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Is the P&O embarkation system fit for purpose?


Is the P&O embarkation procedure fit for purpose.  

60 members have voted

  1. 1. Is the P&O embarkation procedure fit for purpose.

    • Is the current system perfect
    • Should early bookers be able to choose their time
    • Should other tiers below Caribbean be given some priority.
    • Would having security first improve the process
    • Is CPS valet procedure causing delays
    • Should P&O management try to copy RCI/Celebrity Procedures

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Just a quick poll to see what the regular posters on the P&O forum think of the embarkation system currently in operation.

Is it just perfect, would you prefer to choose your own time, should early bookers be able to choose their own time slots, should lower tiers of Peninsular club be given higher priority, should it be more akin to the RCI/Celebrity system, would having security first improve check in process, is the CPS valet parking causing hold ups?

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Just a quick poll to see what the regular posters on the P&O forum think of the embarkation system currently in operation.

Is it just perfect, would you prefer to choose your own time, should early bookers be able to choose their own time slots, should lower tiers of Peninsular club be given higher priority, should it be more akin to the RCI/Celebrity system, would having security first improve check in process, is the CPS valet parking causing hold ups?


I am sorry but you need to provide further guidance on how to complete your poll. They are yes or no statements but the poll requires circles to be checked. Does a checked circle mean yes or does it mean no?


As for your statements, they may provide some unreliable results. I am happy with the current system but would not say it is perfect - no system is or ever can be. Many, myself included, have never experienced the RCI/Celebrity check in so are unlikely to give a reliable opinion. If CPS is deemed to cause holdups, it is probably made worse by a glut of vehicles including early arrivals rather than a steady flow. How will the result of this poll statement be interpreted?

Edited by pete14
Omitted question mark.
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You're right Pete its a poor poll, I rushed at it thinking a lot of choices would be good but if there is a multiple choice option I missed it.

But lets see how it develops and I'm sure it will produce some entertaining observations.

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You're right Pete its a poor poll, I rushed at it thinking a lot of choices would be good but if there is a multiple choice option I missed it.

But lets see how it develops and I'm sure it will produce some entertaining observations.


No problem. What I didn't say is well done for doing what I didn't think was possible i.e creating a poll.

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You're right Pete its a poor poll, I rushed at it thinking a lot of choices would be good but if there is a multiple choice option I missed it.


But lets see how it develops and I'm sure it will produce some entertaining observations.



Only its not a poll. I did notice that.


But a good attempt to stir the pot.





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I agree with Pete and I think the questions are loaded so I wouldn't be happy to complete the poll.


Who would ever say something is prefect? Also how can people compare the Celebrity / RCI system if they haven't cruised with those lines? I don't use CPS so I have no idea if they're causing a hold-up. How can I tell if it would help to have security first? I would need to try it out a few times to come up with my an opinions.

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Well, in our case it was almost a disaster. Leaving a lady of 101, after a two hour car journey, sitting waiting for a long time for a wheelchair because she is not yet Peninsular, is disgusting. Couldn't even access a loo!! When I complained to Pando, one minute they say everyone is treated equally for wheelchairs and another minute, yes priority for suites and loyalty.


Nowhere does it say priority for wheelchairs - all disabled should be treated the same until they reach check-in as with all other lines. In any case, this just really reflected the inability of Pando to react to needs. Most inflexible cruiseline I have ever come across (75 cruises including a world on the first Oriana 54 years ago, when the service was amazing).


Also, they are denying those allocated late times, the lunch for which they have paid for Day 1. Another discrimination.


On another thread, it seems embarkation is all just random anyway!!

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I have chose one option but could have happily chosen others too, to go with my choice.

As said in other posts above, I could not choose certain options like pre check security as I have

no experience of pre checks to say it would be better or worse.

Edited by kalos
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I'm sorry you had such a bad experience BMT. On the couple of occasions we've needed wheelchair support, we've had to wait a while because there is such a demand on the service. We weren't asked what grade we were and as soon as we worked our way up the queue, we were prioritised and whisked onboard. Nobody jumped the queue because of their loyalty tier. Did you arrive at the time it said on your ticket?


Even though you board later, if you go to the buffet when you board, you will always find food available

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I find it absolutely OK and I am not Caribbean. We have had all different check in times from 1300 to 1530. For the 1530, we arrived at 1400, waited a little while and were on board by 1500. We have a 3 hour drive and usually stop for a coffee half way.

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I'm sorry you had such a bad experience BMT. On the couple of occasions we've needed wheelchair support, we've had to wait a while because there is such a demand on the service. We weren't asked what grade we were and as soon as we worked our way up the queue, we were prioritised and whisked onboard. Nobody jumped the queue because of their loyalty tier. Did you arrive at the time it said on your ticket?


Even though you board later, if you go to the buffet when you board, you will always find food available


Well, are we supposed to bring sandwiches for a lady with various problems, because Pando won't board us until 3.30pm although lunch is already paid for and other passengers are not discriminated in this way?



By the time she gets on board its time for the Drill and after a long day she couldn't do that. We have to arrive two hours before 3.30pm to allow for holdups on the M25 & M3. At 101 she would have been delighted to walk around the Mall - but obviously she is totally unable to and needs her usual afternoon rest. I 'phoned before and was told to get there any time and there would only be a short wait - perhaps the rep was thinking of Cunard?



Pando agrees that suites and loyalty get priority for wheelchairs. We sat and sat and the clipboard lady became agitated because she was allocating wheelchairs to new arrivals and my Mum was becoming visibly overcome. Eventually, she said 'forget the list and priorities, you're next and I think its disgraceful'!



You obviously had better luck. Never would I have suspected that a cruiseline would discriminate in allocating wheelchairs. They all have dedicated lines for check-in, but not for wheelchairs.

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Well, are we supposed to bring sandwiches for a lady with various problems, because Pando won't board us until 3.30pm although lunch is already paid for and other passengers are not discriminated in this way?



By the time she gets on board its time for the Drill and after a long day she couldn't do that. We have to arrive two hours before 3.30pm to allow for holdups on the M25 & M3. At 101 she would have been delighted to walk around the Mall - but obviously she is totally unable to and needs her usual afternoon rest. I 'phoned before and was told to get there any time and there would only be a short wait - perhaps the rep was thinking of Cunard?



Pando agrees that suites and loyalty get priority for wheelchairs. We sat and sat and the clipboard lady became agitated because she was allocating wheelchairs to new arrivals and my Mum was becoming visibly overcome. Eventually, she said 'forget the list and priorities, you're next and I think its disgraceful'!



You obviously had better luck. Never would I have suspected that a cruiseline would discriminate in allocating wheelchairs. They all have dedicated lines for check-in, but not for wheelchairs.

They did not discriminate at all. There is a limited supply of them as so many people want to use them. But this was explained before and you ignored it then. For you to get on quicker other disabled people would have to wait. Why should you have the priority.




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BMT, after reading all your other posts on your other thread, it seems that you really don't seem to be able to absorb the fact that there are a lot of other people as well as your mother who have special reasons and needs for wanting to get on board really early. You can't all get on first. If you find a cruise line who fulfills your wishes to jump over everyone else, then maybe it is best that you stick with them. And in the meantime, yes, bring your sandwiches if you have to wait just like everyone else has to do until you are able to board and go on to the buffet where you will find plenty of food to cover your 'missed' meal. Your mother is not the only special case on board.

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You are quite mistaken BMT. P&O didn't discriminate against you. They allocated you a boarding time of 3:30 and you chose to arrive 2 hours earlier. I cannot understand why you did not make provision for your mother to have a snack and to use the toilet in Southampton, before arriving at your correct time. I'm sure she would have been much more comfortable and rested. As others have said, you cannot expect to arrive when you choose and get priority over everybody else, including other disabled and elderly passengers who have been allocated an earlier time.


The ship is awash with food on a cruise and it is churlish to complain you didn't get lunch when you could have any amount of food as soon as you boarded including from room service if your mother was too tired.

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Good luck to all of those trying to reason with BMT. I tried (on the other thread where their irrational comments are repeated over and over again) and failed. They fail to understand the most basic point that what they are advocating is illogical and contradictory. BMT believes that disabled passengers who are legitimately entitled to priority boarding (due to loyalty status or being in a suite) should be deprived of this benefit, claiming that it is discriminatory. They simply fail to understand that providing disabled passengers with the exact same priveliges that able bodied folk are entitled to is precisely what the disability and discrimination act is all about. NOT to do so is (which is what BMT advocates) would be discriminatory. In spite of countless posts, repetition and rambling, BMT steadfastly refuses to answer the most basic question - what time did they board, given their 3.30pm allocated time? I think that most of us worked out it was around 2pm, having kicked up a fuss, claiming mother was going to need an ambulance etc etc. She can apparently cope with regular cruises but cannot possibly cope with sitting in a chair for an hour. It's all complete nonsense and anyone who (rightly) challenges it is damned for being insensitive to someone who is over 100 years old.

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Hello, I can't see a poll, probably my settings. To be honest I've stopped worrying about embarkation and have adopted the following practice:

1) Don't stay over anymore

2) If in a suite generally roll up at about 1pm

3) If on a short cruise get there early and wait (unless it suits me to do otherwise)

4) If on a normal length cruise try to stick to the time on the ticket

5) Always book a select restaurant for the first evening as you generally get free wine and can book a time that suits you.


I give up even opening some threads once the squabbling starts, it's more depressing than packing on the last day of a cruise.


P&O just onboard in a way that is easiest for them. I suspect that the majority of cruisers are far less concerned about it that the regulars who post here.


If I could choose the way they onboard I would prioritise as follows:


1) Anyone with a disability or who looks to be or is is very old and struggling is pushed to the front - no debate

2) Select fares get prioritised


I'm not bothered about loyalty getting prioritised, I would rather have loyalty rewarded in other ways.


The parking queues seem to be bigger than they have ever been on our last few cruises, I don't know why.








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I would like my Sister and her husband to be able to to board with us, we are Caribbean and they are Med. I know it is unreasonable and selfish and any other adjective you can think of, but it just what would make it perfect for us as we travel in one car, But its not going to happen so after arguing with P&O last time about it we have accepted the situation now. So 3:30 for us again next time I expect. I voted for the Celebrity/RCI option.

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It is certainly not a perfect system but as someone else has said, very few systems are perfect. I don't really understand what the fuss is about. Most folks can arrive within say an hour of their allocated boarding time, even if it means stopping outside Southampton for a tea or coffee. If you are around an hour early, you will be given a card and advised to take a seat. What's the problem?


I don't quite get the BMT situation I am afraid. Surely if someone cannot walk more than a few steps without a wheelchair, you take your own? If I recall rightly, there are seats in all the departure areas before the check-in desks, so I don't really understand how anyone can be left shivering in the cold. Even in the Mayflower Terminal where the check-in desks are just before the departure lounge area, I would be surprised if the staff refused a seat to a very elderly person. There is no need to take sandwiches as you can buy them from the kiosks in the terminals.

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I would like my Sister and her husband to be able to to board with us, we are Caribbean and they are Med. I know it is unreasonable and selfish and any other adjective you can think of, but it just what would make it perfect for us as we travel in one car, But its not going to happen so after arguing with P&O last time about it we have accepted the situation now. So 3:30 for us again next time I expect. I voted for the Celebrity/RCI option.


You highlight a very significant weakness of the current system. It does seem wrong that you should lose your priority boarding privelige in order to comply with the much later time of your travel companions. Not exactly the same comparison, but when we have booked a Suite (12.30pm boarding) we have gone into the priority boarding area with our daughters, who are in an adjacent (non suite) cabin. They are technically adults, but the youngest was 18 last time and as we naturally travelled together in one car we didn't want to leave them sitting in the terminal until their allocated time of 3.30pm, nor were we prepared to wait until then to board when we have paid a small fortune for a Suite and the boarding privelige that it gives you. We haven't been stopped yet, but we have cruises booked with our daughters this summer on Britannia and next summer on Arcadia. I would certainly have something to say about it if they did prevent them boarding with us, especially as I pay for both cabins, all four passengers and use my credit card for all four persons on board accounts. In my eyes it's one booking, but P&O's booking system doesn't see it that way.

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Having been one of those vocal members who was mega critical of the 'new' policy when Britannia came in I have tried not to say anything ........


All I will say is that, if we were allowed to book our embarkation time as a perk of a Select Fare it would be fair. (Well to me anyway).


To book 18 months in advance in a superior deluxe cabin and then embark at about 4pm is beyond me when others who have booked within a month of sailing can board 3 hours earlier.


And, yes, I know that some of the CC do not care about boarding early, but for those of us who do, it would be good to be given a chance / perk.


And I do not want to get to my cabin immediately ---


I'd even pay more ------- but don't tell


End of my argument --- will sit back now and try not to get involved in this one again ;-)


PS Hate the system, but on Ventura in August, despite an overnight stay, we will stick to our times (likely 3.30pm) as it is the rules (whether we like it or not)


PPS Just seen this --- good grief! Do they take a photo?

Edited by Presto2
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You highlight a very significant weakness of the current system. It does seem wrong that you should lose your priority boarding privelige in order to comply with the much later time of your travel companions. Not exactly the same comparison, but when we have booked a Suite (12.30pm boarding) we have gone into the priority boarding area with our daughters, who are in an adjacent (non suite) cabin. They are technically adults, but the youngest was 18 last time and as we naturally travelled together in one car we didn't want to leave them sitting in the terminal until their allocated time of 3.30pm, nor were we prepared to wait until then to board when we have paid a small fortune for a Suite and the boarding privelige that it gives you. We haven't been stopped yet, but we have cruises booked with our daughters this summer on Britannia and next summer on Arcadia. I would certainly have something to say about it if they did prevent them boarding with us, especially as I pay for both cabins, all four passengers and use my credit card for all four persons on board accounts. In my eyes it's one booking, but P&O's booking system doesn't see it that way.


I booked for all 4 of us last time but P&O said that it was 2 cabins so we had to either arrive for our time or theirs and theirs seemed easier all round. This situation must affect so few people that you would think that common sense would prevail, but that is not going to happen.

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Why isn't a lady of 101 traveling with her OWN wheelchair?

Anyone over 99 should automatically go to the front of the disabled queue and then straight to the front of the security queue too.


As should those diagnosed with Tourette syndrome. You've never heard so many people tut at once when my 16 year old sees the queue in departures :o :rolleyes:

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Why isn't a lady of 101 traveling with her OWN wheelchair?

She had her own wheelchair, allowing for the details slipping a bit on each retelling of the tale (of which there have now been far too many).

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