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Anthem of the seas is headed back to Cape Liberty now due to a storm


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I am sitting in the solarium and it is another beautiful day. Sorry to be going home early but that is chances we take leaving from Bayonne Our change of flight home to Toronto cost us nearly $800 not sure what RCL will cover but we have been told to send our receipts to them.

The ship is beautiful but too big for us Ontario Cruiser

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I am sure that it has been said (I did not read the whole post). RCCL will continue to leave from winter ports as long as their are people who will book on their ships. Most of the ships are full all the time. The New York and DC area have people with money but maybe they don't want to fly. Warm areas can have weather problems too like hurricanes, etc.


I love winter cruising, live in NY and hate the hassle and expense of flying to and booking a pre-cruise hotel in Florida. I am thrilled that I can cruise out of NJ. I book 9 - 12 day cruises, so losing 2 days sailing from and back into the cold weather doesn't bother me.


Interestingly, a lot of the people I've spoken to on board are using their 50% off "coupon" to book the Feb. 7-19 (2017) cruise on the Anthem out of NJ!!! I'm trying to book too, but the cabin class I want is sold out.


Hurricanes, Noro - nobody seems to care.

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That's a problem when sick contagious people are among the ship refusing to be quarantined. The Noro will continue to spread quickly.

Absolutely agree. We have been on cruises where we know the folks are ill, and they refuse to stay in their cabin for the initial 24 hour quarantine period.


It used to be that when one person in the cabin became ill, all parties were quarantined for 48 hours. Now, it's only the person affected.

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I don't think RCCL should be blamed for the virus. Someone was sick and came on the ship and it affected other people. It's the people that cause the outbreak not the cruise line.


We were on the Anthem in January and I was very impressed that they had washing stations before you can enter thevWindjammer. Some people chose to bypass it and that is where the problem lies.

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Exactly right. There are hand sanitizer stations EVERYWHERE! It's the passengers who don't use them that allow this to spread.

Some cruise lines don't allow self service on day 1 of a cruise in the buffet or have most food preplated and portioned. Maybe those steps would help to reduce spread of Noro on a cruise. I also believe people bring it on from planes and hotels.


On an NCL ship I boarded they had a sanitizing solution in a spray bottle and a crew member that misted everyone's hands at the gang plank. You were NOT getting on without getting spray. I thought that was a good idea as well.


I am surprised that these new "high tech" smart ships don't have high technology such as UV ray boxes or the type at least where you insert your hands for a solution wash for the proper time.


Wash stations at entrance to buffet are a step in the right direction though

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I hate to have to force people to do anything, but you should not even be allowed to enter the Windjammer or other buffet areas if you don't wash your hands first.


I was on the Feb. 6 (storm disaster) cruise. I can't tell you how many times I saw people walk right through the sink area at the buffet without stopping to wash their hands.

Or if they did stop at a sink, they barely ran a few drops of water on their fingers, no soap, and proceeded through. No one checked!

At the tables, when one group got up, the table was minimally wiped just to get the crumbs off, never sanitized for the next person sitting there!

No wonder why illness spreads so quickly!!

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1.) There are somewhere in the neighborhood of 50 million people within driving distance of Bayonne. That's the primary audience for New Jersey/New York Winter cruises.



2.) Something about the sink area outside the Windjammer doesn't seem sanitary, not sure why. Also if everyone used the sinks there would be a line out the door and past the elevators. Seems to me the use of hand sanitizer should be enough, it always worked (to varying degrees) on previous cruise ships. Not sure how many ships have sinks at the entrance of the buffet, probably a very small number. Obviously the sinks didn't help on the Anthem.


Happened to be at a hospital this week and seems they think hand sanitizer is enough, everyone including the doctors use it. I know hospitals have their own sets of problems but they are filled with sick people so it's not a surprise if someone contracts an infection. I haven't heard much about Noro being an issue at most hospitals.

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Unfortunately, Norovirus is notorious for not being susceptible to the hand sanitizers. I think it gives people a false sense of security using the gels and sprays at every turn. The hand washing station is a great idea, if only people would utilize it correctly.

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I was on the Feb. 6 (storm disaster) cruise. I can't tell you how many times I saw people walk right through the sink area at the buffet without stopping to wash their hands.

Or if they did stop at a sink, they barely ran a few drops of water on their fingers, no soap, and proceeded through. No one checked!

At the tables, when one group got up, the table was minimally wiped just to get the crumbs off, never sanitized for the next person sitting there!

No wonder why illness spreads so quickly!!


This is why I hate to have to eat at the buffet. Unfortunately it is the only option you have sometimes if you miss the dining room hours. Plus the dining rooms are not always open like they were in the past.

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I had a land based case. I was exposed on Saturday evening. I went to work Monday morning (felt fine). I threw up twice, about 10 AM and went home. The symptoms from the other end started about noon. By 3 PM I was in the ER for severe dehydration. I was there until about 8PM receiving IV fluids. (It was before Norwalk virus was identified and well known)


I spent the next day and following day at home in bed and returned to work on Thursday......so your guesstimate is pretty close. :D


3 years ago DH and I both came down with a NORO like gastrointestinal issue immediately following a February cruise. It was at home (thankfully) and we didn't have any vomiting, just the other part. :D That one also necessitated two days off of work.

That dehydration w/ noro can really be nasty. I also visited the ER once due to the dehydration from Noro, and two visits to the hospital due to dehydration complications from bronchitis. I even had one nurse tell me nothing by mouth until 8 hours after last episode. That time, they needed to bring the wheelchair since I was so dehydrated. Tiny sips will get you through. We always keep gatorade on hand. On cruises, both times I was fine at breakfast, and really ill by mid-morning. We think it was food poisoning both times. Both times, on the ship it was about 36 hours. If you're sick w/ noro on the ship, they'll give you powerade. Be sure to get your quarantine credit, but the folks in Florida will make you jump through hoops to add it to a booking.


Personally, I think they'd halt a lot of norovirus in its tracks if they served all the time in the Windjammer.


I've seen so many weird things. The guy pouring milk from his glass back into the pitcher really took the cake. "Good grief," I thought, "now I'm going to have to find someone to take care of this." But fortunately, a crew member hurried up and carried it away as soon as the passenger put it back on the counter.

Edited by knittinggirl
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Unfortunately, Norovirus is notorious for not being susceptible to the hand sanitizers. I think it gives people a false sense of security using the gels and sprays at every turn. The hand washing station is a great idea, if only people would utilize it correctly.



Yes. Proper hand washing is key - unfortunately the logistics of getting every passenger to do it would require installation of a lot of hand washing stations.


And no, Noro is not usually a problem in hospitals - but medical staff themselves have fallen ill because of the regular use of alcohol based hand sanitizer rather than hand washing. In hospitals, patients with GI symptoms are identified which signals caregivers to wash...but there's no such indication for those visiting the hospital or the staff who work there.


There are only a few bugs resistant to alcohol based hand sanitizer and Noro is one that can easily infect otherwise healthy individuals.

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Ok, this is a bit of a ranty editorial, but its just my gut feeling/opinion so here goes...


In my opinion, RCCL's product has been watered down in recent years with the double whammy of reduced quality and higher costs. Still better than most but either the others (NCL for ex) are catching up or RCCL is playing down to their competition.... I still plan to travel RCCL but will at least, in light of recent events (and principle) at least give a look to what others are offering.


Also, I think most objective people will say that RCCL made a bad judgement call to take the ship out into that bad storm several weeks ago.


Most objective people I believe would also conclude that the ship is coming back now NOT because of the weather (as stated by RCCL) but because of the virus.


In both cases- virus & bad judgement call to go into storm, it is reflecting badly on RCCL. Like in politics- its often the cover up is worse than the crime. Sh*t happens to people (and companies) , but if you deal ALWAYS in honesty & integrity you will come out ahead. People are forgiving... But if you are dishonest....


Something smells badly in RCCL land when you consider their actions of the last few years in total...... from the dishonest BOGO sales, skyrocketing drink prices, going into a storm when it was a know iffy proposition, lying to customers about it, lying about the "weather" etc...


Just a few short years ago- Grandeur caught fire.... Adam Goldstein was on the ground in the bahamas BEFORE the ship got there to greet ALL of the passengers..... He paid a pretty penny to charter a lineup of 747's to get EVERYONE home asap. He was universally praised for his textbook crisis management.


I don't get the same warm fuzzy feelings from RCCL that I did just a few short years ago. They changed CEO's and possibly other execs and likely some philosophy it appears in how they "operate". :(


Is it just a coincidence? Am i out of my mind? Am I on to something? Idk....



to put it nicely, no your not on to anything.....:rolleyes: Oh and by the way Adam is still very much in the mix at RCL. Edited by Thetrail
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I have been tied up next to Anthem (and other Quantum class ships). They look like a large apartment building. The real question is are they "sea worthy". See a specialist on specs at the the link supplied above: John Williams
Is she "SEA WORTHY"......one of the more ignorant posts of the least few weeks!....:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
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I'm glad Anthem has sinks outside the Windjammer. Is this just Anthem, or all Quantum class ships?


Do they also have lotion? Some people won't wash their hands because they get so dry. The last few cruises, I brought a huge bottle of moisturizer for the room, and a few small tubes for carrying it around.

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I don't think RCCL should be blamed for the virus. Someone was sick and came on the ship and it affected other people. It's the people that cause the outbreak not the cruise line.


We were on the Anthem in January and I was very impressed that they had washing stations before you can enter thevWindjammer. Some people chose to bypass it and that is where the problem lies.


I don't know.... I think it's about to time to face the fact that RCCL is definitely responsible for the things that are happening to some extent. They can and should do better. I believe that the paying customers (and it is an expensive vacation!) deserve a true vacation without all of this negative stuff accompanying it. I can tell u personally all of our family and friends think we are crazy for not cancelling.

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Happened to be at a hospital this week and seems they think hand sanitizer is enough, everyone including the doctors use it. I know hospitals have their own sets of problems but they are filled with sick people so it's not a surprise if someone contracts an infection. I haven't heard much about Noro being an issue at most hospitals.


The CDC disagrees with you! Health Care Facilities and Nursing Homes are right up there with Schools at the top of the list as the 3 places where the Norwalk Virus is the most prevalent and spreads like wildfire. (I am a personal living testament to the CDC's list of worst environments for Noro. My first case of Noro I got when I was a school principal. My second was many years later and I was a patient in a hospital. So I disagree with you too.:o)


Noro spreads very well in any environment where there are a lot of people. This we do know since 20 million Americans come down with it every year.


Hand sanitizers are pretty effective against bacteria. Viruses? Not so much! I think I would not want to be treated in a hospital where they didn't use soap and water and relied only on hand sanitizer.:eek:


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I have been tied up next to Anthem (and other Quantum class ships). They look like a large apartment building. The real question is are they "sea worthy". See a specialist on specs at the the link supplied above: John Williams

Since there are only 2 Quantum class ships and one is currently in China, I question your statement above.:eek:


You may be referring to Oasis class which is actually larger than Quantum class.


Are they seaworthy, after the storm that the ship encountered on February 6th and she's still sailing, I would say Yes.:D

Edited by cruisenfever
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2.) Something about the sink area outside the Windjammer doesn't seem sanitary, not sure why. Also if everyone used the sinks there would be a line out the door and past the elevators. Seems to me the use of hand sanitizer should be enough, it always worked (to varying degrees) on previous cruise ships. Not sure how many ships have sinks at the entrance of the buffet, probably a very small number. Obviously the sinks didn't help on the Anthem.


The sinks outside the Windjammer are a great idea! It's all motion activated so you don't touch anything. It sure beats having to smell the chemical laced sanitizer on your hands.

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I don't think RCCL should be blamed for the virus. Someone was sick and came on the ship and it affected other people. It's the people that cause the outbreak not the cruise line.


We were on the Anthem in January and I was very impressed that they had washing stations before you can enter thevWindjammer. Some people chose to bypass it and that is where the problem lies.


Could that someone possibly be some of the 1000+ crew members aboard each ship?

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Since there are only 2 Quantum class ships and one is currently in China, I question your statement above.:eek:


You may be referring to Oasis class which is actually larger than Quantum class.


Are they seaworthy, after the storm that the ship encountered on February 6th and she's still sailing, I would say Yes.:D


I was going to say the same thing.

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Could that someone possibly be some of the 1000+ crew members aboard each ship?

Yes it could. Could also be the Customs and Immigration Agents that are invited to have lunch in the WJ after they are done. Also local Travel Agents that can visit the ship while the ship is in port.


Passengers are not always to blame.

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I was on the Feb. 6 (storm disaster) cruise. I can't tell you how many times I saw people walk right through the sink area at the buffet without stopping to wash their hands.

Or if they did stop at a sink, they barely ran a few drops of water on their fingers, no soap, and proceeded through. No one checked!

At the tables, when one group got up, the table was minimally wiped just to get the crumbs off, never sanitized for the next person sitting there!

No wonder why illness spreads so quickly!!


Was this a damp cloth used to wipe the table down? It usually is, and it is not just water that is in the bucket where the rag is kept. It is a 100ppm chlorine solution, which has a contact time to kill noro in about 30 seconds.

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