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All Things EARTH... part 2


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Ah, prime rib.  I love it!   I was a good girl and had salmon.  It was really great, by the way.


My items from Bon Bon Vintage have been shipped to us, so I am excited!!  Sometimes, it is the little things.  It was fun finding pieces that we liked.  


I have had a bit of a cold this week.  While I don't feel great, it isn't anything major.  Just a drippy nose kind of thing that I hope goes away fast.  We had some things to do this weekend, but they were all canceled.  That is kind of good, because it means I don't have to worry about passing this to anyone else, if I happen to be contagious.  Also, I can rest a little bit and get caught up on some things.


The weather this week has been back and forth a little, but overall, rather spring like.  It has been in the 40s-50s.  

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Laurie...feel better soon.


So we'll be changing apartments in just over 5 months. In preparation I am, as usual, focused on downsizing. I think I should adopt the word streamlining instead of downsizing? The goal is not to just have less. I said to DH, if someone were to come into our apt, while we weren't home, and just look around...would they be able to discern what we really liked to do with out time? What possessions were precious? Does our home reflect us?


So that's my current goal. It's the same goal...but it is framed in a different light, which is one reason why I have started detailing one of our vehicles. Because that vehicle is very important to me...we have made some recent decisions with repair that basically solidified the fact that we were going to invest in this vehicle because we wanted to keep it.


I look in my closet and my drawers and I wonder what my wardrobe says. Does it reflect me? I think this might be an easier way for me to tackle the whole style question. Instead of trying to think about individual outfits...think about my choices as a whole. I know styling is a big part of STYLE but still...


So here's my topic for discussion...if anyone would like to participate.


1. What is the OLDEST item of clothing in your wardrobe? I'm not talking about the most vintage piece of clothing you own...I'm talking about the piece of clothing that has been in your wardrobe for the longest time...and here's the kicker...if you don't wear it right now, you have to WANT to wear it. Like you would wear this right now to some event, IF it fit. IF you had the event to wear it to. IF it wouldn't fall apart with one more wearing.


My answer...I have a formal outfit that dates back to either the summer after I graduated high school or early college years. The sad thing is that I don't have a single photograph of me wearing the outfit...and only ONE recollection of wearing it, which I think was during my senior year in college. It is a double breasted halter top in a matte type formal fabric with shinier (satin?) lapels. The coordinating pants are velvet. They are tapered in that cigarette style but they do have small pleats.




I have loved this from when I first saw it. I thought it is so sophisticated...a feminine take on a tux. I thought it was timeless and would never really go out of style. (Not sure about the pants...LOL) Looking at it again...I think the button details (they are decorative, there are snaps underneath) could be updated...the buttons feel dated to me, but it's difficult to say without seeing the whole outfit on. If my torso could somehow squeeze back into an early 90s size 6...OMG yes a SIX...then I would totally wear this to any number of events. I'm thinking the ballet, the opera, formal night and if I were to ever get invited in my life to a formal wedding, New Year's Eve party, etc etc. (Can you believe I haven't been invited to a wedding since the 90s? let alone a formal wedding?)


2. What is the OLDEST item of clothing in your wardrobe that you STILL wear...regularly? This assumes that your answer to number 1 is something that you don't wear.


DS just turned 19 but back when he was 1! More like 18 months...but that summer after the January that he turned 1...that was our "Zoo Walk!" summer. We lived in Wichita and were members of the Sedgwick County Zoo...a GREAT zoo...that was very park like in the middle with a huge lawn and picnic areas with the zoo all spread out along different paths from that middle area. You could bring in your own food...they had a bottomless bucket of popcorn...and DS and I went to the zoo about 3-4 times a week on average that summer. After breakfast, we would hit the road, with our packed lunch and we would have a great time at this zoo, which was huge...outside city limits...and if you have been to Disney's Animal Kingdom and been on the animal walks there...that was what going to Sedgwick was like. Anyway...I finally broke down and bought a tee shirt from the zoo. It's a plain heather gray shirt that simply say Sedgwick County Zoo with a very simple logo in burgundy. It's a very simple shirt...it goes with everything and when I grab a tee shirt...I grab this shirt. It's pretty beat up, so it isn't the shirt that I want to wear when I'm trying to be "stylish" but I do wear it in public. LOL. 


3. What item of clothing that you NO LONGER own do you remember the most? Like even though you don't have it anymore, you wore it so much, back in the day, that you still think about it. Why did you get rid of it? Would you wear it today if you still had it?


I had an acid wash semi-crop jean jacket with white leather fringe.






I loved this jacket and wore it all the time...in high school. I brought it to college but I didn't need to wear it as much in college because San Antonio didn't need jackets, but when I wore it, I also associated it so much with high school that I started to feel like it wasn't a very "grown up" thing to wear...more juvenile...and I wanted to be more grown up. The fringe also started to get really wonky...kinked up and not laying right...and without the internet to tell me how to fix it...I didn't know what to do about it. Also, it was difficult to wash and so the collar area and the cuffs were getting really worn in a bad and ugly yellowing kind of way, because it had needed to be washed more from the beginning. I remember wishing that the jean jacket part was a little more traditional...not the weird double breasted style...and also that the material wasn't acid wash...something worn but not acid wash.


I would not wear this as is today. Today, I like the more feminine silhouette of the jacket as opposed to the harder more traditional style...but I stand by not liking the acid wash. I think that it would be fun to try to dye the whole thing a color...maybe a really earthy burgundy, wine kind of color...and having a darker toned, tone on tone burgundy/wine fringe. I think I would rock that.


I think the halter and the fringe jacket are basically the same thing. A feminine take on something that is traditionally masculine. Tuxedo. Denim jacket. The tee shirt seems like a lazy choice...but given the fact that I cleared out such shirts a while ago...I have a collection of "to be put in a tee shirt quilt" tees, determined to make more of a styled choice away from graphic tees...and yet...here I am...wearing graphic tees and totally rebuilding my collection with new memories...I realize that I appreciate wearing something the reminds me of good times...especially when those good times reflect my interests...like music. Hence, the thought of doing some alterations to these graphic tees to make them a bit more flattering.


Anyone else? I'm so sick of reading about the woes of the world...I'd love to talk about something else for a while! LOL.

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Anita, I love this topic and will try to reply specifically to it next week (I'm running out of time today 😉 ).


I did want to pop in and let you know I'm thinking about you and another friend who have students studying abroad in England.  My heart goes out to you ❤️ 

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I don't have anything really old in my closet except my second wedding dress  . It was a blush pink with lace accents midi dress . I would not wear and I do fit into it . I clean out my closets and get rid of things a lot so nothing really stays in my closet beyond a few years . I could not pick out one favorite item since I have had quite a few . Usually they remind me of a happy time in my life .Anything that brings back painful memories is never worn again. One of my favorite dresses was a very washed blue chambray sundress . I loved that dress . It was the perfect pop on and go dress . I have no idea what happened to it .If it suddenly appeared I would wear it .

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I'm not one to keep things I dont wear for lack of a pla e to put them.  But I do have a lit to share on this topic later today, and I need to take a photo to show you.  


A lot of what I wear is based on necessity, not personal style.  Work clothes, for example.  If I had the ability to simply look for what I wanted and throw my cares in the air, it's going to be heavy on vintage.  Like the 50s...I had the most amazing fitted top or jacket with 3/4 sleeves in a dupioni silk.  It was fitted, with a collar and three or 4 buttons in the front.  I loved the elegance of it.  Still, I made it work for when I was wearing it. 


I went through a tie and button down oxford shirt phase too, but I think that was more related to equality than style.

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We’re home from our cruise. Arrived home after a day of travel delays at 1:30am. Came home to the snow & ice (& fog) we left in. Great cruise, Celebrity has always cleaned everything well & they’ve stepped it up. 

Anita, your look back on clothes sounds intriguing, I’ll play after  I get some sleep!  Melody

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Here is pretty much the only clothing item I have from way back when.  I wore it in high school and a little in my early 20s, but it has always been to the small side because I washed it in warm water by mistake.


Mu sister and I found it when shopping the annual "garage" sale at the Jewish Home.  While I'm not sure the pictures show the colors well, it is very earthy.  The darker beading is brown.





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On 3/13/2020 at 4:55 PM, pacruise804 said:

I did want to pop in and let you know I'm thinking about you and another friend who have students studying abroad in England.  My heart goes out to you ❤️ 


I just wanted to share...I had texted with DS about who things were going over there...he texted and we actually talked through the WhatsApp...so, note to everyone, you can use WhatsApp to make an international phone call. He had said that in light of the new UK travel ban, another American composition student was flying home Sunday (this conversation occurred on Saturday). After talking with him, we decided to bring him home the next day, Sunday.


This means that he will be missing the last two weeks of the second term of the year. Which means missing exams...so DH advised DS to get into contact with any professors he could to proactively discuss the ramifications of this. The thing is that there is a 3-week break between the second and third terms, so DS was 2-weeks away from a 3-week break from school. While this phone call was in progress, I was looking at Delta flights...and I managed to book DS on a non-stop flight from Gatwick to Orlando with miles. I thank God that we had enough miles to pay for this very sudden ticket...using our Delta AMEX for everyday expenses has really paid off. DS got good feedback from his professors...especially the composition professors...so he was able to leave feeling like the school side of life would get sorted.


Meanwhile...DS did have to take the Tube, the train and a plane to get home...but he is home now...safe and sound...and super happy to be out of London, in particular, and the UK in general...he thinks that Boris is not doing a good job at managing COVID. DS has no symptoms but we are all practicing a bit of distance...no hello hugs 😞 and practicing good hygiene here at home...being aware of washing hands, not touching our face, changing out hand towels frequently, etc. 


Because some may find it interesting...I can say that DS underwent absolutely no screening in the UK prior to getting on board the plane. At the gate, he was given a form to fill out regarding his travels and contacts over the past 14 days, being told EMPHATICALLY that this form was important and new and being instituted just this day, Sunday, his travel date.


So DS shows up to Customs with the form and the Customs guy in Orlando was like...what is this?


The form basically had the questions that Customs was going to ask DS...which, interestingly enough, were the same questions with an expanded country list that DH and I were asked prior to boarding Harmony last month. The Customs guy flat out told DS that if anyone answers yes to any of the questions, they don't get to come in to the country...and the Customs guy made a crack about why would anyone NOT answer yes knowing that? DS wisely kept his mouth shut and didn't participate in all this speculation and proceeded through Customs as easily as he would have on any other pre-COVID, "normal" day.


Maybe easier...because the flight was no where near full...and DS was privileged to be seated alone in his row...so I think the burden through Customs was a lot less than normal. Orlando is not a screening airport.


We could have waited to bring DS home. He could still have come home after the UK travel ban became effective, but my understanding is that he would have had to go through one of the 13 screening airports in order to do so. Which, even without thinking about the logistics of that (which seems like a complete cluster in all the news reports I have read)...just seemed like a PITA.


While UK schools were not and still have not closed down...and DS's school is following government mandates and is operating "normally" except for some performance cancelations...most of DS's school obligations were being canceled. Most of his "classes" are seminars with guest artist speakers and or performers...and THOSE people were canceling...so of course the seminars, master classes, and performances that are a great portion of DS's school obligation were effectively closing the school for DS, who said that he hadn't been to school since earlier in the week.


I think that we might have felt differently about DS overseas if he were in a flat with some flatmates...if he had a kitchen and the ability to be self sufficient in a state of self isolation, but he was completely reliant on outside help, living in a hall very similar to a typical US-dorm or motel room, even, except that he didn't even have a "dorm fridge" and all other cooking type appliances (even a hot pot) are banned from DS's hall.


So DS is home and I'm as happy as can be to have him on US soil and under my roof during this time. I will say that now I wish that I had bought ANY extra TP...as I had thought that I had supply enough for DH and myself...UGH. And now DH is home bound, working from home and DS is here and I'm kind like OMG...WHY did everyone have to decide to hoard the TP? *sigh*


Hoping everyone here is in good health and staying that way.


Melody...glad you are back. Hope you had a good trip...I would love to hear about it! I think we all could use a bit of virtual travel!


Laurie...that's a lovely sweater. The beadwork is really nice. That's the kind of thing that is so lovely...and would go with so many things...but I can see not choosing to wear it as often because it does seem like it would be painful to launder.


Sally...I'm imagining your chambray dress as a shirt dress? That is something that is usually so easy to wear. That whole button down situation though...still pretty challenging. But I have wondered about if I could sew something that would work. One of my favorite dresses right now is the Boho style mixed pattern dress I took on the cruise. It's a woven material and I love the way that it isn't form fitting but just floats around my body. I like knits for comfort a lot but I don't feel they are flattering.

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Anita, I’m so glad your son is home safely. Your relief must be huge. My cousin’s son was studying in Dublin & he arrived home safely on Saturday night. On to issue, get to Walmart/Target at 6-6:30 am that’s when trucks are unloaded. Our daughter (that was staying here while we were gone) realized what was happening & hit Costco for us for one mega pkg of tp, coffee & canned tomatoes & pasta...so thoughtful of her!  

Les came down with cough, fever, sore throat & runny nose on Sat night. Waiting for doc to call back. I feel fine. He has underlying issue of mild COPD. I’ll post some cruise pictures when I figure out what’s going on with him. Melody

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I hope Les is ok. 🙏 Definitely take care of him and yourself.


DS got a very encouraging email today. Apparently there were enough Americans that left...and they all were proactive enough in their communications...many teachers announced postponements of such things that require attendance...exams, etc. Papers and other assignments normally submitted electronically are still due...as they should be...but the relief to know that somehow DS isn’t the odd ball out in dealing with makeups is quite wonderful.


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Well Les was admitted to the hospital yesterday afternoon. He’s been tested for COVID19, Influnza A&B & pneumonia. The Covid test takes 2-7 days to come back. They’re keeping him in isolation (he is not a happy camper). I’m not allowed to even go wave at him.  I’m just glad I had his phone, a charger & a new Clive Cussler book with me. He has movies on his phone. His X-ray came back ok with mild clouding so they erred on side of caution & kept him. He’s on iv, O2 & antibiotics & cough syrup & Tylenol. His underlying mild COOD, asthma & age & our recent travel...  they tested me for strep, but that’s it & I'm clear. Melody

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Melody...what an awful situation to come home to. I sincerely hope that Les recovers from whatever it is quickly. He’s in the best place to be at this point...I’m sure the isolation from being able to see him is nerve wracking...so praying you have peace in this situation. I do hope the test results come as quickly as possible so you can stop wondering and just concentrate on recovery. Cyber hugs.

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Update on Les. They’re pretty sure he has viral bronchitis made worse by asthma & his mild COPD.  His temperature is stubborn & staying at 100-101. They’ll keep him till that drops. Still no result on COVID testing. He is not one to just lie around so this is very frustrating for him. They gave him a paper lip last night so he could turn the heat down in his room!  Thank you all for the virtual hugs. He’s going to come home to many casseroles in the freezer! 

our daughter, that stayed in our house while we were gone, replaced my kitchen faucet as a thank you. I’d commented on her pot filler faucet & how that would be our next project. She & her husband crossed it off our list & replaced it while we were gone...it’s awesome!!!  So nice, & so unexpected. 

stay well all. Melody

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Melody...after learning a bit more about the COVID testing...it isn’t a surprising turn around, as frustrating as it is. What ship were you on again? Continuing to hope for no complications and a speedy recovery. Very nice about the faucet...

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Update. They released Les to home at 8pm last night on 02. By the oxygen was delivered (& put in the garage as the guy couldn’t come in to set it up because we didn’t have the results of the testing) it was after 10 pm. I called the daughter (that was already exposed) & we set the oxygenator up on our main level. He can go to every room upstairs (guest bedroom, bathroom, dining area, kitchen & living room) with his long cord. I have a 100lb tank in the garage for power outages & 8 canisters (about 25 lbs each). For emergencies. They forgot the portable oxygenator (shoulder bag) so I expect they’ll be back today. We’re expecting a major snowstorm starting about noon, so glad to have him home!  He’s coughing heavily but fever is gone. On prednisone so he’ll start feeling better. Thanks all for all the prayers. 

FYI. the docs said the likely culprit was MardiGras not the ship. The hordes of people & cool (50F) & damp weather didn’t help. Melody

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Melody, it must be such a relief to have Les home! There's something about home...being in your own space...and also being together! OMG...I bet that just being able to be with you will be helping Les's spirits and mindset...and that is a big part of the healing process IMO. Good news to read this morning.

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