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How does everyone feel about the terrorism (threat, events, etc) and going on a cruise to different European countries (one of them being Belgium)? We are sailing Marina in June (Northern European) and wanted to get a feel for how comfortable you would be if you were in our shoes. Do you think they will alter excursions any? Just not sure what to think of it all. :confused:

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How does everyone feel about the terrorism (threat, events, etc) and going on a cruise to different European countries (one of them being Belgium)? We are sailing Marina in June (Northern European) and wanted to get a feel for how comfortable you would be if you were in our shoes. Do you think they will alter excursions any? Just not sure what to think of it all. :confused:


I'm from Belgium and still can't believe that this happend in my country.

I travel 3 times a year from Brussels Airport, I fly with SN and diffrent American carriers.

Will I stay home in the future? No!

I will resume my life as normal, I will not let the terrorists win.

Belgium is in deep mourn. :(

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This morning, I was thinking that the world has become a dangerous place. Then I thought about past trips...our first trip to Rome was shortly after the terrorist attacks at Da Vinci airport where 16 were killed, 99 wounded.


Just for the record, this was in 1985.


Since then, we have been to Rome 4 times and flown in and out of the airport several times. The main difference in 1985 was the increased security in the public departure/ticketing area. There were armed soldiers in the area, and no one was allowed to congregate/loiter in the airport. That was in pre-TSA days but I expect you may see similar security measures in some European airports now.


I guess you are likely flying in/out of London Heathrow. There is already a great deal of security there. For US flights, passengers have been isolated in pretty remote areas for quite some time. In 2005 52 were killed, 700 injured in terrorist attacks in the London Underground. We have been to London several times since 2005.


We were in Paris one month before the 2015 terrorist attacks, and will be flying out of CDG in August. Via Frankfurt, where there was a smaller terrorist incident in 2011.


The world is a dangerous place - but it has been for quite some time. What we lacked in earlier terrorist attacks was 200 TV channels and ubiquitous Internet access, to constantly remind us of the dangers in other countries. Oklahoma City, San Bernardino? Not what most people would consider dangerous places.


We will still travel, and I hope you will too. Sadly, our cruise is not stopping in Zeebrugge or Antwerp, but I wouldn't hesitate to visit there in June.

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There seems to be a U.S. State Dept. Alert for all of Europe today. Do not know what to do. July we will go to Spain and Italy and at this point expect to go. Hope this is the right thing. :):):)

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I am very afraid of flying....have been for years....the added stress of the latest attacks will make for a very long flight....that combined with the noro situation on Riveria I am thinking now wasn't the time to try our first oceania voyage.

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I'm from Belgium and still can't believe that this happend in my country.

I travel 3 times a year from Brussels Airport, I fly with SN and diffrent American carriers.

Will I stay home in the future? No!

I will resume my life as normal, I will not let the terrorists win.

Belgium is in deep mourn. :(


The people in the United States also mourn the loss of the people in the two attacks.


It is interesting that you fly American carriers as we avoid them and fly British or German carriers. This is likely the result of "9/11".


Agree with you 100% that people should try and resume their normal life and not let the terrorists win.


Our hearts and prayers are with those affected by the horrendous acts of terrorism!

Edited by Travelcat2
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Terrorism has so much "mind game" in it. The threat that there might be something happening or it "could happen" makes one uneasy and yes terrified. Every day in the USA there is terror in the form of domestic violence and guns in our schools, shopping malls, theaters, colleges. We are afraid but we go anyway and slowly the fear goes down until the next time! We drive cars every day even though we know that every day (I live on East Coast -- major urban area) there will be some of our fellow drivers who do not make it home safely. You must go on. The only other course is to close down and do nothing and then at some point you will still die but without really living fully! There is not a way to get out of this life alive. So be braver than you think you are. So be smart -- take precautions/be aware of situations/ and protect your personal safety and belongings as well as you can. Be hopeful that all will be well and good. And be joyful -- this is the only life you get and hiding away in fear kills joy. Makes joy impossible. Sucks the life right out of you.


We are scheduled to be in Brussels and Ghent on July 1, 2016 on our way to Rotterdam to board the MS Rotterdam for 18 day cruise to Boston. I plan to be there. My daughter is traveling in May with her 1 year old daughter and 7 year old son --Johanna's 2nd cruise at age 15 months -- and yes a little concern but NO I WILL NOT let terrorists take over my mind and ruin my joy.

My family will continue to live our lives and work for peace on this beautiful planet.

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I'm from Belgium and still can't believe that this happend in my country.

I travel 3 times a year from Brussels Airport, I fly with SN and diffrent American carriers.

Will I stay home in the future? No!

I will resume my life as normal, I will not let the terrorists win.

Belgium is in deep mourn. :(


My father was stationed in Antwerp and other parts of Belgium and Luxembourg during WWII and spoke often of the graciousness--as well as the fortitude--of the people of both countries. I love Belgium and have visited often and share my father's love of your country. You treated him--and me--as guests, not invaders. My heart is with you for enduring another invasion. I am sure your long ago fortitude will again bring you peace.

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Terrorism has so much "mind game" in it. The threat that there might be something happening or it "could happen" makes one uneasy and yes terrified. Every day in the USA there is terror in the form of domestic violence and guns in our schools, shopping malls, theaters, colleges. We are afraid but we go anyway and slowly the fear goes down until the next time! We drive cars every day even though we know that every day (I live on East Coast -- major urban area) there will be some of our fellow drivers who do not make it home safely. You must go on. The only other course is to close down and do nothing and then at some point you will still die but without really living fully! There is not a way to get out of this life alive. So be braver than you think you are. So be smart -- take precautions/be aware of situations/ and protect your personal safety and belongings as well as you can. Be hopeful that all will be well and good. And be joyful -- this is the only life you get and hiding away in fear kills joy. Makes joy impossible. Sucks the life right out of you.


We are scheduled to be in Brussels and Ghent on July 1, 2016 on our way to Rotterdam to board the MS Rotterdam for 18 day cruise to Boston. I plan to be there. My daughter is traveling in May with her 1 year old daughter and 7 year old son --Johanna's 2nd cruise at age 15 months -- and yes a little concern but NO I WILL NOT let terrorists take over my mind and ruin my joy.

My family will continue to live our lives and work for peace on this beautiful planet.


Well said - I fully agree with your sentiments.

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Between being brave...Ill show em' and stupid.

Comparing domestic violence here in the USA is totaly not applicable.

This latest threat is focused and is focused to be on American travelers specificaly, according to the latest ISIS press release. To ignore this is what I would call rather unwise in face of of the escalation and frequency of european attacks.

Too, the powers that be tell us to expect incidents to be on the rise here in the US and Canada ( there have been 7 attacks in the past 4 months) And with Canadas influx of Syrians, we can expect to see more in Canada., So the threat origin is rather well defined, unless your political correct and blind.


I am going to Europe and have planned to return from europe by ship avoiding the potential of airline problems which will probably be of European



Second I am avoiding all major cities in Germany, France Spain and Italy. because of the massive intake of Syrians and along with some 400+ ISIS trained operatives and some 2000 former ISIS members. There is plenty to see in small off the map places.


Likewise Driving, not taking any railroad, bus, subway or any public transportation or group bus tours while on my traveles.


Fourth, skipping popular sights with American tourists from restaurants to sights...anywhere large groups gather and mix


Yes I am traveling...but I am traveling differently. I am not scared but I am very worried and being worried keeps you on your toes ....I keeps you alive.

.(.I learned that in the military back in SE Aisia where I became very aware there were people out there who wanted to kill me on a daily basis.)


Doing business as usual and idealistically, and forging ahead is dangerous...and it gets people killed... .Courage, is something that needs to be applied very carefully and is not applicable across the board and to every situation.


SO, yes its a different world and with the elections in the US and the world in turmoil politically. This is the perfect time for those who want to inflict terror and unrest... They are not going to let this opportunity pass by...that you can take to the bank.....

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Between being brave...Ill show em' and stupid.

Comparing domestic violence here in the USA is totaly not applicable.

This latest threat is focused and is focused to be on American travelers specificaly, according to the latest ISIS press release. To ignore this is what I would call rather unwise in face of of the escalation and frequency of european attacks.

Too, the powers that be tell us to expect incidents to be on the rise here in the US and Canada ( there have been 7 attacks in the past 4 months) And with Canadas influx of Syrians, we can expect to see more in Canada., So the threat origin is rather well defined, unless your political correct and blind.


I am going to Europe and have planned to return from europe by ship avoiding the potential of airline problems which will probably be of European



Second I am avoiding all major cities in Germany, France Spain and Italy. because of the massive intake of Syrians and along with some 400+ ISIS trained operatives and some 2000 former ISIS members. There is plenty to see in small off the map places.


Likewise Driving, not taking any railroad, bus, subway or any public transportation or group bus tours while on my traveles.


Fourth, skipping popular sights with American tourists from restaurants to sights...anywhere large groups gather and mix


Yes I am traveling...but I am traveling differently. I am not scared but I am very worried and being worried keeps you on your toes ....I keeps you alive.

.(.I learned that in the military back in SE Aisia where I became very aware there were people out there who wanted to kill me on a daily basis.)


Doing business as usual and idealistically, and forging ahead is dangerous...and it gets people killed... .Courage, is something that needs to be applied very carefully and is not applicable across the board and to every situation.


SO, yes its a different world and with the elections in the US and the world in turmoil politically. This is the perfect time for those who want to inflict terror and unrest... They are not going to let this opportunity pass by...that you can take to the bank.....

As much as it hurts to read this because it may change the way we travel, I do believe that you are correct.

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Well stated, Dan...we're in complete agreement on your "travel but be aware" outlook! (Although Malta & cruise will be more resort wear, we'll take only European-style black clothing & shoes for the few days in Germany...no white sneakers to scream "American"!)

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I am interested to know if the cruise ships and cruise terminals have upped their security at all. Yes, we have to show id and they xray our bags but what of all the hundreds of people involved in restocking the ships at the different ports and all the containers of food items being put on. Hopefully the staff on board have been well vetted. Have even read about groups of non-guests touring the ships. I do believe, of course, all the cruiselines have the intent of offering a safe cruise...its a daunting task to check all of this to the extent we wish they could...and expensive too. We too are scheduled on a cruise in June out of Barcelona, with a week on our own prior to that in France - will be travelling by train. At this time we are still planning to go...flying on American too. Although we have insurance that is supposed to cover terriorism...think it would be a very strict interpretation, like the US government saying not to travel, before insurance would kick in....and even then probably difficult to collect. I agree with the sentiment about not changing our lifestyles because of these terriorists...but its getting more difficult to feel the same. We have lots more travelling we want to do in Europe especially....wishing for peace in this world!

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I'm from Belgium and still can't believe that this happend in my country.

I travel 3 times a year from Brussels Airport, I fly with SN and diffrent American carriers.

Will I stay home in the future? No!

I will resume my life as normal, I will not let the terrorists win.

Belgium is in deep mourn. :(


So sad this has happened to you and your country. We visited a few years ago and of course found it a wonderful place. Your country is a very welcoming place...accepting and helping people of all nationalities and religions to live in freedom...we all mourn with you.

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Well stated, Dan...we're in complete agreement on your "travel but be aware" outlook! (Although Malta & cruise will be more resort wear, we'll take only European-style black clothing & shoes for the few days in Germany...no white sneakers to scream "American"!)


I am sure everyone will be fully convinced that you are German and not American tourists :D - like it made any difference what shoes they wore for those unfortunate ones caught in the line of fire in the Brussels airport and subway.

Edited by Paulchili
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I was not joking about shoes/wardrobe...nor am I anything but heartbroken for the unfortunate victims and their families. You can never reduce your chances of being caught in a terror attack to zero, but you can absolutely reduce the risk percentage by doing all necessary to blend in to the local surroundings. And yes, avoiding speaking English out in public, knotting your scarf a certain way, carrying foreign language newspapers we have often passed for other nationalities when travelling at high-risk times. This is a basic safe-travel tool recommended by security experts. for decades...just like always scanning and noting possible exits or hiding spots.


My point being that no, we won't stop travelling or enjoying life but yes, we will take all possible precautions to increase our safety chances.

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We're going to France & Brussels in June, not changing our travel plans because of threat of terrorism.


This doesn't mean I'm a risk taker, I'm actually risk averse, but I recognize that something horrible could happen to me any day, while I'm at my office, like so many killed on 9/11 or in Oklahoma's Murrah building, or driving my car, which is statistically much more like to kill me than terrorists.


I have just one life to live, and I want to live it to the fullest. So I'll continue to go to Europe, NY and maybe even Oklahoma one day (maybe).


My heart goes out to those killed in Brussels, and their families and friends dealing with those losses.

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Did a lot of flying and travel in Europe/Asia in the 80's & 90's during the height of the hijacking era. Always wore business suits, hair longer, avoided military conversation and heavily trafficked tourist areas.


For SWMbI and me, our international travlingbdays are likely limited and we want to take advatage whilebwe can. So we will try to remain situationally aware and use common sense to avoid crowddls when ever possible. But we won't just stay on the porch and rock before we have to.



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