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Silversea Water Cooler: Welcome! Part Four


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Afternoon All......




Many thanks for the good wishes.....Miss S is currently relaxing with a very nice drop of brandy.....don't ask me why but l always drink Brandy when flying [emoji849]


Chauffeur due at 4pm but one is all ready for the orf!


Just had to 'up' my baggage allowance.....to be safe from any hassle at check in...Emirates are a bit tight with their allowance compared to BA and Virgin.....ah well..[emoji3]




Have a fabulous trip!


I concur with the use of brandy when flying. Actually, I prefer brandy even when only traveling vicariously.



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Thanks JP and TTS! I forgot to mention that our particular terrible person is Mexican. That is just so out of character for a Mexican man to be such a boor to an older woman. TTS saw his boorishness also. I agree with you TTS, the Barbados tour and lunch was not great. Worse still as far as I was concerned was trying to check in and leave the airport. It was simply awful for any of us flying to the US. Gates were incorrectly posted, we were sent to the wrong security check etc. etc. I will not do another cruise that disembarks there. The connections to the US are horrendous. I finally arrived in Dallas after 2 AM (my biological clock time).

I did see that Cork has been replaced with Waterford. I'm sorry I won't be seeing your hometown.

I did have fun the one night we spent together at dinner. I will now put away my gold shoes until 2019...(I hope your red boots won't be worn out by then as you have more cruises scheduled before I do. Please give Kim my regards. I am sure you are happy to be back home with your grand daughter and your pup.

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Thanks JP and TTS! I forgot to mention that our particular terrible person is Mexican. That is just so out of character for a Mexican man to be such a boor to an older woman.

We've seen some poor behaviour on cruises previously but nothing to match this particular individual.

I agree with you TTS, the Barbados tour and lunch was not great. Worse still as far as I was concerned was trying to check in and leave the airport. It was simply awful for any of us flying to the US. Gates were incorrectly posted, we were sent to the wrong security check etc. etc. I will not do another cruise that disembarks there. The connections to the US are horrendous. I finally arrived in Dallas after 2 AM (my biological clock time).

That's the third time we have flown out of Barbados and we say the same each time. The advantage we have is a direct flight home. It's just such a nuisance that Barbados seems to feature so frequently on the itineraries we've chosen in the past. Lovely people, dreadful airport.

I did see that Cork has been replaced with Waterford. I'm sorry I won't be seeing your hometown.

TBH, Belfast is my home town but Cork would be my area of choice were we to move back to Ireland.

I did have fun the one night we spent together at dinner. I will now put away my gold shoes until 2019...(I hope your red boots won't be worn out by then as you have more cruises scheduled before I do. Please give Kim my regards. I am sure you are happy to be back home with your grand daughter and your pup.

Kim says ''ditto''. Funnily enough we were walking the dog this morning and wondered if you'd got back safely or if you'd been kidnaped by boorish Mexican men.

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Good Morning Coolers,


It's extremely lovely to see some of the Coolers who abandoned the good ship Cooler for another ship back at their assigned places around the bar. Looking forward to hearing more of TTS and Penny's adventures.


The boorish behaviour is something I'm sure all of us have experienced. The worst I experienced with in Dubya days when I was on Shadow in the humidor minding my own business when an American who had clearly imbibed a little too much lurched towards me and shouted "Are you a Brit?". "Yes" I said. He then went into a very long monologue about how the Americans had saved the world and how us Brits didn't appreciate it. It was then that I made the mistake of saying "Don't talk utter rubbish and leave me alone" at which point he told me that if I went with him onto deck he would throw me over the side to which I replied that if I did join him on deck then he needn't throw me over the side because I would happily jump if it meant I could avoid bores like him. Anyway at this point the boat lurched and he fell over and didn't get up and that was that.


I think the worst bores could be charecterised by one woman we encountered on three cruises within a fourteen month period. It felt like she was following us. She always plonked her and her long suffereing husband on the table for two next to our table for two. Ours was by the window and hers was not which really irked her. To describe her physically, the best I can say was that she had the permanent lugubrious expression just like a bloodhound who was terribly sad. And her husband never spoke, other than to sigh or tut.


Her first question of every day would be in a very bored monotone voice was " 'ave you been 'ere before?" which I soon realised was an excuse if I made the mistake of saying "No" would be her going into a very long and uninvited monologue telling me all about the place. This wasn't intended to be helpful but was all one-upmanship. As it happens the majority of places we had been to because they were med cruises, but actually that didn't matter to me, because as a matter of principle and amusement, if we had been docked in Timbuktu I would have said I had been there before and start to give the most detailed manufactured accounts of our previous "visits" just to really plss her off.


Many of you will know we had a working relationship with the line who were clients of ours when we were gainfully employed and that afforded us some advantages which we never sought or expected and we never mentioned to anyone because jealousy can be a nasty negative force, but it was unavoidable to notice we were gettign a decent level of attention. The fact that we always got the table by the window really got to her, and whatever wine we ordered she had to order because she felt we were getting special attention and she couldn't bear to miss out.


So on one night, whilst she was Queen Bee and holding court on a large table, we had too pass her table to leave and I nodded as we passed and she said "Hello Jeff, can you tell me ..... why is it you always get that lovely table by the window .... ......." I mumbled some reason that clearly didn't satisfy her so she was insistant. You have to understand that the staff knew why and those that were within listening including the senior staff on the table grinned .....when I answered "Well it does help if you know .........". At which there was a silence and she turned around and carried on her table conversations as if we weren't there and she from that point on avoided us like the plague which was fine by us.


Actually the reason why we got the table had nothing to do with anything other than we always arrived before her, but I was not going to tell her that was I.


Anyway .... very much looking forward to hearing all the news .....:)

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One of the only genuinely useful things i have learned is never, ever try to rationalise the irrational. It only ever confuses you and you will never make sense of it peoples' irrational behaviour. You may be able to scratch the surface and think it's jealousy or a big chip on their shoulder, or being overly competitive but why they are insecure or have that chip or excessively competitive you will never know and it is never really worthwhile knowing. Onwards and upwards.



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I have recently wondered whether if we spent as much time teaching our kids how to listen as we spend teaching them how to talk whether the world might be slightly better. And if we developed empathy as much as we teach and train and develop projection that might also help. I guess that is why the Greeks with their teaching of philosophy and rhetoric seemed to be so much more advanced than we are today.


It sometimes seems to me that our modern progress seems like we are in fact going backwards and they were more advanced "then" than we are now.


Another worthy "cooler debate". :)

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Greetings Coolers! Another grey day here. I think we've had about an hour and a half of sunshine since the beginning of November. I may be suffering from S.A.D.


The Greeks' teachings were enlightened. However, the teachings were not necessarily aimed at the masses. And I'm not sure how many women benefited from the education. Proportionally, I think there are more "educated" people today (for better or for worse). Schools have taken over some of the teaching that parents used to do...the passing down of values, the expectations of conduct, interpersonal relationships guidelines, the need to respect fellow men/women. Society has not really made any conscious decisions about the values that should be upheld. Parents have abdicated much of their responsibilities in their struggle to support their families financially, climb the corporate ladder, keep up with the "Joneses", etc. Not easy being a parent today. And not easy to focus anyone's attention on what we are missing as a society.


Safe travels J and Mrs J!


Have a great day all!

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An interesting and rather disturbing article on the CBC news website.


"Global airlines are expected to earn a record $82 billion US this year by charging customers extra for everything from seat assignment to baggage fees to travel commissions." And Air Canada is in the top 10 of the airlines in the dollars accumulated through these "ancillary" charges. :(

"Here are the 10 airlines with the highest ancillary revenues last year (all figures in U.S. dollars):

  • United Airlines ($6.2 billion)
  • Delta ($5.1 billion)
  • American ($4.9 billion)
  • Southwest ($2.8 billion)
  • Air France/KLM ($2.1 billion)
  • Ryanair ($1.98 billion)
  • easyJet ( $1.35 billion)
  • Lufthansa Network ($1.35 billion)
  • Qantas ($1.2 billion)
  • Air Canada ($1.18 billion)

WestJet, No. 27 on the list, earned $300 million in ancillary revenue last year."

The nickel and dime-ing sure adds up!


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Good Afternoon Coolers ....


Hi M, .... we all see these things differently. In my view there are several advantages to the system of base fares plus an a la carte menu for extra things. It means that the lead-in headline price will be lower and that has several advantages. Firstly if that is all you need, then that is all you pay. You aren't paying for stuff you don't need or cross subsidising other passengers. The lower lead-in price makes the market more competitive and lowers prices, which also means that more people will travel. As airlines have an enormous fixed cost base ie the cost of flying a plane empty is not that much different from when it's full .... then it means that a higher volume of customers keeps prices competitive.


There are also other advantages. If you pay for seat selection then you will likely have a better choice than if everyone can select them for free. I hate seeing the costs stack up, but on balance it seems fairer and better. And only around 10% of Air Canada's charges are from these extra charges so I don't see a big deal. I paid an extra £100 for reserving our Vienna seats which is irritating, but there are only three rows on tomorrows flight and at the moment on the return, so I think I did the right thing.


We're all checked in and ready to go .... hopefully Chris the Merc will collect us promptly tomorrow and they'll be no motorway snarl ups.







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Yes J...I agree that if the add-ons result in a lower base fare that would be great! My issue is that Air Canada is a very expensive way to fly even with a "lower" base fare. There is very little airline competition here in Canada. When WestJet started they were appreciably cheaper than AC. Now their prices are not much lower.


Those carry-ons do look stuffed! Hopefully the Carry-on Gods will smile on you! If not, then don a few more layers to lighten the load. :) Have a wonderful Market adventure!

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Yes J...I agree that if the add-ons result in a lower base fare that would be great! My issue is that Air Canada is a very expensive way to fly even with a "lower" base fare. There is very little airline competition here in Canada. When WestJet started they were appreciably cheaper than AC. Now their prices are not much lower.


Those carry-ons do look stuffed! Hopefully the Carry-on Gods will smile on you! If not, then don a few more layers to lighten the load. :) Have a wonderful Market adventure!


Thanks ..... I understand it's not the addon prices but that you have no competition in Canada.


Thanks for the good wishes ...... just had a look at the Rathaus cams ....





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Greetings from Tampa, all traveling and stay at home Coolers! My very best wishes for safe and wonderful travels. MissS should be enjoying her cruise to the last bubble of her bubblies ( and here is am green with envy on a family oriented trip with bland food, no drink). Also, Jeff will soon be reigning over the XMas markets and the greener I get. Just joking!


Penny, so glad you’re back at the bar. Sorry for the obnoxious incident. I suffered one in my last cruise. Pity the jerk.

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Thanks Cams, have a great Tampa ....


I've put our email on the email list for Roberto's concert at SJSS which isn't listed yet ..... we'd love to come and hear his lovely work and hopefully we might make some time together depending on how busy you both are and what overtakes us nearer the date. Fingers crossed. :)

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A question that I cannot justify starting a thread about so may I ask a quick question on the Cooler?

I am looking for local knowledge about London Heathrow (a place I try avoid when possible) - which is where we will fly from for our forthcoming cruise.

We need to transfer from T5 to T3 to connect to our American Airlines flight.

That in itself is no problem ... follow the signs, get interrogated by AA staff, get on a bus and off we go.

Up to this point we are ‘sterile’ - having cleared security at our regional airport, but I have been told that despite this we will be deposited land-side at T3 and have to go through the whole security procedure again?





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I think at your regional airport you have had domestic flight clearance. For example you do not require a passport, just identity.




However, this Flight Connections page will (or should ) give you specific instructions if you put in your relevant flight details in.



Edited by UKCruiseJeff
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Thanks, Cam. I have certainly run into my share of obnoxious people in my travels. We all have, I am sure! I have never run into one who was using such filthy language...and it was directed at me! Further, an older Mexican, to boot. The positive thing which a number have addressed is that it caused us to commiserate with other passengers, and we formed some friendships and had a great time...due to the actions of a jerk.

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Woo Hoo!


Just managed to snag 2 singles Virgin Upper from Miami-LHR next Oct on AirMiles. Slightly less of a woo hoo is that there is no Virgin Clubhouse at Miami and the nominated lounge gets poor reviews. Still, if we had to pay the flights would have cost US$6500 each!!!! So the $500 taxes and charges plus the surrender of less than a third of our miles makes sense.


Woo hoo! (Same woo hoo just felt it needed a second expression)

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Greetings Coolers!


J...that Qantas Lounge brekkie looks delish! Enjoy the flight!


TTS....Congrats on the flight booking! Huge savings and well worth the WOO HOO!


Coolers.....Miss S. had an excellent flight to Dubai. She is currently enjoying the heat from the shade of the pool deck in Abu Dhabi. She says "all is excellent"!


Just going to tidy the Cooler Bar and the lights will be on! :)


Have a great day all!

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A question that I cannot justify starting a thread about so may I ask a quick question on the Cooler?

I am looking for local knowledge about London Heathrow (a place I try avoid when possible) - which is where we will fly from for our forthcoming cruise.

We need to transfer from T5 to T3 to connect to our American Airlines flight.

That in itself is no problem ... follow the signs, get interrogated by AA staff, get on a bus and off we go.

Up to this point we are ‘sterile’ - having cleared security at our regional airport, but I have been told that despite this we will be deposited land-side at T3 and have to go through the whole security procedure again?





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It's been a few years since I did the T5 - T3 transfer since I now avoid BA and stick with AA, but as I remember, once you get off the bus at T3 you are still airside but you do have to go through a secondary security screen before getting into the terminal. I don't think you are just dumped landslide and have to go through the same scrum as everyone else, I think it's just for transfer passengers and not quite as crowded. The UK has been very security conscious for many years so, since you have been 'outdoors' (even under the eye of staff), you must be screened again.

Things may have changed or my memory is going senior, but that's what I recall.

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Thanks Jeff

It looks as if we are technically landside again when we follow the connection signs.

It is over ten years since I visited LHR and that was a brief T5 international to domestic transfer .... and that was a complete farce! I did a T1 to T3 many years ago and almost missed the flight as the security management was so bad, hence my most recent flights have been from regional to Europe .... much easier[emoji57]


Regarding the ‘boorish’ people, I once sailed with a lad who thought he was the bees knees but he was brought down to earth with a bump after trying to impress a young lady by asking for a “Scotch on the rocks ....... no ice”

He was not impressed with her response.



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