be hurtful. Major pile ons serve no purpose and I can recall so very many times when someone has asked a simple question and the thread has turned into an absolute embarrassment. Just imagine the poor person wading in to ask if her eight year old can wear shorts in the dining room every night.


The unique feature with the HAL board is that so many of you are older (retired, more time to cruise, more cruises under your belt, more expendable income and no dependents, likelihood of living near a cruise port- although so many of you live in Canada or near Boston), so many of the cruises are longer than the usual Sunday-Sunday that the average cruiser is able to sail, and some of the voyages are unique. This means that instead of on the Carnival board, where someone asks a question about Elation and many, many people feel fine answering (including those who have just sailed Elation, those who have sailed her many times, those who haven't sailed her in five years); on the HAL board the core of posters has sailed a single ship for 75 days, is on a first name basis with the captain, his wife, the former captain, the hotel director, the artist who paints pictures of the ship, the person who runs the webcam during sailaways, and is friends with a bunch of other posters on the thread (and has sailed for decades with them). Intimidating much? Indeed. What civilian would jump in to hazard a guess at answering a question at that point?

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I used to feel as though I was part of a community. Not so much anymore.

I post rather infrequently now as I feel my opinion is not welcome.


I now know from this thread that the reason I never receive an answer to very polite and respectful questions is that I am not respected.


I do value your opinion. As I said previously, I have gotten to know whose opinions I can trust. And you were one of the people who not only welcomed me to the roll call but engaged me in "conversation", so thank you again for that.

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Boy I wish there was a LIKE button for some of these posts.

Thank you the responses from some of the regulars . I'm glad to see that you understand and maybe even agree what several people have posted. Unfortunately not many of the clique people have not participated in this thread so I'm thinking they feel we aren't talking about them. So after a few days it will be business as usual.

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Thanks for fostering cats. I would fail at that as I'm not sure I could give them up. Four of our six came from a local rescue organization and I admire the work that they, and you, do for them.


Awww thanks. The purrs and the trust are more than enough reward :) I always tell people that the ONLY reason I'm not a "crazy cat lady" is because each morning I have a stern conversation with myself, that I cannot hoard cats ;) Though after having our entire house filled with pets about a year ago, I realize that even I have a limit.


(and our cat has adjusted to and now relishes being the only cat-child. She is more than slightly annoyed about the new arrivals....)


And now back to cruising. Having pets adds a layer of difficulty to getting away for a cruise ;)

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Boy I wish there was a LIKE button for some of these posts.

Thank you the responses from some of the regulars . I'm glad to see that you understand and maybe even agree what several people have posted. Unfortunately not many of the clique people have not participated in this thread so I'm thinking they feel we aren't talking about them. So after a few days it will be business as usual.


I so agree about the LIKE button! If nothing else, this thread has opened up quite a dialogue and maybe we can all get a better understanding of each other, and how things go awry. We seem to be actually talking to each other, and not just promoting ourselves, no pot shots being taken apart from some early posts. But it went to a more positive slant.

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The fact that someone has referred to this thread as "safe" and so many people have spoken about being stung, slammed, etc etc- should be a lesson to everyone. If you want the board and the threads to move along and be lively then be careful what you say. One line comebacks can be hurtful. Major pile ons serve no purpose and I can recall so very many times when someone has asked a simple question and the thread has turned into an absolute embarrassment. Just imagine the poor person wading in to ask if her eight year old can wear shorts in the dining room every night.


The unique feature with the HAL board is that so many of you are older (retired, more time to cruise, more cruises under your belt, more expendable income and no dependents, likelihood of living near a cruise port- although so many of you live in Canada or near Boston), so many of the cruises are longer than the usual Sunday-Sunday that the average cruiser is able to sail, and some of the voyages are unique. This means that instead of on the Carnival board, where someone asks a question about Elation and many, many people feel fine answering (including those who have just sailed Elation, those who have sailed her many times, those who haven't sailed her in five years); on the HAL board the core of posters has sailed a single ship for 75 days, is on a first name basis with the captain, his wife, the former captain, the hotel director, the artist who paints pictures of the ship, the person who runs the webcam during sailaways, and is friends with a bunch of other posters on the thread (and has sailed for decades with them). Intimidating much? Indeed. What civilian would jump in to hazard a guess at answering a question at that point?


This is a very thought provoking perspective. I had never thought about the HAL board in that way before.

It would seem that the very same features that make the HAL board unique are also making it seem unfriendly to newcomers----or in other words, its best points are also its worst points. Very interesting indeed.

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I'm so glad I stopped by here today. I usually avoid HAL boards because I think I'm in a time warp. Same nasty people talking about the same goofy things. I'm so glad that others feel like I do. The clique mentality is ridiculous and truthfully when I did post on this board I was always afraid I'd be chastised or my posts would be deleted (both have happened to me). >SNIP<


The fact that someone has referred to this thread as "safe" and so many people have spoken about being stung, slammed, etc etc- should be a lesson to everyone. If you want the board and the threads to move along and be lively then be careful what you say. One line comebacks can be hurtful. Major pile ons serve no purpose and I can recall so very many times when someone has asked a simple question and the thread has turned into an absolute embarrassment. Just imagine the poor person wading in to ask if her eight year old can wear shorts in the dining room every night.





I have been on internet chat boards for (OMG!) decades :eek: (back when being on a chat forum immediately meant abuse and pile-ons and flame wars on a daily basis) and even I have been beaten into silence on CC by one particularly vicious attack (when all I did was state a differing opinion). So I can understand exactly what you are saying. And I can understand how a simple question such as "Can I wear capris to the dining room?" can be the end of a person's posting, after the thread goes out of control.

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I so agree about the LIKE button! If nothing else, this thread has opened up quite a dialogue and maybe we can all get a better understanding of each other, and how things go awry. We seem to be actually talking to each other, and not just promoting ourselves, no pot shots being taken apart from some early posts. But it went to a more positive slant.


What an excellent post! It is great to see people being able to state their feelings and opinions, and not being under attack.

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It seems very quiet here on the HAL board. Has anyone else noticed that? Have posters lost interest? Have most HAL cruising questions been answered? Are there fewer new cruisers joining? Is the "Search" function working well? :D


If you've cut back on posting, why? I seldom find any threads that cry out for my response, I'm not here regularly, and others have already answered them.


What's up?

We've done November and December cruises for a few years. It always seems slower this time of year from what I remember. I know that it's traditionally the slowest time of year for new bookings. That probably accounts for quite a bit of the perceived slow down. There are also a lot of alternative places to visit for information compared to a few years ago. If you've ever tried to search for information here, you don't need anyone to tell you how well that works.

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We've done November and December cruises for a few years. It always seems slower this time of year from what I remember. I know that it's traditionally the slowest time of year for new bookings. That probably accounts for quite a bit of the perceived slow down. There are also a lot of alternative places to visit for information compared to a few years ago. If you've ever tried to search for information here, you don't need anyone to tell you how well that works.
he is correct 109 percent. Wish we had more wonderful and positive posters like him.
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We've done November and December cruises for a few years. It always seems slower this time of year from what I remember. I know that it's traditionally the slowest time of year for new bookings. That probably accounts for quite a bit of the perceived slow down. There are also a lot of alternative places to visit for information compared to a few years ago. If you've ever tried to search for information here, you don't need anyone to tell you how well that works.


Interesting, as it seems that the post on the FCL are higher this time of the year and of course at March madness.


you might want to scroll back and see some good points that people have made. your posts, of course are always fun and informative - but there have been legitimate concerns raised and worthy of reading and listening to.

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I have to jump in and add to this post. We sailed for first time in 2010(actually the first time was 1995 for my parent's 50th anniversary, but 2010 was just the two of us). I found this board and asked questions that were pertinent to our sailing and received prompt, informative answers. We have sailed since then and I don't come to this board unless we have a cruise scheduled. I have never had an answer to a question that made me skulk off never to return. I do read others postings and have to say that I am quite put off by the postings where they go on about how they are so close and friendly with the captain and crew ya da ya da ya da. I am sure when one does back to backs they do get to know the crew, etc, but it for the rest of us it diminishes our experience somewhat by making us feel less than involved and connected with the cruising experience. Not all of us have unlimited funds and all we want is the best experience we can get with what we have to work with. An appreciation for those of us who are trying to learn how to go about that is needed without a put down



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