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MITSUGIRLYS EPIC CRUISE--2nd time around-1st from Port Canaveral


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HEY NOW, You both snuck these comments in on me as I was commenting on everyone's comments. :p





50? :eek: I don't cruise often enough obviously. :p





LOL, I remember you posting about the guy with "parts" hanging out and editing him in another thread. Oh my. :eek: It would take me way too long to do that kind of editing in all the pictures I take. I just have to suck it up and deal with people being in some of them. :o


All I am saying is:

By 50 dives, you won't have to think about everything and get "task overload". You will do things more automatically. For my hubby, it was quicker, maybe 20 dives... for me it was maybe 30, when I finally got so relaxed I quit "thinking" about things and just did them. By 50 dives it was as natural as being topside walking around.


You can go on a vacation that isn't a cruise.... you know. Most land vacation destinations do 2-tank dives in the am, then you are back for lunch and can spend the day on the beach with family, etc. Or you can do a cruise like the one on Eastern Carib with 4-5 ports and dive at each, 2 tanks each day. As often as you cruise, it will happen fast, and by then your daughter will be ready to get certified, and you can dive with her and not worry about your own skills.


Gotta tell you a quick scuba story. We got certified when our kid was 12, alll 3 of us, same class. She did awesome and we went to Cozumel for a week to dive. We did this again each year for the next 2 years. On the 3rd trip, we were on a dive and I looked around for the kid... nowhere in sight! I twisted around and around looked up, looked down, complete panic mode. Then I flipped back around a gave a big kick, ... and smacked the kid right in the face with my fin. The regulator when flying (remember that skill they made you do, throw reg over your shoulder and recover?). Yes, the kid grabbed it, in mouth, purged, and shot me the bird. I was happy but sorry at the same time. Our DM was laughing. We got back on the boat and DM immediately said "I don't know who your instructor was but you learned well! That was awesome!" Trust me, those skills you will need! It does happen, even at the strangest times.



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I wont share anymore of the horrid green pictures with you, but just wanted to give you some type of idea what happened and what they looked like.


Now, looking at the SAME day as ours and 3 other dives done that day, here's some screen shots of their pictures...notice they are BLUE like mine.














So does anyone have any ideas? I'm betting on the settings were not on underwater or something, but I really have no idea since I don't think I have ever tried to put it on another setting and take a picture under water.

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Green photos.... explanation


okay, here is the thing. The human eye is funny. It can trick your brain into seeing color, to see what it thinks is there. Actually everything is blue underwater. The deeper you go, the more "colors" disappear. Red goes first, then yellow and red. Then you are left with greens and blues deeper than 40'.


You can color correct afterwards on your computer, or you can buy a red filter that tries to trick the camera, which sees what is there and records it accurately. Does that make sense?

Using a flash will put back the colors lost but will also reflect particles in the water and give you backscatter. So it works, to a certain extent.


I have a red filter for my video camera, and my husband has a DSLR that costs more than most cars. He does his tweaking in photoshop afterwards.


If you do a search on YouTube for Color Correction and Scuba, you can learn details and about gear, etc.

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So anyhow, where was I?


We had just come up out of the water and wow, what an amazing experience. Our instructor tells us that they would fill out our scuba books and that we were under there (the deep part) for 37 minutes. Um what? That's it? I didn't believe him at all. I swear it felt like about 1 1/2 hours. All of us agreed that it felt like a really long time. Their website states that you get a 40 minute dive and I kept thinking, that's really not a long time, but I'm here to tell ya, it was a perfect amount of time for our first dive.


We came up out of the water and gravity kicked back in. It was hard to walk with the tanks on and the first thing I locked my eyes on when I came up out of the water was my husband, sitting in a chair, with a cold beer raised to his mouth. LOL I guess he was celebrating making it back to the beach alive.


They signed our books and I'm not sure if I'm supposed to take this book with me on future dives? Do they continue to sign the same book or you get a different each time?





We were to go down to 40 feet and remember how nervous we all were about it and said we really didn't want to go more than 15 feet? Well, we made it down to 37 feet!!! I swear you couldn't even tell or notice it. I did not get nervous once about being down that deep. All that fear for nothing.


For the "Littles" they got a 30 minute dive up to 10 feet. Sakari told me that they went up and down the coral at the edge, I believe is what she was describing to me. This is where we snorkeled last time and there's plenty there to see, only this time she would be under the water and up close and personal. Since their dive didn't last as long as ours, she was already out of the water, equipment off, and had morphed into a mermaid on the beach.


I brought her PADI seal book along with her so that they could sign it for her as another logged dive since she would be missing this months scuba specialty dive at our dive center back home.








She also got a dive certificate for doing the PADI bubblemaker dive to add to her scuba "file".






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Since I knew we didn't have a lot of time left here, with an early departure time on the Epic, I wasn't about to waste any time. I.must.go.back.to.the.water! Honestly, I just can't get enough of the beach and water...even after this tiring dive, I was yearning for more. So...back out I went to snorkel. I got Sakari to come with me. The sun was finally out and shining and I was excited for more pictures...of course.


We were only able to go along the right side of the beach because that is all time permitted.






Oh, one other thing I wanted to mention is that with this fish-eye lens...I kept thinking that water was getting between the camera lens and the fish-eye lens because you could see it and it would rise up or go back and forth between the lens. I knew that the lens is waterproof, so I wasn't too worried, but would sometimes catch that water line going up the lens and have to pause to let it rise so that I could take the picture. However, sometimes I was too quick on the shutter (as in the picture above and below around the edges).





I did read somewhere (and can't find it now) about some type of fluid being in the lens and it would do this in the water, so I knew it was "ok".





Here's a perfect example of the "line" of fluid rising up and I didn't wait for it to get at the top.









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Another trumpet fish. This one is a little different (and not sure the species) but normally you see them with the stripes wrapping around their body. This one had stripes that ran up and down the body. Anyone know what it's called?








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So does anyone have any ideas? I'm betting on the settings were not on underwater or something, but I really have no idea since I don't think I have ever tried to put it on another setting and take a picture under water.


Underwater mode automatically tries to color correct natural light photos. This can give decent results in very shallow water, but I suggest using one of the other modes above and using custom white balance if your camera offers it.


Next time you should play around with your settings, or maybe in a pool with decent light. Underwater mode usually adjust the white balance, you can do the same in manual mode. I find using underwater or auto for most of my photos just fine, its simple enough to into PS and color correct.


Here's a link for you, but knowing you I'm sure you have already read it Lol







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Looking over at Coral World.






More trumpet fish





I just love parrotfish. They are so beautiful and come in so many different brilliant colors.









Another trumpet fish





Since I had spent almost the entire time in the water while we were here, I remembered that I hadn't even had a chance to take pictures of the beach...so I snapped a picture real quick. If you want more pictures of the beach and area, you'll have to look at my previous pictures of our trip to Coki in my signature line.





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I noticed lockers there, but I have no idea if they actually work or how you go about renting them. They looked a little "worn".





We started to gather our things up because it was 12:15 and our shuttle would be here soon. We had a good day in St Thomas and scuba diving for the first time and I was glad we were able to accomplish this in such a short stop here.





Here's an area they have that you can rinse your feet off in.






Our shuttle was waiting for us at 12:30 sharp and we all reluctantly piled in...not wanting this day to be over.






Just look at that sad face! She didn't want to leave yet.






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Well somebody did a complete 360 from the day before. I guess she can accomplish scuba diving but not climbing rocks. Go figure.





This was the guy selling pop along the road right down from Coki.





Along the way back to the ship...I spotted her sitting pretty there in port.






Coming back into port...







We would get to port and the kids decided to do a little shopping. Since I was just here (and Kendra), there really wasn't anything that I needed to get. I have my tee shirt from St Thomas and also my magnet. So, I would just kind of walk with the kids and follow them around while they shopped. And I'm glad I did....






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It took us approximately 15 minutes exactly according to my times on my pictures. That's not bad considering there were 3 ships in port that day, with the Oasis being one of the other ships, and how many people, estimated almost 14,000. (I know they can handle more, but just saying...)


So we shopped for about an hour and somehow we all got split up. However, I managed to find ANOTHER magnet and I just HAD TO HAVE IT!!!!





We couldn't locate the kids after getting split up, so we decided to go ahead and head back to the ship.





My legs were aching so bad and it was hot and I just wanted to get to the room and shower and have a "light" lunch because I was starving.


So remember, we have our latitudes platinum free dinner and wine booked for 5:30pm toDAY, which I wish was toNIGHT.


After our shower, we headed to the buffet and I decided to get a salad or something to tie me over and let Sakari eat.


The buffet was PACKED and we couldn't find any seats. Well, I know from previous cruises that La Cucina is usually open so that you can take your meal down there to eat and that's exactly what I was going to do! I might not be able to go there and get my platinum meal, but I was going to eat there one way or the other.





I swear Sakari lived on Pizza and bread the entire week...I kid you not. She was addicted to that bread and butter and I can't say I blamed her. It was so yummy.





Our view:




After lunch we took Sakari to the Splash kids club for awhile, but you see, having our dinner booked for 5:30pm is completely off for us as well because the kids club closes at 5pm. So now what???


The ship pulled out...goodbye St Thomas. We love you!



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After dropping her off, we really didn't know what to do to kill time until we had to pick her back up, find a sitter, then go to dinner.


We headed to the Atrium bar and decided instead of just grabbing a drink to go, we'd just sit and hang out for awhile. So that's what we did. When they seen we weren't leaving, they put some snacks in front of us. Oh just great. I must have had the "I'm starving still" look on my face. The snacks were yummy! I know in the past, people have made comments about them putting snacks (nuts and stuff) out at the bars and some said this is unsanitary and so on. Well, they give you your OWN glass container of snacks. No worries about others dipping their hands in it.





We hung out there for quite some time, then it was time to pick up the munchkin and find a sitter. We elected Courtney and Kolin! Lucky them!


We headed over to their "pad" and they were sleeping. Well, she said she had a movie on and Sakari could lay on their bed and watch it. She's a very good kid and as long as someone (an adult) is in the same place with her, she really don't need watched. She usually won't move, and she'll draw, or watch t.v. and you don't even know she's there. She's not one of those kids you can't trust when out of sight or a kid that will get in to things...like Brayden. Just saying.


So off we went to dinner. We were the second ones in line and were there when they opened.


We were immediately seated.





I have never ate here before. We always go to La Cucina, so this would be a new experience for me. I had really hoped they had something that I would like because I won't eat steak or any of the red meat.





I ended up ordering the Soupe A L'oignon Gratinee, which was basically onion soup with cheese spruced up and given a fancy name. The hubs ordered the same thing.




For dinner, I found a safe option: Crevette Roti Au Beurre, which was basically shrimp in butter with some type of fancy sauce over it.


The hubby ordered Coq Au Vin, which was chicken not done the KFC way.





Then the dreaded wine list...ugh. Everyone knows my wine dilemma. Well, we tried to remember what we had picked out the time and it wasn't half bad and went with that. We ended up getting the White Zinfandel.







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The yummy bread came out. I swear I could make a meal of this stuff.





We had a nice view from our table.





Our wine came and it was hubby approved. Me, I could stand it for the night I suppose. It's still bitter, but not as bitter as most of the rest.





Our appetizer onion soup came out. Not only did it have a fancy name I couldn't pronounce, but it came in a fancy bowl as well.





It looked absolutely yummy!





It was really good. The hubby thought that the "stuff" inside the soup was really weird and had a weird texture. The more he tried it, the less he could stomach it and pulled it out.


It looked like a chunk of fat or something.




I told him I believed it was a chunk of our bread we were eating and since it had been sitting in there, it soaked up the soup and that was the result. He didn't want to believe me. I had no problem with it. It just wasn't appealing to the eyes.


When the waiter came around to collect our dishes, I had to ask him. I didn't care if the hubby got embarrassed or not because I wasn't the one with a huge chunk of something laying on the side of my plate. I had to find out...or either make a point that I was right...and I was. Go ahead, pat me on the back now and say with me "Kim's right".



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Then our meal came. MINE WAS TO DIE FOR. So good and the sauce was so yummy!!!


But there really wasn't much of it at all. You see those small little potatoes it comes with? They were the size (roundness) of a finger. Like really? Seven shrimps=the main course. This is supposed to be a meal? I'm certainly glad we did decide to stop and eat at the buffet. If I hadn't had that salad, I would probably have to order a second dish of it and told them to use my second dinner coupon up. (Maaaannnnn, why didn't I think of that???)





Now think about this...they charge $24.99 for this plate. I can't even imagine. That's JUST for the above plate. That didn't include the onion soup with the chunk of not-so-pleasing-to-the-eye bread in it, but was yummy. That was offered at an additional $3.99.


So the hubby's plate comes out...with a lid on it. They put it in front of him and open it...wallah, there's your meal. The plate was empty. The waiter laughed. He gots jokes. Then he turned around to his lovely assistant Vanna and presented a covered bowl. He would then scoop out various pieces of the pot and create this little eye-pleasing sculpture on his empty plate. I didn't know if I was supposed to applaud or not at that point. Um, "Can I buy a vowel?" was all I could think of.





Hey wait, he has bigger potatoes. Not fair.





Round 2 of the wine drinking commencement would take place and we were getting a little happy.





I can not drink anything hot. That's probably one of the reasons I don't care for red wine. Well, wait...let's be honest, I don't care for red wine for the same reason I don't care for white wine...it's bitter. But red wine is even worse than the white (or rose).


So...I did what anyone would do...I ask for a glass of ice.




That was all fine and dandy. No harm done. Everything was normal at our table....until I started pouring the ice into my wine glass. You would have thought I just committed a sin. The lady at the table over from us was giving me some looks that's for sure. So either I was totally out of line or was it someone on these boards on my cruise that was afraid to stop and say hi to me again? I'm going to go with the earlier part of that statement.




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Yep, we finished off the entire bottle. I honestly can't tell you at this point if it was good or not. I was going to need to be carried out of there. I'm such a lightweight. I hardly ever drink and honestly, you could give me a wine cooler and I would be tipsy before the entire thing is empty. I'm just not a drinker. I don't like the feeling of being drunk, so I usually drink very slowly and when I get that tingly feeling that turns my entire body hot, I usually start to slow down. But you know what? It was an awesome day in St Thomas. I got to scuba dive....now what! I'm officially and unofficial scuba diver. I was celebrating. Plus I was tired. Plus I was still a little ticked that this was my choice of a free dinner instead of La Cucina, which is what I really wanted. So I.was.drinking. And drink I did. All of it!!!





I was going to order desert but at that point, I wasn't sure I would be able to lift my hand back up to my mouth, so we decided to attempt to leave the building. Waddle waddle quack quack. "Yea, dats white, I'm da lady dat put da ice in her rose wine" I slurred to the lady that was starring at me as I walked out. (j/k of course...I actually waited until she wasn't looking and slipped out the back door for fear of further embarrassment.) Our entire dinner took 1 1/2 minutes of our time and well worth it. I don't mind if it takes a few hours for a nice restaurant. That's totally acceptable to me. However, not for a place like O'Sheehans...over even the MDR. I don't know why I feel like that. I just do.


We headed out to the pool bar and I was going to attempt some more night pictures, well, that was my excuse for needing some night air to help with my sudden off balance brain syndrome. But, there was a very loud group of drunks (no, I was not included in that group, I came on my own) and they were seriously acting crazy. The lady decided to go jump in the pool...with the pool closed...WITH the net across it. Oooookkkkkk, I'm outta here because I don't want the crew to think I'm associated with these guys just because I had a bit of a side step going on. I swear it was the ship.


We headed back to the room to pick up sis after multiple text to Courtney's phone with no answer and multiple phone calls to their room with no answer. Kendra said "Psshh, I'd just leave her in there"...of course you would Kendra, that's what you are good at. But not me. I want my kid.


I would proceed to their room and bang on the door several times. Courtney finally answered, wiping her eyes and yawning, and they were all asleep. We woke Sakari up and all headed back to the room at 7:30pm.


This very cute little foggy frog was waiting for Sakari and I swear the fog in my lens on this picture is probably a carbon copy of what I was actually seeing at that point.




WE WENT STRAIGHT TO BED! LOL We had our bellies full, our minds were blank from wine, it was dark out, we got up early, my body was starting to ache, my legs hurt from scuba diving...and I was beat. We all went to bed FOR THE NIGHT! Yes, you read that right...for the night AT 7:30pm!


I would wake up once that night at 2am, due to the (TMI) burp that resulted in the "almost" vomit in my mouth. You know how sometimes that happens and it comes up half way and then goes back down? Yea that. So I decided to get up and take a nice hot shower...then back to bed I went until that morning. :D

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Oh my gosh.....I actually laughed out loud at the part where you and then Courtney "fell" to the bottom. Your description of how it happened made me feel like it was actually happening to me. As usual, very entertaining!


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It was so weird...then it happened to Kolin. I just wish we could have controlled our own BCD instead of laying there all helpless and all.


All I am saying is:

By 50 dives, you won't have to think about everything and get "task overload". You will do things more automatically. For my hubby, it was quicker, maybe 20 dives... for me it was maybe 30, when I finally got so relaxed I quit "thinking" about things and just did them. By 50 dives it was as natural as being topside walking around.


You can go on a vacation that isn't a cruise.... you know. Most land vacation destinations do 2-tank dives in the am, then you are back for lunch and can spend the day on the beach with family, etc. Or you can do a cruise like the one on Eastern Carib with 4-5 ports and dive at each, 2 tanks each day. As often as you cruise, it will happen fast, and by then your daughter will be ready to get certified, and you can dive with her and not worry about your own skills.


Gotta tell you a quick scuba story. We got certified when our kid was 12, alll 3 of us, same class. She did awesome and we went to Cozumel for a week to dive. We did this again each year for the next 2 years. On the 3rd trip, we were on a dive and I looked around for the kid... nowhere in sight! I twisted around and around looked up, looked down, complete panic mode. Then I flipped back around a gave a big kick, ... and smacked the kid right in the face with my fin. The regulator when flying (remember that skill they made you do, throw reg over your shoulder and recover?). Yes, the kid grabbed it, in mouth, purged, and shot me the bird. I was happy but sorry at the same time. Our DM was laughing. We got back on the boat and DM immediately said "I don't know who your instructor was but you learned well! That was awesome!" Trust me, those skills you will need! It does happen, even at the strangest times.





I know I can do a land vacation and probably get more diving in, but honestly, I've tried. I really have. I've planned land vacations to like Cancun and stuff and I always revert back to a cruise. It seems to be more cost efficient and you can see more places. You just can't beat it. At my rate, I'm visiting so often that I have the chance to see the places several times and still not do the same thing over...most times. So, it works out for us. Maybe I'll try again.


I don't think I have ever been on a cruise that had more than 3 ports on the Eastern side. The Western usually has 4 ports (Costa Maya, Cozumel, Roatan, and Belize).


So I have to ask...where was your daughter at? Yes, good to know these skills for sure.



Green photos.... explanation


okay, here is the thing. The human eye is funny. It can trick your brain into seeing color, to see what it thinks is there. Actually everything is blue underwater. The deeper you go, the more "colors" disappear. Red goes first, then yellow and red. Then you are left with greens and blues deeper than 40'.


You can color correct afterwards on your computer, or you can buy a red filter that tries to trick the camera, which sees what is there and records it accurately. Does that make sense?

Using a flash will put back the colors lost but will also reflect particles in the water and give you backscatter. So it works, to a certain extent.


I have a red filter for my video camera, and my husband has a DSLR that costs more than most cars. He does his tweaking in photoshop afterwards.


If you do a search on YouTube for Color Correction and Scuba, you can learn details and about gear, etc.


Yes, that makes sense and I did know about the colors changing and had heard about the red filter. But that still doesn't explain why they have the same camera as me and I got blue pictures and they got green??? I still say it was the setting they had it on. What other explanation?


I will do a search on the color correction and see what they have to say. But it's not really my goal to have to color correct them...I guess unless I get to ever go down deeper than what we did and all color is lost. This makes me wonder if they sell a red filter for the Olympus. I mean the new TG camera have a different design, allowing you to put different adapter on it and lens, they should make an adapter that includes a red filter...but then again, this camera isn't a normal camera that people think of buying when going scuba diving and I'm sure it's basically designed for the novice.


I do have a DSLR and I do have filters for it. But since getting this point and shoot camera(s), I swear I haven't touched my SLR in ages. I'm sure I'm a little rusty with it and I forget a lot about it at this point. I should probably dust it off. LOL (Not that I would get a housing and take it under water or anything).


Boy can Sakari hold her breath.


Yes she can. (Some of my other reviews will show her actually holding her breath longer than Kolin can. He challenges her sometimes and he always loses.) She has been practicing for years (in the tub) and sometimes she scares me and I just want to pull her up. I mean I know you can hold your breath for so long that it can cause you to pass out, which could cause you to drown. I just always hope she knows her limit.


I just did armchair scuba diving!:D


Absolutely fantastic pictures Kim! Waiting eagerly to read more.


Thank you so much.


Fantastic photos!




Underwater mode automatically tries to color correct natural light photos. This can give decent results in very shallow water, but I suggest using one of the other modes above and using custom white balance if your camera offers it.


Next time you should play around with your settings, or maybe in a pool with decent light. Underwater mode usually adjust the white balance, you can do the same in manual mode. I find using underwater or auto for most of my photos just fine, its simple enough to into PS and color correct.


Here's a link for you, but knowing you I'm sure you have already read it Lol




Ok, now I'm thinking that I didn't word something right in my post when I was asking if it was the settings. I'm not looking for suggestions for me, I'm asking about the green pictures...which were the pictures THEY took of us. I'm wondering if THEY had their pictures on the wrong setting and not having it on the underwater setting for them to turn out green. I mean we were in the same water, at the same time, with (supposedly) the same camera with 2 different results. I want to know what THEIR problem is.


Yes, my camera offers custom white balance (which I use) and you can set the aperture, exposure, iso, and even a flash compensation. This thing even has a HDR underwater feature (which I haven't tried yet). It really does a lot and gives a lot of flexibility. I didn't adjust mine because this was my first dive and getting use to everything, I was trying to focus on the experience and what was going on around me while being aware of my surroundings and keeping in mind safety. The more comfortable I get, I will try to learn to not just "point and shoot". I really need a good port day with awesome snorkeling that I can just try out settings.


My problem with a pool is...there isn't one to practice in. I live in a "cold" state and we only get a couple of months a year for swimming and we don't have a pool. So, going to the beach here consist of a brown water lake that you can't see your hand in front of your face. :( The only chance I get to practice...is vacation. I NEED MORE VACATIONS! :D


I have not seen that article (actually I have never read any articles or sites on underwater photography). Thanks so much. This might help me make even better pictures (I do struggle with macro). You're the best!

Edited by mitsugirly
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WOW I just discovered your wonderful review - have not got fully caught up with it but just had to jump in.


We just got back from our 14 day Canada cruise on the Dawn and had a great time.


I can't believe your embarkation process - and that they did the safety drill without everyone even onboard.


Your day one experience at O'Sheehan's was much like my experience at the Blue Lagoon on the Pearl in 2012 - slow, never got the order right, and just down right poor. The opposite of my experience at O'Sheehan's on the Dawn this time - great food and fantastic service.


The breakfast menu there looks a lot like the one for the suites in Cagney's.


I also bought a new camera before the cruise - another Cannon but one with a rechargeable battery, and modern SD card with lots of storage - it also has a 50x optical zoom - which came in handy while on tours. A neat feature of the camera is it' ability to transfer pics to smartphones via a wireless connection. This way I was able to share my vacation photos on facebook as we went.


I will be reading your review - along with Doug Out's Dawn review.

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Kim! You went diving! I am so glad you were able to relax and enjoy the dive! Your pictures came out great, too! Did the rest of the family enjoy diving? Who wants to get cretified now? How did Sakari enjoy her bubblemakers dive? How about Brayden?


Definitely take your log books with you whenever you go diving, or even think you might. You will want a record of everything you have done when you decide to get certified, and it makes a lot of sense to have it all in the same place. It also makes for some great memories looking back at where you have been and what you have done.


I'm really proud of all of you guys. You may have had some trepidations about scuba, but you decided to go for it! Sounds to me like everyone did great! Hope you will continue with your scuba adventure. :D

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Fantastic underwater photos. They look like from a science book.

I am not a fan of Le Bistro. I always have difficulty finding something I like there. But too bad you did not stay for dessert. They probably have the best desserts on the ship with fondue. You are right about the price. They are insane. Just think if you would have paid for the wine, appetizers, main entre and dessert. It would have been $150 for 2 of you with the gratuity :eek: And to top it off you have to book weeks in advance to get the time you want, etc. Its just way too expensive and the crowds too much IMHO.

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