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To the Lady Who Boarded the Princess Airport-Ship Bus Sick as a Dog--Shame on You!


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I don't know your name. I barely remember what you look like. But I will never forget what you sounded like, sitting behind us on the Princess bus that picked us up from Anchorage Airport and transferred us to the Island Princess on August 24. I knew the moment I first heard your deep hacking cough, that my husband's and I greatly anticipated cruise of Alaska was in jeopardy. Over and over you coughed, spewing your germs on all of us around you. You did not have the common courtesy to wear a mask or even cover your mouth with a tissue or hanky. I don't know how you could fill out your Health Questionnaire with a straight face, let alone hand the form over to the Princess Representative, knowing you were so sick. What I DO KNOW is that on the night of Day 4 of our cruise, I became very ill with a high fever and that same hacking cough. It stuck with me for the rest of the trip, and I missed going ashore in Juneau and Ketchikan, and was holed up in my room for the final at sea days so that I would not infect anyone else. My husband too became sick, one day later than I did. We have been home now for 5 days and both have seen our doctor because the high fever and deep cough will not go away. I was diagnosed with the start of pneumonia, for goodness sakes, something I have never had in my life. We are now taking strong antibiotics and still it is a slow recovery.


I am realistic enough to know that every time we take a cruise, there is a risk that we will catch a bug given the close proximity of so many people and the fact that lots of people don't use the antibacterial stations as they enter the buffet area. But this is the first time in all our cruising we we experienced someone so ill BLATANTLY board the ship, intentionally knowing their cough and germs would be spread to innocent people. This was a trip of a life time for us. Your behavior has put us in the situation of really wondering if we will ever cruise again--it is just not worth it when irresponsible people like you ignore the rules that are in place to protect cruise passengers and staff.


Frustrated and still feeling cruddy!


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I don't know your name. I barely remember what you look like. But I will never forget what you sounded like, sitting behind us on the Princess bus that picked us up from Anchorage Airport and transferred us to the Island Princess on August 24. I knew the moment I first heard your deep hacking cough, that my husband's and I greatly anticipated cruise of Alaska was in jeopardy. Over and over you coughed, spewing your germs on all of us around you. You did not have the common courtesy to wear a mask or even cover your mouth with a tissue or hanky. I don't know how you could fill out your Health Questionnaire with a straight face, let alone hand the form over to the Princess Representative, knowing you were so sick. What I DO KNOW is that on the night of Day 4 of our cruise, I became very ill with a high fever and that same hacking cough. It stuck with me for the rest of the trip, and I missed going ashore in Juneau and Ketchikan, and was holed up in my room for the final at sea days so that I would not infect anyone else. My husband too became sick, one day later than I did. We have been home now for 5 days and both have seen our doctor because the high fever and deep cough will not go away. I was diagnosed with the start of pneumonia, for goodness sakes, something I have never had in my life. We are now taking strong antibiotics and still it is a slow recovery.


I am realistic enough to know that every time we take a cruise, there is a risk that we will catch a bug given the close proximity of so many people and the fact that lots of people don't use the antibacterial stations as they enter the buffet area. But this is the first time in all our cruising we we experienced someone so ill BLATANTLY board the ship, intentionally knowing their cough and germs would be spread to innocent people. This was a trip of a life time for us. Your behavior has put us in the situation of really wondering if we will ever cruise again--it is just not worth it when irresponsible people like you ignore the rules that are in place to protect cruise passengers and staff.


Frustrated and still feeling cruddy!





Did you say anything to this person? Did you say anything to the Princess rep?

Did you self report to the ship that you had been in contact with a sick person? YOU may have infected others,and ruined their cruise!


You did the very same thing this person did,you knew they were sick, yet you went on about your business,possibly infecting others on the way! How is that different? Don't mean to sound harsh but........

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Hi Andi; your words resounded in my memory, and I decided to write a few words about my similar experience. But first, please let me tell you how sorry I am that this happened to you and your DH. I wholeheartedly concur with your sentiments and wish I had a magic wand to make you well again.


Our experience was much the same, except we did not get sick..............


Dear Daughter and I take an annual trip (cruise) and this year we went back to Alaska because last years' trip was a washout with weather.


I had seen HIM (mid 40's) on the ship; sneezing, and blowing his nose. On day three, HE showed up on a bus that was to take us from the port, to the top of a mountain, (Ketchikan, I think) and then we would take a train back down. Ahhhh! We were trapped, but what made it worse was that his parents were traveling with him, and MOTHER proceeded to openly discuss how sick he was and that his temp was 102!!! She was rummaging through her bags, and proffering cough medicines and advils, etc......


DD and I were so disgusted and since we were unable to choose our own train car (tour was assigned a specific space) we begged the bus driver to take us back down in her empty bus. She said yes.......we had a very pleasant drive back down, and even though we were disappointed about missing the train trip, felt that we dodged a bullet. Rest of the trip was amazing, and we are very Alaska Happy.


Get well soon,



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Yea - I had a Europe flight next to someone like that, but it was a guy... How frustrating. The flight attendants didn't let me stand in the back for too long to avoid the guy.


Sorry Andi! I am sorry it ruined your vacation. There is no excuse.


It really can happen anywhere.

Edited by Coral
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So sorry this happened to you. The fact is, you saw this person. How many do you not see hacking @ the buffet? We have seen it. I think some people just really don't have manners and really don't know.


This last cruise, my husband was recovering from cancer both chemo and radiation. He wore a mask on the plane and I brought extras. However, on the cruise, he stayed on the balcony most of the time and we avoided the buffet and public areas. This was fine for us. We enjoy looking at the ocean. This was a time for him to heal and rest. Which he did. This was a Caribbean cruise that we have done many many times, so we did all the excursions before and were OK with just being on the ship.


He was not sick with a cold or anything and did not feel he had to wear the mask but I told him he can't control what others do and he couldn't afford to get sick. Really, it is the people who are sick who should have to wear the mask, but this doesn't happen.


Trip to Alaska is a trip of a lifetime. One we have not done, but is on our bucket list.

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We have had the same thing happen to us. After the first time we learned what to do. First if we can change our seats. And second we take out the mast that I keep in my bag and wear them. Now we drive to the port so it is no a issue on the cruise bus. We have also had the same thing at a lunch table. We said that we would share the table and was seated with a young couple and their child who was sick . After the first cough, we left to get another table.

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Devil's advocate here--the sick person was probably on her trip of a lifetime, too, and she had paid for the cruise before she got sick. I'm sorry you got sick, but this kind of thing can happen in any situation, so avoiding cruising might not be a guarantee. My daughter teaches the first grade, and every fall she catches at least three colds.

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Did you say anything to this person? Did you say anything to the Princess rep?

Did you self report to the ship that you had been in contact with a sick person? YOU may have infected others,and ruined their cruise!


You did the very same thing this person did,you knew they were sick, yet you went on about your business,possibly infecting others on the way! How is that different? Don't mean to sound harsh but........


You're kidding, right? Why wasn't the whole bus quarantined? Why wasn't everyone refused boarding on that bus? Come on.


People can take precautions once in contact with a sick person (to prevent infection of others). What is inexcusable is the passenger that did nothing to prevent spewing germs. There are ways to cough without spreading bugs.


OP did NOTHING wrong and was an innocent victim here. Equating the OP to the nasty virus spewer is unfair!

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Devil's advocate here--the sick person was probably on her trip of a lifetime, too, and she had paid for the cruise before she got sick. I'm sorry you got sick, but this kind of thing can happen in any situation, so avoiding cruising might not be a guarantee. My daughter teaches the first grade, and every fall she catches at least three colds.



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You're kidding, right? Why wasn't the whole bus quarantined? Why wasn't everyone refused boarding on that bus? Come on.


People can take precautions once in contact with a sick person (to prevent infection of others). What is inexcusable is the passenger that did nothing to prevent spewing germs. There are ways to cough without spreading bugs.


OP did NOTHING wrong and was an innocent victim here. Equating the OP to the nasty virus spewer is unfair!


Okay calm down :)


I just think that when we call others out, we should look at ourselves.


OP was calling out the sick person for not being truthful, with the cruise line right!


Well ,did OP tell the cruise line they were sitting next to a virus spewing, infected person? No of course not!


The OP may have infected another innocent person! See how that works........


Do you think that the person OP infected, cares where she got it from?

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Sorry you were made ill by an inconsiderate passenger. The same thing happened to me on our last two cruises to Alaska. Last year it was someone on a bus on one of our excursions. A lady was in the row in front of us and kept turning to the middle to sneeze and cough. I was trapped, it was a long excursion and every seat on the bus was filled. I did ask her to please cover her cough and sneezes which she did sometimes, but too late. I was sick within three days and on the last day of the cruise I did not leave the room. And it took me a good month to shake it.


This past year I managed to escape getting ill the entire cruise but got sick on the plane ride on the way back. I'm still coughing after 2 courses of antibiotics and have been back a couple of weeks. Will spare you the details.


While I can sympathize somewhat with the trip of a lifetime theory, it is just not right for someone so ill to be out and about infecting others. I actually had this same conversation with the ships doctor who I dined with during the MTP luncheon. She said that some people get downright nasty when they are told to stay in their cabins. It stinks to get sick - especially when on a long awaited vacation. But I wish others would do as you did and not be out and about spreading germs to others.

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Okay calm down :)


I just think that when we call others out, we should look at ourselves.


OP was calling out the sick person for not being truthful, with the cruise line right!


Well ,did OP tell the cruise line they were sitting next to a virus spewing, infected person? No of course not!


The OP may have infected another innocent person! See how that works........


No, I don't see how that works. Just because I sit beside someone who is sick, there's no guarantee I will get sick. People can have bad coughs long after they are no longer infectious. I think it is unreasonable to put such demands and imply guilt where the OP is concerned. Self reporting in that situation is a little over the top.


To me, the biggest issue is the complete lack of decorum / manners by the coughing passenger. Even coughing into a sleeve might have prevented anyone on that bus from getting sick. I don't see the OP at fault here at all. Once the OP was sick, she and her DH did the right thing.

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No, I don't see how that works. Just because I sit beside someone who is sick, there's no guarantee I will get sick. People can have bad coughs long after they are no longer infectious. I think it is unreasonable to put such demands and imply guilt where the OP is concerned. Self reporting in that situation is a little over the top.


To me, the biggest issue is the complete lack of decorum / manners by the coughing passenger. Even coughing into a sleeve might have prevented anyone on that bus from getting sick. I don't see the OP at fault here at all. Once the OP was sick, she and her DH did the right thing.




Never said it was the OP's fault.. however they are calling someone out when they did not do the right thing either. Should have told cruise lines employees they were sitting with infected person.If you want others to do the right thing you need to lead by example!

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Here are a couple of things I do to avoid other's germs:

1) I do my best to touch nothing. Seriously- I try very hard to touch no common surfaces with my hands (handrails, trays, serving spoons)

2) I do my best to not touch my face, neck or hair.

3) I carry sanitizing wipes everywhere. I feel no guilt in pulling them out and wiping stuff down. If I think a neighbor might need one, I will certainly offer- but they can't touch the pack.

4) I carry masks. If the person next to me or behind me starts coughing- I offer one to them and/or use one myself. I took a strong medication for a while that left me a tad vulnerable.

5) For as icky as this sounds, I carry Neosporin and I line the inside of my nasal passages with it.

6) After the "Great Man Cold of 2015", I now carry Zicam swabs. If I think I have been exposed- I start a 3 day regime. Yes, I know they are expensive, but not nearly as costly as a losing time on a vacation.

7) And most importantly, I wash my hands AND face frequently.


The bottom line is that I can never count on another person to be responsible. I can only control what I do to help myself.

Edited by TracieABD
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Here are a couple of things I do to avoid other's germs:

1) I do my best to touch nothing. Seriously- I try very hard to touch no common surfaces with my hands (handrails, trays, serving spoons)

2) I do my best to not touch my face, neck or hair.

3) I carry sanitizing wipes everywhere. I feel no guilt in pulling them out and wiping stuff down. If I think a neighbor might need one, I will certainly offer- but they can't touch the pack.

4) I carry masks. If the person next to me or behind me starts coughing- I offer one to them and/or use one myself. I took a strong medication for a while that left me a tad vulnerable.

5) For as icky as this sounds, I carry Neosporin and I line the inside of my nasal passages with it.

6) After the "Great Man Cold of 2015", I now carry Zicam swabs. If I think I have been exposed- I start a 3 day regime. Yes, I know they are expensive, but not nearly as costly as a losing time on a vacation.

7) And most importantly, I wash my hands AND face frequently.


The bottom line is that I can never count on another person to be responsible. I can only control what I do to help myself.


Good for you TracieABD :)


I also wash my hands constantly ! I have major respiratory issues that could kill me tomorrow....but then again so could a run away car..lol


BTW: I do cough some times,a lot, does not mean I am infectious.

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Never said it was the OP's fault.. however they are calling someone out when they did not do the right thing either. Should have told cruise lines employees they were sitting with infected person.If you want others to do the right thing you need to lead by example!


Well, I will agree to disagree. OP could not have known the passenger was infectious. Even a smokers cough can seem alarming - there's no virus. OP led by example once sick. Self reporting immediately after the bus ride is not necessary here.

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My husband has a chronic bronchial problem from being around second hand smoke all his life and he has terrible lungs. Coughs a lot, especially in the morning, always with a tissue over his mouth. He is in no way contagious.


I, on the other hand seem to get a head cold after flying on an airplane 90% of the time.


Germs are all around, carry Clorox wipes and wash hands a lot and take Airborne or similar products with you when you travel.

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Well, I will agree to disagree. OP could not have known the passenger was infectious. Even a smokers cough can seem alarming - there's no virus. OP led by example once sick. Self reporting immediately after the bus ride is not necessary here.



I concur we can agree to disagree:


OP thought from the get go, that the offending virus spreader was a problem ,they should have alerted cruise line personal. Self reporting may not be needed here, but neither is calling some one else out.


If you want others to do the right thing, you have to lead by example!

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I don't know your name. I barely remember what you look like. But I will never forget what you sounded like, sitting behind us on the Princess bus that picked us up from Anchorage Airport and transferred us to the Island Princess on August 24. I knew the moment I first heard your deep hacking cough, that my husband's and I greatly anticipated cruise of Alaska was in jeopardy. Over and over you coughed, spewing your germs on all of us around you. You did not have the common courtesy to wear a mask or even cover your mouth with a tissue or hanky. I don't know how you could fill out your Health Questionnaire with a straight face, let alone hand the form over to the Princess Representative, knowing you were so sick. What I DO KNOW is that on the night of Day 4 of our cruise, I became very ill with a high fever and that same hacking cough. It stuck with me for the rest of the trip, and I missed going ashore in Juneau and Ketchikan, and was holed up in my room for the final at sea days so that I would not infect anyone else. My husband too became sick, one day later than I did. We have been home now for 5 days and both have seen our doctor because the high fever and deep cough will not go away. I was diagnosed with the start of pneumonia, for goodness sakes, something I have never had in my life. We are now taking strong antibiotics and still it is a slow recovery.


I am realistic enough to know that every time we take a cruise, there is a risk that we will catch a bug given the close proximity of so many people and the fact that lots of people don't use the antibacterial stations as they enter the buffet area. But this is the first time in all our cruising we we experienced someone so ill BLATANTLY board the ship, intentionally knowing their cough and germs would be spread to innocent people. This was a trip of a life time for us. Your behavior has put us in the situation of really wondering if we will ever cruise again--it is just not worth it when irresponsible people like you ignore the rules that are in place to protect cruise passengers and staff.


Frustrated and still feeling cruddy!



1.) That is why I never use a Princess transfer of bus to the ship. I always go for private transfer and I don't care if I have to fork out over $100 for it.


2.) If it were me I would have reported them to the nearest staff member at check in and demanded they be taken aside for serious contagious health issues. I have done this before and will continue to do it in the future.


3.) The moment someone starts coughing like that near me I move away from them. If it was on a bus and unavoidable I would have demanded the bus stop so that I could get off and find alternate transport.

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1.) That is why I never use a Princess transfer of bus to the ship. I always go for private transfer and I don't care if I have to fork out over $100 for it.


2.) If it were me I would have reported them to the nearest staff member at check in and demanded they be taken aside for serious contagious health issues. I have done this before and will continue to do it in the future.


3.) The moment someone starts coughing like that near me I move away from them. If it was on a bus and unavoidable I would have demanded the bus stop so that I could get off and find alternate transport.


Guess you have never been around anyone with acid reflux. Once your throat gets irritated it takes a long time to stop coughing. Even with water or a cough drop. Hope I'm never on the same bus as you when I start coughing. And no it's not contagious. :)

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guess you have never been around anyone with acid reflux. Once your throat gets irritated it takes a long time to stop coughing. Even with water or a cough drop. Hope i'm never on the same bus as you when i start coughing. And no it's not contagious. :)


;) unfortunately ,goes hand in hand with my respiratory issues.

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