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All Things EARTH... part 2


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Laurie , You can only have cortisone shots occasionally because cortisone is not good for you . I have to take cortisone for asthma flares and I ended up with cataracts at 50 . You must be really excited with the wedding coming up .

Melody , You have the worst luck with feet problems . Hope you get better soon

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Yes, I have been told that cortisone is not something I can have a lot of.  I know they told me I would have to wait 3 months before having a second one.  I was thinking 2-3, then no more....hopefully.  I have also heard about another type of shot that is alcohol based...it acts on the nerve by freezing.  My doctor did not mention this option to me, but I would like to find out more.  If there is a better option, then I am all for it.  

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Unfortunately spiders are common here due to our climate. We were sitting outside enjoying a slightly warmer afternoon, enjoying a nice glass of wine with our kids & I guess the spider thought I looked like a tasty snack! It’s been a strange winter weather wise & all the creatures are confused.  Luckily the prednisone is doing it’s job & it looks much better (& feels 150% better), of course prednisone turns me into the wicked witch of the west!  I’m not normally a grumpy person, but whooee !


Laurie, I’d try some physical therapy instead of relying on cortisone, it is really terrible for you. I’d get a foot roller to use at home, they really help.  Like Sally, I ended up with cataract surgery in my 50s because of it (of course, that wasn’t such a bad thing as I now have 20-20 vision & no glasses). 


Love those Athleta outfits!  I found the Eddie Bauer skorts at Costco last week for $9.99, black, green/grey & navy. Melody

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Back in London...we are headed to Regents Park.


It isn't as large as Central Park...I looked up the acreage. Central is over 700 acres...Regents is over 400. Still. It's the type of park that has the London Zoo, an amphitheater, a university or two...and different themed park areas. We were headed to Queen Mary's Gardens...which are basically right out the back door of RAM.


Along the way...window shopping...I quickly snapped this window display. It grabbed my attention because of the sneakers paired with the outfit. It's difficult to see with the glare...the outfit is a dress, with a blue cardigan sweater (jumper?) and a long trench coat...with solid white sneakers. The sleeve looks so odd because the coat sleeve's white lining is showing, being turned up and pushed up the arm...then you see the cardigan sleeve and closest to the wrist, the dress sleeve:




Here I am at the gates that designate Queen Mary's Gardens. It had started to rain a bit...more like a misty drizzle...something you just deal with if you're a visitor...my hood is up on my jacket...and you can see my Mizzoni Converse:




Behind me you can see the wide strollyway. There are benches on either side...it reminded me a bit of the what I think is the mall area in Central Park? It's still officially winter...so...not really the best time to view a garden. You can also see all the bare branches and lack of color behind me.


There's a formal rose garden area that I'm sure is stunning in season. Each bed is dedicated to a particular rose, so when they are blooming, there would be a large swathe of the blooms. Currently, the roses had been cut back.


There were crocus blooms in large areas of lawn...really pretty in person...didn't photograph well. And many other early signs of Spring. We encountered so many plant specimens that I don't think should be growing in England...and we all speculated as to the effect that British colonization and exploration had on these gardens. Was the intent of the gardens a kind of collection?


A focal point in the garden is the water feature. The sound of the waterfall...very peaceful...drowning out the hum of the surrounding city. The protected palm totally reminded me of AZ! They have to do this same treatment during cold snaps.




The same water feature from above...a sort of garden overlook:




Not to be compared to Margaret's animal photos...but there are so many different birds in this park. One that I have never seen before that I thought was hilarious...I later learned is a Eurasian Coot. It has the funniest feet...when they pick them up, they dangle like an empty banana peel and when they set them down, they land with a kind of slap...splaying out:






Statues were located throughout...many imaginative and entertaining statues...not so serious and memorializing type statues only. Like this one with the boy and the duck:




These trees are currently blooming here. Simply stunning in the winter landscape...and a good example of how there is still some interest in the late winter / early spring garden:






We had spoken with someone along our path...I don't recall who...but they had mentioned what a great place the garden was for them. How the garden was their getaway place. Nice to just be there and reflect...have a break from the day or the week or whatever. There are benches throughout the garden...paths to walk...little spots to seclude yourself. I can totally see DS coming here with his notepad and writing.


Back on this day though...we were getting hungry. Eating Indian in London was a must do for us. We love Indian and were excited to eat it here...so many of my British friends missed their curries...saying that it was hard to find over here. I had scoped out a family owned restaurant near by...so we headed there.




When I am so grateful for the internet and especially the social internet is when we travel...then I am always so grateful for the people who take the time to review. I didn't research this out before we went...just in our apartment...trying to anticipate where we might be and pick out a few possibilities. I have really good spacial awareness and a kind of ability to make a mental map...and I did remember generally where the restaurant was and we were able to easily find it from the park...even without Maps. LOL.


The food was everything it was supposed to be. Really, really good. It was hands down, the BEST saag paneer that I have ever had...and I've had a LOT. The curries were flavorful without overpowering heat. So nice that the reality lived up to the hype. We had ordered everything for the table so we could share a bit of it all. It was late afternoon, early evening...we were basically alone in the restaurant. A great meal.

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OMG Melody...I can't believe what happens to your feet! I hope you recover quickly. Wow.


Nice finds at Athleta, Laurie. It's a mental game, spending a bit more on the clothing that you want to sweat in and work hard in. Why would we do that? But the fact is...if you take into account the number of times that you were your exercise clothing...and you get down to a cost per wear instead of just thinking of the price, spending whatever you need to spend to get some feel good clothing for exercise is really worth it.


Really getting close to wedding time! I feel ya...we're in the DS graduation and moving countdown. I'm right there with you with this anticipation of a major life event. The event looms ahead and is dominating daily life...even as you don't want it to too much.


I had a great birthday. DH stayed through it...I did have to wake up at 3:30 AM today to take him to the airport so he could get to work by certain meetings this morning...and that wasn't fun, but it was totally worth it. Everything was about me all weekend long! LOL.


We went shopping yesterday. I was looking for a nicer dress...something that might be graduation appropriate. Something spring-like...summery even. Very frustrating!! Things were not fitting me well in the stores. I ended up giving Torrid, a new to me store, a try. It's a plus size store...but the sizes begin at size 10...which is fabulous for me. The cut of the clothing is made for women with more curves and so the fit was great. Finally...arm holes in the right spot and not too baggy here or tight there. And everything was more youthful without being completely teen.


This is my new dress. It's a terra-cotta color that looks so good on me. I have a tank in this color...and back in the day when we were doing color parties...this was one of those great colors on me. I feel like this will help me be happy with pictures of graduation.




And this is my new shirt...IDK if the green background is strictly earthy...it's more emerald green, but it seems a bit muted IRL...but I love the green and purple together on this top. And the A Line is so flattering. 




I'm walking the line between 12-16 sizing depending on the cut and fabric of the clothing. Sometimes an L, or an XL. I've been having a really hard time finding good fitting clothing...and it's been bumming me out. Just want to give a shout out for this store. The bathing suits in there also looked really good...but I got a new suit at Target...which has some great earthy colors right now.


I didn't get an earthy colored suit though!! LOL. I got these gray shorts...I think they will be great for kayaking. The cut outs on the legs give that more like a traditional swim suit bottom silhouette and framing on the body, but having the shorts functionality. Love it. I loved them so much, I bought two sizes. The ones that fit and one size down. 




And I paired it with this tankini. I love the colors. It looks a bit more fitted than A Line right now...but it fits right.



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Anita, love the swim shorts& tankini top. That dress can be used in so many ways, good color for you. 


Well the lab lab tests came back on the foot. What doc thought was a bite turns out to be a basal skin cancer (there is a bite beside it), but the swelling & pain turns out to be gouty arthritis. This may be one of the reasons I’ve had so much trouble with my feet. I’m now on gout medication to see if it helps. I’ll get the skin cancer removed when we come back from FL (don’t want doc telling me that I can’t walk in the sand...). Doc was surprised at the lab diagnosis as my diet isn’t one that would indicate gout. I need to do lots more research. At least I was able to stop the Prednisone (I didn’t sleep for 3 days & wooee was I a grumpy cat). I am feeling more like me, finally. Melody 

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Thanks Ladies...I think I'll have fun with the dress. The tone on tone of the cami dress under the lace over dress makes for a great texture that I really like.


DS going off to uni (as they say) will be hard emotionally. I'll be playing some mind games when the time comes. For instance, DS will be in London for just under 3 months before he his home again for a month. I'll be focusing on that relatively short sojourn he will have in London to start rather than focusing on him going away...kwim? Focus on bite sized pieces instead of the whole enchilada.


Wow Melody. My FIL deals with gout...he controls it through his diet. My personal opinion on such things is that everyone's chemistry is unique and so foods will react differently with everyone's individual makeup. A quick look at what is out there that is recommended to include and avoid doesn't completely jive with what I know he does. But he has successfully been feeling better by following his own figured out diet. I'm sure you would also experiment and will be independent enough to know that what works for one doesn't necessarily work for another and will keep that in mind when you research. Just trying to encourage you to experiment, which might really be indicated with the comment that your diet doesn't indicate for gout issues...that may be true for others, but it would seem that your particular chemistry is having a reaction. Glad you are feeling more like yourself.

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Rheumatology Doc said gouty arthritis isn’t gout. The medication that I’ve been on (since Monday) seems to be helping. One of the side effects is weight loss, so that combined with the two meds that I take that can cause weight gain...maybe they’ll balance each other out???


I remember our girls leaving for college, it was wrenching but exciting. Our son leaving for Marine Corps boot camp was tough. We knew the girls would be home for vacations etc, we had no idea when we’d see son. All worked out well & they now all live in the same town. 


Pulled out suitcases to go to FL. We’re doing carryon size (but checking it). Les is going to have rotator cuff surgery later this spring so don’t want to stress his arm. We’re only going for 8 days & hopefully we’ll live on the beach!  I’m doing black, white & cobalt blue for colors. Melody

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23 hours ago, Sailor_Sally said:

Melody , Sorry about your foot problems . Florida weather has been finicky this year . We will get gorgeous days and then it will be chilly again . Take a sweater for evenings .Today is chilly .

I don’t go anywhere without my wrap sweater from Athleta. That’s been the best sweater I’ve ever had (just below hip length & 2 deep  pockets).


as long as it doesn’t snow I’ll be happy. We were  76 yesterday & woke up to 3” of snow 🙄Melody

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Melody, first off...I'm sorry about all your foot issues!  I am sure this is hard for you.


Your weather and ours has similarities.  I think it is going to be 60 today and then in the 30s and a wet snow tomorrow.  


I wore my mew Athleta outfit to the gym this week.  I was very pleased with the fit and comfort of everything.  Currently, there are three brands of what I'll call gym clothes that I like, in order of price, from highest to lowest: Athleta, Victoria's Secret, C9 by Champion.  I like Victoria's Secret for bras a lot.  I was hesitant at first, but once I bought one, I was sold.  The nice thing about VS is that I constantly get coupons, and you can combine them with sales, as well as use more than one.  Regular price at VS is more than what I like to spend, which is why Athleta is hard for me...A pair of bottoms at Athleta will be $20-$30 more than VS.


I'll know in time if that is worthwhile.  However, if they have a color I really love, I may be willing to spend a little more because wearing colors I love makes me happy. That may sound silly, but it is very accurate for how I feel about color.  I have gotten to the point where as long as I don't wear black or white, I can create a lot of outfits I love.


C9 is really nice quality and very reasonably priced, but I find that people snap it up so if I don't go to Target constantly, by the time I realize they have something I like, they are often out of my size.  I should make it a point to stop there more often.


Anita, my older daughter went to school from home, decided to then go to work, then back to school.  So I didn't really have to deal with the separation anxiety until my younger daughter went to college.  It was hard, but most people giggled a bit at me because she went to Syracuse University.  Honestly, it doesn't matter...she moved out!  I didn't know where she was all the time!  She didn't constantly call or anything like that.  The distance doesn't really matter, you are separated.  


One thing that helped me was to get excited about breaks and when she would be home.  I also started to think and plan well in advance about me.  What will I do?  We base our lives on our kids so much, that when they grow up, what you realize is that you didn't have time for hobbies, or maybe friends or whatever. Suddenly, you are asking what to do with yourself?


My life has been changing a lot in the past 7 years or so.  Between my daughter going to college, then graduating, to coming back home.  To the daughter that has always been a homebody becoming engaged and moving out.  My job is more demanding.  My husband has been working extra hours to save for certain goals he has.  So everything is always changing.  


No two people are the same, so my advice may not mean a lot, but have things you enjoy doing by yourself, with friends.  Take up a new hobby.  Spending time with your husband will be awesome.  My husband have date lunches on the weekend.  We'll choose Saturday or Sunday, and just chat away over a beer and good food.  



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Hi, I'm back!


We had a nice time, with qualifications. DH was getting over his cold, but it came back with a vengeance on our first sea day. He had a bad asthma attack last Wednesday and ended up visiting the doctor for meds, which started working the next day. Whew. I came down with a cold too, and this morning I went to the doctor here at home and was diagnosed with bronchitis.


We spent a lot of time resting in our cabin and balcony and visiting the hot tub. I know DH is sick when he wants the hot tub because normally he doesn't like them. We were right below the Solarium Pool and spent a lot of time there. We went to two of the shows, a comedian thing, and I did a couple of line dance classes, and that was about it. I won a bottle of wine at the M&M on the first day, which was fun for me because I never win anything.


I have very few pictures. We just weren't up to our usual activity level. I will say that this was by far the most casually dressed crowd I have ever seen on a cruise, by a lot. The MDR dining was excellent, and we had one of the best serving teams, probably in the top three, of any cruise we have taken. We did make our excursion to Chacchoben and it was excellent. I ended up going to West Bay Beach with a couple of women from the ship to snorkel and DH stayed back. We did make it to Nachi Cocum and just relaxed on the beach. It was a bit cool and windy for swimming, though.


We had smooth sailing and very nice weather all week. We had a ball with our nephew on Saturday at the water park in Tampa, but we were so exhausted by the day that we slept through breakfast with my sister on Sunday and just left early for the airport. We had the 1905 salad at the Columbia outpost there, and I watched Green Book on the flight home, which was just excellent and made time go by very fast.


I haven't even unpacked anything, I've just been dozing and reading all day. Trying not to cough my lungs inside out.

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Margaret, I'm sorry that you and your husband were sick during vacation.  I've had that happen a few times, but fortunately, I was still able to enjoy myself overall.  It sounds like it worked that way for you also.  Still, being able to do things you are looking forward to is a big part of vacation, so it is hard when you can't do everything.


I hope you are both on the mend now.  


I'm interested in that you mentioned it was one of the most casual cruises you have been on.  I admit that my husband and I simply wear the clothing we want, regardless of what everyone else does.  Do I notice when others are dressed casually in the dining room?  Yes.  But that is their choice.  I wonder if it is because RCI is more of a family cruise line for those who may not want the party atmosphere you sometimes hear about with Carnival.  Maybe with families, it is viewed cumbersome to pack the extra clothes, or perhaps families are already on a tight budget? 


For whatever reason, it does seems like cruises have become more casual overall.  I'm trying to focus more on short dresses going forward, for this reason.  But I get so excited when I see long formal dresses.  


Maybe your cruise was more casual than usual due to a school break?  It seems rather late for spring break, and too early for an Easter break.



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Margaret , Sorry you were sick but it sounds like you still enjoyed it . We were on Royal Caribbean twice last year and the food was excellent both times .I have found cruises are just getting more casual .People just do not want to dress up like they used to .Plus a ton of the cruisers live in Florida where it is ultra casual all the time.


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I love that tunic.  It's so feminine and soft.  I absolutely love the wrap dress, because it is what I would call an updated classic.  It has interest to it, if you know what I mean.  I don't know if I could wear it, in the sense that having such a big chest means that looser tops and dresses kind of tent out over the girls on me.  It's a real pain.  But that blue is so pretty...sign.


That bathing suit really caught my eye!  I find myself looking at suits all the time.  I have a decent amount of them where I probably can't justify buying another one.  But I'm working on an excuse, lol.


Speaking of swimsuits, what do you all do about the hot tubs?  I had a coral colored suit from Athleta that is mostly a light peach color after being in the hot tub.  I find I tend to bring that specifically for the hot tub, but I hate that I really don't want to wear that particular one.  The thing is, I don't want to ruin another one.  Are there really suits that can deal with the heavy duty bleaching action of a hot tub?


That last JJill shirt is really pretty too.  I like prints like that.  It's art-like to me.  

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Laurie, I designate one suit specifically for hot tubs (as I know it’ll get destroyed). The suits I wear for my (4 times a week) aqua aerobics classes I get from swimsuits4all, they have the chlorine resistant suits for excellent prices. I do t wear my good ocean suits (Athleta, CocoReef, etc) in anything that has chlorine (it kills them). I’d designate your faded Athleta suit as hot tub only. Melody

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When I was doing water aerobics I ordered chlorine resistant suits from lands end .I have a hard time finding age appropriate gym wear .I like my pants to be capri length but slightly loose . The only brand I found that fits the bill is under armour . For tops I can find some at Kohl's .By the way I did order at green dress from JJill . I find I wear casual dresses a lot . So easy to just pop on and go .

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