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Anything you forgot to pack and wish you did?


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On the Gem last week, I *completely* forgot a tote bag for taking a change of clothes to the spa, Great Stirrup, etc. I just couldn't bring myself to buy one in the duty free shops for $$.



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If you have young kids, I always take new unopened packages of triaminic, Tylenol and Ibuprofen along with neosporin and bandaids. Way too expensive on ship if they even have liquid version. Always carry in ziplock bags in case you have to open while away.



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I agree with the medicine.....we did a trip to Canada for the fall foliage. My daughter had been exposed to poison ivy and broke out horribly. Had to stop at a CVS to get bandages, band aids, and tape.....bill was about $100 (social medicine, y'know). Now, I have a medical kit with ALL of the basics that I can think of (ibuprofen, aspirin, sea sickness pills, anti-diarrheal stuff, wraps, etc.....) and we have used something from it almost every cruise. It all fits in a "give away" case from a makeup promotion....best use of a freebie I have ever had!


The other things I tend to take: mini binoculars, mini flashlight, extension cord, and playing cards (although you can purchase on board and use as souvenir). I also take a very small cross-body purse that will hold my room key, lip gloss, and casino cash :)

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Depends where you're going, first cruise I brought one swimsuit, now I pack at least 2 sometimes 3. Nice having a clean dry suit for next day at the beach.

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We seem to forget to pack sunscreen. It is available at the ship's gift shop for a premium price. We always have a small kit with OTC medications for those times when that wonderful ship food,,,, just doesn't agree with you. Or when you over use your ultimate beverage package. Or when you kick the high threshold of your bathroom door for the 20th time and split your toe open.

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A thermometer. It's one of those "seems useless to bring until you need it" things, but when you start running a fever you want to check it every few hours. No one wants to go all the way down to the med center to do that. We learned that the hard way on one cruise when my elderly aunt developed a chest cold that we were afraid would morph into pneumonia. I've never traveled without a thermometer since.



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A thermometer. It's one of those "seems useless to bring until you need it" things, but when you start running a fever you want to check it every few hours. No one wants to go all the way down to the med center to do that. We learned that the hard way on one cruise when my elderly aunt developed a chest cold that we were afraid would morph into pneumonia. I've never traveled without a thermometer since.



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Good idea! In the interest of traveling light - I just ordered a box of disposable thermometers. I had forgotten about them until I read your post and thought "how could I squeeze one in my "medical kit" I'm putting together for my cruise?" I used to use them when I was teaching. Mainly on myself, but a couple of times with a student. (I caught colds, etc. all the time)


As for the original post - moleskin! Better than a regular bandaid!


Oh... and spare glasses and contacts.

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OTC medications


Small sewing kit, the sort of thing you might get in a hotel about the size of a matchbook.


Never thought of the sewing kit but an excellent idea. Have to remember that for my cruise in December.

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I have one of those towels that you wet, snap and they get cool. Forgot it one time and really missed it. Will take multiple ones next cruise. Those excursions get hot!



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2 highlighters? I hardly ever lose a pen or lipbalm, but I managed to lose my highlighter on the 2nd night of the cruise, within my small little room somehow. I searched everywhere, but it's just gone. I had to use a pen to circle the dailies sheets...not too bad, but wish I had a highlighter.

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Long reply, but below is our "Ultimate Packing List", which we customize for each vacation. We are constantly adding, deleting, and review the "I can't believe I didn't think of that...need to add it to the list". Believe it or not, for our 7 day Bermuda coming up, everything below fits in 2 suitcases and 2 backpacks.




Tailor to your individualneeds & your cruise. There are no “absolutes”, but this basic list is what ourfamily customizes for each trip. We add tips every trip from fellow cruisers,and distribute to our roll-call, usually with a good response (and more tips!).All suggested amounts for packing are “1” unless otherwise noted.



·Place your name/address inside luggage, as well as on the outsideand take a photo on your phone of the luggage for easy ID

·Divide checked items into two suitcases (one for each person).That way, if one is lost, youwill both have clothing to wear if travelling as a couple

·Your embarkation clothes should be your long pants / jeans,fleece/jacket and sneakers as these items take up the most room and savepacking space

·Bring a cheap plastic shoe organizer for the bathroom door … trulyhelpful as most bathrooms have limited storage

·Bring clothespins for keeping towels on lounge chairs (put yourname on them!), hanging clothes in the shower, etc

·Bring a few packers of laundry detergent – laundry service is veryexpensive, and you can certainly use your sink and detergent to “stretch” a fewoutfits

·Bring 1 pair of underwear for each night on the ship. Trustme…this is the hardest item to find if you forget to pack, and takes up solittle space. Sure…you can rinse your unmentionables, but do you want your stewardto see that?

·Solid air freshener is a must eliminating that “musty” bathroomsmell

·Dryer sheets are great for drawers & sheets as bedding may geta bit “ripe”, You can also bring a travel bottle of lavender room spray –heavenly at night on pillowcases

·Cheap plastic bathmats are great for slippery showers / tubs.

·Evenif on a “casual” cruise, pack 1 “fancy” outfit in case you get invited to anofficer’s dinner / captain’s table – simple dress for ladies, dinner jacket forguys is fine

·If you have kids in diapers, 60 days before the cruise orderdiapers / wipes to be delivered to your room and save a ton of packing space

·DVDs are a must as most ships have limited TV options. You canrequest a player from the service center – just do it early!

·Pre-pay tips, and check your bill daily. It’s hard to fix anyerrors once back on land.

·Bring plastic water bottles – you can kill up anywhere and avoidridiculous water fees

·Do not bring powercord strips; illegal on many ships despite whatis said on some blogs; do buy a plug that has a 2+ USB ports if you have lotsof electronics

·Kindles have replaced books, but make sure the kids have crayons,coloring books, colored paper, playing cards, scissors…all the fun things to doat night while the parents are on the balcony having nite-caps

·Always bring extra powercords / chargers – these will break theminute you leave port!

·Not a fan of alarms on vacation, but clocks can be helpful. If youuse your phone, make sure it is on “airplane mode” – don’t wrack up roaming charges

·As for the internet, don’t forget to log out every time you logon…will use all of your minutes otherwise

·Inflatable (disposable) pool toys are great for the kids to useand share with friends

·Bring patches or small items from your hometown to share with newfriends, as well as cards made with your email, facebook or twitter information– it’s a great way to connect with people you meet. Marriages, jobs andlifelong friendships start this way

·If you need cash on a ship, go to the casino as it usually has thelowest fees

·Sticky notes / dry erase boards for the outer door are great tokeep in communication with family, friends and your steward

·You can get a guest key card from guest services or any hotelkeycard to stick in the room to keep lights / air conditioning on rather thanusing your room key

·Never, ever buy anything on board until the past 2 days of thecruise – everything goes on sale (and I mean everything) to the tune of 50-75%.Haggle away!

·If you want a great day at the beach, google “day passes” onwhatever island you are travelling to. You can usually get a good deal at agreat hotel, often with a lunch credit, loungers, pool and lobby access – likea private club for the day

·A great gift for your attendant is pre-paid international phonecards – can be used in any country from every country at a very low cost

·Never skimp on travel insurance, which usually must be purchasedwithin 7-10 days of final cruise payment. If you get sick, it may cost you tensof thousands of dollars vs. a few hundred dollars for peace of mind



__ Register with CruiseCritic.com for the meet and greet, andtravelling tips

__ Checkwebsite for last minute itinerary / boarding changes including upsells

__ Callcredit card companies & bank to alert them you are traveling outside your

normalarea to avoid unnecessary holds on your ATM card

__ Leave acopy of cruise documents, passports / licenses, IDs and itinerary with someoneat home

__ Labelluggage. Use a color printer if printing from home.

__ Pack your“boarding bag” – documents, bathing suits, medications, electronics, and anextra outfit for the evening (including underwear)

__ Have post office hold your mail& stop your newspaper delivery



__ Bras (1 sport, 1black, 1 tan) __ Underpants(1 / night)

__ Pajamas __ Robe(provided in suites)

__ Socks (2 white, 2-3 trouser) __ Hose

__ Purse with cross-bodystrap __ Belt

__ Sneakers __ Dress sandals / shoes

__ Teva-type sandals __ Aquasocks

__ Casual night outfit(2) __ Jewelry

__ Swim suit (2) __ Swimcover-up

__ Informal dress /skirt / top x 2 __ Formaldress

__ Shorts (2 walking /casual, 1 gym) __ Slacks (1dress, 1 capri/casual)

__ Jeans or long khakis __ Sweatshirt

__ Windbreaker / fleece __ If cold:gloves, hat, scarf

__ Tops (1 work-out, 3casual, 2-3 dress) __ Evening “dressy” sweater



__ Underwear (1 / night) __ Undershirts(2-4)

__ Pajamas __ Robe (provided in suites)

__ Socks (2 white, 2dress) __ Sweatshirt

__ Belt __ Ties (1-2)

__ Sneakers __ Slacks (1casual, 1dress)

__ Beach / Teva-typesandals __ Aquasocks

__ Evening shoes __ Jewelry

__ Swim suit (2) __ Sport jacket

__ Tops (1 work out, 3casual, 3 dress) __ Shorts (2 walking/casual, 1 gym)

__ Windbreaker /fleece __ If cold: gloves, hat, scarf

__ Jeans



__ Underwear (1/night) __ Pajamas

__ Socks (2-3 white, 2-3 dress) __ Diapers, wipes, etc

__ Belt __ Tie

__ Sneakers (wear onembarkation) __ Beach /Teva-type sandals

__ Aquasocks __ Sweatshirt

__ Evening shoes __ Raincoat

__ Swim suit (2) __ Sport jacket

__ Tops (2 dress, 4-5casual) __ Shorts (2 casual, 2 gym)

__ Slacks (1 casual, 1dress) __ Ifcold: gloves, hat, scarf

__ Windbreaker /fleece



What you don’t need to pack: Shampoo,lotion, soap, hairdryer, beach towels. In suites: umbrella, binoculars,corkscrew provided

__ Toothbrush __ Toothpaste

__ Floss __ Razor blades

__ Shaving cream __ Antibacterial wipes

__ Hand sanitizer __ Sunscreen

__ Tweezers __ Comb / Brush

__ Deodorant __ Nail Clippers

__ Nail file __ Aloe / Burn Balm

__ Hair products (gel, mousse) __ Lip balm

__ Feminine hygiene products __ Hair accessories

__ Mouthwash __ Tissues

__ Make-up __ Make-up remover

__ Facial cleanser __ Nail polish

__ Nail polish remover

__ First Aid Kit:

__ Antacids __ Tylenol / Ibuprofen

__ Antidiarrheal __ Bacitracin

__ Aloe __ Benadryl

__ Bandaids __ Acewrap

__ Liquidbandaids __ Regular bandaids

__ Quickclot __ Dramamine

__ Hydrocortisonecream __ Coban dressings



__ Freezer & sandwich bags __ Empty tote bag

__ Detergent & Spot remover __ Insectrepellant

__ Sunglasses for each __ Post-It notes

__ Earplugs __ Eye mask

__ Deck of cards __ Solid air freshener (bathroom)

__ DVDs __ Bathmat

__ Watch __ Night light

__ Flashlight(s) __ Safety pins

__ Paracords / ties __ Batteries

__ Sewing Kit __ Hat with brim foreach

__ Clothespins __ Pre-paid phone card

__ Glasses __ Extra glasses

__ Glassesrepair kit __ Reading material

__ Disposableunderwater camera __ Crazy glue

__ Ducttape or strapping tape __ Magnets (room may be metal)

__ Hotelkeycard (stick in lights slot)

__ Addressesof friends for postcards, emails, or gifts



__ Alarm clock __ Cell phone

__ Cell Charger __ Travel computer & plug

__ 3-way power plug & adapter __ USBwith plug & adapter



__ Prescription medications __ Passport

__ Visa (may not be required) __ Healthrecords

__ Driver’s License / Photo ID __ HealthInsurance

__ Security travel pouch __ Cruise documents

__ Wallet __ Auto insurance card

__ Contact numbers to report lost/stolencredit cards or traveler's checks

__ Emergencyhome numbers

__ Copies of passport, license, insurancein partner’s bag



__ Backpack / shoulder-bag __ Map / Guidebook

__ Phrase Books (+/-) __ Room key

__ Business cards __ Cash

__ ATM / 1 Credit card __ Travelers’ checks (+/-)

__ Passport __ Cellphone

__ Contact numbers

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We've way overpaid on Zantac on the ship before so I bought a few 2 packs of that at the dollar store as well as a $1 pack of clips in the hardware section that works perfectly for keeping my swimsuits from flying off the balcony when they dry. Poopouri is our new must have. I saw it recommended on another post and was thrilled at how well it works. I can have sensitivity to strong fragrances like the solid air fresheners so it turned out to be a great alternative and I really think it'll help that unventilated bathroom!

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