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Prescription Meds in Original Bottles


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There are laws. There are rules. There are foreign government laws. Plus there is just plain common sense. Chose any one for the reason to carry your bottles. Decide not to at your own risk but please don't advise others to make the same mistake and risk both health safety any or legal issues that may occur and not worth the risk over packing a little bottle.

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Actually depending on your state and what police you get, how much of a something something you are.... you can go to jail for ANY pill not in it's bottle/pack/whatever from the store. It may be dropped later but that's not much comfort that night.... again your state may vary. And first you gotta be stopped and searched before any of this would happen, which usually means a whole lot of something else is going on...


It's not a state issue moreso it is a federal issue. While it is illegal to transport prescription meds outside of their original container, it is not much of an issue whwn trying to go through cruise check in. But yes, you could be arrested for it.

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Nurse answer: all the controlled drug info is correct as other posters have stated. I do have some advice though regarding the pain in the butt carrying of bottles ( for non controlled meds).... Simply use your fancy cell phone and snap pics of the rx labels on your bottles, it is just as good! Enjoy your cruise!

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several reasons that I can think of


if you need the medicine and you pass out somewhere you wont be able to tell anyone


if you have a accident and the doctor needs to give you something he/she needs to know what you are taking to make sure there are no reactions and 'monday' wont help him


its the rules/law


as an old ER nurse, I'm with you here. Well, he takes the little yellow pill, the oval one about the size of a rat poo - you know what it is, you're just being difficult...and the little blue one but only on days he doesn't take nitro...

Especially if your life - not just your comfort level - is dependent on your meds. At the very least, a pharmacy printout so that when you're stranded somewhere for whatever reason, medical personnel will know what you take. I know, I know - it doesn't happen all the time, but really - it might just take that one time....

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Carnival sent me a packing list that said my prescription medications needed to be in their original bottles. My first question is why? I have never heard of this. Is it strictly enforced? I don't want to get slammed for this question, just wondering because I don't want to take all the bottles with me. Would rather use the Sunday thru Saturday dispenser.



If you don't take the bottles, make sure you have an up-to-date list of medications (or photos of the bottle on your phone) to make that "what meds are you taking" question easier in case of medical emergency.

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Might be a good idea to make-up a laminated ICE card (in case of emergency) where you list all your medications and their dosages, as well as contact information, names of traveling companions (with room numbers, etc) and keep it on your person or at least in your cabin (taped to the mirror works well) while on board ship. Then if you faint or become incapacitated someone can pretty quickly find your information. I'd rather carry a piece of paper than have someone rifling through my belongings looking for medicine bottles. Actually this is a good idea at home, in your car, and in your purse or wallet. And only controlled substances need to be kept in their original containers with a label identifying you as the sole user. If you use controlled substances have your pharmacist make up a container and carry only the amount of these you may need on a cruise.

Besides, I don't think it would be a good idea to go ashore with a purse full of medications...


This is what my Mom does and has done for over 20 years. She was diagnosed with MS almost 30 years ago. She has travelled extensively for church and for pleasure (both in the USA and internationally). She has all her pills in the 7 day containers. Because she takes so much and sometimes is not sure if she has taken them (she takes something 5 times a day) that works best for her. However, she has always taken a listing of all the prescriptions (complete with numbers & Dr. prescribing, etc.) and has never had an issue anywhere. She even has to take her injection with her if she is gone a week or more. And, yes the sheet has been used. Once, she passed out on a plane and her travelling companion had the sheet of paper right in her hands immediately for them to be able to assist.


I have seen how many pill bottles she has and it would be nuts to try and take all of them.

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we always carry our "routine" medicines in s-s containers (2 each so that we have a couple days extra supply in case of delays), and then a picture of all the prescription labels on my phone. have only one time had to take scheduled medicine with us and we took that one in it's original container.



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Carnival sent me a packing list that said my prescription medications needed to be in their original bottles. My first question is why? I have never heard of this. Is it strictly enforced? I don't want to get slammed for this question, just wondering because I don't want to take all the bottles with me. Would rather use the Sunday thru Saturday dispenser.

I use the dispenser, place it in my purse, my purse is checked at security, and I've never had a problem. I also carry a copy of the prescriptions in my wallet with physician's info, etc., in case they ask.

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My husband has a long list of medical problems and all of his meds in their original containers (especially those mail order 3 month supplies) would completely fill a suitcase. He takes any controlled meds in the original container, but always takes the small tear-off portion of all his prescriptions that is provided by the pharmacy. Some are even now showing a picture of the pill.

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I've never heard of this requirement but I have a different scenario/question... Say someone, like myself, takes a bunch of over the counter pills daily. I have my multivitamin, iron pill, seasickness I take once a day while on board, daily probiotic. And at night I take a calcium pill since I dont do much dairy. All these goes in a 7 day night/day pill case.


What is to stop me from getting in trouble for having these even though they are all over the counter? Any of these pills can be mistaken for prescription and I dont want to carry the containers cause 2 of them, are rather large. :confused:

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I've never heard of this requirement but I have a different scenario/question... Say someone, like myself, takes a bunch of over the counter pills daily. I have my multivitamin, iron pill, seasickness I take once a day while on board, daily probiotic.

And at night I take a calcium pill since I dont do much dairy.

All these goes in a 7 day night/day pill case.


What is to stop me from getting in trouble for having these even though they are all over the counter?

Any of these pills can be mistaken for prescription and I dont want to carry the containers cause 2 of them, are rather large. :confused:

Ask yourself this; If stopped and checked, could you be a person suspected of taking or selling "illegal" drugs ?:rolleyes:

WHY would they check a 7 day pill container? Never seen it happen.

Edited by $hip$hape
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I always use the Sunday thru Saturday dispenser and never had an issue. I usually pack it in my carry on when flying and then I just walk onto the ship with it.


same here.... never had a problem. Although, I think if I was traveling with something like oxy or hydrocodone I'd take it in the original bottle - just to avoid any potential issues :-) We always carry a list of what the meds are in the 7 day box since we already have it current for Dr vists

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Ask yourself this; If stopped and checked, could you be a person suspected of taking or selling "illegal" drugs ?:rolleyes:

WHY would they check a 7 day pill container? Never seen it happen.


I never said they definitely would check my pill container, but judging from the responses here it seems like many bring original bottles "just in case."


This is my first solo cruise as well. As for whether I would be suspected of possessing illegal drugs, I know random checks exist. Especially when your from another country people do look at you differently. And I will leave it at that.

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I never said they definitely would check my pill container, but judging from the responses here it seems like many bring original bottles "just in case."


This is my first solo cruise as well. As for whether I would be suspected of possessing illegal drugs, I know random checks exist. Especially when your from another country people do look at you differently. And I will leave it at that.


With all the foreigners that travel Carnival as part of their extended US vacation I would hazard a guess that profiling isn't something they are apt to be caught up in.


As to the pill bottles, suit yourself. CC members are not experts....they are only giving an opinion based on their own, somewhat, limited experiences.

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I never said they definitely would check my pill container, but judging from the responses here it seems like many bring original bottles "just in case."


This is my first solo cruise as well. As for whether I would be suspected of possessing illegal drugs, I know random checks exist.

Especially when your from another country people do look at you differently. And I will leave it at that.

Exacto ! If this is what you think. But many checkers on the ship are also from "another country". Do you look like a drug smuggler?


The checkers just don't have the time, nor find it necessary to check everything. They don't give importance to what's in your pill case. If anything, they would stop you for smuggling alcohol, for which would cause the ship a loss of profit.


Being silly, they don't seem to check everyone's shoes for shoe bombs ether.

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Good thread. I have meds for chronic pain and one was recently been changed to a a more "serious sheduled one"...a non-narcotic pain med. I take my vitamins in a pill thing and all my meds in a padded zipper soft side lunch container in my carrey on. Then I can get it out of carrey on for the walk through and check easy enough.


I also have a list of all I take in that..pills and vitamins in my container. They actually took the time to make it for me at a recent health fair...I felt so taken care of and..oh grateful to that sensitive nurse. I need to make a copy for my purse and now be sure never to carrey that one pill , which I usually do not do....solo in a container....as I drive quite a ways to different family's for an extended time...even in same day.


Edited to add...now I use that lunch container for my pills everywhere at home too...just grab it to wherever I am taking them...so much easier for me. I found it at Salvation army like new for a dollar and it had 2 fancy teas in side pocket..LOL...

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Good thread. I have meds for chronic pain and one was recently been changed to a a more "serious sheduled one"...a non-narcotic pain med. I take my vitamins in a pill thing and all my meds in a padded zipper soft side lunch container in my carrey on. I also have a list of all I take in that..pills and vitamins. They actually took the time to make it for me at a recent health fair...I felt so taken care of and..oh grateful to that sensitive nurse. I need to make a copy for my purse and now be sure never to carrey that one pill , which I usually do not do....solo in a container....as I drive quite a ways to different family's for an extended time...even in same day.

Very good!

Worst scenario... Ask yourself if you could do without any pills that "they" throw away because the pills are in an unmarked container.

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Very good!

Worst scenario... Ask yourself if you could do without any pills that "they" throw away because the pills are in an unmarked container.


That is good too for the vitamins even....will hope that a vitamin list and maybe taking a pick of those as per mentioned on a sheet with each pill and drs sig. may help. It all works is unison...thank you!! I will ask that question for extras needed.

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Nurse answer: all the controlled drug info is correct as other posters have stated. I do have some advice though regarding the pain in the butt carrying of bottles ( for non controlled meds).... Simply use your fancy cell phone and snap pics of the rx labels on your bottles, it is just as good! Enjoy your cruise!


Just as good if one purchases their meds through a legitimate mail order pharmacy one would have an on line record of their meds which could be easily pulled up on a phone or tablet.


But I'll repeat what I said in one of the first answers I gave to this thread: Controlled substances need to be kept in their original prescription bottles.

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But I'll repeat what I said in one of the first answers I gave to this thread: Controlled substances need to be kept in their original prescription bottles.


Ding Ding Ding!!!!!! The bell rings with the right answer.


We all are talking about "reasonable" people when talking about having pills in a container, in a pill box, whatever and it being looked at. You get off I-95 on the wrong exit, make two "wrong" turns and a cop stops you... asks what are you doing in this neighborhood and you start stammering and get a bit huffy trying to explain how you got off the wrong exit, next thing you know you are splayed out on the hood and trying to explain what an aspirin is... before you know it he finds a "stash" of pills and now you are a dealer! Dang, there goes that Miami cruise!


Very unlikely but that's what happens with "unreasonable" people... ever watch Cops?

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This poster is correct - you only need to carry the original vial for "scheduled" narcotics.


If you are carrying the original vials for prescriptions that are not scheduled narcotics, you are doing so to satisfy your own self - there is no legal or logical reason to do so.


I'm afraid I disagree with that statement. Legal maybe not but logical, if you think you may need extra in case something happens and you are away from home longer than what you expected, then it becomes logical to bring more. The easiest way to bring more is bring them in the original containers.


I take eight different pills every day. When we go on any vacation, I put them all in a separate shaving kit and take them in the original containers. It came in handy when I had to have emergency surgery the day after a cruise and we had to stay in Florida for an extra two weeks before they would allow me to fly home.

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I'm afraid I disagree with that statement. Legal maybe not but logical, if you think you may need extra in case something happens and you are away from home longer than what you expected, then it becomes logical to bring more. The easiest way to bring more is bring them in the original containers.


I take eight different pills every day. When we go on any vacation, I put them all in a separate shaving kit and take them in the original containers. It came in handy when I had to have emergency surgery the day after a cruise and we had to stay in Florida for an extra two weeks before they would allow me to fly home.


Only eight? With vitamins, herbal remedies and other capsules and tablets, I'll wager the average American (esp. those in my age bracket) takes at least double that amount.


That's another reason why Controlled substances need to be in their original container.


Listen, Border Patrol knows all about the Belizean pharmacy and the ones in Mexico. Cruises returning from there get a little extra scrutiny, esp. in Texas.

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After 20 cruises this is the first real notification about this. We have always used the 7 day deal. Our mail order sends everything in big bottles even if it is tiny Indy pills. (3 month supply) so it would take a huge amount of space to bring the bottles. Will continue to do the 7 day deal.

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