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Anthem - Annoyed with the Complainers!


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I am sure I will get a lot of heat for saying this, but when did cruisers become so entitled? I just posted a review on the Anthem stating that the cruise was not perfect...no cruise is. However, the way people treated the cruise employees was appalling! You could not pay me enough to work on a cruise ship dealing with these people on a daily basis.


Some CC members have remarked that they felt a lot of movement on this cruise....what ship were they on? We had the calmest seas ever! If you do not want to feel the motion, don't take a cruise! Regarding the food and service, if your food is cold, kindly send it back like you would in any restaurant. If your dessert is too small, they will be happy to bring more. If someone does not smile when they hand you a towel, so what? Who knows what that person is personally dealing with!


The food was sometimes good and other times not so good. It happens. I am sure that the waiters were apprehensive, especially after the way some cruisers treated them. After 10 days on this ship the majority of waiters were wonderful, and went out of their way to make sure we were satisfied with our meal. I witnessed a woman being really mean to her waiter after he tried everything possible to please her. She was just a nasty person.


These people depend on these jobs and most are working really hard. Please think twice before you open your mouth and start yelling at them. That could be your son or daughter, brother or sister, husband or wife trying to make a living.


This class of ship isn't for everyone. Royal has tried a whole new approach with dining, the type of shows, etc. If you don't like it, try another ship or cruise line. Do not take it out on the employees.


The old saying, "treat others like you want to be treated" should be posted on elevators on every cruise ship.


Enough said.....

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I am sure I will get a lot of heat for saying this, but when did cruisers become so entitled? I just posted a review on the Anthem stating that the cruise was not perfect...no cruise is. However, the way people treated the cruise employees was appalling! You could not pay me enough to work on a cruise ship dealing with these people on a daily basis.


Some CC members have remarked that they felt a lot of movement on this cruise....what ship were they on? We had the calmest seas ever! If you do not want to feel the motion, don't take a cruise! Regarding the food and service, if your food is cold, kindly send it back like you would in any restaurant. If your dessert is too small, they will be happy to bring more. If someone does not smile when they hand you a towel, so what? Who knows what that person is personally dealing with!


The food was sometimes good and other times not so good. It happens. I am sure that the waiters were apprehensive, especially after the way some cruisers treated them. After 10 days on this ship the majority of waiters were wonderful, and went out of their way to make sure we were satisfied with our meal. I witnessed a woman being really mean to her waiter after he tried everything possible to please her. She was just a nasty person.


These people depend on these jobs and most are working really hard. Please think twice before you open your mouth and start yelling at them. That could be your son or daughter, brother or sister, husband or wife trying to make a living.


This class of ship isn't for everyone. Royal has tried a whole new approach with dining, the type of shows, etc. If you don't like it, try another ship or cruise line. Do not take it out on the employees.


The old saying, "treat others like you want to be treated" should be posted on elevators on every cruise ship.


Enough said.....


Hear Hear. It always amazes me how some people act. Unfortunately, It seems manners and common decency are a thing of the past.

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Those that complain the loudest get all the perks!


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Perhaps the website should be aptly re named: CruiseComplainers.:D:D or better still, there could be a new section dedicated to it.

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It's not just on cruises....it's in life in general. People have lost all respect, manners and they have this huge sense of entitlement. If you think it's bad now, imagine when the current children are adults. I made both of my children (16 and 18) get a job working with the public as soon as they turned 16. They need to learn social skills, how to solve problems while keeping your cool, how to respect everyone even when they are being rude, being exposed to different people and different situations, etc. I can already see the positive impact it's having on them and they are learning responsibility....especially the value of a dollar (we make them pay their full auto insurance and gas). I work in health care and it blows my mind some days how rude patients are to us and how we are treated.


The human race is losing all empathy, love, respect, etc. It's really sad.

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Hilton's motto is "Ladies and Gentlemen serving Ladies and Gentlemen". Many people in service jobs cannot afford to lose their jobs, so they tend to put up with more than they should from crass, nasty people who were never taught how to conduct themselves in public. If I witness it, I am not shy. I tell it as I see it and let the chips fall where they may. People need to be called out for bad behavior. They never learn otherwise.

Edited by Eriksgarden
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I also had both my boys (32 and 29 now) work retail when they were 18-19. They both learned a lot from those jobs. They are now both in professional careers (engineering and IT) and learned how to deal with the public. They were also raised to be respectful and courteous. They saw us thank everyone who we dealt with daily. Refill my glass of water and I thank you, hand me my purchase in a store and I thank you, and so do they. I just had stitches from a fall and I thanked the Dr and the nurse. It's just common courtesy. Too much entitlement and "me, me, me". Hello, it's not all about you.


P.S. nothing in life is perfect.

Edited by BND
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I am sure I will get a lot of heat for saying this, but when did cruisers become so entitled? I just posted a review on the Anthem stating that the cruise was not perfect...no cruise is. However, the way people treated the cruise employees was appalling! You could not pay me enough to work on a cruise ship dealing with these people on a daily basis.


Some CC members have remarked that they felt a lot of movement on this cruise....what ship were they on? We had the calmest seas ever! If you do not want to feel the motion, don't take a cruise! Regarding the food and service, if your food is cold, kindly send it back like you would in any restaurant. If your dessert is too small, they will be happy to bring more. If someone does not smile when they hand you a towel, so what? Who knows what that person is personally dealing with!


The food was sometimes good and other times not so good. It happens. I am sure that the waiters were apprehensive, especially after the way some cruisers treated them. After 10 days on this ship the majority of waiters were wonderful, and went out of their way to make sure we were satisfied with our meal. I witnessed a woman being really mean to her waiter after he tried everything possible to please her. She was just a nasty person.


These people depend on these jobs and most are working really hard. Please think twice before you open your mouth and start yelling at them. That could be your son or daughter, brother or sister, husband or wife trying to make a living.


This class of ship isn't for everyone. Royal has tried a whole new approach with dining, the type of shows, etc. If you don't like it, try another ship or cruise line. Do not take it out on the employees.


The old saying, "treat others like you want to be treated" should be posted on elevators on every cruise ship.


Enough said.....



Well said

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I am sure I will get a lot of heat for saying this, but when did cruisers become so entitled? I just posted a review on the Anthem stating that the cruise was not perfect...no cruise is. However, the way people treated the cruise employees was appalling! You could not pay me enough to work on a cruise ship dealing with these people on a daily basis.


Some CC members have remarked that they felt a lot of movement on this cruise....what ship were they on? We had the calmest seas ever! If you do not want to feel the motion, don't take a cruise! Regarding the food and service, if your food is cold, kindly send it back like you would in any restaurant. If your dessert is too small, they will be happy to bring more. If someone does not smile when they hand you a towel, so what? Who knows what that person is personally dealing with!


The food was sometimes good and other times not so good. It happens. I am sure that the waiters were apprehensive, especially after the way some cruisers treated them. After 10 days on this ship the majority of waiters were wonderful, and went out of their way to make sure we were satisfied with our meal. I witnessed a woman being really mean to her waiter after he tried everything possible to please her. She was just a nasty person.


These people depend on these jobs and most are working really hard. Please think twice before you open your mouth and start yelling at them. That could be your son or daughter, brother or sister, husband or wife trying to make a living.


This class of ship isn't for everyone. Royal has tried a whole new approach with dining, the type of shows, etc. If you don't like it, try another ship or cruise line. Do not take it out on the employees.


The old saying, "treat others like you want to be treated" should be posted on elevators on every cruise ship.


Enough said.....


It's not just on cruises....it's in life in general. People have lost all respect, manners and they have this huge sense of entitlement. If you think it's bad now, imagine when the current children are adults. I made both of my children (16 and 18) get a job working with the public as soon as they turned 16. They need to learn social skills, how to solve problems while keeping your cool, how to respect everyone even when they are being rude, being exposed to different people and different situations, etc. I can already see the positive impact it's having on them and they are learning responsibility....especially the value of a dollar (we make them pay their full auto insurance and gas). I work in health care and it blows my mind some days how rude patients are to us and how we are treated.


The human race is losing all empathy, love, respect, etc. It's really sad.



Couldn't have put it any better if I tried.

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At the Dr office I work at we have a table in the lobby with coffee, juice, crackers, etc for the patients. I've had patients get mad when we run out of a particular juice and they are so rude! One day I had a patient complain because she wanted cranberry (we had orange out there). Just to shut her up I went to the supply room and got her a cranberry. When I got back she complained that the juice was too small and she wanted another. So I got her another. Then she proceeded to pour a cup of coffee and ask me for sugar. I wanted so bad to ask her if she wanted fries or an apple pie with it.

Of course she never thanked me either. This is what I mean by entitlement. I see it daily. I wish we had never put that stupid "refreshment table" in the lobby. It's a doctor's office for Petes sake!

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I think everyone should be required to work as a waiter, in retail, or as a CNA at some point. I think we'd see a lot less entitlement if people focused on doing more for others instead of the me me me mindset, which unfortunately is rampant here on cruise critic. It's the same mindset as "the customer is always right," which does NOT mean you get to treat other people like crap.

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I love everything I've seen about Anthem. Please send her to FL Royal Caribbean!


Nooooooo!!! I want to keep her here in NJ so I can hop onboard whenever I need an "emergency cruise"!!!


I so agree though--saw enough rude people to last a lifetime. I go out of my way to NOT be "that person"!

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I am sure I will get a lot of heat for saying this, but when did cruisers become so entitled? I just posted a review on the Anthem stating that the cruise was not perfect...no cruise is. However, the way people treated the cruise employees was appalling! You could not pay me enough to work on a cruise ship dealing with these people on a daily basis.


Some CC members have remarked that they felt a lot of movement on this cruise....what ship were they on? We had the calmest seas ever! If you do not want to feel the motion, don't take a cruise! Regarding the food and service, if your food is cold, kindly send it back like you would in any restaurant. If your dessert is too small, they will be happy to bring more. If someone does not smile when they hand you a towel, so what? Who knows what that person is personally dealing with!


The food was sometimes good and other times not so good. It happens. I am sure that the waiters were apprehensive, especially after the way some cruisers treated them. After 10 days on this ship the majority of waiters were wonderful, and went out of their way to make sure we were satisfied with our meal. I witnessed a woman being really mean to her waiter after he tried everything possible to please her. She was just a nasty person.


These people depend on these jobs and most are working really hard. Please think twice before you open your mouth and start yelling at them. That could be your son or daughter, brother or sister, husband or wife trying to make a living.


This class of ship isn't for everyone. Royal has tried a whole new approach with dining, the type of shows, etc. If you don't like it, try another ship or cruise line. Do not take it out on the employees.


The old saying, "treat others like you want to be treated" should be posted on elevators on every cruise ship.


Enough said.....

There are complainers all over the place.

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I honestly believe people forget that there are others on vacation as well. It's their vacation!!!! Well hey guess what, it's mine too...


The other piece is with the staff. One of my families favorite things about cruising is getting to know the staff. It is the world on a cruise ship. How cool is that?


Their job may be to mix your drink, clean your room or serve your meal, but they are people with families, they have stories.


Last cruise we were on was the NCL Breakaway. One bartender and one waiter actually thanked us for asking them about their families, their day. They both said more and more cruisers forget about them. Sad...



Edited by nycglitter
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The old saying, "treat others like you want to be treated" should be posted on elevators on every cruise ship.


Enough said.....


We really enjoy talking with the crew. But for our Anthem cruise, how much one could see the person relax, and enjoy not having a battle but just talk- it was really great.


We had so much fun on the cruise, and the crew and officers we talked to really appreciated it.

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I usually hold back from posting on threads with topics like this but for some reason I felt I just had to do it this time. When we go on a cruise, it does not matter to us if everything is not 100% perfect. We stroll up the gangplank with the knowledge that we are going to be away from all of the daily issues that can complicate our lives and that alone makes it all worthwhile.


Can there be issues that I could complain about, absolutely. Do I contact Guest Relations when something is wrong, absolutely. However, here are two quick stories on how my contact with them still allowed us to have some of the best vacations we ever had.


Celebrity Eclipse - you name it, it was happening. A/C was not working when we got to our cabin, transformer on bathroom light failed, knob fell off drawer, phone cord would not stay in phone and several other small items. Housekeeping supervisor was trying to make sure we were not upset over all the issues. I told her "I am on vacation. If I was home, I would have to take care of all of these things. Your staff worked on them and fixed them so I did not. Thank you."


Our recent Anthem of the Seas - One morning for breakfast in the American Icon, the waiter was refilling my coffee. The flip cover stuck and when it finally opened, a couple of drops fell on me. He was horrified and said he would have to file a report, offered to have my t-shirt cleaned, etc. We said not to worry, things happen, we did not need the cleaning voucher, etc. Result - one of the best waiters we had the entire trip. He ended up with a WOW envelope because of the exceptional service.


It appears that the staff is always on edge because they think the worse will happen from a passenger and I think it sometimes comes off as indifference. I have learned that a small amount of understanding goes a long way and if you let the staff know you understand what they are going through, they will repay that kindness back many times over.

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At the Dr office I work at we have a table in the lobby with coffee, juice, crackers, etc for the patients. I've had patients get mad when we run out of a particular juice and they are so rude! One day I had a patient complain because she wanted cranberry (we had orange out there). Just to shut her up I went to the supply room and got her a cranberry. When I got back she complained that the juice was too small and she wanted another. So I got her another. Then she proceeded to pour a cup of coffee and ask me for sugar. I wanted so bad to ask her if she wanted fries or an apple pie with it.

Of course she never thanked me either. This is what I mean by entitlement. I see it daily. I wish we had never put that stupid "refreshment table" in the lobby. It's a doctor's office for Petes sake!


These kinds of sour people are very unhappy, we should remember that. No excuses, just the reason behind most bad manners...that and they probably did not have the advantage of such instruction at home.


I live in the south, if you do not exhibit good manners, Yes M'am yes Sir , Thank you, etc. you are punished when you are little. So I still say that even if the person I am talking to is younger than myself:p Just habit.



When my son was little he was a handful, but if he argued with me in any way I would just ask him this question..."What is the proper response?" There is only one...Yes M'am!


Yes the world in general is not a very polite place anymore, but it will be if we remember we are.

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I am sure I will get a lot of heat for saying this, but when did cruisers become so entitled? I just posted a review on the Anthem stating that the cruise was not perfect...no cruise is. However, the way people treated the cruise employees was appalling! You could not pay me enough to work on a cruise ship dealing with these people on a daily basis.


Some CC members have remarked that they felt a lot of movement on this cruise....what ship were they on? We had the calmest seas ever! If you do not want to feel the motion, don't take a cruise! Regarding the food and service, if your food is cold, kindly send it back like you would in any restaurant. If your dessert is too small, they will be happy to bring more. If someone does not smile when they hand you a towel, so what? Who knows what that person is personally dealing with!


The food was sometimes good and other times not so good. It happens. I am sure that the waiters were apprehensive, especially after the way some cruisers treated them. After 10 days on this ship the majority of waiters were wonderful, and went out of their way to make sure we were satisfied with our meal. I witnessed a woman being really mean to her waiter after he tried everything possible to please her. She was just a nasty person.


These people depend on these jobs and most are working really hard. Please think twice before you open your mouth and start yelling at them. That could be your son or daughter, brother or sister, husband or wife trying to make a living.


This class of ship isn't for everyone. Royal has tried a whole new approach with dining, the type of shows, etc. If you don't like it, try another ship or cruise line. Do not take it out on the employees.


The old saying, "treat others like you want to be treated" should be posted on elevators on every cruise ship.


Enough said.....


I totally agree with you. Every word.

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